• Published 25th Jul 2017
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The Disney Chronicles II: Pinocchio - Dinodisneylover1

When they discovered the mysterious Book of Disney and experienced their first adventure inside it, they are ready for more. This time, the story about a puppet that came to life. 2nd instalment of this series.

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Escape from Monstro/Whale Chase

Out on the ocean, Monstro the whale took a nap after unknowingly spitting parts of his meal out. A huge flock of seagulls nestled along the giant mammal’s back, when the unthinkable happened. Smoke emerged from the whale’s blowhole, scaring the seagulls away and the whale felt something amiss. He sniffs the air three times, then four. He opens his mouth and a big cloud of smoke emerged. It scared the whale at first, then he was on the brink of sneezing as he tried to contain it.

While this happened, Pinocchio, Geppetto and their Equestrian friends shoved the raft close to the mouth. Figaro and Cleo were already aboard along with a few supplies, while the others struggled against the whale’s breathing, pushing them back but they refuse to give up.

“Look, its mouth is open!” Rainbow yelled.

“It won’t work!” Geppetto shouts.

“Hurry, everyone!” Pinocchio called out, climbing aboard the raft. “Climb aboard!”

“We’ll never get by those teeth!” Geppetto shouts, believing the plan won’t work.

“Yes, we will!” Pinocchio said.

Jiminy was inside a green bottle, using his umbrella as an oar.

“I hope it works!”

“It has to work!” Twilight said. “It’s our only chance!”

Everybody climbed on the raft. Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie, Pinocchio and Geppetto rowed the oars.

“Hang on!” Pinocchio said. “Here we go!”

Just as they approached the teeth, the whale sneeze so hard, so loud, it forced the raft out. The sneeze felt like a hurricane, creating a big wave that blew the raft, and a few seagulls, far away from Monstro. Everyone held on tightly to the raft.

“Gesundheit!” Jiminy said, from his bottle.

“Wow!” Pinkie said, amazed. “That was the biggest, most powerful sneeze ever. He gives Sneezy a run for his money.”

Suddenly, Monstro was about to sneeze again and his breath pulled the raft back.

“We’re going back!” Applejack yells.

“He’s too strong!” Apple Bloom said.

“No, we’ll make it!” Pinocchio said. “Faster, faster!”

Everyone rowed as fast as they could, as the raft, along with a flock of seagulls and some water, drifted back into the whale’s mouth.

“It’s no use!” Geppetto yelled. “We’re done for!”

And just like that, Monstro blew another powerful sneeze, blasting everything even further away from him. The raft spun round and round, as everyone held on.

“I’m… Gonna… Be… Sick!” Applejack said, dizzily.

Eventually, the raft stopped spinning and hurdled over a wave. Pinocchio’s plan worked.

“We made it!” Pinocchio said.

“Hooray!” Every pony cheered.

“You did it, squirt!” Rainbow said, hugging Pinocchio. “It totally worked!”

“That was brilliant, Pinocchio!” Twilight said.

“That’s my boy!” Geppetto said, proudly.

Just when they thought the worst was over, the loud roar of the whale caused them to look back. Monstro was about to sneeze again, when he violently drank lots of water to get rid of the smoke and fire.

“That doesn’t sound good,” Spike said, nervously.

“Is it me or does it sound like the whale isn’t happy?” Pinkie asked.

“I’m beginning to feel we need a bigger boat!” Rarity said.

“Look! Now he is mad!” Geppetto yelled.

“Row!” Twilight shouts. “Row for your lives!”

The whale saw them row away, rage coursed in his body and mind. He unleashed his speed and raw power to pursue them intent to finish them off. Everybody rowed as hard and fast as they could.

“He’s coming after us!” Fluttershy screams.

“I told you he’d be furious!” Geppetto said.

Suddenly, they saw the whale dive into the water, disappearing out of sight. They looked around anxiously.

“He’s gone!” Geppetto said.

“Where did he go?” Apple Bloom asked.

“He dove under!” Applejack said, looking down.

“He could be anywhere!” Twilight said, looking around. “He can attack at any moment!”

Suddenly, to their surprise, the monstrous whale struck from the depths beneath their raft.

“Look out!” Geppetto yelled.

The giant mammal caused the raft and everyone else to roll along its back and tail.

“Hang on!” Geppetto yelled.

They rolled off the tail and fell into the ocean. Its attack worked. The whale made a huge rip along the water to turn his body. Roaring loudly, he charged again at full speed. Everypony swam as fast as they could toward the raft, climbing aboard.

“Hurry, everyone!” Geppetto said.

“Wait! Where’s Apple Bloom?!” Applejack said, seeing her little sister wasn’t seen.


Applejack turned and gasped when she saw her. Apple Bloom, a few meters away, struggling with her legs to stay afloat. The splashing made it clear she was in distress.

“Applejack!” Apple Bloom yelled. “Help!”

“Apple Bloom!” Applejack yelled.

“She’s drowning!” Tender said, worriedly.

“She can’t swim without her swimming bands!” Applejack said.

“I have to help her!” Tender braced himself.

“We’ll save her!” Pinocchio yelled.

“Pinocchio! Tender! No!” Applejack yelled.

But neither one listened, as they dove into the water swimming toward the little filly. Meanwhile, the whale was drawing closer.

“There she blows!” Pinkie yelled, looking ahead.

“Actually, it’s a ‘he’,” Fluttershy corrected.

“I’ll stop him!” Rainbow said.

“Rainbow! No!” Twilight shouted.

But the Pegasus already flew straight toward Monstro.

“Time to play a little game called ‘Show me, whale’!” Rainbow yelled, flying around and punching the whale on its sides. “Take that! And that!”

The whale didn’t feel anything but tried to swallow Rainbow. But this pony was quick and struck him on the nose.

“You’re tough, I’ll give you that. But let’s see you face this!”

She fired rapid punches against the whale’s nose as it roared in agony.

“Now for a little Pegasus magic!”

Rainbow used a storm cloud to zap lighting against the whale, the beast roaring loud. But this only made the monster angrier.

“You think that hurts? You ain’t seen nothing! Feast your eyes on my finishing move: The Sonic Rainboom!”

She flew directly into the air as the whale watched. When she was high enough, she propelled at full speed toward the whale. Wind and lightning surrounded her, as she was on the brink of breaking the sound barrier.

“You’re about to become sushi!”

But just as she was about to strike, Monstro swallowed a ton of water and shot them through his blowhole toward the Pegasus. Ultimately, the Rainboom failed and she spun around the air while falling toward the sea. At that moment, the whale dove under and with its big tail slapped Rainbow far away, while her screams faded in the distance.

“RAINBOW!” Twilight shouted.

Pinocchio and Tender Taps swam close to Apple Bloom, who was starting to get tired. The boys grabbed her before she started to sink.

“Hold on tight, Apple Bloom!” Pinocchio said.

Together, the children swam back toward the raft.

“Hurry up!” Geppetto shouted.

The kids used all their strength till they grabbed the edge of the raft.

“Apple Bloom, come here!” Applejack said, pulling her sister up.

Apple Bloom coughed out some water, while Applejack tended to her. As she held Apple Bloom in her arms, she turned her attention to Pinocchio and Tender Taps who climbed aboard the boat.

“Thank you, boys!”

“You’re welcome, Miss Applejack,” Tender sighed, fainting on the raft.

Suddenly, a big splash caused the group to see the whale, emerging from the water and charging toward them.

“Ah wish Mom and Dad were here,” Apple Bloom said to Applejack, weakly.

“So do I,” Applejack sighed, facing the approaching whale.

“He’s coming back!” Twilight points out. “Hurry!”

“He’s trying to kill us!” Geppetto said, as everyone paddled harder. “Paddle, everyone!”

The water began to rise, a big wave started to build. The raft slid downwards while everyone held on tighter. Atop the wave, the whale dove through ready to swallow them.

“Back! Back! Back!” Pinkie yelled, paddling very hard.

The group paddled hard enough for the whale to miss its target. But it got one more trick up his sleeve, as the group watched him prepare his large tail to smash them.

“Look out!” Geppetto shouted. “Jump!”

Everyone quickly dove into the water, while the tail smashed the raft to pieces. The whale disappeared into the depths, leaving a trail of broken wood in its path. The ponies held their breath underwater, swimming as quick as they could. It was no problem for Pinocchio to breathe underwater, being a puppet and all. They emerged from the water, gasping for air as some began to panic.

“We’re going to die,” Spike panicked. “We’re going to die!”

“It… It destroyed the raft!” Rarity cried. “It destroyed it!”

“Calm down!” Twilight shouts. “Don’t panic!”

“Applejack!” Apple Bloom called, holding onto Twilight. “Applejack!”

Apple Bloom and Twilight looked around till they found Applejack lying unconsciously against a big piece of wood.

“Applejack!” Twilight called out.

“Big sis!” Apple Bloom yelled.

They swam toward their friend, trying to shake her awake. But she didn’t budge.

“Applejack!” Pinkie yelled. “You gotta wake up!”

“Wake up, Applejack!” Apple Bloom yelled. “Why won’t she wake up?!”

“She’s unconscious!” Twilight said. “Pinkie, you and Fluttershy carry Applejack!”

“On it!” Pinkie said, while she and Fluttershy grabbed Applejack. “Tender, hold onto me!”

Tender Taps held tightly to Pinkie’s back, while she got a good grip on the unresponsive cowpony. But they noticed someone else was missing.

“Where’s Geppetto?!” Rarity asked.

“Father!” Pinocchio called, looking around. “Father!”

“Geppetto!” Twilight called.

It didn’t take long to find him, the old man holding onto the mast of the raft.

“Oh, Father!” Pinocchio said.

“Pinocchio… Girls…” Geppetto said, weakly. “Swim for shore… Swim for shore…”

To make matters worse, Monstro emerged from the water again and charged.

“There he is again!” Spike pointed, terrified.

The ponies screamed and panicked, splashing around. Twilight looked around and found something: A cliff with a big hole on the side.

“There!” Twilight pointed. “Swim toward that cliff! It’ll bring you to shore! Hurry!”

The ponies swam as quick as they could toward the cliff, as Twilight handed Apple Bloom to Rarity.

“Rarity, take Apple Bloom with you!” Twilight instructs. “I’ll help Pinocchio! Now go! Hurry!”

As Rarity swam away with Apple Bloom, Pinocchio and Twilight swam toward his father.

“Hang on, Father!” Pinocchio called out.

“We’re coming, Geppetto!” Twilight said.

“Save… Yourself…” Geppetto said, sinking into the ocean.

Fortunately, Pinocchio and Twilight were quick enough to catch him. They stared at the giant whale drawing closer and closer.

“Quick, pull!” Twilight shouts. “Towards that cliff!”

Together, they pulled Geppetto toward the cliff with Monstro in hot pursuit. His speed increased every second, as the pony and the puppet swam as fast as they could with nowhere to go but to the cliff, their only hope. The whale roared loudly as he drew closer, Twilight and Pinocchio were almost inside the hole. But a big wave blocked the entrance, making it impossible to escape the whale. Still they swam like their lives depended on it as Monstro approached. Twilight and Pinocchio stared in horror as the whale leapt into the air. The two paddled madly as the hole revealed itself again. It was in that moment, when all seemed lost, the whale opens its mouth aiming to consume and kill them. Twilight and Pinocchio were just inside when Monstro smashed into the cliff creating a massive explosion of water from the other side of the cliff.

The impact itself knocked Geppetto onto the beach, as the old man lied unconsciously. The water drifted away before another splash of water sent the ponies, Figaro and Cleo onto the beach.

It was a miracle the kitten and the goldfish survived the fury of the ocean and the whale.

Anyways, Pinkie Pie, tired from the swimming, shook herself dry when she saw Rainbow Dash unconsciously lying on shore.

“Dashie!” She yelled.

Pinkie dashed toward her friend, listening for a heartbeat. But she felt no response.

“Don’t worry, Dashie,” Pinkie said. “I’m not losing you. I must use… The kiss of life!”

She quickly gave her CPR and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Rainbow slowly opens her eyes and saw what Pinkie was doing.


Rainbow shoved Pinkie away, while she spat on the beach.

“Dashie, you’re alive!” Pinkie cried, hugging her.

“Of course I am!” Rainbow yelled, wiping her mouth. “What were you doing?”

“CPR and mouth-to-mouth! I saved your life.”

“More like kissing to me! You know I don’t swing that way.”

“Oh, Dashie,” Pinkie cried, hugging her which Dash accepted. “Say, did that whale really hit you around the world?”

“Actually… I’m pretty sure I saw the sun rise and set twice so it might’ve been more than that.”

By now, Applejack slowly opened her eyes and stood on her legs. She coughed some water from her mouth while looking around. Figaro tried waking up Fluttershy by rubbing his paw on her and it helped.

“Apple Bloom?!” Applejack called, looking for her sister. “Apple Bloom!”

(Music at 2:46)

Then she found her, but not the way she hoped. Rarity, her mane wet, held Apple Bloom by the scruff with her teeth and Tender Taps walking beside her. The little filly’s eyes were shut, unresponsive. Applejack quickly ran toward them while Pinkie, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Twilight and Spike followed.

Applejack came to a halt, watching in sadness and worry. She sat on her haunches, staring as Rarity gave the little filly to Applejack, who held her tenderly. She looked at Rarity, who only gave a look of sadness and regret, which the others knew what it meant. Fluttershy held her hooves to her muzzle, starting to cry. Applejack’s worst fear came true: Her little sister was no more. She promised her deceased parents she’d protect her at all costs, now she felt as if she broke it. Her eyes swell with tears looking at her lifeless sister, cradling and nuzzling her lovingly. She closed her eyes, allowing her tears to shed. But suddenly, Apple Bloom’s eyes slowly open and looked unto her sister.

“Big… Sis?” She asked, softly.

Applejack heard it, quickly opening her eyes in wonder.

“Apple Bloom?” She said, seeing her sister. “Apple Bloom!”

Applejack hugged her tightly, while Rarity and the others smiled. They circled around the two siblings.

“Thank Celestia, I thought I lost you,” Applejack cried.

(Stop music at 3:26)

“Heh… Takes more than a whale and some water to take me down,” Apple Bloom smiled weakly, slowly regaining her strength.

“Shh… I’m here,” Applejack whispered, nuzzling her. “I’m here.”

“We did it!” Fluttershy cheered, happily. “I can’t believe we did it!”

“Ha! Take that, Monstro!” Rainbow yelled.

Twilight looked around and saw Geppetto lying on the sand.


The other ponies heard her and ran toward the woodcarver. The old man breathed heavily, as Figaro and the others slowly walked toward him.

“Pinocchio…” Geppetto said, between breaths. “Girls… Save yourself…”

Twilight placed a hoof over him, while Figaro laid his paw on his owner.

“It’s okay, Geppetto,” Twilight spoke softly, comforting him. “We’re here.”

But the old man barely heard her, he kept rambling. The others felt very worried for him.

“Don’t mind me, son… Save yourself… Pinocchio.”

“Don’t say that,” Twilight said. “We’re staying with you.”

“He’s delirious,” Fluttershy observed, feeling his forehead. “We need to get him home.”

“Where’s Pinocchio?” Apple Bloom asked, looking around.

“Girls, go find Pinocchio now!” Twilight commands. “I’ll stay with Geppetto.”

“Search everywhere!” Applejack added.

“Pinocchio!” Rainbow called out.

While the ponies searched, Twilight watched over Geppetto stroking him and the worried Figaro.

“Save… Yourself… Please…” Geppetto said, softly.

“Shh… It’s alright,” Twilight whispered.


The ponies and dragon’s search drew them to a familiar voice, as Jiminy drifted to shore out of his bottle.

“Jiminy!” Apple Bloom shouts, happily. “Ya made it!”

“You must help us find Pinocchio,” Spike urged.

“I’m working on it,” Jiminy said. “Pinocchio!”

“Pinocchio!” Pinkie called. “Where are you?”

“Oh, Pinocchio!” Jiminy called, looking around. “Pinocchi—”

Suddenly, he stopped.

“What is it, Jiminy?” Tender asked, then gasped at the sight.

They finally found the puppet, but their shocked expressions said it all. Pinocchio, lying face down in a large puddle. The force of the big wave proved fatal for the little puppet. They were too late.

Author's Note:

Well, just two more chapters to go and this story is finished. The next one is the moment of truth.