• Published 22nd Jun 2017
  • 828 Views, 9 Comments

Silent but Dazzling - Fabulosity

One month after taking the Dazzlings into his home, Silent Mic deals with a trouble-making Adagio. Deciding that she needs to be punished for her ignorance, despite warnings that she needs to improve her behaviour.

  • ...

Silent but Dazzling - Aria's Interrogation

Aria wasn't a foolish girl, oh no. The purple haired siren beauty knew exactly what her beloved little sister had been doing with their host. Silent Mic. How could she not? Hearing them both banging on the headboard while she was within hearing range.

It could have been the possibility that Aria was jealous. Afterall, all siren sisters had taken an interest in the boy - he had done them a solid and was helping out in various, different ways. Adagio was the first to test the waters, regarding pranks and pushing their room owners patience. That was short lived however, but it didn't stop two other sisters from pushing his limit.

Sonata was different however, it seemed that both Silent Mic and Sonata got on like a house on fire. Their chemistry was in sync and rather eventful, this is part the reason why it upset Adagio so much. She had such control over her siren siblings, and yet, this boy was drawing attention away from one of them.

Even Aria had noticed this and thus she'd step in and test the barriers of Silent Mic himself. The young man was down stairs, in the kitchen area of his famed establishment and basically minding his own business. Then with afew raps upon the kitchen door, a certain purple haired beauty leaned against the doorframe with a set of folded arms across her chest.

"Hey." Aria spoke.

"Oh, hello Aria! I know it's late... I hope I didn't wake you up or something."

"Nah, it's cool. I wasn't really sleepy anyway."

The girl would remain still, leaned against the kitchen door and watching what the human was doing. Though it was pretty evident that he was making himself a sandwich, late-night snacks were the best afterall.

Silent Mic finished his snack, turning around and now facing toward Aria. He was feeling abit unsure of the situation, it wasn't like Aria to come out of her way to meet him like this. Slowly raising the sandwich to his mouth, he'd take a bite and chew slowly; his eyes studying her slender form.

"So... I heard you and Sonata going at it." Aria blankly said.

This immediately caused Silent to nearly choke on his sandwich, coughing and patting his chest - he'd go for his glass of water and chug it down, trying to clear the wedge Aria had helped cause in his throat.

"Oops, sorry... I didn't mean to make you choke."

Aria smirked with a playful smirk on her face, she knew what she was doing. Pushing herself from the door, she'd walk right over to him and wait for him to finish gathering himself from that moment of choking.

"W-What!? I mean... I..."

Silent was caught for words. The smile on Aria's face grew even wider as she brushed right up against him, pushing her slender form and perky chest right against his as she stared him right in the face.

"I know what you guys did. I'm not as stupid as Sonata looks. Did you think you could screw my sister and get away with it?"

Aria laughed lightly, following up with a chuckle at the end of her words. Though it seemed that Silent Mic was determined to prove his reasoning behind such a thing. It was of no use lying to her at this point, she kne what was up.

"S-So!? So what?! I like Sonata... she's gorgeous, okay? I have strong feelings for her!"

He was very brave, saying such things to the girls face. Even if Aria continued to carry that confident smirk across her lips. Changing her position, she'd place her hands upon her hips and bump in against him once more.

"You've got balls buddy. The last guy that tried to get it on with my sister, didn't like what I did with him after he tried using her for some fun."

"What do you mean? What happened..."

"Oh, you know. I punished him. For being a bad boy. That's all. You'll find out too, if I find out you're just using her as your personal toy."

The room went quiet for a moment moments, both Silent Mic and Aria staring each other down. Silent decided he'd smirk back toward Aria, as she too, returned the gaze back at him.

"I really do care for Sonata. I thought you girls would see that. I mean... I took you all in and gave you a place to stay, free too! I just want what's best for you guys, and i've fallen in love with your little sister. She's funny, she's cute and beautiful too. I love her innocent nature and how she's friendly with everyone!"

Silent proudly declared his love for Sonata, right infront of Aria too. This actually impressed the girl, she thought he'd falter under the pressure of her interrogation. So far she was satisfied with his words.

"Alright. I believe you."

"W-Wait you do?"

"Yeah. I do. I've never heard anyone speak so nicely of one of my sisters, like you have just now."

Silent's expression softened, listening to those words that Aria spoke. It seemed the girl was quite serious with the tone of voice. A long and exhausting sigh escaped her lips, and she'd smile up toward him.

"I like you Silent. Don't stop being you. Treat Sonata the way you're doing right now, and we won't have a problem. I'll even do you a solid... and keep old honey hair out of your way. So you guys... can uh..."

Aria would wink and make various noises from her mouth, indicating their obvious sexual relationship - before laughing as she seen the embarrassed look above his face.

"H-HEY! Stop saying those things... it's not funny, hahaha!"

Silent would also laugh, both of them making light of the situation.

"Yeah, yeah - whatever you say tiger."

Aria stated as she then proceeded to give Silent a firm punch on the arm, smiling sweetly toward him. While she was one that never showed positive emotions, unless it was a bad situation aimed at other people; it was a rare occurance to have one given to Silent.

Naturally Silent would take this opportunity to reach forward and playfully tug one of her long ponytails, before ruffling her hair quickly and making his escape before she'd have time to react - sandwich in mouth.


With a quick blink, mumbling as she then had to fix her messy hair; the siren would belt after him, trying to return the favour.


Comments ( 5 )

Could you please give me a link to A Sweet Love?

XD This was cute.

You're welcome. ^_^

heheh funny

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