• Published 20th Jun 2017
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Equestria Wars Episode XVI: The Crystal Princess - sonicdash123

Charming Thunder sets out on an adventure with Sombra and Radiant Hope to bring back the princess of the Crystal Empire.

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Chapter 6: Confronting Valkorion

At the Crystal Empire, Charming Thunder and the others arrive to the castle where Cadence waited. She rushed over to Charming Thunder and hugged him tightly. They broke the hug as Cadence asked, "Were you successful?" Charming Thunder nodded.

"I also have an introduction to make," Charming Thunder said as he looked at Midnight. "This is Midnight Predator; bearer of the medallion of the Predacons."

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Midnight."

"The pleasure is mine, your highness," Midnight said as he bowed his head. "Don't be alarmed, but I was created by Mephiles."

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that you did the right thing switching sides. Now, how do we fix the statue of my ancestor?"

"We use our magic to put the pieces together," Sombra said. "Is there a room we can use in order to do this? We need a lot of space?"

"Of course. Follow me." Cadence lead the group inside the castle as Charming Thunder placed a hoof on Radiant's shoulder.

"Do you know any shielding spells?"

"I may know of one," Radiant said. "Why?"

"I fear that Valkorion might betray me if we succeed. Whatever he pulls, I'll be ready then."

"I have studied a certain spell that can shield you from things like that. If it can protect you from Valkorion..." Time stopped and Valkorion appeared once again.

"Do you actually believe a certain spell can harm me?" Valkorion asked.

"Sound like it's scaring you for some reason."

"My only fear is that you will loose sight of our goal. Revive Amore. We have sacrificed too much to turn on each other now." Valkorion walked past him and vanished as time resumed.

"I...felt a presence," Radiant said. "Was it him?"

"The more he talks, the more he reveals himself," Charming Thunder said.

"It's what he keeps hidden that scares me. I'll use the spell on you if he tries to pull anything." Charming Thunder nodded as him and Radiant entered the castle to catch up with Cadence and the others.


Charming Thunder stood at the doorway as Radiant used her magic to layout the pieces of the statue of Amore. Valkorion appeared next to him as he watched. "Our journey is almost complete, but you ignore a closer threat," Valkorion said. "A former dark king; Sombra. If he turns dark again, who knows what could happen to your family and your kingdom."

"My father saved my life when he was the dark king," Charming Thunder said. "I will not kill him."

"Do not underestimate what he has done in the past. He took the throne of the Crystal Empire and destroyed their precious princess. What makes you think he deserves a second chance in life?" Valkorion vanishes as Charming Thunder joined the circle with Sombra, Radiant, Cadence, and Starlight.

"Let's begin," Radiant said. Her horned glowed as the others glowed their horns as well. They closed their eyes as the shards levitated in the air. They then began to connect to each other forming a statue. Charming Thunder however felt something and a surge of electricity surrounded him as the last piece of the statue connected. He fired a beam of lightning as he felt the pain from it. The rest stopped using their magic to witness his power surging towards the statue. The statue began to crack to reveal the pale vermilion coat of the mare being revived. Once the spell stopped, Amore collapsed to the ground and Charming Thunder placed a hoof on his head. Cadence walked up to Amore's body and placed a hoof on Amore's neck to check for a pulse.

"She's breathing," Cadence said as the others except Charming Thunder who stood there approached. "You did it, brother!" Charming Thunder shook his head as Valkorion appeared in front of him.

"Well done," Valkorion said. "After years of searching, you have revived the princess of the Crystal Empire."

"I won't let anything happen to Amore again," Charming Thunder said.

"Neither will I." Charming Thunder raised an eyebrow. Valkorion then used the force to levitate Charming Thunder off of the ground.

"No!" Radiant said as she along with the others rushed to him.

"Stop, Valkorion!!!" Starlight shouted. Time stopped before they can reach to him.

"I gave you power at my disposal," Valkorion said as he stepped up to Charming Thunder. "Now you leave me no choice."

"If you think I'm your puppet then--" Charming Thunder said before he screamed in pain from Valkorion's power. He then used the force to keep him in a bowing position.

"Bow to the emperor."

"As you command, my emperor."

"You were an exemplary pawn, one I forged a vessel of supreme power and worthy of preserving my spirit. When I am done with you, I will take your body and rule once more as the immortal emperor." Charming Thunder slowly got up as he was in pain.

"You can't do this, Valkorion. Not again."

"I already have." Valkorion then levitated Charming Thunder in the air and slammed him to a wall behind him leaving him unconscious.


"Wake up," Charming Thunder's voice said. "Wake up. What happened?" Valkorion wakes up in an area with crumbled Equestrian statues. He got up on his feet and took a long look at himself.

"Who am I?" Valkorion asked.

"You are the king of Equestria and the bearer of the Element of Courage. You wear Valkorion's skin, but you're the same person you always were."

"It's finally happened then. I have gone insane."

"Not yet. But that will change if you don't act." Valkorion followed a path as the voice of Charming Thunder continued to explain things to him. "Valkorion shattered your mind and tossed you into the abyss of your psyche. He thinks you're dead, but you survived by assuming his form. Find the shielding spell. Save yourself." He continued to follow the path until he came across a frozen scene of a fight between Cyber and Charming Thunder.

"When you struck down your own brother, it weakened Mephiles," a voice echoed. "But it also released me. My spirit invaded your mind in search of a new host. You resisted." The scene changed as Valkorion continued to walk on the path. "I pretended to be your aid. It was all a ruse. Trapped in your mind, I helped you fight against Midnight and the guardian spirit of the temple. Your strength grew." The scene disappeared when Valkorion arrived at a staircase where he sees Charming Thunder floating at the top of the stairs. When he reached the top of the stairs, he sees a book floating under Charming Thunder.

"Open the book," Charming Thunder's voice said. "Take the spell. Save yourself." Valkorion nodded and walked up to the book and slowly grabbed it. He then opened it and a flash appeared freeing himself from Valkorion's body and back to Charming Thunder's. Charming Thunder fell to the ground and took a breather.


Charming Thunder was still unconscious while Cadence cradled him in her arms. "Charming!" Cadence said. "Wake up!" Amore slowly got up from the ground. Radiant rushed to her to help her up. Amore then turned to see Cadence holding Charming Thunder and then looked at Sombra.

"So you have been redeemed back to the light," Amore said with a smile. "I am glad. But what's going on right now?"

"Charming Thunder is still alive," Starlight explained. "Valkorion conquered his mind, but Charming Thunder is fighting back."

"We need a way to enter his mind and help him," Sombra said. "I worry for my son."

"I know of one," Starlight said. "But I need to concentrate." Starlight then sat down in a meditative position and closed her eyes.


Charming Thunder was still on the ground. He looked up to see Valkorion walking up to him. "You persist," Valkorion said. "Impressive." Charming Thunder got up and got into a battle position.

"You may take my body, but you can't have my mind," Charming Thunder said; angrily.

"A minor inconvenience. When you struck down Cyber, I brought with me a fellow Sith for me to command." A figure of a Sith Lord appeared next to Valkorion. "Meet Darth Nox. He will be your executioner."

"Let me go," Nox said. "I am not your puppet!!!"

"Submit, Nox." Nox screamed in pain as his eyes began to glow purple.

"As you wish, my emperor."

"First I kill my brother, then you enslave a Sith spirit..."

"You sound disturbed."

"It's cruel, Valkorion. Even for you."

"Save your judgement and prepare for your downfall." Valkorion teleports behind Charming Thunder and force pushes him down the stairs. "Destroy the king." Nox leaped in the air and activated his lightsaber as Charming Thunder activated his. Charming Thunder dodged the incoming saber throw. A flash of light appeared and Starlight appeared next to him.


"I won't let him take over your mind," Starlight said as she activated her lightsaber. Nox charged at them and went for a pierce attack. Charming Thunder and Starlight jumped to the side and avoided the attack. Nox fired lightning at Charming Thunder, but he deflected it back at him; electrocuting Nox. Charming Thunder and Starlight then charged and made a few strikes as Nox blocked them. Nox force pushed Starlight as Charming Thunder leaps in the air and stabs him from behind. Nox collapses to the ground and his body vanishes in an instant. They both then turned their attention to Valkorion who approached them.


Starlight was still meditating as Sombra walked around with worry. Radiant approached him and placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Join Starlight," Radiant said. "Your son needs you."

"Valkorion is too powerful," Sombra said.

"You have proven yourself stronger once." Radiant placed a hoof on Sombra's cheek. "Show your son how strong you have become." She then locked herself to Sombra with a kiss on the lips. They then pulled away as Sombra sat down next to Starlight and focused.


A flash appeared next to Starlight and Charming Thunder as Sombra appeared. "Father?" Charming Thunder said.

"I won't let you face Valkorion alone," Sombra said.

"Touching," Valkorion said. "Maybe you should strike down your own son who let you die by the hooves of a changeling at the cost of saving his life."

"You may be right, but I won't do it." Charming Thunder chuckled as he got into a battle position.

"I'm going to enjoy taking down the Immortal Emperor," Charming Thunder said.

"You will all be consumed by eternity by the time I am finished." Valkorion charged his force powers and fired lightning. The three dodged out of the way as Valkorion teleported in front of Charming Thunder. Charming Thunder laid some strikes towards Valkorion as Valkorion blocked with a force shield. Starlight to attack from behind, but Valkorion teleported to the top of the staircase as Sombra and Starlight leaps in the air and lands right next to him. Charming Thunder rushed up the staircase as Sombra and Starlight readied their strikes. Valkorion pushed both Sombra and Starlight back while Charming Thunder continued to run up the stairs. He was stopped when he was force pushed by Valkorion back to the middle of the staircase. "Conjure a hundred spells, an arsenal of power..." Valkorion used the force to torture Charming Thunder more as he collapsed to the ground. "Nothing will stop me." Charming Thunder screamed in pain as he kneels on the stairs.

"You're wrong, Valkorion," Charming Thunder said. "Kneel before the dragon of Zakuul!" Valkorion then began to feel strange and took a few steps.

"No! How did you know of that command against my daughter; Vaylin."

"Danny told me a lot about you. Remember? I control what happens here and I say it is what's good for you."


"Kneel, Valkorion," Starlight shouted. "Kneel before the dragon of Zakuul!"

"It's over," Sombra said. "Give up." Valkorion turned around to walk away, but was stopped by Charming Thunder's brother; Danny Eclipse.

"Danny," Valkorion said; surprised. "But you're dead." Danny activated one of his lightsabers and looked at Charming Thunder then back at Valkorion.

"You have haunted my brother long enough," Danny said before slashing Valkorion in the chest.

"I am the immortal emperor. I will not be defeated again." Charming Thunder walked up to Valkorion as he slowly got up.

"Sooner or later, death was always going to catch up with you again. Give me the freedom I deserve."

"A king has no freedom. Before I graced your brother in my presence, he was nothing but weak and broken. And you a lone unicorn hunting a way to defeat Mephilis without aim or purpose." Valkorion tried to use his powers on Charming Thunder, but was stopped when Starlight and Sombra used their magic to hold him down then release him. "I forged you into a being worthy of reviving Amore. Without me, you are nothing."

"Wrong again, Valkorion. It's you who needed me. Now you are alone. And nothing can save you from the fate you once again deserve."

"Remember me when your empire burns to ash." Valkorion got up and prepared a force attack, but Charming Thunder was quick enough to activate his lightsaber and stab him in the chest. Valkorion collapsed to the ground as The group surrounded him.

"Begone, Valkorion," Danny said.

"Go," Sombra said. "Join the other Sith."

"How does it feel to be erased from Equestria?" Starlight said. Valkorion got up as he screamed as purple force energy came out of his body. Charming Thunder then did a slash attack to deliver the final blow. As Valkorion collapsed to the ground, lightning surged on him and repulsed a flash of energy.


Charming Thunder gasped for air as he woke up from consciousness. Sombra and Starlight opened their eyes and got up relieved to see him alive. Cadence helped him up as he shook his head. "It's over," Sombra said.

"You defeated Valkorion, once and for all," Starlight said. Charming Thunder looked around to see if Danny was here, but sadly he wasn't.

"I saw Danny there," Charming Thunder said. "Are we sure Valkorion won't return again?"

"I no longer feel his presence," Radiant said. "We will never see him again."

"Now we can focus on a task at hand; finding this Fallen One." Charming Thunder then looked at Amore and bowed to her.

"My dear friend, there is no need to bow," Amore said. "You have grown big the last time I saw you. I am so proud of you, your highness." She then bowed to Charming Thunder as everyone else did the same as he looked around and smiled.