• Published 3rd Jul 2017
  • 7,837 Views, 205 Comments

Spike's custody - Kaliann25

A day like any other, Cheerilee realizes Spike's condition as the Mane-6`s servant, and she won't stay there watching. With a legal process against Twilight, Spike is taken away from her and given the chance to have a real childhood.

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Next day was Sunday, week’s most relaxed day

Next day was Sunday, week’s most relaxed day

That Saturday was pretty unusual for Spike having fun with the other kids. Of course he had fun from time to time, whenever Pinkie Pie organized a party with the girls or when they took him on their adventures; or reading his comics when Twilight didn’t give him chores. But that Saturday in particular Spike had to admit he had the time of his life playing with the other kids.
First they organized a rolling-down-the-hill-competition, where Spike realized his spikes could get stuck on the ground, and Snips was somehow invincible in that kind of games. After that the others teased him for a while about his nuisances in the back and all, but Spike felt that even in that jokes there was a sense of camaraderie he missed when he was with the girls. When he had fun with the girls, it was like he was with the group but not really a part of it; no, this time the colts truly accepted him among them.

Still Spike didn’t had the time to think too much about it since Snails suddenly announced that some uninvited guests were approaching to ‘their territory’. Everypony got ready, but ready for what?

It was Rumble Lane and Button Mash.

“Rumble, Button, what are you doing here? This hill is being used by us!” Said Snips firmly. “Get out!”

Rumble grinned defiantly and walked with a skateboard under his wings.

“We reserved it since yesterday, you get out!”

“Really? Where do you make the reservations then?” Asked Snails making everyone face-hoof (or face-claw in Spike’s case.)

“He’s trying to fool us, Snails!” Explained Spike.

Rumble couldn’t help but chuckle, ah, the good old Snails; it never failed. Then the young Pegasus just shrugged.

“Well, I guess you can stay to admire my skills with the skateboard. Five more admirers don’t bother me”

“What’s your problem, Rumble?” Asked Snips angrily.

“Be easy on him, he’s still mad because he can’t beat that girl” mocked Feather Weight. “Get up already Rumble, not even with a year of practice you’ll be able to beat Scootaloo.”

Rumble frowned and took a pine nut from the ground that he threw to Feather. Bullseye! But had Feather prepared a pine nut on his own already and threw it, but he missed. But it was enough to start a battle throwing pine nuts, acorns, weeds, etc. (But not rocks.)
At some point the CMC joined the fight making it to grow in intensity, but at the end everypony were just having fun; and they ended up dirty and sweaty but in a very good mood.

“I really need something to drink” said Feather. “Ey guys, want some lemonade? I have a cold jar in my home waiting, let’s go!”

“Did your mom made it or you?” Asked Pip suspiciously. “Because I still have that horrible taste in my mouth!”

“It wasn’t my fault, it was my first time!” Complained Feather.

Spike scratched his head.

“What happened?” Asked the dragon.

“He made it with salt instead of sugar” explained Snails.


“It was an accident for Celestia’s sake! And yes, I made it but mom supervised me!”

The rest of the kids sighed in relief and ran to Feather’s home, everyone except Spike who stared at them with a look of both sadness and nostalgia. Luckily Feather turned and looked at him with a smile.

“Dude, what are you waiting for? Or you don’t like lemonade? Because I think I have some milk too, or do you prefer water?!

Spike shook his head.

“Oh, yeah, sorry. I think I spaced out. Are you sure it’s okay?”

“Of course, come on!”

So Spike joined the group of kids, he was having such a good time that he forgot about his problems for a little. But his problems returned to him as the group passed right in front of the library. Spike stood still for a moment looking at his former home with a nostalgic look; and he swore he saw a lavender blur watching on him, but it disappeared quickly. He stood there for a little when he was called back to reality by Pipsqueak.

“Come on Spike! We’re waiting!”

“Sorry, sorry” said Spike running to joining them again.

And before Spike realized, he was drinking lemonade, chatting and laughing with the others in Feather Weight’s living room. It felt nice, but also Spike realized this was normal for them; why he never shared a time like this with the girls? Just a nice chit-chat with the others after a morning of playing.

“Ey Spike, and how’s that suddenly you came to play with us?” Suddenly asked Feather Weight. “I mean, I know that Bon-Bon paid us with chocolates, but what happened? Did you get bored to hang out only with old ladies? And since when you’re Bon-Bon’s friend?”

“I don’t want to talk about it, please” said Spike sighing.

“Sure, sure” said Snips noticing it was a delicate subject. “So, how’s hanging out with the oldies? I guess it’s pretty boring!”

“Sometimes, especially with Twilight who only knows about books” said Spike still wanting to avoid the subject.

“But I guess you have a lot with Pinkie, she’s the youngest old lady I know” said Pips.

“Ey, they’re not that old” said Sweetie Belle frowning.

“No?” Asked Rumble. “How old are they? Like twenty? They’re not as old as the as our parents, but they’re old. Period”

“Stop insulting our sisters or I won’t join you in the next pine nut battle!” Complained Scoots.

“Come on, admit it already! They’re old” said Rumble.

“Okay, so if our sisters are old; how ya’ call yer’ parents?” Asked Apple Bloom.

“Really old, duh!” Said Pipsqueak shrugging.

All the kids made a quick toast to cheer for the small joke and continued their pointless but refreshing and relaxing conversation.

“Okay guys, it was fun but I have to go back to Lyra and Bon-Bon’s for lunch. See you!”

“Ey! Before you leave, do you think you can meet us at the park tomorrow?” Asked Feather Weight.

Spike blinked in surprise but then he smiled.

“Sure thing! See you guys!”

And he ran as fast as he could.
Once he left, the rest of the foals exchanged confused looks.

“Did he say he’s going to Lyra and Bon-Bon’s? Why not his home?” Asked Snips.

“Do you think something happened?”

“I don’t know, but he seemed somehow… odd”

The next day was Sunday, the most relaxed day of the week for many. And again, Spike woke up really late, but unlike the last time, he felt like he truly rested. Last day was interesting for Spike, spending the morning playing with the other kids and the afternoon listening to Lyra’s lire practice and then playing with her enchanted board games until bed time; it had been a while since he felt exhausted just for playing, he haven’t felt like that since…

“…since I came to Ponyville. Whatever”

He ran downstairs where Lyra and Bon-Bon were having breakfast.

“Hi Spike, you got up earlier than yesterday!” Smiled Lyra.

“Big plans for today?” Asked Bon-Bon with an accomplice smile.

Spike scratched his head.

“Plans? I don’t know, what are you guys planning to do today?”

Bon-Bon laughed.

“It’s Sunday Spike, we’re planning to do nothing”

“But I understand you have an appointment to play at the park today, remember?” Asked Lyra. “So you better hurry up with your breakfast!”

Spike smiled and ate everything with pleasure.

“Bon-Bon, Lyra, this is delicious!”

“Thank you!” Said the cream-coated pony.

Then Spike practically jumped out of the table and ran to the door, but stopped right before open it.

“What is it Spike?” Asked Lyra.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to help you with something?

“I don’t think so… or what about you help us with the dishes? Then you can go play all the morning, just make sure you’re back to lunch time” said Bon-Bon with a small shrug.

Spike nodded, the dishes, he could do that; he used to do it all the time in his home. So it was a surprise when he saw Lyra and Bon-Bon joining him: he washed, Bon-Bon dried and Lyra put it back on the pantry.

“Wow, it is kind of nice do this all together!” Smiled the little dragon.

“You’ve never learned how to be a kid, right?” Asked Bon-Bon.

Lyra sent her wife a warning glare, luckily Spike didn’t listened and when he finally left, Lyra confronted her mate.

“Bonnie, he’s already having a bad time, you’re not helping by saying such things!”

“I know, and I promised not to judge, but why on earth he have never go play with the other kids? Because he’s always busy doing favors to Twilight and her friends!”

Lyra slowly shook her head disapprovingly.

“We’re supposed to support him until his family comes, not to judge Twilight Sparkle. Right now those comments are the last that he needs so calm down okay?!

“I know, I know. Sorry!”

Twilight was lying on the couch crying when her friends came in.

“Twilight?” Asked Fluttershy softly.

“Hi…” she said weakly. “Want something, I’ll go for some tea or…”

“Are you okay sugarcube?” Asked Applejack.

The lavender unicorn looked furiously at the cowgirl.

“If I’m okay? Are you seriously asking me if I’m okay? WHAT, DO YOU HAVE FLOWERS GROWING IN YOUR BRAIN OR SOMETHING?”

Applejack accepted the insult with patience. She knew her friend was having a really bad time and had been suffering in silence for almost two days.

“A’ve only heard that insult once and it came from Cheerilee”

At the teacher’s mention, Twilight began to sob again; then she took a cushion and covered her mouth with it to scream letting go all the anger and guilt accumulated.

“So Cheerilee had something to do with this?” Asked Fluttershy shocked.

Twilight nodded weakly.

“She was the one who made them take Spike away from you?” Asked Pinkie Pie with a very serious expression, very strange on her. “Why? Was she thinking? She didn’t realize how much she harmed you both?”

“Don’t worry. We’ll go to have serious talk with her!!” Assured Dash already flying to the window.

But Twilight stopped her.

“No, wait please…”

“Twilight, everypony in town haven’t talked about anything else the entire week” explained Pinkie Pie. “They say Spike is staying with Lyra and Bon-Bon because you mistreated him, and they’ve been portraying you as the villain”

Twilight shook her head.

“Don’t you realize? She did what she had to… all this time we’ve been taking advantage of Spike. He haves a great heart and wants to help us all no matter what, and even with everything I’ve learnt about friendship I didn’t realize all this time we’ve been stealing his infancy! NONE OF US REALIZED, NOT EVEN SPIKE!”

“But Spike seemed happy” said Rarity.

Twilight sobbed again.

“Because he never knew something better, he was happy with his situation even if it was completely wrong!”

“Twilight…” tried to calm her Rarity.

The lavender unicorn pushed her away.

“Not even Princess Celestia is willing to help me; neither would I. The most I think about it, the most I see Cheerilee and the social services are right! All this time we’ve been taking advantage of Spike without realizing it!”

She cried again.

“I’m a failure as caretaker, as an older sister, as a friend… and can’t take it anymore!”

The other five mares approached and hugged Twilight.

“Don’t worry, we’ll find a solution together, we won’t let them take Spike away from you forever!” Assured Pinkie Pie. “We’ve made mistakes but that doesn’t mean we can’t change, right?”

“But I don’t get it, all this time we’ve been technically abusing of Spike?” Asked Rarity.

Twilight sent her a death-glare.


Twilight cried louder.

“This is all your fault… THEY TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME BECAUSE OF YOU!”

“Twilight, you cannot blame your friends just like that!” Scolded Fluttershy.

Twilight nodded cleaning her tears.

“I know and I’m sorry, is just that… I don’t know how to deal with this. I spent the last two nights wondering why this happened; and then I realize how much I exploited him and how it got worse when he began to do favors to all of us. WE ALL DID THIS!”

Applejack hugged Twilight while she thought about what Twilight had just said. She reminded the incident with the code of the dragon and Spike doing his best to help her; she remembered how Twilight was so busy that didn’t realized he left until she came to ask for help to get rid of the dragon, and still Spike never felt rejected because he didn’t know what resentment was. Then she remembered the dragon’s birthday, that day Applejack learnt that Spike was only a year older than Apple Bloom but didn’t bother to ask why he didn’t attend to school. And when they leave to accomplish friendship missions, who took care of Fluttershy’s animals? Who prepared the reception for their return? And who did all those favors for Rarity?

“Sweet Celestia, what have we done?”

By her way Rarity seemed offended, she compared with Blue Blood? How dared Twilight? Okay, she was having a very bad time and all but that didn’t gave her the right to compare her with the most selfish pony she ever met. But then she remembered the pin incident, one of many examples of how she took advantage of Spike’s crush on her; Spike had a golden heart and always tried to help.
Then Pinkie Pie, even if she rarely asked Spike for favors, she pulled really cruel pranks on him from time to time like leaving him on a melting ice-block in the middle of the lake; he almost drowned.
Fluttershy and Rainbow exchanged worried looks, maybe they didn’t took advantage of Spike as much as the others but they failed to realize how wrong the situation was.

It wasn’t a joke, it weren’t isolated incidents, no; it was child exploitation and eventually abuse… and still Spike was always happy, because the only happiness he knew was helping the others.

“If we promise to change, do you think they give us Spike back?”

“Would you do it?”

Author's Note:

So this is a new chapter and as I said in the original version, except for Twilight the Mane 6 will be a challenge to portray in this fic. Still I hope you like it and:

Read ya' later!!