• Published 24th Jun 2017
  • 5,787 Views, 323 Comments

Trojan Pony - Hawker Hurricane

History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.

  • ...

Chapter - 3 - Just Another Day In Ponyville

After my chat with Vinyl I went back into town to do some more shopping. I also agreed to meet her later along with Octavia, Bon Bon and Lyra sometime. I would have met with Fluttershy and Thunderlane as well but that might have aroused suspicion from Twilight. I headed to Filthy Rich's Barnyard Bargains for a few staple items to tide me over for a few days.

The town was a little busier than before as I walked through the market area, spotting a few more ponies I recognised from my first encounter with this crazy town. If you overlook the racism and slight stupidity of certain ponies, Ponyville would actually be a really nice place to live. Small, homely, reasonable cost of living, great views and a death trap forest.

Anyway I quickly reached the store and went inside, levitating a basket over to myself. I looked above the aisles what was where and first made my way to the back of the store where the dairy items were kept. I grabbed a pint of whole milk, which came in a glass bottle, and some clotted cream. My next item was some strawberry jam, several isles away. I began walking and about half way there I was joined by the slack-jawed yokel.

"You done treatin' ma friends like pig slurry?"

"Hello to you as well."

Applejack grunted in annoyance, her eyebrows furrowing, "Don't get all sassy with me!"

"I take it Twilight spoke to you?" I asked, not at all intimidated by her.

"Yeah, she did. She's already written a letter to Princess Celestia," she said, her expression turning into a smug smirk, "Yer in a whole heap o' trouble."

"No I'm not," I replied dismissively before turning down the aisle, even though it wasn't the one I wanted.

"Don't walk away from me! I'm talkin' to ya!"

"And I'm trying to do a bit of shopping; did you follow me in here just to bitch and moan at me?"

Applejack spluttered, "Well I never! Yer no different from that monster a few weeks back!"

"Monster?" I asked, stroking underneath my chin pretending to be confused, "Oh, you mean that creature you tied up in your barn then bucked with your hind legs, breaking his ribs and causing some internal bleeding?"

"How did you...I didn't do nothin' like that!"

"Really? So Fluttershy is a liar then?"


"She was the one to examine the creature-"


"Creature," I corrected through gritted teeth, "Fluttershy examined him after freeing him and saw a pair of hoof marks on his abdomen, according to her the only reason his injuries weren't more serious was because of his thick clothing."

"How do you know all of this?" she asked suspiciously, squinting her eyes.

"I heard ponies talking around town. You lot are so quick to judge him, you don't stop to reflect on your own actions. And by asking 'how do you know all of this?', you've just admitted to doing it."

Applejack scowled fiercely, "Well so what if I did. That monster got exactly what it deserved after it attacked Rainbow Dash."

"Apparently Rainbow refutes the claim it was a deliberate attack."

"Rainbow took a knock to the head, of course her memory will be fuzzy on the incident."

"From what I've been told, her memory is perfectly fine."

"Well Twilight says otherwise."

"Twilight isn't a medical professional, she is neither trained nor qualified to make such an assessment."

"If Twilight says that Rainbow has faulty memory, then ah believe her."

"You believe Twilight over medical Doctor?"

"Yes I do."

I shook my head in disbelief, " Вы, деревенщины, и правда настолько тупые, как о вас говорят." (Vy, derevenshchiny, i pravda nastol'ko tupyye, kak o vas govoryat. - You country folk really are as dumb as people say you are)

"You keep your creepy mumbo-jumbo to yourself! You hear!"

"Would you mind saying that again? Only a little louder this time."

Applejack grit her teeth and grunted furiously.

"Oh and it would also help if you opened your mouth a little wider when you speak. Not everypony understands hill-billy."

Applejack started frothing at the mouth and raised a hoof. Most likely to plant it right on my muzzle. Fortunately, or unfortunately, Sparkle Butt arrived.

"What's going on? I could here you two arguing from across the store?"

Applejack made sure to answer first, "Apollo here, seems to think we're in the wrong about how we treated the monster, and also seems to think you're not qualified to make medical assessments. And then he started talking in this weird mumbo-jumbo gobbledegook'."

"I see," Twilight said before she turned to me, "And what about you?"

"I was just telling her that what I pretty much told you, and that you're hypocritical in calling the creature a monster when you yourselves hardly behaved better chasing him around town, tying him up and bucking him in his stomach."

"If bucking the monster is what it took to subdue it-"

"The creature was bucked, by Applejack," I said firmly, looking at the mare in question, "After he was tied up to a post on her barn, ergo he had no way to defend himself."

"I'm sure it was necessary."

"So you advocate violence?"

"I don't have to answer myself to you," she replied firmly, scowling in the process, "Besides, I just thought I'd let you know, Princess Celestia is here."

She began to smirk, "And she's waiting outside to see you. Oh and stop talking in a language I can't understand, I want to be able to know what it is you're saying."

"Тогда отъебись и выучи русский!" (Togda ot"yebis' i vyuchi russkiy! - Fuck off and learn Russian then!)

"What did I just say?! Anyway, the Princess is waiting for you, and she doesn't look happy."

Applejack laughed, "Oh yer in real trouble now."

They both walked away, muttering amongst themselves guessing the punishment that would befall me.


Anyway, sod them; I have some shopping to do.

My shopping didn't take too long after that. It's surprising what one can achieve in a short amount of time when you don't have nosy, racist ponies following you around. I had just paid and was exiting the store when I saw a mass of ponies, including Sparkle Butt and her friends.

All of them.

I'll give you one guess which one had the smuggest of smug grins.

I'll give you a few clues, she's purple and she's a unicorn.

I trotted merrily over to where Princess Celestia herself was, and just to annoy Twilight; I didn't bow.

"Hey Princess, what brings you here?"

I didn't need to look at teacher's pet to know she was fuming with me for not bowing or speaking to Princess Celestia 'properly'. Twilight then looked up to the Princess, probably hoping I would be given a dressing down for failing to show etiquette.

She would be disappointed.

"Apollo, how are you; my little pony?"

She did it again. Calling me 'my little pony'.


Because she knows it pisses me off.

"I'm good."

"Are you settling in nicely into Ponyville?"

"Well enough. It'll be better once I get a house sorted out, and a workshop."

"I understand, hopefully you won't have to wait too long."

"That's good to hear."

Just then there was some 'coughing'.

Guess who it was.

Twilight was also motioning with her head towards me, trying to get me a telling off.

"Of course," the Princess replied, walking over to me, "Twilight tells me you were being disruptive in the library."

I looked past the Princess to see Twilight, and Applejack, looking smugger than ever.

"Technically we were in her lab."

"You see! This is what he's like. He gets all smart and clever with everypony," Twilight whined.

I rolled my eyes, unamused at her child-like whining. Seriously, how old is she?

Princess Celestia just giggled, much to Twilight's confusion, and walked over to me and teleported an item into view.

"Моя ушанка!" (Moya ushanka - My ushanka)

To say I was delighted would be an understatement. I bought it a few years ago in my home city of St Petersburg and on the front, rather than the Red Star, Hammer and Sickle of the former Soviet Union, was the Coat of Arms of Russia. I took it out of the Princesses' magic and into my own, putting it on my head.


"Отвали маленькая лошадка!" (Otvali malen'kaya loshadka - Piss off little horse)

I was really starting to get sick to the back teeth of Twilight. Who the hell is she to tell me I can't speak in my semi-native Russian? (English being my other semi-native language). I looked from Twilight up to the Princess, who had an eyebrow raised in a seemingly disapproving manner.

Did she understand me?

Anyway I looked back to Twilight.

"Я могу разговаривать на таком языке, на каком захочу!" (YA mogu razgovarivat' na takom yazyke, na kakom zakhochu - I can speak any language I want)

Responding in yet more Russian only seemed to further aggravate Twilight. From the looks of things, if she got any angrier I wouldn't have been surprised if she turned into Rapidash.

Or would Ponyta be more appropriate?

Rapidash has the horn but Ponyta is around the same size.

.....ah well, doesn't matter. Fortunately though, before Twilight spontaneously combusted, Princess Celestia intervened.

"My little ponies, please; don't argue amongst yourselves," she said before walking over to Twilight.

"My faithful student."

Twilight looked a little scared, almost like she was about to cry.

I'd find it rather cute if she wasn't like she was.

"Yes, Princess," she almost sobbed.

"I understand Apollo can be a little.....different from most ponies, but I assure you that he's just as friendly as yourself and your friends."

"But he doesn't want to be our friend, he won't even tell us anything about himself apart from his name and special talent."

"I understand your frustration Twilight, but you can't force anypony to reveal personal information if they do not wish to."

Twilight pouted, much to my delight, before the Princess began walking over to me with the same kind of look my mother would give me when I did something wrong in my early childhood.


"Yes Princess?"

"I understand and appreciate things are different where you come from, but please don't be intentionally hurtful to my subjects if they try to be friendly. I am not saying you must be friends with them, but please don't hurt their feelings."

"I would never do such a thing."

"Then why are you so rude to me?" asked Twilight, trotting up to me.

"Because I don't like you," I replied curtly.

Twilight reeled back as if I hit her. Her bottom lip began trembling before she ran away in the direction of her library.


Everypony looked at me with a scowl.

Even Princess Celestia.

"What did I just say?" she asked.

"You said don't be intentionally hurtful. I wasn't, I just said I don't like her."

The Princess sighed deeply, "But that was hurtful."

"No it wasn't. I mean for fucks sake! How pathetic are your subjects if they can't take a few barely-harsh words? It's little wonder your society has stagnated if none of you can take a little criticism."

Most of the ponies where open mouthed at the language I used, some parents putting their hooves in their foals ears.

Princess Celestia took in a deep breath before exhaling, "Apollo, I realise Equestrian society is less advanced technologically than your homeland, that is why I'm giving you a workshop so you can try to recreate what you are accustomed to, but please don't speak ill of my subjects like that."

"Fine, I suppose-"

I stopped talking for a moment when I realised what she said.

"I'm finally getting my workshop?"

The Princess nodded, "Along with a monthly stipend for tools, equipment, living expenses and so on. I am still ironing out the details but I should be finished in a few days."

"That is awesome! Where is the workshop?"

"On Canterlot Road here in Ponyville, you can't miss it; though it does need a little refurbishment, especially the living quarters. Some work-ponies are due to arrive in the next few days who will refurbish to your personal specifications."

"OK, well......I don't know what to say......thank you I guess."

"You're welcome......my little pony," she finished with a cheery smile.

I scowled at her again for calling me that.

She simply giggled and took to the air, "Farewell my little ponies."

She disappeared in a flash of light, leaving with me with the townsfolk.

Most of whom looked like they wanted to murder me if the looks on the faces was anything to go by. I ignored them and began to walk away, only to have the slack-jawed yokel join me again.

"Where are ya goin'?"

"Back to my hotel room to put my shopping away."

Damn nosy ponies.

"Can I come with you, if that's OK?"

I didn't need to be told whose timid voice that was.


Fluttershy soon caught up with me and matched my pace.

"You must be Fluttershy."

"Yes......it's nice to meet you," she replied timidly, "Are you OK?"

"More or less, the racist locals are still an issue but nothing I can't handle."

"We are not racist!" yelled Applejack.

I stopped walking and turned around to her, "Ponies living in Ponyville, who are welcoming to Ponies only, attacking anything or anyone that isn't a pony. Most of you are racist."

"Stop slanderin' us! Ponies of Ponyville are welcomin' to everypony."

"Everypony you are, but as I've said before, what about non-ponies? The creature the other week? Gilda? Zecora? What about them?"

Applejack huffed in annoyance, "Gilda was jus' lookin' fer trouble, Zecora was a misunderstanding and that monster from the other week attacked Rainbow Dash!"

"No he didn't AJ! How many times must I keep telling everypony?" Rainbow screamed in frustration.

"You got a concussion Dash, yer memory is all fuzzy!" Applejack countered.


I decided it would be the ideal time to hear Dash's side of things, especially in front of Applejack, as it would save tracking her down later.

"Could you tell me what happened?" I asked.

"Why do you want to know?" asked Applejack.

I decided to just ignore her and trotted up to Rainbow, "I'm interested in hearing your side of things, I've heard your friend's side."

"She doesn't have to answer to you," Applejack butted in.

"PISS OFF!" I yelled, turning around a looking fiercely at her.

Applejack stumbled back slightly, taken off guard by my sudden outburst.

She regained her footing and scowling expression, and stomped right up to me. Everypony was watching on, wondering what might happen next. She opened her mouth to speak but before her hill-billy nonsense could leave her squeal hole, I turned around back to Dash.

Bad move on my part. Before I could speak to Dash again, I felt myself flying through the air.

I landed several yards away with intense pain in my barrel.

The dumb country hick had bucked me again.

I winced in pain as I struggled to my hooves, tears also beginning to form in my eyes. I barely had the strength to stand and would have fallen back onto the floor had it not been for somepony catching me. Looking to see who was propping me up, I saw the multi-coloured mane and cyan fur of the one and only Rainbow Dash.

"Thanks," I said, still wincing in pain.

"No problem buddy. Sorry about Applejack though, she can be real stubborn at times."

"And violent."

"Don't worry about that. Fluttershy is giving her a talking to, and Pinkie is taking your shopping back to your hotel room."

"Thanks, I'm headed back there now."

"No you're not, you're going to the hospital to make sure Applejack didn't do serious damage."


"But nothing! We need to make sure you're OK."

"Fine," I sighed.

I didn't know if Dash knew who I really was, the Princess never said and I forgot to ask. I'd have to tread carefully just in case. Anyway, Dash began helping me walk, staying close by just in case I fell over again.

"Thanks Rainbow."

"No problem buddy."

Most of the townponies from earlier had dispersed, leaving just Dash and I. Meaning I could finally ask her without disruption.

"So Rainbow, what is your version of events regarding the creature."

Rainbow sighed deeply, and what looked like tears started to form in her eyes.

"It's all my fault," she said quietly.

"Your fault? What's your fault?"

"Had I not been flying so fast, had I decided not to show off by trying an awesome landing then maybe that creature would be here now. Instead he's Celestia knows where and Twilight and most of the town ponies think the creature is a monster that needs locking up."

"You're not at fault Rainbow."

"How would you know, you weren't there."

Do I tell her?

"So tell me what happened?"

"OK, so I was flying around the perimeter of the Everfree Forest when I saw the weird looking creature. At first I thought it was a monster but then I saw it was wearing clothes and looked a bit like a Minotaur, so I decided to go down and say 'hi' in spectacular awesome fashion by doing a back flip and landing on my hooves right in front of him."

"All was going well at that point?"

"Yeah, until the creature heard me. Even though I had less than a second to see his face, I saw fear. The next thing I knew I was out cold. I woke up a few days later in hospital and was told the creature attacked me. Whilst it was technically true; he didn't attack intentionally, it was out of fear. According to Fluttershy the creatures clothes were stained with sap from Timberwolves and other things from the Everfree Forest, as well as saying the creature was malnourished and dehydrated."

"Your friend must be good with non-pony creatures."

"She is, and as far as she's concerned, if he was repeatedly attacked and was malnourished and dehydrated from lack of food and water, his judgement would have been impaired and probably thought that I was another creature intent on attacking him."

"But Twilight and Applejack seem to think it was a brazen attack and even went out of their way to hurt it."

"I know.......Fluttershy told me what they did," Rainbow said, looking away in sadness, "If only I didn't try to show off."

"Don't say that Rainbow, the creature could have walked into Ponyville without meeting you and still be attacked by the locals."

"What makes you say that?"

"Ponyville has a reputation for being unwelcoming to outsiders.....even ponies."


I nodded, "Go on the streets of Canterlot, Manehatten, Fillydelphia, Vanhoover and so on and Ponyville is generally looked down upon for their xenophobic, racist attitudes."

Rainbow looked hurt by the news, "Are we really that bad?"

"That's just what I've heard in my time in those cities. Given how I've been treated since I got here.......you can't say they don't have a point."

"Well, I guess we'll just have to change everypony's attitude. We're at the hospital by the way."

"Thanks, you coming in?"

"Why? Need a big girl to hold your hoof?" she snickered.

I rolled my eyes, "Very funny."

"Sure I'll come in, I did witness what happened after all."

"I will be reporting the matter to the police by the way."

"I can understand that, Applejack will be pissed off though."

"She should have thought of that before assaulting me."

The two of us walked into the hospital entrance and up to the front desk, the stallion on duty looked up.

"Welcome to Ponyville, I'm Nurse Tender Care. How can I help you today?"

Rainbow spoke up for me, "Hey, my friend here was attacked and needs checking over, just to be sure there isn't damage."

The Nurse looked at me, "How and where were you attacked?"

"I was bucked by the hind legs of an overly aggressive farm pony on my barrel."

"Is there any pain now?"

"Yes, a fair amount. It hurts a little more when I walk."

"Hmmmm, I'll go and get your doctor. Who is it?"

"I'm not registered with any GP here, I just moved to Ponyville."

"OK," he replied before rummaging behind the desk for something. After a few seconds he put some forms on the desk.

"Fill these in while I find a doctor, is any doctor OK?"

"Yeah that's fine."

The nurse nodded and went away, leaving me to fill in the forms with Rainbow watching.

"How long will this take to fill out?" I asked.

"Not long, they just need your name, address, National Insurance number, age, gender and so on."

"Well I don't have an address yet."

"You can give them a correspondence address until you move into your workshop."

I nodded and filled the form in, which was surprisingly simple and straightforward. No sooner had I finished had the nurse returned with what I assumed was a Doctor.

"Greetings Mr Apollo, I'm Doctor Horse."

What is it with pony names?

"Nurse Tender Care has informed me of your condition, would you like to come to my room?"

"Sure, Rainbow can come as well, she saw what happened."

"Very well. If you'd follow me."

Rainbow and I followed him to his room and sat ourselves on the bed while he closed the door. He came over to us and immediately began with the questions.

"So, tell me again what the problem is?"

"Angry cowgirl bucked me hard in my barrel. There's pain and a little more when I move."

"I'd like to run a blood test if that's OK with you?"

"That's fine."

"Very well, if you could lie back on the bed while I fetch a nurse to assist. I won't be long."


The Doctor left the room, leaving me with Rainbow who had landed on the floor, clearing the bed allowing me to lie down.

"You OK?" asked Rainbow.

"A little queasy."

"Not surprising considering how hard Applejack bucked you. Do you think they'll do any other tests?"

"They might have me go through an x-ray."

"Will that find anything?"

"Probably not, x-rays only indicate internal bleeding."

We waited about a minute or so before the doctor and a nurse returned with her artificial vampire equipment.

"If you could hold up your left foreleg please," asked the nurse.

I did so and she set about putting the equipment in place and inserting the needle into my vein. Rainbow grimaced at the sight but I took it in my stride. I've had blood taken before, once after I collapsed in the kitchen after having a drink. Immediately after swallowing I couldn't breath and after about three seconds I passed out. I woke several seconds later to see myself on the floor and my dad helping me up.

I remember dreaming as well while I was out cold.

Anyway, later on I was having an ECG (electrocardiograph graph) test and blood taken.

Nothing was wrong fortunately, only the £40 taxi fare home.

Anyway I got the all clear that time.

After a few minutes the nurse took the blood filled tubes and took it over to the doctor. The doctor himself walked over to me.

"While the results are coming in I'd like to run a heart rate check, if that's OK?"

Uh oh.

This was bad.

Whilst I was turned into a pony I retained several human traits. Canine teeth, my ability to not give a shit......and a human heart rate.

Human heart rates are higher than horses. An average heart rate for a horse at rest is between 32-36 beats per minute. An average resting human heart rate is between 60-100 betas per minute.

The doctor would know straight away something was up, the only doctor who knew was the Princess' private physician.


"You don't have to," the doctor continued, "But it could help us in helping you."

I mulled over it for a few seconds.

"Come on buddy, I'm here if you need me," Rainbow added.

They'd probably find out eventually.......

I sighed deeply, "OK, go ahead."

The doctor took his stethoscope in his magic and levitated it towards me.

"If you could sit on your haunches and relax please."

I did as he asked and felt his stethoscope touch my fur, the seriousness of the situation preventing me from giggling at the ticklish touch.

"Hmmm, this can't be right," the doctor said.


He placed his stethoscope on his own chest and then back to where my heart is.

"Mr Apollo, do you have any pre-existing conditions?"

"I have an unusually high heart rate, it's never been a problem so I've never seen reason to see anypony about it."

"This is more than just unusually high Mr Apollo, your resting heart rate is almost twice that of the average pony."

"Whoah dude! Are you sure you're OK?" asked Dash, looking gravely concerned.

"Honestly, it's not a- *BLURGH*."

I unintentionally vomited all over the doctor's floor. And it wasn't sick either.

It was blood.

"That settles it, you're staying here until we can work out what's wrong with you."


"No but's Mr Apollo, something is seriously wrong with you and we must find out what."

"I refuse medical treatment."

"Dude, don't be an idiot!" Rainbow said fiercely, "You need medical attention!"

"But I don't want everyone....I mean everypony knowing-"

I stopped myself before I made anymore vocal slip-ups.

"Knowing what?" asked Rainbow, "If this is about what's just happened then you have nothing to worry about. I won't say anything and neither will the nurse or doctor."


"But what?" Rainbow asked.

I slumped down on my haunches again, knowing there was little I could do to get away.

"Mr Apollo, if there is internal bleeding and you don't permit us to treat you, your body may lose enough circulating red blood cells to compromise oxygen delivery to cells your body, causing your organs to fail which could result in your death."

"Fine," I said quietly, "I'll stay."

Rainbow, the doctor and nurse all looked relieved to hear that.

"If you follow the nurse, she'll show you to a bed. We'll set up the scanning equipment as soon as possible."

"Sure," I replied before turning to Rainbow, "What about you Dash, what are you doing now?"

"I'm not leaving until I see you in bed."

"That's not necessary, I said I will stay."

"I know, I'm just hanging around just to be sure."

I slowly got off the bed and stepped onto the floor, avoiding the pool of my blood vomit. As soon as all four hooves were on the floor, I began to feel dizzy; fortunately, I felt the doctor's magic envelope me.

"I'll take him to the bed nurse, if you can run ahead to open the doors."

"Of course doctor."

I didn't bother objecting to the doctor carrying me, the abdominal pain was too great. Just like the first time Applejack kicked me there.

After a couple of minutes I was placed gently in a soft, comfy bed in a private room, and had the quilt draped over me.

"Get plenty of rest Mr Apollo, and don't worry; you're in good hooves," the doctor said.

"I'll see you around buddy, do you want me to tell the others you're here?"

I nodded, "Yeah please. I don't want visits from Applejack or Twilight though."

"Sure, what about Pinkie?"

"She can only come if she doesn't get too 'Pinkie', if you get what I mean."

"Yeah, I get ya. See you around buddy."

Rainbow flew away, leaving me with the doctor and nurse.

"I'll make sure Miss Applejack and Miss Twilight are added to the blocked list for you. I assume it was Miss Applejack who assaulted you?"

I nodded.

"I'll need to inform the police. If you excuse me Mr Apollo, I'll see to that while the nurse sets up the scanning equipment. Hopefully you won't be waiting too long."

The doctor and nurse left the room leaving me alone, giving me plenty of time to wonder how long it would be before they worked out what I am. Or who I was. I got the feeling I would need to tell Rainbow, much sooner than I planned, if I ever planned to tell her at all.

I could only imagine the looks on the faces of Applejack and Twilight when they eventually find out who I am.


Meanwhile at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was bucking some trees. It had been about an hour or so since the incident with Apollo, and the farm pony showed no remorse over her actions.

"Stupid bucking idiot, who does he think he is talkin' to me like that?" she moaned to herself, "He talks to me like that again I'll buck 'im even harder!"

Just then she heard somepony harrumphing.

She turned around, assuming it was Apollo, ready to yell at him and demand an apology for how he behaved towards her earlier, both in the town square and in Barnyard Bargains.

Her angry glare was wiped off when she saw three uniformed police officers approach.

"Miss Applejack?" the centre officer asked.


"I am Sergeant Long Arm, I am placing you under arrest for grievous bodily harm of the unicorn by the name of Apollo. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence."

He motioned to his constables to approach Applejack.

"Now jus' wait one apple buckin' minute!"

"Unless you wish to add breaching section 5 of the Public Order Act and resisting arrest then be quiet and comply with my officers."

Applejack did as she was told (for once) and was put in hoof cuffs by the officers. The sergeant approached them, "Bring her to the cart, we'll take her to Canterlot."

He then turned to Applejack, "You'll be seeing the magistrate tomorrow, maybe the day after."

"You can't do this!"

"Yes I can, I'm an officer of the law, and you, according to multiple witnesses, have broken the law. We even heard you just now saying how you'll 'buck him even harder next time'."

"I hardly ever touched him."

"The stallion in question is in hospital with internal bleeding.....and you have just confessed to the crime."

"So what, you can't prove I said it."

"Actually we can, you see these crystals on our chest armour? They record everything we see and do."

Applejack only had one word as the implications of her actions dawned on her.


Author's Note:

Do you think I should add a comedy tag?

Again, I don't know how accurate the Russian translations are.

Also, the bit about passing out? That actually happened to me. Including the £40 taxi fare (I left the hospital at midnight). https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/560693/i-treasure-your-love-update

I have a Patreon account and it's been a big help. My Patreon Donors (very nice, generous people) are listed below:

Andrew Adams

If you wish to become a donor as well you can become one by going here.