• Published 7th Jul 2017
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Assassinverse: Unicornia The New Order - efug25g

After Twilight was assassinated in her sleep, she awakes from her coffin 15 years later, only to find that the evil nobles and traditionalists have successfully conquered all of Equestria with the aid of the Unicornian Kingdom.

  • ...

Chapter 21: Queen Twilight Sparkle of the Golden Age

In just 12 hours later, after the battle to retake Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle finally woke up only to find herself on top of a medical bed in the Canterlot Hospital. On her right, she sees Flash Sentry and Spike sitting at the sides and the moment they see Twilight wake up, they both immediately hugged her, relieved that she's actually okay. Upon seeing Flash Sentry again, she notices that he has stitches and bandages all over his orange body and his face, which was the result of getting cuts from crashing into one of the glass windows during the fight in Canterlot.

"Oh, Mother!! We all thought we lost you again." Spike cried in tears of happiness.

"It's okay, Spike. I've seen worse than just this." Twilight replied as she hugged her adoptive dragon son in her hooves.

"You sure had us worried, my dear." Flash Sentry spoke in a calm tone of voice. "Your friends found you lying on the ground, bleeding and unconscious. The next thing they saw from you was when Majesty turned you over to the medical staff to treat you of your injuries."

"Flash, what happened when I was still out cold?" Twilight asked her pegasus colt-friend.

"Well, after the battle, we were able to round up all of the Unicornian guards that surrendered. As for the nobles who were on Amadeus' side, they were all detained and sent to Baltimare, where they all awaiting banishment to either Tartarus or to Unicornia. The moment we reclaimed Canterlot, we notified the royal sisters and Princess Cadence of our latest victory." Flash Sentry explained. "They'll be coming down here with a royal caravan as soon as you recover and leave the hospital. Also, Queen Majesty Blueblood, Admiral Thunderball, Morning Blade, Vermillion, Professor Felhand, and Lord Bronze are all taken into our custody to await their trial, just as soon as the Royal sisters and Princess Cadence arrive."

"But why Majesty Blueblood, after Discord's message was able to get through Majesty's thick skull of hers, despite how spoiled and how ruthless she was during the time she and her father took over Equestria?" Twilight asked while under a state of confusion. "And that she was begging our forgiveness and helped saved most of the other families from getting caught up in the siege of Canterlot, as well as helping me defeat Amadeus?"

"Majesty and her remaining followers may have tried to do the right thing just recently, but it does not change what they did in the past 15 years for they still have to answer to all the ponies that were previously enslaved and killed under their tyrannical reign." Flash Sentry responded in a grim tone of voice. "Oh, and by the way, Princess Celestia wanted me ask you to attend to their trial at Canterlot where you will be the one who shall decide their punishment. Every pony will be waiting for you there."

"Oka-UGH!!!" Twilight said before she started grunted in pain as she tried to get up from her medical bed. The moment she looked at herself, Twilight sees a body cast covering up her lower abdomen and feels a square bandage covering up her bruise on her face.

"Not right now, your highness." Flash Sentry continued. "The doctor said that you need a full two weeks of recovery first before we can begin their trial. They said that you had multiple small broken bones all over your ribs and that you lost like a quarter amount of blood from your wounds. You're already scheduled for a blood transfusion and a few surgeries to repair all of your bone tissue. For now, just get some rest. Don't worry my dear, I'll still stay right by your side until you recover, your highness."

"Thank you, Flash." Twilight said as she smiled at him before going to sleep, letting him touch her right cheek with his left hoof.

Meanwhile, outside of the Canterlot Hospital, Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer were able to be successfully discharged after making a full recovery of their injuries in just about 24 hours. Upon leaving the building, they see Trixie and the rest of the Mane 5 right outside. Though, they were all still worried of Princess Twilight Sparkle, until Shinning Armor appeared before them, telling the girls that Twilight will be okay after two weeks of recovery. During the time Twilight is recovering, the rest of the Mane 5, Soarin, Starlight, Trixie, and Sunset helped Shinning Armor rebuild Canterlot, repairing everything that was destroyed during their assault to retake their Capital away from Unicornia. The rest of Tirek's former warriors volunteered to help rebuild Canterlot as well in order to cover up all the damage that their sick-twisted Centaur Lord has caused. While on their breaks, most of the Mane 5 were able to get to visit Twilight Sparkle in her hospital dorm, leaving her behind flowers and books. During the reconstruction of Canterlot, all of the dead ponies that fought for Equestria's freedom have been buried in the memorial gardens, granted special honors so that every pony will remember the day that they gave their blood to save their country. As for the dead Unicornians, they were all burned to ashes and dumped into the river, including Amadeus' corpse. The moment they were done repairing all of Canterlot, the Centaurs and the Gargoyles went back to their homeland to start anew with their newest, gifted, kind-hearted ruler named King Grimauldus, who happens to be one of the direct descendants of King Scorpan.

After Twilight recovered and was discharged from the Canterlot Hospital, she was immediately meet by her parents and Shinning Armor outside. Upon seeing them again, Twilight hugged Twilight Velvet, Night Light, and Shinning ensuring that she was okay. Behind her parents and her brother, Twilight sees an unknown female unicorn in a grey cloak in the distance before she disappeared behind a residential building right next to her. Twilight wasn't sure who was that female pony that saw her and walked away. Not wanting to worry about it, Twilight lead her parents and her brother back to their old house to rest up for the next day. As Twilight and her parents disappeared, the same female unicorn appeared again from behind the residential building. She happens to be none other than Mystic Sparkle, who abandoned her last name so that she can get away from her parents to start her life all over again.

"So that must be Princess Twilight Sparkle." Mystic Sparkle said to herself. "I didn't think she would actually be alive after all this time. Though, I still don't think I could bear myself to face her as my sister, or the rest of our family again. I still need some time to think about this first. After all, I'm hoping that someday, I'll become just as great she is, so that our parents will never doubt me again."

Mystic Sparkle pulled on her grey hood before trotting her way towards the entrance of Canterlot and disappeared into the bright light bearing down on her. All around Canterlot, various rays of light started shinning down upon the city, indicating that the shadows of the Blueblood family and the evil power hungry nobles have finally faded away.

After spending 3 days at her birthplace, Twilight gets a letter from Princess Celestia through Spike that she, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence have all arrived at the gates of Canterlot and has requested her audience with them to discuss the trial that will decide the fate of Majesty Blueblood and her surviving nobles. As soon as Twilight arrived at the main gate, she was greeted by all three princesses with a group hug, followed by smiles on their faces. Right behind the four alicorns, another royal caravan appeared before them. From inside the caravan, a unicorn named King Silversteel appeared and bowed down to Twilight Sparkle. The royal sisters told Twilight that he received a message from one of Thunderball's sailors telling him about Amadeus' plot that is threatening to put his wife in danger due to his false claims and wishes to save her from falling prey to the corruption infecting Equestria due to her father's scheming. After that, Twilight led them all the way back to the Palace were they'll start going over the options to carry out the nobles' punishments. As for Discord, he did his part as a lawyer for Majesty, Admiral Thunderball, and Lord Bronze. On the next day, the trial began with Twilight standing up on the Equestrian throne with Princess Luna and King Silversteel on her right and Princess Celestia and Princess Cadence on the left, with all of them wearing their crowns and royal accessories. Up front of the audience, from left to right, there is Majesty Blueblood, Thunderball, Bronze, Morning Blade, Felhand, and Vermillion, all of them are being escorted by Flash Sentry, Gladius Strife, and several royal guards that are still loyal to Twilight Sparkle. Upon seeing them appear before Twilight, the two remaining Unicornian Royal Knights were all battered and bruised with Morning Blade have dents on his robotic body, along with old patches of burns on his skin, and Vermillion having dried bloodstains on his coat. All of them have been chained up in the legs and on their necks. Majesty Blueblood is now seen with her right hoof covered up in a dress wound, after getting shot by Amadeus' pistol. As for Twilight's friends, her family, and the rest of her loyal subjects and nobles, they're all standing right behind the 5 defendants, still glaring at them with hostility and hate in their eyes. Before any pony could say anything, Princess Twilight Sparkle makes her announcement to the public at the beginning of their trial as she used her magic to take out a scroll to explain all of the crimes they've committed over the past 15 years.

"Attention all fillies and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to press charges on the defendants presented before us all in this public, criminal trial: Majesty Blueblood the alicorn Queen of Unicornia, Blitz Thunderball the Admiral of the Unicornian Fleet, Copper Bronze the Lord and Head of the Bronze Noble family, Sir Morning Blade the general and head of the Royal Knights of Unicornia, Red Vermilion the Commander and 2nd of member of the Royal Knights of Unicornia, and Professor Felhand Greencoat the Mad scientist, inventor, and weapons designer." Twilight Sparkle announced to the public. "These corrupted nobles and military insurgents are all accused for the crimes of genocide, terrorism, assault and battery, bribery, high treason, looting, racial discrimination, monopolizing illegal trade, tax evasion, unauthorized enslavement, smuggling, and illegitimate uses of experimentation. After going over the paperwork carefully and discussing all the options with my fellow princesses, I was contemplating on sentencing all of them to life imprisonment at Tartarus or to death by the gallows. However, since Majesty, Thunderball, and Bronze have actually displayed good faith by helping the innocent fillies, mares, and gentle colts escape Canterlot with their lives just recently, during our previous siege to retake the Capital city of Equestria, and that one of them helped me stop Amadeus in his tracks, I won't pass the death sentence onto every pony defendant in this trial. In fact, their punishments will be reduced, apart from Blade, Felhand, and Vermillion. Before I can carry out all of their sentences separately, I want to see if any pony from the defending side has any objections first."

Before any pony could say anything, Majesty Blueblood stepped forward and bowed at Twilight's hooves, without showing any fear.

"Your highness, I understand that you and your friends all have a lot of reasons not to trust me despite my actions made against father. But I want to let you know that despite all the lectures and teachings that my father and his associates gave me, I had no idea that things would actually get out of control because of what they did to you, due to reasons that I actually didn't really understand." Majesty spoke towards Twilight Sparkle. "I just wanted to ensure the survival of our country as well as saving our families from tearing each other apart. However, after reading your journal that Discord dropped on my hooves, it turns out that I was so blind by my use of power and dominance, I didn't realize that you already succeeded in doing what no noble pony has done before. It turns out that, after ruling over Equestria for 15 years, I was forced by my own peers to steal away what you already established during your reign. As of right now, I don't have any good excuses for treating your friends and your loyal subjects like trash. So, despite my husband's pleading, I'll accept whatever punishment you would give us."

"Point taken, Majesty Blueblood." Twilight acknowledged. "Now then, anypony else?"

In just one minute, Morning Blade stepped forward next to Majesty with anger and fury in his eyes.

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE, YOU TWO-BIT, STUBBORN, SELF-CONCEITED, OVERCONFIDENT, SHITTY EGGPLANT, LITTLE BRAT!!!!" Morning Blade angrily shouted as he tried to leap at the purple alicorn, only for Flash Sentry and Gladius Strife to grab him from behind and pulled him away from her. "Just because you killed Lord Amadeus, Lord Eagle Eye, and Lord Rasputin that doesn't mean it's going to be over. There will be some pony out there that will start rebelling against you in the future someday if you're not careful. They'll hunt you down and catch your purple ass. When they do, they're not just going to kill you. In fact, if my family ever finds out what happened to me because of you, THEY'RE GOING TO FUCK YOUR LIFE UP, ALONG WITH YOUR CHILDREN AND YOUR GRANDCHILDREN. YOU ARE DEAD I TELL YOU, DEAD, D-E-A-D, DEAD, ALONG WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND YOUR FAMILY!!!!"

Undaunted by Morning Blade's wild ranting, Twilight kept a very strong posse, unaffected by such yelling. "Sorry Morning Blade, but maybe if you at least listened to me in the first place and gave me a chance to show my good faith in every pony without resorting to such mindless violence, then maybe I would've spare your life. However, since you proven yourself to be a big disgrace and a huge threat to every pony I care about, including my brother, you left me with no other choice."

As Twilight unfurled her wings and lift them up in the air, with her eyes glowing white, she finally makes her sentence at the trial in a royal Canterlot voice. "As the Princess of Friendship, I, Twilight Sparkle, shall hear by banish Majesty, Thunderball, and Bronze to the Kingdom of Unicornia until you're all ready to reestablish Princess Platinum's Peace Treaty and until further notice. As for Vermillion and Morning Blade, I hereby sentence you two to the death by the gallows. And as for Professor Felhand, you are hereby sentenced to life imprisonment at Tartarus without parole. May Faust have mercy on all of your souls."

After Twilight announced her sentences to the defendants at her court, she used her magic to slam her hammer on the throne seat, indicating that the court is now adjourned. When every pony left the area, Vermillion and Morning Blade are both dragged back to the dungeon by Flash and Gladius. As for Shinning Armor, Silversteel, and the rest of the Mane 5, they escorted Majesty, Thunderball, and Bronze all the way to Manehattan, along with the rest of their remaining families and their associates for an immediate departure back to Unicornia. When Twilight left the throne room, she runs into Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, and Trixie Lulamoon. Before Twilight could say anything, Trixie approached her in a happy mood.

"So, Twilight, are you sure that banishing those three nobles is actually worth it?" Trixie asked the purple alicorn, mentioning Majesty, Thunderball, and Bronze.

"Well Trixie, I'm expecting from them more than just their apologizes. It's just like Flash Sentry said earlier, it doesn't change what they did in the past." Twilight responded to the light-blue unicorn mare. "In fact, most of the past sins they have committed cannot be taken back just yet. After all, they did hurt a lot of ponies during the time that I was gone and that most of them have suffered way beyond saving. So, with Discord's and Princess Luna's advice, it's better off that they need to go back to their own home country so that they can start all over again."

"But what about the other nobles who still have doubts in your democracy in Equestria, Twilight?" Starlight asked Twilight in a worried tone.

"We're going to have to take care of them immediately before they start arousing any rebellions against us." Twilight Sparkle. "Can you guys still help me reason with them too?"

"Sure thing, Twilight." Sunset acknowledged Twilight's request with a smile on her face. "We'll make sure they don't make the same mistakes that the Bluebloods did."

"Thanks guys." Twilight said as she smiled to all three unicorns.

Within 5 years, after Morning Blade and Vermillion are publicly executed, with their bodies thrown into the ravines, and with Felhand serving his life sentence at Tartarus, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna finally went into retirement at their country house at Manehattan, letting Twilight Sparkle take over the throne as their one and only Queen of Equestria. Though, the royal sisters still pay a visit to Twilight for advice every once in awhile. With every pony rejoicing, they held a grand celebration to commemorate the dawn of a new age and a new order of the Golden Era. Most of the ponies that took refuge at the Crystal Empire finally went back to their designated homes in Canterlot and in Ponyville. As Twilight made changes towards Equestria, each decision she makes was carefully inspected, interviewed, and determined by Rarity's Official Court of Equestrian Nobles, deciding whether if it needs adjustments or that they'll carry it out to the public. Sometimes, Twilight visits her castle in Ponyville to check up on the Mane 5, while she's taking care of her royal duties at Canterlot and in Ponyville. During that time, she left her adopted son Spike, her pet Owliscious, and most of the Mane 5 to take care of her castle.

After Unicornia's defeat, they were finally convinced that the lies and deceit that Amadeus Blueblood has caused were finally realized. Consequently, they lost control every city that they took over in Equestria and gave back all of the rights, reformations, and citizenry to the Equestrian ponies before they went back to their island homeland. When Queen Majesty, King Silversteel and their fellow nobles went back to Unicornia, they decided to make amends towards the rest of the inhabitants that are still residing there. During their exile, Majesty went under a surgical operation to remove the mind-controlling crystal that was still residing in her body, finally freeing her from her enslavement. After that, Majesty decided to help rebuild the Blueblood Noble family, restoring them of ancestor's, Sir Blueblood's, former glory.

As for the Mane 5, Applejack opened up businesses so that his Changeling friends and Crimson and his family help her expand their sales on various Apple products manufactured by the Apple Family. Pinkie Pie, her husband Cheese Sandwich, and her family were granted a private contract by Queen Twilight herself that any Orichalcum that was harvested in their rock farm must be secured and safely stored in crates before being shipped out to the Canterlot Vaults where they will not fall under the wrong hooves. If they insisted on withdrawing any crates of Orichalcum for any reason, they must be well-approved and signed by Queen Twilight herself first and must be kept under a constant, permanent supervision. After Rainbow Dash became reinstated back into the Wonderbolts, she paid Soarin back by offering her hoof in marriage in which he agrees immediately. Their wedding took place at Cloudsdale where Dash's friends and her family celebrated with her during this happy day of her life. For Fluttershy, after she married Discord, she and Discord traveled outside of Equestria to explore new areas, plot new charts and maps, meet new species, and make diplomatic solutions for them to accept friendships outside of Equestria. For Rarity, she and her husband Spike were able to restore their businesses in their Fashion Boutiques, rehiring all of their managers residing there. During the time Queen Twilight makes her announcements, she also appointed several more royal knights to serve under her will thanks to the help of Flash Sentry, Shinning Armor, and Gladius Strife. Furthermore, they also made sure that their honesty and loyal is kept in check through strict military discipline and supervision, so that there will be zero chance that none of them will start rebelling against the crown. As for Princess Cadence, she insisting on making good economic trade between the Crystal Empire, Canterlot, and Ponyville as well as protecting all trade routes coming from Yakyakistan, the Griffon Kingdom, Saddle Arabia, Manehattan, Appleloosa, Cloudsdale, and Baltimare. For Trixie, right after she recovered her lost stuff at Canterlot, she became Twilight's official spokespony to demonstrate the Queen's royal decrees by broadcasting every change on how great they really are to the public. After making demonstrations to the public, Trixie has also requested approval from each and every one of them by asking them to place their votes into the ballots at the post offices in their cities, whether they'll agree or disagree. After Starlight Glimmer married Sunburst, she continued to serve Queen Twilight, not just as her student, but also as her right hand mare and advisor. As Twilight's advisor, Starlight insisted on making suggestions for her queen and friend whenever making changes for Equestria. As for Sunset Shimmer, she served Queen Twilight as her ambassador at Canterlot High, in hopes of discovering and learning new technologies from the human world. Sunset's purpose of as an ambassador, is to ensure that the rest of the Equestrians will adapt to such new improvements for their beloved country.

After Queen Majesty Blueblood of Unicornia reestablished the peace treaty 2 years later, ending the violent conflict between the Unicornians and the Equestrians, Queen Twilight Sparkle of Equestria celebrated this new era of peace by offering her hoof in marriage towards her most trust knight and her dear colt-friend, Captain Flash Sentry of the Solar Guard Division. The wedding was held in Twilight's Castle Ballroom at Ponyville where all of her family, her fellow princesses, her friends, and their loved ones are all waiting for her. As the wedding began, royal colors were hanging up on the ceiling at the ballroom. They were all colored in orange and purple, with most of them bearing the Twilight's cutie mark and Flash's cutie mark. Royal Guards are stationed at the doorway to the castle's ballroom.

As the two huge doors open at the Ballroom, the CMC came in first as the flower fillies. After that, there came Queen Twilight Sparkle, with a happy smile on her face, followed by a cute squeal. Upon seeing her in the public, many ponies could not help but cheer for her happily after seeing how beautiful and how lovely Twilight really is. She was wearing a regal white gown and a light-blue dress filled with golden embroideries. Her lovely mane was fashioned by Rarity and Spike, making it flow right behind her head, with yellow flowers on top of it, followed by a white veil that has a blue sting with white beads. As she approached to the front, Twilight was followed by Trixie and Starlight, as her bridesmaids, lifting up her white dress with their magic by the ends, while they're both smiling at her. Upon seeing his LSBFF wearing such a gorgeous wedding dress, Shinning Armor couldn't stop crying in tears of happiness.

"Oh, Twiley. My dear LSBFF is all grown up." Shinning wailed as he let Princess Cadence comfort him in her hooves. "I-I just can't resist!!!"

At the front, there is Flash Sentry standing right next to Princess Celestia at the front. When he put his Royal Guard Armor away, he dressed himself up in a black tuxedo suit. His blue mane was refashioned into a smooth wavy cut, in which made Twilight find Flash even more handsome than ever before. Upon seeing the orange pegasus in a more formal appearance, it made the queen blush even more. As soon as Queen Twilight went up to the front, with Trixie and Starlight joining the rest of the Mane 5, along with the rest of the audience, Princess Celestia stepped forward to make her announcement for the wedding of Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to celebrate the resurrection and reunion of Queen Twilight Sparkle and Captain Flash Sentry." Princess Celestia announced. "Their strength and bravery unwavered, their bond unbreakable, their loyalty towards each other undisputed and unquestionable, and their love undeniable. By help saving Equestria from the recent oppression, tyranny, and annihilation caused by Unicornia, these two noble, devoted ponies have obtained the greatest honor along with all those who fought for them. Spike, may we have the rings, please?"

After responding to Celestia's request, Spike comes up to the front and presented them their wedding rings, with one of them engraved with the writing "TS X FS, till death do us part" and one with a string around it.

"I now pronounce you Mare and Colt." Celestia announced as she used her magic to lift up both of the rings and put one Twilight's horn and one on Flash's neck.

After hearing Princess Celestia's speech every pony started cheering for them with such tearful happiness and awe. While Flash and Twilight both smiled and waved at the crowd behind them, the mane 5, Sunset, Starlight, Trixie, and Twilight's parents were all smiling while silently crying in tears of joy. Not a moment too soon, the purple alicorn and orange pegasus started kissing each other passionately. Upon seeing this, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and Princess Celestia started smiling from the background, claiming that Twilight Sparkle was finally get to be with the colt of her dreams.

After they're done kissing, the Alicorn Queen and the Pegasus Captain started dancing in the middle of the ballroom, holding each other in their hooves while the rest of the other ponies and creatures watched, as the musicians started playing their music. Upon seeing all of this, Fluttershy could not help but smile as she let her tears drip on the floor while embracing Discord on her left with his paw patting on top of her head.

"Are you okay, Fluttershy?" Discord asked his yellow female pegasus wife.

"Y-Yes, I am." Fluttershy said in a happy, soft-spoken voice, while wiping her tears away with a handkerchief before turning face towards Discord. "I-It just that, I-I just love happy reunions."

"So do I my dear, so do I." Discord said as he smiled at Fluttershy before looking back at Twilight and Flash.

During her dancing with Flash, Twilight remembered what Discord and Princess Celestia said to her before she helped saved all of Equestria again from Amadeus and his cronies.

"You're not hopeless, Twilight. You already showed me, Trixie, Sunset, and Starlight on how a true leader should behave. That is, by treating others fairly, giving them things to do without hesitation, without being sinful on all sorts, and by not abusing the power that you possess. It's just like what Princess Sunbutt said: You are an inspiration for us all, Twilight. When you reformed me, I'm actually grateful at that because you gave me a second chance to understand friendship just like any other pony would. So, there's no point living in the past anymore because you already taught me that friends always stick together and help each other out when the situation turns dire, right?"

"I'm not as loved as you think I am, even I have political enemies as well. But Luna and I were there for each other, as well as our friends. Eventually, we won the hearts of our subjects and we can do the same for you. We will protect you, Twilight Sparkle, I will protect you."

"It seems that Princess Celestia and Discord are both right, it's never too late to solve your problems, than rather run away from them, since there will always be friends that will help you out, no matter what." Twilight told to herself while in Flash's embrace. "After all, there's always a lot to live for. And as long as I have friends that can help me enforce and fight for the magic of friendship, there won't be anything that I cannot do. Therefore, our friendship will be carried out during the dawn of a new order, followed by the Golden Age."

As Queen Twilight Sparkle and Captain Flash Sentry continued dancing, a choir version of their romantic song started playing in the background.

I know you, I walked with once upon a dream,
I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam,
And I know it's true that the vision is seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you will do
YOU'LL.....LOVE....ME.....AT....ONCE, THE....WAY....YOU....DID....ONCE

Author's Note:

Since I'm a fan of Twilight X Flash, I decided to make this their happiest wedding ceremony where no pony is ever going to miss it. For a more exciting way to end this chapter, here is another song to celebrate Twilight's days of peace and harmony.

PS: Any pony who wants to know what has ever become of Majesty Blueblood after her sentence and Mystic Sparkle, see the next chapter.