• Published 20th Jun 2017
  • 912 Views, 11 Comments

Equestria Wars Episode XVI: The Crystal Princess - sonicdash123

Charming Thunder sets out on an adventure with Sombra and Radiant Hope to bring back the princess of the Crystal Empire.

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Chapter 1: Dreams and Visions

Charming Thunder awoke standing on a cliff in a starry battle between the Mephiles Alliance and the Equestrian Empire. He looked around to see that they are not moving and turned around to see a human figure walking up to him. "I have always loved the stars," the figure said. Charming Thunder was shocked to see him as he took a step back.

"I've heard of you," Charming Thunder said. "Danny has told me so much about you before he died. You can't fool me."

"It is not my desire to deceive you. Once I had many names. Tenebre, Vitiate the Sith Emperor. Now am called Valkorion. You're much like a Jedi I have seen. Ever since your brother died, my spirit was free from him. So I decided to follow you so we can speak undisturbed."

"You're not the same person I have heard of. What's changed?"

"Everything. You most of all." Valkorion walked to the edge of the cliff as Charming Thunder followed. Across from the cliff, Charming Thunder can see his friends and family fighting the Mephiles Alliance droids and soldiers. "Your friends and family. You gave their lives purpose and meaning." Charming Thunder's eyes widened after hearing that statement. "The loyal Wonderbolt, a cowardly caretaker, an honest farmpony, a party lover, the fashionista, and the princess of friendship. Together, you formed the Elements of Harmony. But now, you are complete."

"You know all of my secrets then. This also means you know that I love my family."

"Even Jedi can violate the code. But you are no Jedi. Love withers when it is neglected. Left alone too long, love will seek another."

"Me, Applejack, Twilight, Sunset, Lucina, and Light will always be together."

"They can drift further out of reach each day. Without a center to hold...without us, your world and all within it spiral into chaos." The two then teleport in front of Charming Thunder's friends which are now lying dead on the ground. "You have spent you life for years as a king. This is where it will soon lead. Will it be worth it for this war?"

"I will do what it takes to protect them. Even other ponies." A chuckle was heard as Charming Thunder looked around. The environment then began to change as Charming Thunder stood. He then walked to the edge to see Ponyville.

"You cannot save your brother now. He was a cradle of corruption before you met him. I never understood him at first ever since he became Cyber Eclipse. Why do still care for him?"

"He is my brother. I defend peace and justice. I protect innocent ponies from harm." Valkorion appeared behind Charming Thunder.

"And they squander his sacrifice you made. Why continue the war without him? What do you hope to achieve in the end?"

"This is not about me, Valkorion."

"It should be. You are a far superior leader than any prince or princess."

"Why am I listening to a Sith who destroyed worlds?"

"I am no Sith. We have a greater purpose."


"There is someone in Equestria that can help you. But she has been gone for a thousand years. Now she is a mere crystal statue waiting to be rebuilt. This 'Princess of the Crystal Empire' can help you win this war."

"If you are not referring to my sister, then who?" Valkorion smiled as Charming Thunder felt the ground shake which forced him to kneel as imperial soldiers aimed their weapons at him as ponies watched.

"You once left your home. But do they forgive you for leaving them?"

"I'm not afraid. This just a bad dream."

"You're quite right, my friend. But you cannot stop it. Save yourself." Valkorion disappeared as Charming Thunder activated his lightsaber and deflected some blaster fire back at the imperial soldiers. He then ran to the castle courtyard until he encountered Princess Celestia with her lightsaber active. Charming Thunder leaps towards Celestia with a strike as she blocked it. They clashed until Charming Thunder was able to stab her in the chest in defense. Celestia collapsed to the ground. Charming Thunder stood over Celestia with his eyes widened. "No authority but your own, no obligation but to yourself. Do not be afraid. Tell me how it fells."

"Makes me want to kill you next. Celestia is my aunt and the princess of Equestria. A great leader."

"You refuse to admit the truth. So be it." Charming Thunder was about to strike at Valkorion, but he looked up to see a tower collapsing down on him. He shuts his eyes and then opened them a few seconds later now standing in a different environment. He recognized the are as the island where he fought Cyber Eclipse. "The island which you stand is where you fought your own brother. This is where everything changed for Equestria. Where you murdered your own brother."

"You helped my brother, did you?"

"He asked for my power. I have passed beyond death's reach many times."

"I've been told that both Jedi and Sith have sought immortality. What makes you the exception?"

"I am not hindered by the teachings of failures. I no longer require crude vessels. I was once free."

"Why did you choose to visit me?"

"I came to help you."

"Why would you do that?"

"You were the only one who has ever matched my will to survive."

"Stop comparing yourself to me. You are just a false emperor."

"You cannot deny that we share a common goal. To end Mephiles' war. But in order for that to happen, you must seek the crystal princess. Only she can help you." The ground began to shake as Valkorion vanishes.


Charming Thunder woke up in shock in his bed when Sunset shook him. "What is it, dear?" Sunset asked as Applejack and Twilight entered the room.

"It's another one of those bad dreams is it?" Applejack said. Charming Thunder looked at his wives and nodded.

"Yes," Charming Thunder replied. "But you wouldn't believe me if I told you what it was."

"Was it that bad?" Twilight asked as she nudged Charming Thunder.

"No." Thinking about what Valkorion said, there is a lot of work to be done.