• Published 3rd Jul 2017
  • 7,837 Views, 205 Comments

Spike's custody - Kaliann25

A day like any other, Cheerilee realizes Spike's condition as the Mane-6`s servant, and she won't stay there watching. With a legal process against Twilight, Spike is taken away from her and given the chance to have a real childhood.

  • ...

And it finally came, the day of the hearing; the circle closed

And it finally came, the day of the hearing; the circle closed

That Friday morning was sunny and beautiful, with a warm breeze blowing around; a clear sign that whatever happens, it would be a good day. Maybe the events of the day would be a little sad, but at least all the hard feelings between the Sparkle family have finally been left in the past. And they all had clear that everything would be for the well-being of the youngest of the Sparkles.
Princess Celestia, Cheerilee, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Shining Armor, Twilight and of course Spike were reunited in the family court waiting for the judge to attend them.

Twilight’s friends were also there, but waiting outside of the building since the hearing was private.

And finally the door opened and a secretary indicated them they can go in. so the family followed by Princess Celestia and Cheerilee entered to the small court-room.

“Okay, please take a seat” said the judge.

They all obeyed as he began to check on the documents of the case.

“So we’re all here to discuss the matter of the custody for the minor Spike Sparkle who only until three weeks ago have been living with his older sister Twilight Sparkle. Miss Sparkle, can you give us your version of the facts please?”

Twilight sighed sadly.

“Yes your honor. Spike and I have always been really close since I hatched his egg during my test for the Academy of Gifted Unicorns. He became another son for my parents and we lived happily as a family since then.

The whole family agreed, and Twilight sighed sadly, this was the hard part:

“So when I turned fifteen I left home to live on my own, and Spike insisted in coming with me. That’s when our relationship began to go downwards. I was so concentrated in my studies that slowly left behind things like chores… or take care of my little brother. Spike gradually began to take care of everything and also of me. I was nothing but a selfish teenager and none of us realized”

The judge frowned.

“My only question is, why the family allowed that a fifteen-year-old girl take care of a kid?”

Night Light and Twilight Velvet didn’t answered.

“Seriouly, somepony should take Miss Twilight away from you when it was still time. Do you realize you were the ones who allowed this situation on the first place?”

Again none of the parents dared to answer so the judge turned to the Princess.

“And Princess Celestia, how did you allowed this? I understand that Miss Sparkle is your personal protégé, why on Equestria you didn’t say anything about her taking care of Spike?”

“I guess that the fact that Twilight was the one who hatched Spike’s egg helped, and she also seemed too mature for her age. And then Spike and Twilight always seemed happy together, nopony would suspect what was really going on”

The judge checked on his notes and looked at Spike.

“What reminds me, why did you never complained? It didn’t bothered you?”

Spike looked down.

“No sir, I was proud of being Number one Assistant”

The judge then turned to Cheerilee.

“So, Miss Plaintiff, how did you realized about the situation?”

“First of all I only know Twilight from a year ago when she first arrived to Ponyville. I didn’t realized anything at first, no seeing what was at plain sight. But one day I saw him at the market with tons of money, and you know the rest from the notes of the case: I offered to help him and talking with him I realized he did all the housework, didn’t go to school and more important, he was nine years old. I had to do something”

The judge nodded.

“Thank you. Why didn’t you sent Spike to school, Miss Sparkle?”

“I don’t know how it ended up like this, I mean, back in Canterlot he went to school regularly. Then when we moved to Ponyville we arrived in vacation and when the classes started I simply didn’t sent him. It wasn’t like I forbid him to receive education, only that I didn’t thought about it. So yeah, I was an inept tutor”

The judge nodded again.

“Sadly I understand the situation. I cannot blame you for what happened Miss Sparkle, but as you said you proved to be an inept tutor so you must understand I can’t give you back Spike. What guarantees that the situation won’t repeat, huh? And for your parents, they proved to be very incompetent as well at allowing Spike to go with you. The only one who seems capable enough for having the kid is Mister Armor”

Twilight let escape a small tear.

“I understand Your Honor. I’m not asking you to give me back Spike’s custody. He deserves to be with somepony who can take care of him properly. I just want you to allow me to visit him from time to time”

“Fair enough. From now on Spike’s custody passes to his older brother Prince Shining Armor and his wife Princess Mi Amore Candeza. And for Miss Sparkle, for now you can go visit Spike at the Crystal Empire first, but if you prove to become more responsible, I’ll allow you to have him some weekends in Ponyville”

The family seemed to agree and the document was signed. It was done.

They left the office with their heads down, but they knew that it was for the sake of the family. Twilight Velvet and Night Light looked at their daughter who just shrugged and was ready to leave when Shining stopped her.

“Wait Twily, our train leaves in four hours, why don’t you and your friends take the chance to hang out with Spike? I can meet you at the station if you want”

Twilight smiled brightly.

“Of course! What do you say, Spike?”

The dragon smiled widely.

“Sure! It’ll be a fun afternoon!”

And so, Twilight and Spike joined the Mane five.

“Spike! What a nice surprise!” Smiled said Pinkie Pie.

“What are you doing here?” Asked Rainbow.

“Shine says our train leaves in four hours so we can hang out until then” explained the dragon.

“Oh it’s marvelous! I know the perfect place!” Exclaimed Rarity.

“And what about we stop at the confectionery first?” Suggested Pinkie Pie.

There was not much to say, Twilight placed Spike on her back and they marched happily, it will be a good afternoon.

In other point of Canterlot, in the Child Protection Services main offices, Lyra and Bon-Bon were sitting on the waiting room when finally Mr. Care appeared with a tiny unicorn baby with bluish purple fur with violet mane with an aquamarine strip in the middle.

“Her name is Tootsie Flute. Unknown father and her mother died in labor. She have been under our care for two weeks but you know that every foal need needs parents. A mom and a dad, dad and dad; or two loving mommies. Would you like to take care of her, Miss Lyra, Miss Bon-Bon?”

The two mares practically jumped in excitement but for the baby’s sake they controlled themselves and took her carefully. Bon-Bon stroked sweetly the baby’s mane, the sudden contact woke up the baby and was about to start crying when Lyra gently swayed her with her magic, calming her a bit.

“Hi Tootsie, my little Tootsie, I’m mommy” said Bon-Bon softly.

“And I’m also mommy. And both of us are here for you forever and ever” added Lyra.

Author's Note:

This is it, the end of the story. And I know must of you didn’t like it and all but still thank you for the following even if it was to complain. Again I’m sorry for the story’s flaws (that were already pointed out in the original) but I wanted to be as faithful to the original as I could so here it is.

Read ya’ later!! have fina"YL��

Comments ( 22 )

It is a good conclusion to a interesting story.

But this story will shine further if you can find an editor, and work in tandem with him to enhance the story further.

I will be waiting for when the time comes.

Thanks for the story. n_n

surprisingly I liked this story:unsuresweetie: and when I say that I don't it as in the story is bad or anything
its just while Spike is my favorite character I'm usually not into stories with out some sort of fighting involved, but you story was interesting and while I'm sure some people may complain how Spike didn't get to go back with Twilight:applejackconfused: I like it:ajsmug: its a much more realistic ending to this type of situation then the over used cliché she says she's sorry and everything goes back to normal.:moustache:

and I don't see the point of hating on a story just because it has problems :unsuresweetie:
especially when the criticism is purely to complain and hurt the author instead of actually trying to help improve the story :facehoof:.....so I guess I'm just saying its a good story flaws and all :derpytongue2:

The family seemed to agree and the document was signed. It was done.

The circle is closed, indeed.

Good story. I enjoyed reading it.
But I still don't get why this story has that many downvotes.
Sure, the writing style isn't perfect, but it isn't that bad either.
And the plot itself is quite good and seems logical yet mostly untouched by other stories.

It's easy to dismiss all criticism as "just wanting to hurt the author".

well the way I see it if people are going to complain about say something misspelt or if they just don't like how the stories written then they need to at least point out how to fix what's wrong?:unsuresweetie:
and if they cant think of how to fix the problem then I don't they should about it in the first place
and I Know they have every right to say what they want in a comment, its just my opinion if your going to complain then explain your problem and offer how to fix it or just how to make it the story better in general.

That, I can agree to. If the comment's just "this sucks!!!", it's basically worthless.

yeah like when people say "misspelled word" in a comment but don't say what word is misspelled so the author is stuck just searching through an entire chapter for one word that's apparently misspelled:facehoof:

Last few chapters seemed a tad unfinished, and while I am unfamiliar with how such courts work, I was certain thered be a BIT more going on than what appears to be a 5 minutes session

I need to throw everything out, so sorry for the rant

Celestia to Twilight... "Dear Twilight, a monster from a thousand years ago is attacking Equestria I need your help and your friends to use the elements.
Signed: Princess Celestia

"Dear Princess Celestia, I'm busy 'Taking care of everything', just like you wanted as you decided to not help me, so take care yourself of any monster, because I'm busy as I was not enough"
Sighed: Your busy student Twilight Sparkle [Even if everything did go okay in the end, she should do something like that]

Bon Bon, and the others in danger as monsters attack Ponyville? Not the problem of the elements. Somepony want a dress for Rarity, like for example Bon Bon, she can also take them out. A apple? Not the problem of Applejack, they can be kicked out.

Who saved them from Nightmare Moon? Twilight and the others. Who saved them from Discord and Sombra? Twilight. Who took the dragon that was going to put smoke in all Equestria? Fluttershy (With the help of Twilight and the others) Who took care of Flim and Flam and give ponies apples that is almost half of the food of Ponyville? Applejack, one of the mares they hate. And yet, now she is the evil. I think they should just ignore the next problem.

Even if later they seemed less angry with Twilight and the others, they seem to forget quick. If Twilight can't take of herself, the ponies can take care of themselves and don't need the help of six mares with jewels. So Twilight and the other should just let them what they wanted and ignore ponyville and the others.

And I have to wonder... Is only Spike the one that is not fit? What about Filthy Rich? We don't see him or Spoiled do too much for Diamond except give her money for everything.

Well at least the restraining order was lifted so Twilight can come visit.


Not exactly a sequel ut it does take place on the same timeline


I really enjoyed this story. I have yet to find anything else like it on FIM Fiction so far. I always enjoy it when Twilight realizes she's been using Spike and tries to make amends. My only real complaint is something others have brought up, that some characters were acting out of Character. But sometimes that can tell interesting stories. I will say, it was nice to see Spike getting to have an actual childhood. I also enjoyed the Bit with Rarity and the backpack.

This is one of the first fanfics I've read when joined this website. Loved it. Fav!

So does this mean Spike can never live with Twilight again? :fluttershysad:

Comment posted by Kit Wolfkat deleted Jul 16th, 2020
Orrm #17 · May 20th, 2021 · · 3 ·

Apologies, but I'd like to object that point. Indeed the main 6 are a bit... Exaggerated.

However I believe they are well within the subspace of their regular behaviors.

Allow me to expand:

Twilight - if Spike wasn't the equivalent of a house-slave from the 1970's she'd have died from over exhaustion and the inability to cook basic food, or function at all.

Lets also not forget the sheer shit-ton of things she has spells for but has Spike do anyway.

Or the fact that Spike doesn't go to school and isn't allowed viable social interaction needed by young minds.

Arguement for the dissenters: But it's alright, he isn't a pony, he is clearly mature, he clearly didn't have to mature else suffer, he clearly functions differently from other children, because he's a dragon of course, I'm sure none of it has to do with the gratuitous lack of care on part of everything around him.

Examples: cold blood, ice lake, winter wrap up. And they laugh.

Winterzilla, pelt the child at it. Great idea, 10/10 you absolute psychopath.

Pinkie - when is Spike's birthday?

I don't know, neither does she apparantly.

Least she bribes him with gem food, that counts for something at least.

Fluttershy - bystander, not even all the kindness in the world can convince her to speak up about how shit Spike gets treated.

Oh yeah, he's not a pony.

Rainbow - quite literally teases him about how 'undragonlike' he is and overtly insults his wings and his demeanor to his face.

She never apologizes.

Applejack - nothing. Spike doesn't interact with her much, she's just a casual bystander. Not a friend, a friend wouldn't allow a child to be taken advantage of by an adult.

Rarity - Ha ha, where do I even start.

A literal predator who takes advantage of young children, the most prone one being the supposed son or pet of her own friend.

Does that sound remotely decent to you?

Remember that time Rarity manipulated Spike into giving her his birthday present, that was a Gem equivalent of 10 000 dollar wine

The same gem he had the patience to age for YEARS

And since he's a kid, guess what, that's about the equivalent of deleting a 5 year old's minecraft world that they worked on for 2 years.

Except, ha, this time? She can do so with no repercussions.

The same gem which she used to make a pendant which she never wore again

And essentially causing him to go on a greed rampage which is essentially also the reason he no longer gets gifts on his own birthday

He was a literal pincushion for one for one of the earlier episodes

This is what you portray as positive?

Gabby griffin...

Lemme rerun that for you if you can't remember.

I had hope there, Spike actually got a friend. A female griffin that TREATS HIM LIKE A Person. Not a slave, or a on site worker, or just abuses him. Fella actually got a real friend, Someone who he talks to and with and doesn't ignore how he feels

But Rarity, she wanted him to go with her to the gemcaves so he could carry the gems she finds.

Naturally he refuses, albeit in the most polite way I've ever seen, but she tries to do it herself. Unfortunately, without the young boyslave she manipulates frequently, she is entirely inadequate at simple hand eye Co ordination and breaks half the gems she harvests

So in 'turmoil' she visits purple nerd and asks about Spike. Then she finds out he is spending time with Gabby the griffin

And then she essentially WRECKS their relationship

After separating Spike from his only friend(or the only one around his age group who gives a single crap) , she tries to bribe his happiness by giving him the cheapest and smallest gems she could find, clearly generosity in motion.

Her bribes don't work, and eventually she HAS to admit her bullshit to Gabby after she realizes that Spike isn't going to snap out of his funk. However she apologies in a way that makes it appear that she actually cares about Spike, so she can use him as a slave for her own endeavors alter on. And gain some favor in his eyes.

Did I mention that she didn't fully admit everything?

So Gabby and Spike's friendship is still in high water. It's bearable high-water but very shaky compared to what it was.

Now you might glorify this as 'evidence' of love, somehow.

Meanwhile I'm looking at this and wondering how someone gets this obliviously nasty to isolate someone from their only friend then take advantage of their moment of weakness.

But the thing that really gets me going, the thing that really, really tickles me the wrong way?

No one stops her.

No one stops a grown ass woman from taking candy from a baby.

No one stops a grown ass woman from isolating a young boy.

No one stops a grown ass woman from taking advantage of a child.

But slave labor is okay if it isn't a pony, right?

It's okay if the child doesn't know he's being abused, it's okay if he says he's happy between the bursts of being taken advantage of for his utility.

It's okay if his entire sense of self revolves around how useful he is, it's okay for a child to worry about his utility, it's okay if he has no sense of direction other than servitude because that's all he's ever known.

But it's okay if he's conditioned to think that way, right?

Because Slavery and the Conditioning Houses weren't much different.

This is healthy? You like this? This is what you want for a child? You glorify this?

Ignorance is not an excuse for perpetuating abuse, that's the same arguement most people use to justify slave culture and I am quite bedazzled at your ignorance towards the origins of that particular view.

All this reminds me of The Prince of Egypt, where Pharaoh Seti casually says that the Hebrews are only slaves when Moses questions his idea of sacrifices, and later on Ramses pretty much says the same thing when Moses tries to convince him to let the Hebrews go.

Your point seems less like the Main Six were in the right but for matters of self preservation no one should point out when their wrong. If Superman in the DC comics turned out to a child molester, no one could criticize or attack him because he could just destroy the Earth, that doesn't make it right it just makes him immune to facing any reprucsions legal or social. So your right that the Townsfolk act unrealistic but that is only because realistically they would sacrifice Spike and Cheerilee(who they would probably demonize) so the main six never go against them and refuse to defend Equestria.

On a side note I'm glad the story ended with a judge who pointed out the real bad guys, though it was rushed and mechanical.

The only problem is that the answer was from 5 years ago, so I don't remember this story as I must had read hundreds of them by now

Absolutely fair, I just finished the story and I had thoughts and disagreements and agreements with the comments and story, I understand that everyone forgot about the story.

I find the story heart-wrenching, but sooo good.

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