• Published 22nd Jun 2017
  • 827 Views, 9 Comments

Silent but Dazzling - Fabulosity

One month after taking the Dazzlings into his home, Silent Mic deals with a trouble-making Adagio. Deciding that she needs to be punished for her ignorance, despite warnings that she needs to improve her behaviour.

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Silent but Dazzling

It has been one month since the Dazzlings decided to start staying with their new host, Silent Mic. He had offered them a home within the Silent Night club, in exchange for their natural talent in singing; as well as their other talents in performing arts.

Silent Mic had also placed down a rule that made them obey and take note of his new rules. These were rules designed to help them become better and more socially accepted people, without causing such trouble like what happened at the Battle of the Bands competition.

Things had started off quite rocky at first, it seemed the three sisters had much different personalities. Adagio, the leader. Had been the worst for causing trouble. Always trying to stir matters up between Aria and Silent himself. While Sonata? Well, she merely fell into line automatically. Sonata always followed the Alpha Siren.

"Who opened all the fire exit doors?!"

Silent said as he burst into the living room, frustrated and clearly bothered that someone may have been pulling a prank on him. With a devious grin, Adagio smirked and crossed her legs - as she remained seated upon the couch with her two siren siblings.

"I have absolutely no idea, what you're talking about sweetie. But my, my... do you look bothered. Why don't you come over and sit with us girls, relax and get comfortable?"

"I know it was you, Adagio. Don't you know how dangerous that is?"

"Dangerous? What's so dangerous about opening some silly doors?"

"Wait... do the doors eat people?" Sonata spoke up.

"...No, Sonata. The doors do not eat people. Here, have a lollipop and if you say something like that again; i'm going to hit you with the stupid hammer."

"Oh, wow! Thanks, Dagi!" Sonata replied in quick excitement.

"Adagio... stop treating Sonata like that. How do you expect her to improve, if you keep pushing her under your heel like that!"

Silent would quickly say, grumbling lightly under his breath. Getting closer toward the siren trio as they remained upon the couch.

"Don't you worry about Sonata, pretty boy. Also, stop changing the subject."

"I'm not changing-... look. Don't open the doors, okay? It can cause great danger to the entire building. But you don't care, don't you?"

"Oh, sweetie. Does this look like a face that cares?" Adagio once again smirked, obviously trying to rile the night-club owner up. Holding out her palm, inspecting her own fingernails and trying to act like he wasn't there.

"I took you all in. I could easily throw you out again, but i'm not going to do that. I'm going to change you Adagio, and Aria and Sonata too. To me, this is a pet project and I want to prove... that even girls like you, can be changed into something better!"

"Aha! By all means, sweet-pea... give me your best shot."

Later that evening the Dazzling trio were still present upon that living room couch. All watching the TV, with seemingly bored expressions upon their faces. Once more however, Silent Mic came thumping down the stairs, pushing open the door and bursting into the room again.

"Adagio, you did it again?! What did I say about the doors?!"

"Huh? Oh, sorry... I wasn't listening. Besides, I think Sonata did it."

"Yeah, Sonata totally did it. She does all the weird shit." Aria spoke up.

"Wait, what did I do?" Sonata asked, clueless as ever.

"Ooooooh, no-no! Don't even think about blaming this on Sonata. Own up to your actions, Adagio!"

Silent spoke out, obviously annoyed at the older girls actions. Typically Adagio had a smug grin on her face, he couldn't prove a thing. It was then, that Silent decided that he needed to do something.

"Fine. You don't wanna own up? I don't care anymore."

The club owner would simply state, walking off into the kitchen. Of course his actions made Adagio a little confused, seeing as she was expecting him to flip his lid again. But instead all she could hear was his voice coming from the kitchen.

"Hey, do you guys want something to eat? I bought some cream cakes earlier."

"Cream cakes?" Adagio spoke up. "Yeah, okay... i'll take a cream cake."

"Me too!" Sonata chirped, while Aria merely rolled her eyes and refused to answer.

"Sure thing! I'll have them ready in a moment, hold on."

Silent grinned to himself, as now was the chance to strike while the iron was hot. He bought some long balloons from the store earlier. Opening the pack, and already blowing into it until a long shape had occurred. When he had completed that, he would shake a can of whipped cream and begin coating the entire length of the balloon in white, fluffy cream.

"Heh, let's see how you like this." Silent mumbled quietly. Placing the dummy cake on a plate, he returned out into the living room with an authentic cream cake for Sonata. Giving his crush the creamed cake, he'd smile. "This one is for you Sonata, enjoy. Adagio... i'll fetch yours now."

As before the night club owner walked back into the kitchen, gone from sight. Aria and Adagio merely watching, as Sonata chewed down that fluffy looking pastry - it looked really good. Eventually when Silent Mic returned to the living room, he would hand Adagio her desired cream cake.

Almost instantly did her eyes light up, at the sheer size of it. It was quite impressive and there was so much cream filling, that her fingers were getting plastered just from handling it.

"Wow. This looks delicious. Thanks, Silent." Adagio was dry with her thanks, seeing as she just saw this as another victory. Raising the delightful pastry to her lips, she'd open her cute maw and immediately bite into it. Her fangs catching on the thin rubber of the balloon, underneath the pastry.


The dud pastry just exploded. Literally coating Adagio's face, hair, neck and dress in a thick coating of freshly sprayed whipped cream. There was an awkward quietness within the room, Adagio blinking through the cream on her face. It was then that Silent burst out laughing and leaned back against the wall, arms folded with a grin on his face.

"That's what happens, when you don't follow my rules. If you don't want any more incidents like this? I suggest you behave and follow the few rules i've put in place. Besides... white looks on you, Adagio."

The siren leader was speechless, she merely sat there - coated in sugary goodness. Her fingers clenching and grumbling loudly, as she sank back into the couch. It was with a light murmur, she'd respond.

"We'll see, oooooh... we'll see..."