• Published 25th Jul 2017
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The Disney Chronicles II: Pinocchio - Dinodisneylover1

When they discovered the mysterious Book of Disney and experienced their first adventure inside it, they are ready for more. This time, the story about a puppet that came to life. 2nd instalment of this series.

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Home at Last?/The Search for Geppetto

Prankster's Paradise
Somewhere on the Ocean

The ocean was calm, when a head popped from the water. It was Sonata enjoying herself while Aria and Adagio relaxed on the boat. She and the other Dazzlings wore bikinis. Adagio wearing a purple one, green for Aria and red for Sonata. Their Shadow Beasts gave Adagio and Aria a relaxing back massage.

“Aaah, this is the life,” Adagio sighs in relief.

“I hate to agree, I really do,” Aria replied. “But Sonata, this was a great idea!”

“Yeah, I have my moments,” Sonata smiled, taking another dive in the water.

Suddenly, Aria opened her eyes and saw a boat in the distance.

“Hey, Adagio. You’re in the mood for more negative energy?”

Adagio turned to Aria then toward the boat, as a smile formed on her face.

“Nothing would make me happier, Aria.”

Just as they were about to hatch their latest scheme, they didn’t notice something big and dark lurking beneath the boat, ready to strike from the darkest depths of the sea.

After an hour or so, the boat finally docks at the village harbor. The children cheered, excited to reunite with their parents. The ponies, dragon, the cricket and the puppet were the first to hop off the boat, as the children-turned-donkeys followed.

“Here we are!” Pinkie said, cheerfully.

“Now remember what we told you,” Fluttershy reminded the donkeys.

“Listen to your parents, go to school, don’t talk to strangers and no bullying,” One of the donkeys said. “We know.”

“Atta boys,” Applejack nodded approvingly.

“Uh, aren’t we forgetting something?” Spike asked.

“What?” Every pony asked, in unison.

“How will we change them back?” The dragon asked.

“That’s right,” Twilight realized. “We never found out how to turn the donkeys back into boys.”

“And no way that Coachman would ever tell us,” Applejack added.

“Can’t you do something, Twilight?” Jiminy asked.

“I’m sorry, Jiminy. I don’t know if I can. This is a different kind of magic than I’m used to.”

“Then what do we do?” Spike asked. “We can’t let them live like this forever; their parents would probably kick them out.

“Now don’t overreact, Spike,” Jiminy said. “Let me think.”

Suddenly, without anyone knowing, a white dove flew over them sprinkling magic dust off it’s feathers along the donkeys. They began to glow and before the group’s eyes shift back into boys. They even got their clothes back too.

That’s a good thing or it would’ve been very embarrassing… And inappropriate.

Anyways, the ponies gasped at the sight before noticing Apple Bloom and Tender were glowing too. The glow fades and the two noticed that their donkey ears and tails have disappeared.

“Look, Applejack!” Apple Bloom said happily. “They’re gone!”

“Mine too!” Tender cheered, clicking his hind legs.

The boys looked at themselves and cheered happily, while the others stood baffled.

“How, in Equestria, did this happen?” Rarity asked.

Twilight pondered, before looking up to the dove flying across the sky.

“It’s the Blue Fairy,” Twilight smiled. “She changed them back.”

“Huh, and I thought she said it be the last time she’d help us,” Pinkie noted, scratching her mane.

“That fairy surprises me every time,” Jiminy said, smiling.

“Thank you,” Twilight whispered, hoping the Fairy heard it.

“Too bad she didn’t change everyone,” Rainbow points out.

The ponies turned toward Pinocchio, who still had his donkey ears and tail.

“But… Why?” Pinocchio asked.

“I suppose she left you like this because you haven’t learned your lesson completely,” Twilight assumed.

“But if you tell your father the truth,” Applejack said. “She’ll change you back in no time.”

“Okay,” Pinocchio nodded.

“Alright, ya’ll!” Applejack said to the boys. “You run home now. Your parents are probably worried sick.”

Without hesitation, the boys ran through the village back to their homes cheering… All but one. The group turned and no pony would expect this sight. The bucktoothed boy, Lampwick, standing right in front of them with a look of shame and his hands in his pockets.

“Well, well,” Rainbow said, displeased. “Look who’s still here.”

“I, uh…” Lampwick hesitated, coming closer. “I just wanna say… Sorry for being a total jerk back there. You know, calling you names and all that stuff.”

The ponies and cricket didn’t answer, but they looked unhappy.

“Yeah, I deserved it. I deserved to be a donkey. Maybe I was better off sold to slavery.”

After a while, the ponies expression softened.

“No,” Applejack shook her head. “Not really.”

“Kinda does,” Rainbow remarked.

The ponies looked at her in disagreement, while she just shrugs with a ‘What?’ expression.

“That sure was amazing what you did back there,” Lampwick said. “Boy, fighting that evil man and those monsters… And the way you freed us! What I’m trying to say is: Thanks!”

“Eh, it was no biggie,” Rainbow said. “It’s what we do.”

“Yeah, no creepy old Coachman is going to transform children into donkeys or make them slaves for eternity while we’re here,” Pinkie said.”

“I just hope you’ve learned your lesson too,” Twilight said.

“Absolutely,” Lampwick assured.

Then he turned toward Pinocchio, who stood quietly the whole time.

“Hey, Pinoky. Do you, Apple Bloom and Tender still wanna be friends?”

Pinocchio turned toward the ponies and his conscience. They thought about it at first until they nodded, even Jiminy nodded.

“Sure, Lampy!” Pinocchio said, showing his hand.

“Great!” Lampwick said, shaking his hand. “Wanna hang out after school?”

“Sure! But I should go to father first, he’s probably worried.”

“No sweat! See ya later then!”

Pinocchio and the others waved as Lampwick went home, whistling along the way. The Cricket hopped along Pinocchio’s shoulder while Applejack stood beside Apple Bloom.

“Ya know, sis,” Applejack said. “You were right about Lampwick; he is friendly.”

“Maybe he’s not such a hoodlum after all,” Jiminy added.

“Yeah, he may have been an ignorant bully,” Apple Bloom admits. “But he really was nice to us, and Pinocchio.”

“Heh-heh, yes he is,” Applejack chuckled.

“That sure was something on that island!” Spike replied, looking back.

“Boy, I thought we’d never make it,” Jiminy said. “Certainly feels good to be back on dry land. Come on, let’s get home.”

“Let’s finish that race to the shop!” Rainbow said, zooming ahead.

The rest of the ponies, cricket, puppet and dragon rushed at their own pace to Geppetto’s workshop. But this time, they stayed close to Pinocchio and the two foals… Just in case.

(Music at 0:30)

A few minutes went by, but finally they reached Geppetto’s workshop.

“There it is!” Rainbow said, the first pony to arrive.

“Thank Celestia, we made it!” Rarity sighed.

Pinocchio ran very fast towards the house, after such a long day.

“Father!” Pinocchio called. “Father, I’m home!”

“We’re home, Mr. Geppetto!” Twilight called. “Home again!”

“It’s me, Pinocchio!” Pinocchio called, pulling the doorknob and the bell. “I’m home to stay!”

“Here he is, Mr. Geppetto!” Jiminy said, ready to go in. “Home at last.”

But something wasn’t right. They knocked and rang the bell, but there was no answer. Not a single sound.

“Why isn’t he coming?” Rainbow asked.

“Mr. Geppetto!” Twilight called. “It’s Twilight and the others! We have Pinocchio with us!”

“Hey, maybe he’s asleep,” Jiminy thought.

“I’m sure he’d have woken up by all that noise,” Spike said.

“I don’t know, maybe he’s a heavy sleeper,” Pinkie said, then gasped. “Or worse. What if he’s…”

Every pony started thinking the worst, facing each other nervously.

“Oh, I hope not,” Twilight said, nervously.

Jiminy hopped toward the window and peered inside.

“Father! Father, it’s me!” Pinocchio called out.

“He’s not answering, Pinocchio,” Applejack said, placing a hoof over his shoulder.

Rainbow joined Jiminy at the window. They wiped off some of the dust for a better look.

“Guys, come here,” Jiminy ushered.

Every pony, along with Spike and Pinocchio, approached the window and looked.

“Look!” Jiminy pointed out. “He ain’t here.”

“What?” Twilight asked.

She looked inside and realized he was right. There was no one in the house, not a single sign of life.

“He—He’s gone,” Pinocchio said, softly.

“Yeah, and Figaro,” Jiminy said.

“And Cleo too,” Fluttershy said.

Everybody faced each other, worried and confused.

“Did we come all the way here for nothing?” Rainbow asked.

(Pause at 1:10)

Every pony sat along the stairs in front of the house, considering what must be done.

“What do we do now?” Fluttershy asked.

“We can’t leave him here all alone,” Applejack said.

“We must find Geppetto,” Twilight said.

“But how?” Fluttershy asked. “We don’t even know where he is.”

“Maybe something awful happened to him,” Pinocchio said.

“Don’t worry, son,” Jiminy comforted Pinocchio. “He probably hasn’t gone far.”

(Continue music)

Suddenly, that same white dove flew over them and dropped a piece of paper with gold writing on it. It landed right before their eyes.

“Hey, look!” Jiminy said, hopping toward it.

Twilight looked above and just saw the white dove before it flew into the clouds.

“It’s the Blue Fairy,” Twilight said.

“Huh, I didn’t know she does airmail,” Pinkie said.

The cricket put on his glasses to read the words.

“It’s a message.”

“What’s it say?” Apple Bloom asked.

“It’s about Geppetto,” Jiminy said.

“Really?” Tender asked.

“Where is he?” Pinocchio asked.

“Why, uh, uh, it says here he, uh, he went looking for you and, uh, uh, he was swallowed by a whale,” Jiminy read.

“SWALLOWED BY A WHALE?!” Everypony said.

"Yeah, uh-huh, a—A whale?" Jiminy realized, then read. “A whale named Monstro.”

“A whale?” Rainbow asked.

“Oh my,” Fluttershy said, her hooves covering her mouth.

“With a name like Monstro, I bet he’s very scary,” Tender shuddered.

“Oh, he’s—” Pinocchio thought.

The puppet looked down, while Applejack placed a hoof over his shoulder.

“Uh, but, but wait!” Jiminy read further. “He’s alive!”

“Phew,” Fluttershy sighed.

“Alive? Where?” Pinocchio asked.

“Why, uh, uh, inside the whale at the, at the bottom of the sea,” Jiminy read further.

“Bottom of the sea?” Pinocchio asked.

“But that means…” Rarity pondered. “We have to go in there.”

“And the sea is very big,” Twilight points out. “It could take days, maybe months to find a whale.”

While they were talking, they didn’t notice Pinocchio walking away.

“Uh-huh. Uh—Hey!” Jiminy called, seeing the puppet run away. “Where you going?!”

“I’m going to find him!” Pinocchio declared, walking further.

“Are ya crazy, Pinoke?!” Applejack asked, running in front of him. “Don’t you realize he’s in a whale?”

“I’ve gotta go to him,” Pinocchio said, walking further.

“Hey, Pinoke, wait!” Jiminy called out, turning to the others. “Well, come on! After him, quick!”

“Why do adventures always have to be so hard and epic?!” Rarity complained.

“Wait!” Jiminy called out. “Listen here, son!”

Together, they ran through the streets toward the sea.

It was already morning by the time they approached the cliff. They stood over the ocean preparing themselves, Pinocchio tying his donkey tail around a rock.

“And how do you suppose we stay under water without drowning?” Rarity asked.

“I can cast bubbles over our heads that allow us to breathe,” Twilight answered. “Princess Skystar taught me that spell.”

“What about Pinocchio?” Applejack asked.

“Well, he’s made of wood,” Twilight points out. “He’s already using a rock to keep him on the ocean floor. He’ll be fine.”

“I’ll be fine too,” Jiminy said.

“How can crickets breath underwater?” Rainbow asked, an eyebrow raised.

“Insects don’t have lungs like we do,” Fluttershy explained. “Their respiratory system is not coordinated to a circulatory system involving blood pumped with oxygen and delivered throughout the body. Nor do they breathe through only a couple select openings like a mouth or nostrils. Crickets and other insects take oxygen via several spiracles or openings on the side of their bodies. This way oxygen enters through the spiracles, spreading throughout a system of internal tubes called ‘tracheae’.”

Everyone was silent as they listened to Fluttershy, even Twilight was stunned.

“Did anypony get that?” Rainbow asked, confused.

“Actually, she is correct,” Jiminy said, dumbfounded then continued. “But listen, this Monstro… I’ve heard of him. He’s a whale of a whale. Why, he swallows whole ships alive!”

Spike gulped, while some of the ponies looked uncomfortable.

“Tie it good and tight now,” The cricket said, helping Pinocchio. “And besides, it’s dangerous. Why, I—”

“We have no choice, Jiminy,” Twilight said. “If Geppetto is still alive in that whale, we have to get him out no matter what.”

“Bye, Jiminy,” Pinocchio said, offering his hand. “Bye, girls.”

“Goodbye?!” Everypony asked in unison.

“Listen here, sugar cube,” Applejack said. “You’re not going down there alone.”

“Geppetto is a friend of ours, too,” Pinkie said.

“And we never leave a friend behind,” Rainbow added.

“We’re all coming with you,” Apple Bloom said.

“We are?” Tender asked, till he saw Apple Bloom eyeing him. “I mean—Yes! Course we’re coming!”

“I may be live bait down there, but I’m with ya,” Jiminy said.

Pinocchio looked at all his friends surrounding him and smiles.

“Thanks, guys.”

“Hey, that’s what friends are for, right?” Applejack asked, tipping her hat.

“Then what are we waiting for?”

A cute girlie voice caused the group to look behind them as a figure with a peg leg appeared. It was none other than Pinkie Pie, her mane forming a beard around her chin, and wearing a hat.

“Come, mateys!” She said, in a serious dark tone. “We’ve got a whale to track!”

Everypony looked at each other and shrugged, before prepping to go in the water. Jiminy hopped onto the rock Pinocchio was carrying.

“Come, let’s go!” Jiminy said, holding his nose.

The ponies and dragon held their muzzles or noses to avoid the pressure of the water.

“Ready?” Twilight asked.

“Ready!” Everypony answered.

Pinocchio took one step and fell straight into the ocean.

“Look out below!” Jiminy yelled.

“Follow me, everypony!” Twilight yelled, diving toward the water.

The others followed one-by-one.

“Here we go!” Applejack yelled.

“Cannonball!” Rainbow yelled.

“Geronimo!” Spike yelled.

“Little Strongheart!” Pinkie yelled.

Fluttershy simply fell, while Rarity dived with style. The foals just jumped, screaming as they fell toward the water. SPLASH! The water erupts as Pinocchio was pulled down, the others falling and trying to hold their breath. Reacting quickly, Twilight used her horn to create air bubbles around her friends and herself so they could breathe. Fish swam out of the way as they dropped to the bottom.

“Gangway down there!” Jiminy called.

Finally, Pinocchio reached the bottom while the other ponies swam down to meet up. Pinocchio almost lost his hat, but quickly grabs it.

“Are you alright?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah,” Pinocchio nods, looking around. “Gee, what a big place!”

“Ah haven’t swum this deep since that time me, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo dove in that lake,” Apple Bloom said.

“Why were you diving in the lake?” Tender asked.

“It’s a long story.”

“Like I said, it’ll take a long time to find him,” Twilight said. “But we can’t let that stop us.”

“I wish we were seaponies again,” Rarity sighs. “My fins were simply divine.”

“Maybe one day you will,” Pinkie said, with a sing-song voice.

Confused, Rarity turns to Pinkie, who’s eyes were looking up as if she were hiding something.

“What was that?” Rarity asked.

“Nothing,” Pinkie said, innocently.

Jiminy struggles to stay on the bottom, while Pinocchio pulled his tail, so his feet stays on the sand.

“Come on, guys,” Pinocchio called out.

“Alright,” Jiminy said, grabbing a stone with his hat. “Soon as I take on some ballast.”

Suddenly, a little fish appeared in front of him. Jiminy pushed it away.

“One side, sister,” He says to the fish.

He places the hat on his head, making sure his feet stays on the ocean floor.

“Well, so long.”

But the stone’s weight caused him to flip upside down. The cute little fish smiles and turns upside down for fun. Fluttershy sees this and giggles.

“Aw, so cute,” The shy Pegasus replied. “I think she likes you.”

“Hmm… Put it in the wrong end,” Jiminy replied.

He flips onto his two feet along the sand, grabs his hat and opens his pants wide. He didn’t count on the fish being a peeping tom, but Jiminy was watchful and made sure the fish wasn’t looking.

“Hmph, no more privacy than a goldfish.”

He dropped the stone inside his pants, readjusting it.

“Ooh, chilly.”

With that taken care of, he followed the others. They swam toward some big rocks searching for the giant mammal residing here.

“Father!” Pinocchio called.

“Pinocchio, I don’t know if he can hear us,” Twilight said. “Especially if he’s inside a whale.”

“We gotta try,” Pinocchio said, searching further.

They swam toward the rocks, some covered with sea anemones and clams.

“Father!” Pinocchio called again.

The anemones and clams hid either in the rocks or within their shells. The group swam further along.

“Mr. Geppetto!” Pinkie and Apple Bloom called, simultaneously.

“Where are you?” Tender called.

“Hey, guys!” Jiminy said, trying to keep up. “Wait for me!”

“Father!” Pinocchio called.

“Father!” Jiminy called, suddenly realizing. “Huh, he ain’t my father. Uh, Mr. Geppetto!”

Suddenly, the fish bit Jiminy’s umbrella and pulled him back.

“Hey, what the—”

Jiminy fell onto the sand before he could finish. He used his foot to pry the fish away from his umbrella.

“Hey, le—Let go!”

“Easy on the little darling, Jiminy,” Rarity said. “She just wants to play.”

“It’s only slowing me down!” Jiminy argued, threatening the fish with his umbrella. “Run along, ya little…”

Suddenly, a bigger fish, probably the parent, loomed over Jiminy.

“Squirt,” Jiminy finished, nervously.

The bigger fish didn’t look very happy, staring the cricket in the eyes. Jiminy nervously backed away.

“What’s the matter? Can’t a fellow, uh—I was only—”

The cricket stumbled over a rock and fell on his back, while the big fish kept staring angrily. Jiminy tipped his hat nervously.

“We were only looking for Monstro.”

The moment Jiminy said that, the big and little fish shivered in fear and swam away. The danger was over, for the moment.

“That got ‘em,” Jiminy said.

Meanwhile, every pony kept searching not knowing schools of fish followed them curiously.

“Father!” Pinocchio called.

“Mr. Geppetto!” Rainbow called.

“Father!” Pinocchio called again.

He paused for a moment, while the water pulled him back. Fortunately, the tail wrapped tightly to the rock kept him afloat. It was then they noticed all the different fish appearing in front of them.

“Oh, look!” Pinkie said.

“Hello,” Pinocchio greeted.

He tried to pet a fish, but it swam into his sleeve, tickling him in the process. The fish swam out his other sleeve as Pinocchio turns around. The group turned and were stunned at all the fish looking at them.

“Did they follow us?” Rainbow asked.

“Guess so,” Applejack said. “Maybe they’re curious of where we’re going.”

“Maybe they can help us,” Fluttershy said. “I speak fish too.”

She slowly approached the fish, who had never seen a creature like her before.

“Um, excuse me. But can you tell us where we can find Monstro the Whale?”

But the moment she asked, the fish shivered in fear and swam away.

“What’s the matter with them?” Rainbow asked.

“That was rude,” Pinkie agreed. “Swimming off without answering.”

“I think they’re… Scared,” Fluttershy said. “Of the whale.”

“Can’t blame them,” Spike said. “They’re little fish and Monstro is humongous. Brr! That name alone gives me chills.”

In the meantime, Jiminy Cricket knocks on an oyster shell, which opened on contact.

“Uh, pardon me, pearl,” Jiminy said, clearing his throat before stepping inside. “Are you acquainted with Monstro the Whale?”

SNAP! The shell closed and quickly dug inside the sand spitting Jiminy and his hat out. Both were trapped in bubbles.

“Whoa, hold it there,” He said.

Jiminy uses his umbrella to grab his hat, unintentionally causing his bubble to fill with water. When the bubble got full, it pops freeing Jiminy.

“Father!” Pinocchio called again.

“Mr. Geppetto!” Spike called.

Jiminy caught up with the others, swimming towards Pinocchio’s rock which got covered in marine life. He shoved a starfish out of the way and swept off the other creatures.

“One side there, son. Come on, boys, break it up. Break it up now.”

Jiminy stood on the rock as they swam through some seaweed, when they heard neighing sounds. Next thing you know, Jiminy Cricket got surrounded by seahorses.

“Hey, what the—Whoa, quit, quit, quit shoving now. Quit, whoa. Don’t crowd. Now take it easy. Take it easy there.”

Soon the ponies, Spike and Pinocchio were surrounded by them too.

“Aw, look at the seahorses,” Fluttershy said.

“So gorgeous,” Rarity replied.

“So cute,” Pinkie said.

One of them wrapped its tail around Pinocchio’s nose. The puppet giggled and grabbed it gently. Jiminy was riding a seahorse that looked more like a donkey.

“Whoa-ho-ho there. Whoa! Steady there, Nellie. Go ahead, Pinoke, ask them.”

“Could any of you tell me where to find Monstro?” Pinocchio asked the seahorses.

Once again, the seahorses swam off in fear. The one Jiminy rode on kicked wildly to get him off his back.

“Whoa! Whoa, boy!” Jiminy shouts. “Whoa, whoa! Hey!”

The seahorse gave him one punch with its tail and swam away.

“Uh, sakes alive,” Jiminy muttered, swimming further.

“I guess we can’t ask the fish,” Twilight said. “They’re too scared when we say his name. It’s up to us now.”

And so, they continued their lonely search across the big ocean.

“Father! Father!” Pinocchio called.

“Mr. Geppetto!” Jiminy called.

“Where are you?!” Pinkie called.

Many fish and marine life watched the group’s search for the beast, the terror of these waters. Let’s just hope our heroes know what they’re getting themselves into.