• Published 24th Jun 2017
  • 5,786 Views, 323 Comments

Trojan Pony - Hawker Hurricane

History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.

  • ...

Chapter - 4 - Visitors



Celestia had just left the town centre having spoken to Apollo, teleporting in front of Twilight's library. She had witnessed an argument between Apollo and Twilight which resulted in Twilight running away in tears, upset by what Apollo said to her. Whilst he didn't intend to upset her, she was none the less disappointed by his lack of tact.

She understood his anger towards some of her subjects considering what some of them did, and why he was reluctant to befriend them; but she remained hopeful that one day they could all put their differences aside and embrace mutual friendship.

Celestia approached the door and knocked. After a few seconds the door opened, but Celestia saw not her faithful student, but her number one assistant.

"Princess Celestia!"

"Hello Spike," she said with a smile, "May I come in?"


The drake stood aside and allowed the Princess to enter. He closed the door and ran in front of Celestia.

"Is this about Twilight?"

Celestia nodded, "Yes."

"She ran into the library and ran straight up to her room, crying."

"May I go up to her?" asked Celestia.


"Thank you Spike, you are a most excellent assistant."

Spike gushed at the praise and stood aside, allowing Celestia to go upstairs. As she got to the top of the stairs, she could hear the sobs of her student. She quietly approached her bedroom door and slowly opened it.


Entering the room she could see Twilight laid on on the bed, her forelegs wrapped around a pillow of which her face was buried in. And sobbing into.

"Twilight?" Celestia repeated softly, gently shaking her with a hoof.

Twilight lifted her head, "Princess?"

"Yes Twilight, it's me."

Twilight dried the tears fro her eyes and looked up to her mentor, "Princess, why does Apollo hate me?"

Celestia sighed deeply. She had a very good idea why Apollo hated her student, a feeling she hoped wouldn't fester and consume him.

"Twilight, please understand that Apollo has been forced out of his home and has no-pony he can call family. I do not believe he hates you, but is merely angry about his situation."

"But why is he taking it out on me? What did I ever do to him?" she sobbed, more tears falling.

Celestia knew what she had done, but per a request from Apollo; she didn't immediately admonish Twilight and instead acquiesced to Apollo's idea, believing it would teach Twilight and the other residents of Ponyville a valuable lesson, and help Apollo integrate into Equestrian society and see it's not at all like he believes it is.

"I do not believe I am the pony to tell you Twilight."

Twilight hopped down from the bed, landing on her hooves, "But I assume you're telling me Apollo is?"

Celestia nodded, "Yes. If you truly wish to become friends with him, then talk to him. Try to find out what his interests are, ask him about his homeland, or even the language he speaks."

"He won't ever tell me how to speak that language, whatever it is."

"Have you asked him?"


"Then how do you know?"

"I suppose I could try," she replied before sighing tiredly, "I guess I've been a little antagonistic towards him."

"For what reason?" asked Celestia in a calm manner.

"I told him about the monster attack a few weeks ago. He seems to think we're in the wrong for how we treated it and that we misunderstood the situation and overreacted."

"And you think it is Apollo that misunderstands?"

"Yes. He wasn't there so how could he know?"

Celestia didn't reply to the rhetorical question, instead allowing Twilight to continue speaking.

"Speaking of the monster, have you heard any more about it?"

Celestia badly wanted to tell Twilight the truth, but her promise to Apollo prevented her.

"There have been no more sightings of the creature you describe, and no reports of disturbances."

"How can that be though? The monster attacked Rainbow Dash, it's a violent creature that needs to be locked away so it can't hurt anypony."

Celestia was quite surprised to hear this in person. She had truly believed that the ponies who helped Apollo had been exaggerating when they sent her their reports keeping her updated on the situation in Ponyville. She knew all to well that in the past that Twilight had a very narrow view on things, and thought such a mindset no longer existed when she began her studies in Ponyville.

Before she could reply to Twilight, the door downstairs burst open. Startling both Twilight and Celestia, the both heard the hard stomping of hooves pound up the stairs and to the room they occupied. The door opened revealing one of Celestia's guards.

"Beg pardon ma'am, but an incident has occurred in the town square."

"What happened?"

"The unicorn Apollo was assaulted by the Element of Honesty."

"WHAT?!" screamed Twilight, accidentally startling both the guard and Celestia.

"The Element of Honesty bucked Apollo in his abdomen. He was last seen being taken to the hospital by the Element of Loyalty."

Celestia resisted the urge to facehoof.

"Where is the Element of Honesty now?"

"She was seen returning to her farm. Police officers are already on their way to arrest her."

"WHAT?!" Twilight screamed again, and again startling the guard and Celestia.

"Twilight please stop screaming like that," Celestia asked politely.

"Sorry Princess," Twilight replied, blushing a little in embarrassment, "I was just surprised to hear that."

Celestia turned back to her guard, "Ready my chariot, I'll be returning to Canterlot at once."

"Yes ma'am," replied the guard, who promptly left.

"Princess, are you not doing anything to help Applejack?"

"I cannot, my faithful student."

"But why?" Twilight asked, clearly worried for her friend.

"Twilight, I understand your feelings, but if I get personally involved it would create a conflict of interest."

"Is there anything you can do?" Twilight asked in increasing desperation.

"I'm afraid not, but Apollo has the right to drop charges as he is the one who was assaulted."

Twilight sighed dejectedly, "I can't see him doing that."

Celestia smiled and gently placed a hoof under Twilight's chin, gently pulling her face upwards, "Twilight, do not despair. I'm sure if you talk to Apollo you may find a way to convince him to drop charges against Applejack."

Celestia removed her hoof and watched as her student mulled over her words.

"I suppose," Twilight started, "Well, when he was in my lab yesterday he showed interested in the items we found on the monster, I suppose I could offer him them in return for dropping charges against Applejack."

"It's possible, but I advise against referring to the creature as a monster."

"But why?"

"Apollo has shown great agitation to such a description. Angering him will not get you the result you desire."

"I suppose so. Sorry Princess, it's just that my friend got hurt by......whatever it was."

"I understand your worry Twilight, but please don't allow your anger cloud your judgement on the matter."

"I won't."

"Excellent. Anyway, I must leave now. Goodbye my faithful student."

"Goodbye Princess," Twilight replied, giving her mentor a hug.

Celestia left the room, leaving Twilight alone for all of a few seconds before Spike came running in.

"Hey Twi, you OK?"

"I'm OK Spike."

"Great, are you hungry? I feel like having some pancakes."

A small smile formed on Twilight's lips, "That sounds great Spike, are you having syrup with yours?"

"When do I not?"

Twilight giggled, "Hey Spike, can I ask you something?"


"Do you......do you think we were wrong with how we treat the mons.......creature a few weeks ago?"

Spike began shifting around uncomfortably on his feet and nervously playing with his tail.

"Errrrrrr, maybe?"

"Please Spike, I promise I won't be mad."

Spike didn't immediately answer and spent a few more seconds nervously shifting around. A gentle hoof on his shoulder helped ease his nerves.

"OK," he replied, smiling at Twilight's reassuring care, "I think ponies in this town overreacted and didn't let the creature explain himself. Every time he tried to speak he got something thrown at him, until Applejack gagged him."

"But it attacked Rainbow Dash!"

"Maybe, but according to Rainbow and Fluttershy, the attack was more out of fear and delirium due to being attacked repeatedly by Timbervolves, and not having enough food and water."

Twilight had heard those arguments from the ponies in question themselves.

"Rainbow Dash had a concussion, it could have affected her memory."

"She got the all clear from the doctor."


"Twilight, I know this has upset you, but it's like you're looking for any reason to avoid accepting you may be wrong about the creature."

"Is that what you really think?" she asked, close to tears again.

Spike nodded meekly. He didn't want to upset his adoptive big sister, but on the same token he could never lie to her.

Twilight's head, and heart sank. Even her number one assistant and little brother believed she was in the wrong.

Concerned for his adoptive big sister, he gently lifted her head up, "Don't get down about it Twi, everypony makes mistakes. Maybe one day you'll see the creature again."

"Maybe, though I don't know how I'd react."

"You could always get him to show you what those items are."

"Maybe, but I doubt he'd want to show himself in Ponyville again."

"You called the creature 'he', not an 'it'."

Twilight smiled, "Yeah, I suppose it's the polite thing to do. Now, about those pancakes?"

"Way ahead of you Twi."


I had just left the scanning room having had Doctor Horse and other unicorn nurses perform a CT-like scan on my body, and was being wheeled back to my room whilst the doctors and nurses examined the results.

I still wasn't sure what to tell them about my unusual-for-ponies heart rate, blood pressure and what not. Maybe I could tell them it's natural for ponies where I come from, but then they'd ask about my homeland and one lie would lead to another.

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

I decided that I'd tell them the truth up to a point, though considering doctor/patient confidentiality I could, and probably should tell him the entire truth. I already have a medical file in this world that states my transformation, so it's not like he wouldn't be able to access it.

Before I could mull over a decision any longer, the door opened.

"Mr Apollo, we have your results," Doctor Horse said.

"That was quick."

"We pride ourselves on efficiency. Anyway would you like to hear your results?"

"Go ahead."

Doctor Horse levitated out the scan and held them up to the light.

"As you can see, what is most startling is your slightly different anatomy. For starters, your stomach is uniform and not bi-sectional, and larger than a pony's, you also have a gall bladder, canine teeth and earlier on my room, displayed retroperistalsis."


Damn and damn again.

What he's done is explain some of the differences between humans and horses.

Speaking of which, can ponies in this world breath through their mouths?

"Also, about your heart. Not only is your resting heart rate higher than a pony, there are also differences in the way your heart contracts the cardiac muscle fibres."

The doctor went off describing the the differences between a pony heart and my heart. I didn't really understand anything he said, all the medical lingo going over my head. I just did the polite thing by nodding occasionally, at least giving the impression I understood.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"Yes," the doctor replied, pointing to the pictures with a pointing stick, "You have glands that release acids to break down food while ponies don't, and your cecum is non-functional, it only being a part of your large intestine seemingly without a purpose."

I breathed deeply through my nose. It seemed I had little choice but to tell him the truth.

"It's called an appendix."

"I'm sorry?" asked the doctor.

"My non-functioning cecum, it's called an appendix."

"Is it normal for ponies where you're from?"


Normal for humans though.

"Are you saying you have birth defects?"


"Then what are you saying?"

I sighed deeply. This is it, the moment of truth.

"Do you remember that creature from a few weeks back?"

"That bipedal primate?"

"..........that was me."

The doctor blinked, "Come again?"

"That bipedal primate, called a human, was me."

"Y-y-you w-were that.....human?" the doctor spluttered, not dismissing my crazy sounding claim.

"Yes, but before you scream and run for the hills....please hear me out."

The doctor shakily nodded.

"Thank you. Yes that was me, but I did NOT attack Rainbow. I originally appeared in the Everfree Forest, though I didn't know that at the time. I had no idea where I was so I just picked a random direction and began walking, only to repeatedly get attacked by Timberwolves. I managed to keep fighting them off but every time they came back there seemed to be more of them."

"How did you fight them?"

"With my fists. It's all I could use to fight back."

"Fluttershy said you were malnourished and dehydrated."

I laughed, "Yeah, only after did I safely get out of Ponyville did I remember I had food and drink in my bags."

"Why did you not have them in the forest then?"

"I guess I was too occupied keeping a lookout for TImberwolves."


"What now though?" I asked, "What are you going to do?"

"That depends?"

"On what?"

"Does Princess Celestia know who you are?"

"She was the one who transformed me into a pony."

"Why did she do that?"

I looked away from the doctor, feeling ashamed for my decision, "Because I asked her to."

"Why would you do that?" asked the bewildered doctor.

"After telling the Princess what happened, she informed me that without knowing how I got to Equestria, it would be very difficult in working out how to send me home. The reason I chose to be a pony was because I didn't want a repeat of what happened in Ponyville, I felt that becoming a pony was the only way I'd be able to live a somewhat peaceful life. Considering I'm in hospital after being assaulted, it seems I was wrong."

The doctor just stood there, absorbing everything I was telling him.

"If the Princess transformed you into a pony, why are your internal organs and vitals not that of a pony."

"I'm not sure, but my vitals are what's normal for a human, including my internal organs such as my uniform stomach and lack of a caecum."

"About your lack of a cecum and presence of canine teeth, am I right to assume your are an omnivore?"

"Yes, so to answer your next question I need to eat meat to remain healthy."

"I understand, but don't worry; I won't judge you for your dietary requirements. Have you been getting meat since you transformed?"

"Yeah, though I was reluctant to have anything from a cow at first. In my world, humans are the only sapient beings; so hearing a cow talk when in my world they're just animals......"

The doctor chuckled, "I can imagine how shocking that must have been."

"Yeah, it took a bit of talking to convince me they were OK with having their dead carcasses chopped up and eaten by carnivorous creatures."

"Most cows do sign up to that, their reasoning being their dead bodies would rot away anyway, so why not put their dead bodies to good use."

"A bit like organ donation."

"Exactly, though like organ donation, you need to wait until they die."

"That's a morbid statement if ever there was one."

"Indeed, now about your injury."

"Yes, how long do I have doc?"

The doctor rolled his eyes, "I'm very sorry to tell you Mr Apollo that with your injuries, you have around 120 years to live."

"Damn, it's really that bad?"

"I'm afraid so," he replied with mock sadness, "It seems there's no internal bleeding or damage to your organs."

"Oh good, I still vomited on your floor though."

"Yes, I must say it's an odd sight to see a pony vomit."

"There's a first time for everything."

"Indeed, anyway we would like to keep you in overnight just in case."

"OK, would it be possible to get something to eat?"

"Of course, I'd recommend the vegetable soup."

"I'll have that then, and a cup of tea as well if that's OK."

"Certainly, I'll go and inform the kitchen. I'll be back later to check up on you."

"Sure, see you around Doctor."

The doctor left and closed the door, giving me a bit of privacy. Because of Equestria's lack of technological advancement, there wasn't a TV I could watch re-runs of 80's and 90's TV game shows on. There wasn't a radio either. Only newspapers were available, so with nothing better to do I picked one up with my magic, the Manehatten Times, and began reading.

It's certainly a wordy newspaper, not like certain tabloids that are more pictures and adverts than actual words.

I wasn't reading long before there was a knock at the door.


The door opened and in walked a nurse, pushing a trolley. The approached the side of my bed, levitated the tray table up to me and placed what was obviously my food on the table. They removed the lid revealing my vegetable soup and crusty baguette, along with my cup of tea.

"Here you are sir, enjoy."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome sir."

The nurse left me with my food, only to be soon joined by the doctor, Fluttershy and Rarity.

"Sorry to disturb you again so soon, but these mares wished to see you."

"Let them in," I said.

I'd rather not have visitors but seeing as Fluttershy knew of my situation, I saw no reason to send her away. I don't know if Rarity knew, but decided against saying anything regardless. Whilst she didn't chase or attack me when I was human, she didn't exactly help me either.

And I couldn't determine how she'd react. From what I've heard she could be quite.....dramatic at times.

"How are you feeling?" asked Fluttershy, sitting on a chair beside the bed, along with Rarity.

"A little rough still, I'll probably feel better after my eating my soup."

"Oh no! Did we come at a bad time?" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

"No no, a bit of company might do me good right now."

That wasn't entirely true, but I saw no reason to be rude to either of them.

"So, what can I do for you ladies?"

"Well we just wanted to see if you were OK," Fluttershy replied.

"I've felt better. What's happened to your slack jawed yokel friend?"

The pair looked a little uneasy at each other, probably uncomfortable with me referring to their stupid friend like that.

"She...." Rarity started, "She was er.......arrested."

I tried. I really really tried.

But I just couldn't help it.

I burst into the most hearty belly laugh that could curl your hair. I clutched my sides I was laughing so much. While laughing, I managed to catch a glimpse of the two mares, neither of which looked amused at my jocular reaction.

"Have you finished?" Rarity asked with a hint of venom.

"Sorry," I snickered, "But hearing that Flapjack got arrested was too much."

"Applejack," Rarity replied, "Her name is Applejack. I know you don't like her, admittedly for viable reasons, but please call her by her proper name."


Rarity looked at me a little pissed, and she looked like she was about to say something when Fluttershy butted in.

"Apollo, please don't talk to Rarity like that."

I sighed, "Sorry Fluttershy."

"That's OK," she replied, smiling sweetly.

"So, what do you girls want to talk about?"

"Maybe you could tell us a little about your home; if you want to, that is," Fluttershy suggested, hiding behind her mane.

"Sure, what do you want to know?"

"What is your home called?" she asked.

"Well, I was born in a city called St Petersburg; a city in the Russian Federation. Or Russia for short."

"Is it like Equestria?"

I shook my head, "There's a few similarities, but for the most part, Russia is nothing like Equestria. For starters as you've already heard, we have a different language."

"Yes we've heard it," Rarity replied, "It certainly is a most unusual language. Do you think you could teach us how to speak it?"

"Maybe, but Russian is quite difficult for native speakers of Equestrian. What with the grammar and the larger number of letters. Equestrian has 26 letters whereas Russian has 33, and Russian script while having some similar looking letters, are pronounced differently; and then there's letters that look out of this world."

The mares giggled, not realising how literal I was actually being.

"Anything else you want to know?" I asked, "What the weather's like maybe?"

"Is it like Equestria?" asked Fluttershy.

I shook my head and laughed, "Мой Бог Нет!" (Moy Bog Nyet! Good God no!)

"What do you mean by that?" asked Rarity.

"What I mean is Equestria is vastly smaller than Russia. Yes you have desert to the south and a freezing wilderness to the north, but they pale in comparison to Russia. Equestria is a mere 200,000 square miles in size, Russia is over 6.5 million square miles."

Rarity and Fluttershy were shocked to the cores and their mouths resembling a cod fish.

"S-s-s-x and a h-half m-million," Rarity mumbled quietly.

"Yep, given her enormous size the climate varies wildly but it's mostly a humid continental climate. In my birth city of St Petersburg, summers would average around 20 degrees Celsius, whereas winters would average around -10 Celsius. It's even gone as low as -35 before."

"That's colder than the Crystal Empire!" Rarity screeched, "How do you ponies survive?"

"We're Russians. It's normal for us."

"Haven't your weather ponies ever thought about making it less cold?" Fluttershy asked.

"What?" I asked, completely confused at the question.

"Your weather ponies," Fluttershy repeated, "Couldn't they have made things less cold?"

"What do you mean 'make things less cold'? We have no control over the weather."

The two mares gasped in shock.

"You mean it's like the Everfree Forest?!" they both said at the same time.

"The weather does it's own thing in Russia, why? Do you actually control the weather here?"

"Yes, how else would the weather change?" Fluttershy said, as if it their way was the only one known to them.

"Let it do it's own thing?" I suggested, "Next you'll be telling me even your animals need to be looked after and told when to hibernate."

The two mares looked at each other and then back to me.

"The animals do need our help," Fluttershy said.

I said nothing for a few seconds, instead just blinking as the stupidity of what I just heard sunk in.

"Are your animals retarded?"

Well that could have gone better. As soon as I asked that question Fluttershy burst into tears and ran out of the room. Rarity followed her but not before she gave me a piercing glare, calling me a 'brute', and then promising I would regret making Fluttershy cry.

Thinking back I could have worded the question better.

It sounded like I was referring to Fluttershy's animals specifically, not Equestria's animals as a whole.

Who are retarded.

On a positive note I did at least get to finish my soup before it went cold.

Just in time though when I received a knock at the door.

"Visiting hours are over!" I yelled back.

The door opened regardless.

"I said visiting hours are over so why don't you fu-"

I stopped myself when I saw who was standing there, scowling fiercely at me.

"Why don't I what...

...my little pony?"

Author's Note:

I was going to make this chapter longer, but thought leaving it where it ended was a good cliffhanger.

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