• Published 23rd Feb 2023
  • 543 Views, 31 Comments

Oxygen - Ironfire Skies

Spitfire writes a song dedicated to her two teammates who started dating a week ago. A wonderbolt story starring Soarin, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire and the rest of the members of the Bolts.

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Finding ideas

Author's Note:

Surprise! Ch. 2 is told from Spit's perspective. I didn't want to write from a first person's point of view, but I ended up going with it anyways. Hope you like this chapter being told from her point of view. I hesitated for a bit, sorry.

And yes, a new pool had been installed at the Wonderbolts HQ. In secret.

I will continue the part where they find ideas for the song in chapter 3. TBD


Spitfire's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling well rested. As I rose from my bed in the unisex dorms for the team, I noticed as I was looking around the room, that I was the only pony awake. Strange, normally every pony awakes one by one during our off days. We normally decide what activities we do together, right after we get up. Does this seem strange to you? Nope, not to me. Since we exhausted ourselves from yesterday's four hour practice in the afternoon.

Soarin's still snoring loudly, like he always does every night. Fleetfoot's still moving around in her bed, eyes closed, moving back and forth possibly from Soar's obnoxious snoring. See Dash, she sleeps like a baby (Don't mind her). I don't know about the rest of my fellow members, they're still sound asleep. Shhh!

After sitting in my bed for five minutes, observing everypony's sleep phases, I slowly make my way out of bed to the mare's washroom - down the hall from our big shared bedded dorm. I whispered to myself. "It's a relief Dash doesn't know that I plan on writing a song for her and Soarin".

I continued my way down the hall to the mare's room to wash up.


I arrived at our designated washroom and immediately ran to the nearest sink I could find. I turn on the faucet for cold water and begin to splash my face with it. I always splashed my face with it ever since I was a filly, my mother always told me to make it a routine for myself - since cold water was meant to wake you up - after about four or five splashes. Once I was done, I grabbed my yellow towel that I put on the rack earlier - to pat the water on my face dry.

I made sure to not have the water running fast, otherwise it would wake the others up. Now that my face is washed, I went ahead to have my teeth brushed and rinsed. Yes! I'm ready to eat breakfast.

I exited the washroom, leaving everything in its place. Mess hall, here we come!


I arrived at the mess hall five minutes later. My eyes widened as I look around for the second time. 'Sweet Celestia! Am I the only one that came to the Mess hall early?! I thought. 'Where is every pony? I at least thought someone would be awake already. It's been almost an hour since I got here.'

I stopped observing the chow hall's surroundings and turned my head to see two female pegasai. I was not expecting them today. 'You wanted this day to yourself Spitfire, but oh well', a voice in my head said. I peer straight and noticed General Thunder and her now young adult cousin sitting down, socializing away.

I waved. "Hey Auntie, and Blazer. What are you both doing here at such a random time?" General's younger cousin chuckled. "I'm here to help you out with the surprised you planned, silly". I knew what Ironfire meant...the 'surprise'.

"Oh yeah, the 'surprise'", I said sheepishly. "It's a song. The others don't know about it just yet. When they saw me leaving the mess hall early yesterday, after our early evening dinner, majority of the others gave me puzzled looks. Wondering what I was up to".

Thundershine chuckled as well. "Well, luckily, they didn't know what you were planning..." She looked around a bit to make sure no pony else was around. After she nodded to herself that it was clear, she continued her sentence. "...yet". All three of us giggled softly. Luckily, everypony else was still in the dorms doing whatever.

"Before we discuss what song we're gonna write for Soarin and his mare, let's eat. I'm starving", I said, as I rubbed my rumbling stomach. "Agreed", the two cousins said in unison.

Thundershine already had a table of food laid out. She cooked oatmeal and three fruit bowls with yogurt and granola toppings. Enough for all us to share. I looked at the food in awe. "Auntie how long did it take you to make all this?"

The general laughed. "It only took me fifteen minutes to cook breakfast for all of us, my dear". I was speechless, I always knew she was such a talented chef. If Thunder wasn't General of the Bolts, she would've made a living as chef instead.

"Let's dig in, the oatmeals gonna get cold", Blazer said. We all laughed and began to eat a deliciously homemade breakfast made by yours truly. When were done, all we had left was the half eaten fruit bowls.

"Shine, the fruit bowls with granola you whipped up was delightful", Blaze told her older cousin.
"Thank you, Blazer. Anything for my favorite ponies".

"Now that we only have these half eaten fruit bowls, let's save it for later", we said at the same time.

We eventually walked out of the mess hall with full stomachs. Now it was time to find a place to sit down and let our ideas flow. As the three of us were walking down the hall, we began discussing where we should meet up privately.

"Should we meet up in the dorms?" I asked them.

"Spit, if we met up in the dorms. We'd still get no privacy, it'll spoil the surprise we were planning for the new lovely couple", Blazer said to me quietly.

I smirked. "Okay, I agree. Your cuz got any other ideas?"

"I have another surprise not just for you, my dear Spit. But eventually for the entire team". Thundershine winked at her cousin, then at me.

I was bewildered. "What do you have in mind?"

"Come with me on a little flight, then I'll give you the inside scoop of what I've been working on", the General said. Blazer and I nodded in agreement.

We eventually made it to the exit from the hallway we walked on. As we opened the doors to the exit, we looked up at the third window of the shared dorms, the sleeping quarters. Everypony was starting to wake up from their beds. Whew! They didn’t know what we were up to. We unfolded our wings and took off into the sky. As we were flying, I decided to chat and catch up with two of my favorite ponies.

“So, what’s the inside scoop Auntie?” I asked.

“I actually was working on the finishing touches of the new swimming pool for the team, earlier this morning. I had it installed in a more secluded cloud area”, the General said. “We’re almost there, it’s just past your guys’ dorms, behind the training course covered with stratus clouds”.

My mouth gaped open. “A swimming pool?!”

“Yes, my dear Spit. With the latest lounge chairs purchased in Ponyville. They were not cheap”. I was still surprised. “How did you manage to pull off a project like that?”

“Six months after your guys’ show in Ponyville, I started sketching the design for the pool on a blueprint. Then, I had my younger brother, Night Shade do the construction work on it. Which took 11 months to install. Then I told him to order the decor for it in advance. I wasn’t able to pull it off by myself”.

“Night Shade, as in the Royal guard, Night Shade. I didn’t know he did construction work on the side. You never mentioned it”, I said to my favorite Aunt.

“You were too busy with your job, Spit. So I never had a chance to tell you”.

Our conversation continued and within a few minutes, we’re flying just above the swimming pool from a birds-eye view. We stopped our chat and the three of us looked down at the sight, wings flapping. We were in awe.

“I knew it would look spectacular”, Blaze said to me excitedly as she faced me. “It’s the perfect place to find ideas for the song we’re gonna work on”.

“Girls, did you remember to bring your goggles?” Thundershine said to Blaze and I. We realized we forgot goggles, right when we just arrived above the new pool. ‘Oops’ we both thought as our eyes widened.

Thunder just laughed at our shocked faces. “Come on, fly down to the pool already. We gotta get swimming and fish for ideas.”

We flew down to the pool area and smoothed our landing on the concrete. We walked around to admire the area, it looked luxurious, better looking than an inn pool area. Thunder had decorated the sides with potted bushes, buttercups, lilies and artificial grass. There were enough beach chairs for everyone. It was a pleasant site to see, I can’t wait to surprise the other members. But for now, let’s find ideas for this song.

To be continued.