• Published 30th Jun 2017
  • 1,164 Views, 28 Comments

Sun Salutation - Twinkletail

Celestia chronicles her interactions with her new yoga instructor, Tree Hugger, in her journal.

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June 14th

Dear Journal,

What a day.

After raising the sun, I delayed my usual breakfast a bit, knowing that Tree Hugger would be here nice and early and wishing to share it with her. She was a little later than I expected, and my belly was rebelling against the delay, but it was worth the wait. The dress she chose for the party was so simple, and yet it worked perfectly for her. Not everypony needs to dress in decadence to look lovely, and she was quite a sight. And she seemed to like the work I put into my appearance. She even said I looked "far out!" My word, it's been a while since I've heard that phrase. She has such an interesting vernacular, and when combined with her calm, gentle tone, I could listen to her talk all day.

Unfortunately, the troubles started immediately after breakfast. I mentioned in yesterday's entry that I felt like I was forgetting something and suggested that it probably wasn't important. As it turned out, I was quite wrong about that. The "not important" part, not the "forgetting something" part. Tree and I–Tree is the best I could come up with for a nickname for her...my nicknaming could use some work–headed down to the banquet hall, expecting to see everything set up for the party. As it turned out, we did see that. What we also saw, and what I did not expect to see, were the tables with various origami structures planted right in the middle of everything.

Somehow, I managed to not connect the dots and realize that the 14th, the day that the winners of the COE would be here, happened to be the same day that I'd planned this party. If I could only choose one symptom of the stress I've been under to rid myself of completely, it would be the whole "forgetting things" rigamarole.

I could already feel the tension and worry start to build, but I had to keep it together, not only for general public appearance but for Tree. I was certain that she would take it as an affront to her efforts with me if I were to break down. With all she did for me already, I didn't want to make her think her efforts were fruitless, so I did my best to keep a relaxed smile on my face. The fact that the folders had left many of their creations all over the decorations I'd arranged for the party was not helping manners.

I tried to gently and respectfully explain to the folders that today was not exactly the best day for our brunch, but they were rather averse to the idea of rescheduling. The winners' brunch was always the Saturday after the expo, they were sure to tell me. I should have realized that ponies who were so meticulous about their papercrafts were likely to be equally meticulous about other things, such as scheduling and adhering to tradition. A helpful little smile from Tree reminded me of her breathing techniques, and I was sure to employ them to calm myself down. Once I was relaxed, I knew that I could make this work.

And that was when the yaks and griffons showed up.

There was a brief shoving match as Prince Rutherford and Ambassador Gilda attempted to both enter the banquet hall at the same time. Yaks may be a good deal larger than griffons, but griffons are a rather scrappy sort, as was evident by the fact that Rutherford did not immediately bowl Gilda over. This, of course, led to an all-out argument between the two sides. Things were already going so poorly, but I could not and would not break. It took quite a bit of talking, and quite a lot of Tree's breathing techniques between bouts of talking, but I was eventually able to calm the two sides down. I was going to attempt to coax some apologies out of both sides, but I am an alicorn Princess, not a miracle worker.

As it turned out, things only stayed calm for a scant few minutes. Both sides had questions as to why there was a random group of ponies also in attendance, but neither had any manner of real problem with it. What they did have a problem with was the smattering of origami sculptures around the room, particularly on the decorations I'd set out. Rutherford and the yaks were quick to anger over the fact that origami most certainly did not fit into their typical decor, and Gilda and the griffons were infuriated over the disrespect of their past monarchs by decorating them in papercraft. And of course, when asked to move their works, the folders got offended as well, stating that COE winners are always allowed to decorate for their brunch as they see fit.

I guess Tree could sense that I was starting to lose my cool, because I felt her hoof on my side. That little gesture was enough to bring me down from the edge, and I did my best to try and mediate things between all three sides. It was just then that Luna and Apollo entered the hall. As much as I adored my dress, I had to admit to myself that the one Luna chose was even more resplendent. As much of a hit to my ego as that was, I found myself more relieved that I had my sister here to back me up and help set things in order. As with everything else, though, this didn't go according to plan. Luna, rather engaged in making herself look good to Apollo, took one look at the papercraft around the room and immediately questioned why such things had been placed to sully the multicultural presence.

And that set everything off. The folders immediately became offended and began protesting their rights to decorate once more. The yaks and griffons, now bolstered by Luna's words, flocked upon the paper crafts, hurling whatever they could grab to the ground and angering the folders even more. I was almost able to appreciate the fact that the two sides were able to find common ground and work together, but that went right out the window when one of the yaks accidentally (at least I assume it was accidentally) knocked a statue of King Grover to the ground. Gilda was the first to notice, and apparently this was the greatest offense ever inflicted upon her. She responded by wrecking one of the piles of things I left for the yaks to stomp when they so desired. This upset the yaks greatly, which made no sense to me since those things were there to wreck anyway. And then all pandemonium broke loose. I tried to calm things down, as did Luna, but all three sides were beyond control. I cast a look down towards Tree, and she looked back up at me with the most unsure look I'd ever seen on her face. That look was my breaking point, and I quickly excused myself for what I claimed was a quick powder.

The second I closed that bathroom door, I broke down. It had been ages since I'd had a good cry, but things going so utterly wrong when I needed them to go right, and that stacked with not only the other stressful things I'd been dealing with, but the fact that this had all happened in front of Tree...it was just too much for me. Yes, I am an alicorn Princess, known for keeping order and being calm in the face of adversity, but I am a pony too, and one pony can only take so much.

I'm not sure exactly how long I was in there, but it wasn't terribly long before I felt a hoof in my mane. Tree had come in to check on me. I didn't want her to see me like that and see that her attempts to reduce my stress had been for naught, and yet there she was. My shame only grew, but instead of getting upset at her apparent failure, she simply sat by me and continued to stroke my mane. Her patience with me was just...stunning. She told me that she and Luna managed to calm the three groups down while I was gone, and that everything was fine now. I attempted to apologize for not employing her stress-saving techniques and losing my cool, but she told me that most ponies would have cracked sooner under that kind of stress, and that she was "like, totally proud of me" for holding up as long as I did.

And then it was time for the Princess of Impulse Decisions to make her return. I guess the touching nature of what she said, combined with how wonderful she made me feel about myself, how much she seemed to just get me, and maybe a bit of how nice she looked made for a rather potent combination, because before I knew it, I had leaned in and kissed her. It was certainly not part of the plan I had for the party, and I pulled away rather quickly after doing so. Tree looked shocked, which was an expression I hadn't yet seen on her face, and I nearly started to worry once again that I might have ruined everything. Those worries were quickly quelled as Tree's calm smile returned.

"Far out," she said. And it was far out, indeed.

I'm sure other things happened after that, but I must admit that most of my focus was taken away for a fair portion of it.

What a day. What a wonderful day.
