• Published 30th Jun 2017
  • 1,166 Views, 28 Comments

Sun Salutation - Twinkletail

Celestia chronicles her interactions with her new yoga instructor, Tree Hugger, in her journal.

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June 13th

Dear Journal,

First off, I would like to apologize for my incredibly brief entry last night. I didn't even remember to sign my name at the end! Goodness, I was in quite the state.

I suppose I was just elated that I hadn't ruined my new friendship with Tree Hugger and that I wouldn't be going to the party tomorrow alone while my sister was bringing a date. Granted, there is nothing wrong with going solo to a party. I've certainly done so plenty of times. I suppose it was partially jealousy over my sister finding somepony that fueled my desire to not go stag this time. And perhaps a bit of loneliness too. As I've said before, ponies often seem to feel like it's hard to get close to me. I truly wish that wasn't the case. I try to appear approachable, and it's worked for the most part, but being approachable as a leader and friend is an entirely different animal from being approachable physically and romantically.

And that is not to say that I'm approaching this whole thing from a purely romantic standpoint. I've not yet decided if that's exactly what I want. Tree Hugger is a very nice pony with a refreshingly peaceful outlook on life. She sees me as a pony, not just a Princess. She's got a rough, rugged attractiveness to her, and my goodness is she flexible...

Calm down, Celestia. You're fawning.

My main goal for this is to foster more of a friendship with Tree Hugger. If she and I decide that we want more from this, then we shall see what happens from there, but the main focus–other than creating an enjoyable environment for the yaks and griffons, of course–is making sure she has a good time. We'll worry about moving things along down a more romantic road if it comes to that. And that is strictly an if. If she's not looking for that, then I won't try to force anything she's not interested in. If I am even interested. I'm not yet certain.

I spent most of today preparing for the party, and if I may be slightly self-indulgent (and I may, as this is my journal and I make the rules :) ) I think I've done a rather terrific job of it. Pinkie Pie would be proud of the arrangements, if I do say so myself. The decorations for the yaks are yaklike enough to instill a feeling of home, yet unique enough to avoid the feeling of trying too hard. The griffons seem to appreciate things that recognize their history, so I made sure to include statues of their past monarchs to show our appreciation for their culture.

It's a tiny bit embarrassing to admit, but I spent a fair bit of time today primping myself up for the party as well. I normally try to present myself as best I can for events like this, but now that I actually have a plus one, I need to make sure I look my absolute best. Tree Hugger will have the most resplendent date at the party if I have any say in it. And I've heard Luna is dressing to the nines for Apollo. I love my dear sister with all my heart, but the sun does shine brightest, and I must live up to that. I even had my mane done! That is a rare occasion for me. It's not so much a resistance to having it done; it's just difficult. I mean, how many ponies have a mane that constantly moves on its own?

Tonight was Tree Hugger's other day off, but I did my best to meditate and work on my stretches on my own time. I'm still not as bendy as she is, but I think I'm actually getting closer.

She is very bendy.

...Head out of the gutter, Celestia.

Tomorrow is going to be a wonderful day. I can tell from now, and I'll make sure to update tomorrow night on how it all went. I can't seem to shake the feeling that I am forgetting something, but if it's not coming to mind, it probably isn't very important.
