• Published 7th Jul 2017
  • 7,324 Views, 159 Comments

Assassinverse: Unicornia The New Order - efug25g

After Twilight was assassinated in her sleep, she awakes from her coffin 15 years later, only to find that the evil nobles and traditionalists have successfully conquered all of Equestria with the aid of the Unicornian Kingdom.

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Chapter 19: The New Order part 4

Author's Note:

Boss Intel:

15. Morning Blade (final stage):
Weapon: Dual Orichalcum Long Swords and bionic arm w/ mounted blue-lighting whip gun.

16. Commander Vermillion: A black armored, red unicorn stallion with a grey mane, bearing an orange circular strip cutiemark. 2nd member of the Royal Knights of Unicornia
Weapon: Lighting Saber and Tesla gun

17. Colonel Black scythe: A Female grey pegasus with black mane and tail. She bears the cutie mark of two black scythes crossing over each other and is wearing dark-blue armor and helmet with grey linings. 3rd Member of the Royal Knights of Unicornia.
Weapon: Reaper Scythe, enchanted with dark magic.

18. Captain Blood Harrier: A black unicorn with the red man and tail and bears the cutie mark of a sword that is glowing red. 5th member of the Royal Knights of Unicornia.
Weapon: Claymore sword w/ Vampiric enchantments

19. Commander Bane Fright, who is a cerulean earth pony with a yellow mane and tail and bears the cutie mark of a scary ghost. 6th member of the Royal Knights of Unicornia.
Weapon: Multiple Throwing Knives, Dual Kukri

20. Captain Vice Reaper, who is a light-red pegasus with a magenta mane and tail that bears the cutie mark of a grim reaper. 7th member of the Unicornian Royal Knights.
Weapon: Enchanted Sliver Battle Ax

As Twilight and the rest of her friends and her brother marched toward the Palace Courtyard, they meet General Morning Blade and the rest of his royal knights guarding the stairs of the main entrance of the Palace of Canterlot. Despite Morning Blade losing his right arm, it was now replaced by a bionic arm with a gun barrel that shoots out an blue-lighting whip from its muzzle. Aside from Colonel Black Scythe and Commander Vermillion, there is also Captain Blood Harrier, who is a black unicorn with the red man and tail and bears the cutie mark of a sword that is glowing red, Commander Bane Fright, who is a cerulean earth pony with a yellow mane and tail and bears the cutie mark of a scary ghost, and Captain Vice Reaper, who is a maroon pegasus with a light-red pegasus with a magenta mane and tail that bears the cutie mark of a grim reaper. All six royal knights drew out their weapons, preparing to do battle against Twilight and her friends. Before any of them engaged at each other, a giant blue robot appeared behind Morning Blade and his Royal Knights, and out of the shadows. It was has the same height to that of the Changeling Black Juggernauts except the robot has a head similar to that of a teutonic knight, 2 huge gauntlets, both armed with huge wrist-mounted retractable sharp-end blades, and two huge legs with quadruple feet. On both of the robot's shoulders, the left shoulder is mounted with a medium-sized Chaingun and the right shoulder is mounted with a missile launcher. The back of the robot is mounted with a mortar cannon and has an Ion Laser Cannon mounted on its right hip. Inside the robot's body, there is an implanted shield generator. On both sides of the mortar cannon, there is huge dual thrusters that are meant for a temporary liftoff. Before Twilight knew it, she hears Amadeus' evil chuckle coming from inside the huge robot.

"Hello, Twilight Sparkle. It's time to face your final judgement on the battlefield in the very same place that you once called home." Amadeus sneered while taking control of the robot he's in from the cockpit. "It's come down to this. Our entire fate for Equestria will be decided in the battlefield of Canterlot."

"Like what I said, I'm going to do what I should've done when I ascended the throne at Canterlot." Twilight snarled as she raised her Orichalcum Greatsword, aiming at Amadeus' robot.

"Well, I may have underestimated you lot, but you won't beat me that easily this time." Amadeus smirked. "Thanks to Professor Felhand, I was able to gain control of a new experimental weapon that will make all ponies tremble before my might. Say hello to Blue Cross Knight XII!!!"

As soon as Amadeus' mech came charging straight into Twilight's group, Princess Twilight summoned all of her raw magic into her horn, unfurled her wings, and charged straight at the Cross Knight with all of her might, while the magical surge engulfed her, transforming her into a living magical torpedo. Upon impact, Twilight rammed into the giant robot so hard, that it got shoved straight into the Palace Foyer, knocking down the walls surrounding the Palace. After seeing all of this, Morning Blade and his royal knights scattered away from Amadeus' robot and Twilight and immediately engaged the rest of Twilight's friends in a full-frontal assault.

During the fight between the Unicornian Royal Knights and the Element bearers of Harmony, Fluttershy moved away from the fight and rallied her animal friends to join the fight against Unicornia. All sorts of bears, racoons, badgers, deers, eagles, apes, falcons, and tigers burst through the battlements. They were armed with Spears, flails, spiked clubs, and crossbows. As the yellow female Pegasus gave them the word, the animals charged at the Unicornian soldiers and Felhand's robots with all their might. As for Fluttershy, she grabbed a nearby Unicornian guard with her metal brass hooves and glared at him with "the stare" as she strangled him while pinning him to the ground.

"You big, dumb meanies think you're all better than Princess Twilight, huh?!" Fluttershy hissed as she gave the guard a terrifying, evil look. "Well, you losers haven't seen anything from her, yet. JUST WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU PONIES ARE TRYING TO PREJUDICE MY BEST FRIEND TWILIGHT??!!! DIDN'T YOUR PARENTS TAUGHT YOU ANYTHING OTHER THAN VIOLENCE???"

Upon seeing Fluttershy's terror, the Unicornians started fleeing away from the battlefield, while one was cowering beneath her hooves.

"W-We're sorry, okay?! W-We were just following orders, honest." The Unicornian guard whimpered while being pinned to the ground by Fluttershy.

"Well if you don't want to die here, then you better leave Canterlot for good and don't ever come back or I'LL BREAK YOU!!!" Fluttershy roared. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!"

The guard responded with a "yes" before Fluttershy got off of him. Not a moment too soon, the guard ran off in a panic and disappeared into the shadows of Canterlot. In just moments later, several more Unicornian guards approached Fluttershy, pointing their spears and their rifles at her. However, before any pony could see what was going on, Fluttershy injected herself with a berserk serum. The next thing she did was that she unfurled her wings, flew very fast, and, in a rage, punched every single Unicornian, breaking their noses with just one shot before they fell flat on the ground. While others, were grabbed by Fluttershy in the tail, slamming them into each other before throwing them up into the sky, with blood squirting out of their noses, and crashing straight into the buildings all over Canterlot.

"THIS IS FOR TWILIGHT!!!!" Fluttershy roared as she continued to wreak havoc on the Unicornians.

As both sides begun fighting for the fate of Equestria, Rainbow Dash and Black Scythe took to the skies again, this time with Rainbow flying way above the female grey pegasus. Vermillion drew out his lighting saber again and charged at Rarity and Trixie with all of his might. Before he got any closer, Trixie pulled out a wrist-mounted repeating crossbow and started shooting at the red unicorn only for him to summon an electrical barrier to ward of Trixie's crossbow bolts, while Rarity jumped forward and raised her ninja sword above her head before performing a vertical strike at Vermillion. Captain Blood Harrier drew out his enchanted Claymore and made a flurry of attacks with it at Crimson and Applejack. Bane Fright took out a set of throwing knives, hidden from his made and threw a barrage of them at Shinning Armour, only for the Crystal Prince to raise his magic shield, with his sword held behind his back. Captain Vice Reaper leaped up on top of Bane Fright and attempted to butcher Shinning Armour with his Silver Battle Ax. However, before Bane got any closer to him, Flash Sentry appeared behind the white unicorn stallion and blocked Bane's Battle Ax with his orichalcum lance. Before Bane had any chance to counteract against Flash's move, the orange pegasus shoved him away from Shinning Armor and engaged the maroon pegasus head on. Starlight and Sunset went on ahead to help Twilight deal with Amadeus in his tracks, with Morning Blade following the two unicorns from behind.

"Not so fast, you two." Morning Blade hissed. "You are both going to say your prayers because your precious alicorn princess isn't going to save you."

"We'll just see about that!!!" Sunset snarled as she summoned a blunderbuss and fired it at Morning Blade.

As Morning Blade charged, however, he used his magic to raise his shield in order to deflect every shot coming out from Sunset's Blunderbuss. Just when the evil unicorn got closer to the yellow female unicorn, Morning Blade lashed out his blue-lighting whip, wrapping around Sunset's gun, and made it explode right in front of her face before she turned away from the blast. The next thing Morning Blade did was zero into Sunset as he drew out his dual long swords. However, the moment Blade attacked Sunset with his swords, Sunset teleported herself away from him as she drew out her Flamberge from her scabbard. Sunset made a horizontal swipe at Morning Blade, only for him to jump back, perform a scissor stance and lunged at the female yellow unicorn. Sunset blocked the scissor stance attack with her sword, right between her eyes. As both unicorns were struggling to stand their ground against each other, Starlight appeared over Sunset and attempted to slam Morning Blade with a huge mallet. Upon seeing Starlight attacking from above, Morning Blade disengaged with Sunset and used his magic to summon a shield barrier to ward off Starlight's mallet.

During Trixie's shootout against Vermillion, the blue unicorn suddenly runs out of ammo from her repeating crossbow. The next thing Trixie saw was an electrical wave of magic zeroing in on her position. However, before the wave struck Trixie again, Rarity jumped in its way and summoned a magic shield to ward of electrical attack. Vermillion charged at Rarity again, with his lighting saber poised to lunge at the white unicorn in the chest. Rarity parried against Vermillion's lunge with a sword uppercut with her ninja blade and attempted to slash at Vermillion with a vertical slash, followed by a couple of more parries. After Rarity jumped backward away from Vermillion, the red unicorn used his saber to unleash a crossed surge of lighting that was aiming directly at the fashionista. However, Trixie uses her wizard staff to summon a blazing hydra that was lunging straight at the red unicorn knight and sprayed a raging stream of fire that blew up the surge of lighting. Upon seeing Trixie ordering the hydra to attack him with a torrent of raging fire, Vermillion stabbed straight into the pavement with his lighting saber and, as he focused all of his magic into his sword, unleashed a wave of 8 tendrils of electricity and counteract the hydra's raging fire with it. As soon as both Vermillion's spells and Trixie's spells clashed into each other, a large mid-air explosion occurred right above every pony, stunning all of them by such a very loud noise. After the stun effects wore off, Twilight's friends and the Unicornian Royal Knights continued fighting against each other.

Meanwhile, above the Palace of Canterlot, into the skies, Rainbow Dash made a furious barrage of spear thrusts and kicks at Black Scythe. Every time Rainbow lunges her spear at the grey pegasus, Black spins her scythe in a circular motion to parry against Rainbow's attacks. As Black is about to do a chop attack on the light-blue pegasus with her scythe, Rainbow gave her wings a huge flap, making her fly backwards, avoiding the Reaper Scythe. During their mid-flight, Rainbow and Black made several more aerial attacks on each other as they flew upward, closer to the Canterlot Palace. Black hovers in mid-air and made a vertical slash with her scythe at Rainbow. However, Rainbow was able to make a mid-air feint, dodging Black's scythe mer inches away from her face. Rainbow grabbed the scythe with her left hoof and attempted to thrust her spear straight into Black's jugular vein. Unfortunately, Black was able to tilt her head to her left, missing Rainbow's spear a few inches away from her neck. Before Rainbow knew what was coming, Black kicked the blue-pegasus in the stomach with her left hind hoof, making her crash into one of the Palace towers. As soon as Rainbow got back up on her hooves, she sees Black flying straight at her in maximum ferocity and unleashed several waves of dark magic from her scythe. Ultimately, Rainbow unfurled her wings and flew away from the scythe's dark magic only for it the cut off the tower in two and flew straight down onto the Canterlot pavement. As soon as Rainbow flew up into the sky again, she zeroed into the grey female pegasus at high speed, breaking the sound barrier once again. During her flight, Rainbow Dash made another sonic rainboom right behind her and aimed her spear straight at Black Scythe. By the time Black prepared to raise her scythe and cut down the light-blue pegasus, it was too late. A huge, spherical explosion of rainbow colors erupted in mid-air and the next thing that happen is that grey pegasus' scythe shattered into a million pieces. Black Scythe loses her consciousness as she is about to fall from the sky, with her wings completely shredded. However, Rainbow Dash isn't done, yet. The moment she flew downwards from above, Rainbow tossed her spear away, grabbed Black Scythe by the stomach and slammed her straight into the ground with a velocity of 100 miles per hour, leaving behind a massive rain sonic nuke that erupted in the middle of the Canterlot city. On the pavement, there was a huge crater in the middle of the street. In the crater, lies a badly crippled dead Black Scythe. Her nose was broken and bleeding, her wings are both dislocated, her mane was burnt in the explosion, all of her four hooves are twisted, and her ribs are broken from inside her body. As Rainbow Dash landed on all fours, she ran up to the critically wounded grey pegasus and spit out raspberries at her.

"Take that, you grey-winged demon!!!" Rainbow cackled as she moved on ahead, leaving behind a chuckle.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Palace Courtyard, Applejack was jumping backwards because Captain Blood Harrier was making a lot of rapid horizontal slashes with his Claymore sword. Unfortunately, as the black unicorn closed into the farm pony, Applejacks started receiving multiple flesh wounds all over her smooth body. Before she knew what was going on, Applejack slowly started to lose her blood and her stamina in a matter of minutes, as her blood is getting absorbed by the power of Harrier's sword, making it even more deadlier and more faster. After taking quite a beating, Applejack fell on her front hooves and started bleeding all over her body. As for Crimson, the moment he charged at Blood Harrier with all of his might, the black unicorn sidestepped out of his way and shoved him straight into a nearby brick wall, making Crimson's forehead bleeding before he collapsed on the ground.

"Ugh!! I can't bucking believe losing." Applejack whimpered while under the mercy of Blood Harrier. "I-It can't end like this."

"Any last words, farm girl?" Blood Harrier laughed as he was about to chop the farm pony's head off with his sword.

"Get ready to dodge this!!!" Applejack growled as she injected herself with an adrenaline health booster shot.

Before Blood Harrier was able to finish Applejack, the farm mare jumped up and drew out her metal ball and chain. The next thing Harrier saw was a metal ball swinging at his face. Without hesitation, Harrier dodged the ball, not wanting to get slammed by it in the face. The black unicorn was unable to keep up with Applejack due to her fast movement. Applejack was running around Harrier so fast and so many times, that the black unicorn got really dizzy and almost fell over her hooves. However, Harrier was still able to keep his guard up as he kept dodging the metal ball, just inches away from where his face was at. In just an instant, Harrier was able to grab the metal ball with his magic and attempted to stab the farm pony mare directly in the chest with his Claymore. Unfortunately, Applejack was able to jump over Harrier's blade and walked over it as she drew out her talons. The moment Applejack slashed at Blood Harrier with her talons, the black unicorn leaned back, avoiding Applejack's attack and punched her in the face, sending her flying backwards and crashing into a nearby building behind her. As Blood Harrier picked up his sword, he turned around to face Applejack, only to find her on the move again. Suddenly, Harrier spots Crimson Cross get up thanks to Applejack. As soon as Crimson spots Harrier in his sights, he charged forward and attempted to hack him with his Heavy Maul. Harrier raised his sword up high and launched himself at the brown earth pony colt, slamming his blade into Crimson's Maul with sheer force. Upon seeing Harrier's Claymore turn blood-red, with swirling magic coming out of it, Crimson shoved the blade away from his face and made another attack with his maul, only for Harrier to direct the maul straight into the ground on his left. Without holding back, Crimson slammed his right hoof at Harrier's face only for him to dodge it just by a inch from his head. Before Crimson can lift his maul again, he felt a sharp pain coming from his right hind leg. It turns out that Harrier's blade pierced Crimson's flesh after he dodged Crimson's right hoof. Crimson collapsed onto his side but before Harrier drew out his flintlock pistol and aimed it at the brown earth pony's face, Applejack slammed both of her hind legs into Harrier's chest, knocking him to the ground as he missed his shot and dropped his pistol. Applejack drew out her talons again and unleashed a flurry of swipes at Harrier, only to be met by a rapid response of blocks by Harrier's Claymore. As he backed away, Harrier raised his sword up high and made a vertical slash above Applejack's head. Just in an instant, Applejack blocked Harrier's blade with both of her talons above her head. The farm mare jumped up high and did a forward flip that knocked the Claymore from Harrier. The next thing Applejack did was running right past Harrier, delivering a combo of slashes all over his body.

"GYAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Harrier screamed in pain as he covered up his face, with his hooves.

Before Harrier had a chance to react, he felt one of Applejack's talons piercing his neck from behind. As blood squirted out of Harrier's vein, he let out a deathly gurgle before he collapsed onto the pavement, leaving Applejack victorious. However, as soon as Applejack's drug wore off, she started bleeding from her previous wounds again. Ultimately, she was able to grab the Vampiric Claymore with her right hoof and stabbed it into Harrier's corpse. In an instant, the sword's power was able to help Applejack regenerate all of her injuries in a heartbeat, sealing up the cuts that were all over her smooth body.

"Ah, got to help Twi deal with that Amadeus prick!!" Applejack said to herself as she took the Vampiric Claymore with her before moving on.

Meanwhile, Bane Fright hurled 25 more throwing daggers at Shinning Armor. Despite Fright's efforts, however, Shinning Armour pressed forward, with his magic shield intact. As the Crystal Prince got closer to Bane, he leaped forward, drew out his crystal broadsword, and performed an downward cut on top of the cerulean earth pony. Bane leaped backwards, avoiding Armour's attack, and drew out his dual Kukris with his hooves. The earth pony charged forward, raising both kukris up to his hips. Bane unleashed a flurry of swipes with his Kukris at Shinning Armour, while the Guard Captain made several parries with his broadsword. As for the two pegasus warriors, Vice unleashed multiple waves of destruction with his Silver Battle Ax at Flash Sentry, while they're both in mid-air. Flash made several evasive maneuvers while in mid-air, dodging every magic wave that Reaper's Battle Ax is causing. When Flash zeroed into Vice, he was met with a powerful guard break before he thrusted his lance at the maroon pegasus. Upon impact, Vice was able to shove Flash away from his position and performed a cleaving attack with his battle ax. The orange pegasus, however, was able to raise his lance up to a vertical stance and blocked Vice's battle ax, mer inches away from his face.

After Twilight shoved Amadeus' Mech into the Palace grounds, the Mega Knight unleashed a salvo of missiles at the purple alicorn. However, Twilight immediately unfurled her wings and flew off into the sky, evading the missiles during her flight pattern. Before Twilight had a chance to fight back, the Cross Knight activated its thrusters and chased after her, as it opened fire with its chaingun. Twilight's uses her magic to summon a barrier shield to defend herself against the Mech's weaponry and teleported herself right on top of the Cross Knight. The next thing the alicorn princess did was summoned a huge boulder above her head and slammed it right on its back. However, thanks to the rear cameras in Amadeus' cockpit, he was able to see what was Twilight about to do and forcibly steered the Cross Knight to its right, making her lose her balance and let the boulder fall straight down into the pavement, crushing no one. As Twilight lost her footing on top of the Cross Knight, she flew up high into the sky and summoned a barrage of lighting strikes from the sky, hoping that her spell will do some serious damage on Amadeus' Cross Knight. Upon seeing the lighting bolts heading straight for him, Amadeus activated the shield generator, absorbing every lighting bolt that struck the Mech from above. As the Cross Knight, hovered in mid-air, it turned around to face the Twilight Sparkle. The next thing the mech did was fire several shots from its Ion Laser Cannon, only for Twilight to perform several evasive maneuvers and fired several powerful magic beams at the Ion Lasers. In just a few minutes later, Twilight charged up her horn with her magic, while Amadeus' Cross Knight is preparing to fire a powerful, focused shot with its Ion Laser Cannon. As soon as the Laser Cannon shot out its powerful Ion beam, Twilight's horn fired a massive beam of magic at the Mega Knight, resulting in a huge explosion in mid-air when both beams collided into each other.

As the fight between Shinning Armour and Bane Fright continued, Bane hurled more throwing knives with his left hoof only for Shinning to perform a vertical block with his sword, deflecting every knife that is coming straight at his face. The white male unicorn teleported himself right next to Fright and did a horizontal swipe with his sword at the cerulean earth pony. Bane, however, did a backflip, dodging Armour's blade in an instant and jumped up in mid-air, while hurling more throwing knives. Unfortunately, Bane finally ran out of knives and drew out his Kukri again, the moment he landed on all four hooves. As Bane charged at the unicorn prince, Shinning blocked one oncoming horizontal slash coming from Bane's Kukri on his left and redirected the blade to his right, away from his skin. In retaliation, Shinning swiped his sword at Bane from his right, only for the earth pony to parry it with his other Kukri on his left. Before Bane was able to do anything else, Shinning head butt the earth pony, making him stagger a few feet backwards away from where Shinning Armor was standing. As Bane attempted to thrust one Kukris at the Crystal Prince with his left hoof, Shinning immediately side-stepped away from Bane's stabbing attack and chopped off Bane's left arm. The moment Bane's severed arm hit the floor, he screamed in pain as he sees his blood spilling from his chopped up arm, only to be silenced by a stab to the chest with Shinning Armour's sword, killing him immediately.

For Flash Sentry and Vice Reaper, they took their fight up into the sky after Flash shoved Vice's Battle Ax away from his face. Vice flew backwards away from the orange pegasus only for him to perform a cleaving wave of magic coming out from Vice's Silver Battle Ax. As soon as the magic wave closed in to Flash, he raised his shield to ward off the attack before charging straight at Vice while in mid-air. Flash thrusted his lance at Vice again only for the light-red pegasus to move aside but not before Flash's Lance made a flesh wound that grazed his shoulder. After shrugging off his flesh wound, Vice made a horizontal sweep at Flash, only for him to block it with his steel kite shield. The next thing Flash did was thrusted his lance straight at Vice's chest. However, Vice flew to his right, dodging Flash's lance and kicked him in the head with his right hind leg, knocking the orange pegasus' helmet off and losing his lance as it fell straight down into the pavement, leaving behind a little drop of blood coming down from his forehead. Flash charged forward and attempted to ram the light-red pegasus with his kite shield. Unfortunately, the moment Flash's shield closed into Vice Reaper, he grabbed the shield away from Flash and slammed it into his face, sending him crashing into a room through a window in one of the towers at the Canterlot Palace. The moment Flash got up, he started spitting out blood that was coming out from his mouth and saw various cuts all over his orange body due to the broken glass that pierced his skin. Vice Reaper disengaged from his flight and landed on all floors at the tower balcony where Flash is at.

"This is the end, Flash Sentry." Vice Reaper gloated as he approached the orange pegasus from behind. "All of this could've been avoided if only you hadn't joined the military in the first place and picked another career instead when you had the chance. I never liked you and besides, your rock music stinks. Now say your prayers."

As soon as Vice got closer and raised his battle ax, he prepared to perform a executional, horizontal finishing blow with his Silver Battle Ax. However, Flash was able to grab a large piece of glass, belonging to the shattered window, with his right hoof and the moment Vice's Ax got close to Flash's neck, he leaned forward, dodging the ax by inches away from his mane. The moment Flash turned around, he stabbed Vice in the lower chest with his shattered glass piercing his flesh, in which resulted in a big "O" coming out from Vice's mouth.

"Sorry, Captain Vice Reaper, but because I'm still young, there is never a right or wrong answer when picking a career of your own choosing. I joined the Equestrian Military because, just like Princess Twilight Sparkle, it's my destiny to fight for harmony, friendship, and justice for all." Flash Sentry said with full determination and self-confidence. "So, say hello to Prince Blueblood for me."

After Flash Sentry finished his sentence, he finished off Vice Reaper with another stab in the neck, with using another glass shard, killing him and shoved him straight to the ground, ending the fight between two pegasus warriors. Before Flash was able to move on, he started coughing up more blood and collapsed onto the wall of the room inside the tower, making him sit on the floor, wounded and bleeding.

"Lt, are you okay?!" One of the Pegasus Crystal Pony guards spoke in an alerted tone as he appeared from the shattered window of the tower.

"I'm fine, but I need some pony to help me treat me of my wounds." Flash responded in a wheezing tone of voice.

"Yes, sir." The Crystal Guard acknowledged as he flew away to get a combat medic to check up on Lt. Flash.

"Princess Twilight, please stay alive, for me." Flash Sentry wheezed as he kept breathing while holding onto his wounds.

As Rarity struck at Vermillion with her ninja sword, he raised his lighting saber and prepared to stab the female fashionista in the chest with it. However, upon seeing Vermillion's saber closing in, Rarity jumped backwards in mid-air and landed on all four hooves. After seeing an opening between Vermillion and Rarity, Trixie summoned a barrage of fireworks at the red unicorn only for him to resort to a horizontal sweep with his saber, in which unleashed a wave of lighting that destroyed most of the fireworks in mid-air, creating a chain reaction of explosions. In less than a second, Vermillion took out his Tesla gun and fired a tendril of lighting at Trixie. However, Trixie was able to summon a blue shield barrier to ward off the lighting tendrils coming straight at her. On Vermillion's right, Rarity appeared and raised her ninja sword above her head, preparing to cut the Tesla gun in two. Unfortunately, Vermillion used his magic to block Rarity's ninja sword with his Lighting Saber. Before Rarity and Trixie were able to seeing what was going on, Vermillion shoved his Tesla gun straight into the ground and fired a full blast of lighting at point blank range.

"Uh Oh!!! The ground is going to conduct with electricity." Trixie said to herself in horror before speaking to Rarity next. "RARITY, JUMP!!!!"

As soon as the unicorn magician and the unicorn fashionista both jumped at the same time, the electrical surge started spreading all over the area that all three unicorns are in. After the electrical current has passed, all of their manes stung up high, like pointed cactuses. When Rarity and Trixie landed on all four of their hooves, Rarity was the first to notice that her mane was affected by the electricity Vermillion's Tesla gun had caused.

"YEEK!!! MY MANE!!!!" Rarity shrieked as she landed on both of her hooves.

"You're both going to suffer more from just that." Vermillion smirked as he raised his Tesla gun and pointed it at Rarity.

Just when Vermillion fired his Tesla Gun at Rarity unleashing another tendril of lighting, the fashionista charged up her horn out of extreme anger, for letting her mane mess up again, and fired her most powerful magic at the lighting heading straight at her. Upon contact, Rarity's spell was counteracting against Vermillion's Tesla gun. Before he could see what was coming, Rarity poured all of her concentration and her anger as she pushed the lighting tendril back to Vermillion's tesla gun with her magic. As soon as Rarity's magic got close to the Tesla Gun's barrel, it exploded in front of Vermillion's face, sending him backwards a couple of feet away from where he was standing. The moment Vermillion got up on his hooves again, he sees the Tesla gun explode into a million pieces before his very eyes. The red unicorn stallion used his magic to draw out his lighting saber again only for Trixie to show up and whacked Vemillion's sword away from him with her wizard staff. After the lighting saber landed on the ground, Trixie slammed her staff at the back of Vermillion's head, making him fall face flat on the ground, out cold. The next thing the light-blue unicorn did was summon a set of chains to wrap around the unconscious red unicorn, restraining him completely, while placing an anti-magic seal on top of his horn.

"Behold!! The Great and Powerful Trixie has defeated one of the most toughest fighters and royal knights of Unicornia with the aid of the Great and Powerful Fashionista!!!" Trixie bellowed in a happy cheer, congratulating to herself as she turned Vermillion over to the Crystal Guard ponies.

"Thanks for your help, Trixie." Rarity said while smiling at the light-blue unicorn. "I wouldn't be able to defeat him alone with it weren't for you.

"No need to thank the Great and Powerful Trixie, Rarity." Trixie acknowledged the white unicorn. "If you're going to help Princess Twilight end this political nightmare, then give her my regards."

After hearing Trixie's speech, Rarity gathered all of her available weapons before assisting Twilight in defeating Amadeus. As for Morning Blade, after Starlight's Mallet struck at his shield barrier, it started to crack, revealing an opening where Morning Blade is at his most vulnerable. Upon seeing the Mallet heading straight for his head, Morning Blade used his magic to teleport himself away from Starlight's attack. As soon as he reappeared, Blade lashed out his blue-lighting whip gun with his bionic arm at Starlight only for her to unleash her chain-wrapped axles at them. When both of the unicorn's whiplashing weapons clashed into each other, a loud crack erupted upon impact, causing the ground to crack below their hooves. Starlight raised her chained axles and swung it around above her head before slamming on of them on top of Morning Blade's head. However, Blade aimed his whip gun at the chained axle and shot at it, sending the first axle flying away from its chain. Undiscouraged by such tricks, Starlight swung the two remaining chained axles at both of her sides and hurled them both at Morning Blade's sides. Morning dodged both axles and charged forward at Starlight with all of his might. Starlight's eyes widen with horror as she sees Morning Blade lunge at her while drawing out both of his orichalcum swords and aiming them directly at her chest. As Starlight dodged one sword, she felt the other sword slash at her lower abdomen, making her fall on her back, bleeding.

"AUUUGH!!!" Starlight screamed as she clutched onto her wound while on the ground.

As Morning Blade is about to execute a finishing blow with one of his swords, Starlight picked up her mallet and swung it at his face. Unfortunately, Blade used one of his swords to knock Starlight's mallet off from her hoof and stabbed it into her left shoulder blade, pinning her to the ground while she screamed in pain.

"Say goodnight, Starlight Glimmer!!!" Morning Blade said as he is about to stab the female unicorn in the heart with his other sword.

However, before Morning Blade could do so, Sunset Shimmer rammed him squarely in the chest, making him fall on his back, while holding onto his sword. The moment he got up, he sees Sunset aiming her Flamberge at his face. As the Unicornian General fired his whip gun at Sunset, she grabbed it with her left hoof and yanked it towards her, making Blade lurch forward by force. The next thing Blade saw was Sunset using her Flamberge to chop off the blue-lighting whip completely and used her magic to destroy the mounted weapon on its bionic arm. After that, Sunset kicked Morning Blade directly in the face with both of her hooves, sending him skidding backwards a couple of feet away from the bright yellow unicorn. Unfazed by such a blow, Morning Blade used his magic to summon both of his long swords and leaped at Sunset Shimmer, preparing to chop her up into a million pieces. Sunset raised her Flamberge up to her eye level and stood her ground against Blade's flurry of attacks with his swords, while counterattacking with her own sword. Eventually, Sunset was able to break up Morning Blade's guard and with just one powerful stroke with her Flamberge, she managed to shatter the blade of one of the general's swords. After Sunset made another horizontal swipe at the Unicornian General, Morning Blade jumped backwards only to be met by a blazing wave of magic coming out of Sunset's Flamberge. Not a moment too soon, Blade used his magic to summon another shield barrier to protect himself from the magic wave Sunset Shimmer is causing. Upon hitting Blade's shield barrier, the magic wave caused an explosion followed by a small smoke screen. As soon as the smoke disappeared, Morning Blade charged straight at Sunset Shimmer with his remaining Orichalcum Long Sword, poised to slice off her neck. However, Sunset tilted her face to her right, only to have the blade cut across her cheek, leaving behind a bleeding cut on her face.

"That does it, Morning Blade." Sunset snarled, as she left the blood drip from her face. "It's time to end this, once and for all."

"Like hell, you're ever going to scare me, bitch." Morning Blade taunted the yellow unicorn. "Bring it on!!!"

Without hesitation, Sunset raised her Flamberge in front of her face, summoned all of her magic, and focused it into her sword, charging it up to the fullest. As soon as she is done, Sunset charged straight at Morning Blade, preparing to deliver the final strike. At the same thing, Morning Blade summoned all of his magic, imbued it into his sword to maximum power, raised it up high, and charged at Sunset Shimmer, hoping to end this fight for good. In an instant, both unicorns clashed into each other, unleashing their most powerful magic by the end of their blades. After the impact, they both executed vertical slashes before they passed right through each other. As soon as Sunset and Morning Blade both landed on their hooves again, a climatic event starts to unfold. Sunset almost collapsed on the pavement only for her to use her Flamberge as a leverage to hold herself up. The next thing Sunset saw from herself was a flesh wound coming from her left side, with blood coming out of it. As for Morning Blade, the moment he got back up, his eyes widen as he feels himself caught on fire from the inside. As the fire started burning his coat, Morning Blade started screaming and running all over the place, until he fell into a nearby pond in the Canterlot gardens. Although the fire caught on his skin was already put out, Morning Blade immediately collapsed unconscious, while floating in the lake.

"Good Riddance, Morning Blade." Sunset Shimmer wheezed before she collapsed onto the pavement, wounded and bleeding before closing her eyes as she smiled to herself. "Princess Celestia! Princess Twilight! Thank you."

After Sunset lost consciousness, a wounded Starlight Glimmer comes up to her in a worried expression. With her magic, Starlight picks up a badly injured Sunset Shimmer. In an instant, Starlight teleports herself and Sunset to a nearby medical tent for recovery.

After the explosion between Twilight's magic and the Cross Knight's Laser Cannon occurred, Twilight was sent flying into a nearby building and, upon impact, she crashed into the brick wall before falling on her back onto the floor inside the building.

"Ugh. My back. I-It hurts." Twilight grunted in pain while struggling to get up on her hooves again.

While still lying on the ground, Twilight hears Amadeus' evil laughter coming from inside his Mega Knight as he approaches to where she's at.

"Prepare to be skewered, Princess. This will end it!!!" Amadeus cackled as he aimed the Mega Knight's Laser Cannon at Twilight's face. "BURN!!! BURN TO ASHES!!!"

However, before the Mega Knight could fire its Laser Cannon at Twilight, Applejack appeared on the Mech's right and threw the Vampiric Claymore at the Cannon, making it explode upon impact, destroying the Laser Cannon.

"I'm ah afraid that ya are going to be da one who shall burn ta ashes!!" Applejack hissed as she drew out her talons and leaped right to Twilight's right side.

"Oh, Yeah!!" Amadeus hissed. "Do really think you can save Princess Twilight Sparkle from me?"

"I'm not da only one who was the will to do so." Applejack glared at him.

"Don't forget about us, you two-timed, heartless, noble ruffian!!!" Rarity snarled as she appeared right next to Applejack.

Not a moment too soon, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash all appeared before Twilight Sparkle, with all of them drawing out their weapons, arming themselves to the teeth to end the battle between good and evil. As Twilight got up on her hooves again, she injected herself with a health serum, relieving the pain from her injured back.

"So it seems, that not only will I facing Twilight Sparkle, I'll be facing the entire Element Bearers of Harmony." Amadeus smirked. "Well, if you all think you can take me on, then I like to see you all try!! I mean, just how long do you guys think you can maintain the Elements of Harmony, I wonder. Let's find out, shall we?"

"You never accepted the Elements of Harmony or our friendship for granted." Twilight Sparkle snarled. "Because you have taken 15 years away from me just for your lust for power, I'll make you regret you ever carried out your diabolical scheme of a destiny, let alone shattered my righteous ruling over Equestria."

"You still don't get, do you Princess?" Amadeus Blueblood said while glaring at the purple alicorn. "THIS IS MY WORLD TO RULE OVER. MY WORLD!!! And as a true noble, unlike you, those 15 years we mine to spend and since you poisoned my daughter against me, I will have no choice but to take matters in my own hooves, starting with the demise of you and the false Elemental bearers of Harmony."

"So be it." Twilight Sparkle snarled as she turned to see her friends one more time before engaging Amadeus in the final battle, along with them. "Get him, girls!!! He never understood a thing about me anyway."

In less than a minute, Twilight Sparkle and the Mane 5 charged forward at the Blue Cross Knight, hoping to put an end to Amadeus' tyranny once and for all.