• Published 17th Jul 2017
  • 1,807 Views, 29 Comments

Elements of Equestria - Bookpony579

In a world full of magic, can Twilight defeat Sunset and discover who she's meant to be?

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Chapter 5

Rarity dragged Twilight all the way to her locker with Twilight protesting all the while. "W-What are you doing!? I said I didn't need..." But before Twilight could finish that statement, Rarity opened her locker and an entire rack of clothes came out, long enough to reach the other side of the hall. Twilight stood there, stunned with amazement while Rarity began sorting through the various outfits.

"Too big...too small...wrong colors...ugh what was I even thinking with this one? Ah hah!" She produced an outfit consisting of a light blue bomber jacket, a light pink shirt with a purple moon on it, and a purple skirt with black leggings which featured stars on one of them. While Twilight had to admit the outfit looked nice and would probably also look nice on her, now was the time to put an end to this.

"Excuse me, miss..."

"Oh my heavens! Please do forgive me for my rudeness. My name is Rarity, aspiring fashion designer. And you are?"

"Twilight Sparkle, new student. Now, not to seem rude myself, but I really don't need a new outfit. See?" Twilight recited a spell in her head and quickly waved a hand over her outfit, making all the food stains disappear in the blink of an eye. Rarity sighed in defeat.

"Oh well. I understand. But I insist you keep the outfit." Rarity then levitated the ensemble to her. "It would look just darling on you!" Twilight was surprised by the girl's generosity. "Wow! Thanks!"

"It's no problem darling. After helping poor Fluttershy earlier today, what are friends for?"

"Friends?" Twilight was shocked. She was about to tell Rarity that she didn't do friends when the bell rang, ending the lunch period and giving the signal for fifth period.

"Well better head off to class then. See you later darling!" Rarity stuffed away the rack and pulled out books from somewhere in her locker and strutted briskly to class, leaving a still surprised Twilight behind holding her new outfit.

And I didn't even get any lunch....

The rest of the day seemed to drag on when the last bell finally rang, calling an end to the school day. While everyone else headed home or stayed behind for clubs, Twilight headed straight to the principal's office. When she got there, Celestia was thankfully still there behind her desk and greeted Twilight with her usual smile.

"Twilight! Back so soon? In case you were still wondering about the crown, I examined it and I can assure you, I found absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. No devices and no enchantments placed there." Twilight was taken back by this. As much as she wanted to believe the more experienced mage, Twilight couldn't shake the feeling that there was something strange about it.

"In that case, would it be alright if I took a look at the crown myself?"

"I'm sorry Twilight, but I already gave it to Luna and we're keeping it under more secure lock this time." Seeing Twilight's disappointed face, Celestia offered up another solution. "But if you really want to take another look at it, you could sign up for the party planning committee. I think Pinkie Pie's in the gym setting up for the fall formal as we speak, so why not talk to her and she'll help you get set up." Twilight, feeling a little better now, thanked her and was on her way to the gym.

"Well Spike, looks like getting to the bottom of this will be harder than I thought...."

The gym looked exactly as it had in her dreams, only more brighter, less ominous and covered with streamers, balloons and other party decorations. Spike swiftly jumped out of Twilight's backpack and began playing with one of the stray balloons.

"Hello? Is anyone here? I'm here to sign up for that.."

"INCOMING!" Before Twilight could react, she was suddenly covered in a shower of streamers. Once she cleaned herself off, she looked to see a very pink girl with curly hair blowing up balloons. Despite not understanding how she suddenly got there, Twilight decided to get it over with.

"Excuse me Pinkie Pie, but I'm..." Before Twilight could finish, Pinkie suddenly gasped loudly and grabbed Twilight by her blouse and came face to face with her.

"Are you psychic!?" Pinkie asked excitedly.

"N-no, Principal Celestia told me to find you."

Pinkie Pie let Twilight go with a sigh, "Oh well" before releasing Twilight. However, she wasn't done quite yet and began to examine Twilight quite intimately, like Rarity had earlier. Have the girls at this school never heard of the term 'personal space?

Once Pinkie was done she became quite excited again. "Oh my stars! Are you new here!? I mean of course your new here, I've never seen you before, and I remember everybody I meet! I'm sorry if I didn't get the chance to throw you a proper welcoming party, but I've been sooo busy setting up for the fall formal. Anyway let me introduce myself! My name is Pinkamena Diane Pie but thats too long to remember so everybody just calls me Pinkie Pie! What's your name?" Pinkie stopped her rambling, waiting for Twilight to answer. Momentarily confused by the sudden influx of words (and admittedly only making out every other one) Twilight understood that Pinkie wanted her to introduce herself.

"My name's Twilight Sparkle, I am new here and I want to sign up for the party planning committee."

"Oh! That's great! I've got the sign up sheet right here!" Pinkie pie then reached into her hair and pulled out a clipboard with slots for names on it. Again confused by the girl's defiance to the laws of physics, Twilight decided to save studying it for another day and took the pen Pinkie offered her. She was just about to sign her name the the gym door opened again.

"Somebody order a dozen cases of fizzy apple cider?" a distinctly western voice called out. Twilight and Pinkie turned to see a blonde girl in western clothes (including a distinctive hat) enter carrying a case of cider. Behind her, an older boy with orange hair and light red skin entered carrying even MORE cases of cider. Pinkie a began exclaiming a rapid series of "oh's" and "me's" while bouncing joyfully on one leg. The girl looked at Twilight and her eyes widened a little in surprise.

"Hey! I know you!"

"You do?" Twilight was confused, she had never seen this girl before today.

"Sure! Your the new girl who gave Sunset Shimmer the what-for today." The girl then proceeded to help herself to a bottle of cider.
Twilight was surprised, people were talking about her confrontation with Sunset?

"Twilight Sparkle here is gonna sign up to help the party planning committee." Pinkie informed her, before blowing up another balloon which somehow started floating, taking her along with it.

"Good. We need all the help we can get." The girl put out her hand for Twilight to shake. "Name's Applejack, mah family owns Sweet Apple Acres. Mighty pleased to meet ya."

"Nice to meet you too." Twilight grabbed her hand and was surprised by Applejack's quick and forceful shakes.

Pinkie Pie, after freeing herself from the balloons grasp, once again produced the sign up sheet. "Now all we need to do is get you signed up and your all set to go!" Twilight was about to sign when the doors slammed open yet again.

"This. Looks. TERRIBLE!"

Author's Note:

In case you haven't guessed, the outfit Rarity pulls out is the Twilight Sparkle EQG mini figure one.

Also: Woohoo! Two chapters in one day!:pinkiehappy:
Me go to sleep now...💤