• Published 17th Jul 2017
  • 1,807 Views, 29 Comments

Elements of Equestria - Bookpony579

In a world full of magic, can Twilight defeat Sunset and discover who she's meant to be?

  • ...

Chapter 7

Twilight stood in front of CHS in the middle of the night. The wind was howling and flying high in the sky before her was the same shadowy demon from before, still laughing maniacally.

"Do you honestly believe that you can defeat me?" the creature asked mockingly, "Let's just see about that." Suddenly a ball of fire began to form in it's hands. When the creature decided it was big enough, she blasted it towards Twilight! The last thing Twilight heard before being incinerated was:

"Goodbye Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight woke up the same way she had yesterday morning: heart pounding and covered in sweat. What is going on with me? She jumped again when the alarm clock went off. She pounded her fist on the 'snooze' button and got ready, after all she had a big day ahead of her.

Twilight (along with Spike), got to school nice and early. Last night she had done a ton of research on the school's history and campaign strategies. She had also printed up several posters to be hung around the school. She had just hung one up when an eager voice popped up behind her:

"Hey! Your Twilight Sparkle right?"

Startled, Twilight turned to see a girl with light blue skin, magenta eyes, and vibrant hair with all the colors of the rainbow in it. Behind her, FLuttershy stood with a small smile.

"Yes that's me...and you are?"

"Names Rainbow Dash." Rainbow began to examine Twilight as though trying to figure something out. "You know...you might have only just gotten here yesterday, but you've already got people talkin'."

"Really?" Twilight said nervously. In her experience, being talked about made you a target.

"Yeah, helpin out Flutters here, stickin it to Sunset, not to mention running for the fall formal. That takes guts." Rainbow said with a hint of admiration in her voice. "And that's exactly what we need in a fall formal princess." Rainbow then proceeded to take half the posters from the stack Twilight had.


"I'm gonna help you out. I'm pretty sure an endorsement from someone as awesome as me is gonna snag you a few votes." Rainbow said proudly. "Plus I'm the captain of pretty much every sports team here so i'll talk to some of my teammates for ya."

"Wait! I..." Before Twilight could protest, Rainbow was off to hang up posters at an impressive speed, leaving Twilight and Fluttershy behind.

"Sorry about that. Rainbow Dash is a bit eager when it comes to helping her friends." Fluttershy apologized for her impulsive friend. Twilight was again bothered by the word 'friends' but decided not to bring it up this time.

"It's alright, but Applejack and Pinkie Pie already offered to help earlier and..." Twilight stopped when she noticed the frown on Fluttershy's fave when she mentioned Pinkie.

"Oh. Just be careful around Pinkie Pie." she warned Twilight with a startling edge in her voice. "She likes to ignore everyone else's needs and make everything into a wild party. One time I had a silent auction to help the animal shelter and she brought fireworks and noisemakers that scared the poor animals out of there minds! The auction was ruined and I was up all night trying to calm the animals down." Twilight was shocked. Pinkie certainly seemed like a party girl, but to really go so far as to ruin something her friend worked so hard for? She just didn't seem to be that type of person.

Just before they parted ways, Fluttershy issued her a final warning: "Try not to mention Applejack's name to Rainbow. Their...not exactly on the best of terms. She wouldn't tell me exactly what happened but it sounded bad."

Twilight stood there, stunned. First Fluttershy and Pinkie don't get along, and now Rainbow Dash and Applejack? What was going one? Deciding it wasn't her business, she continued to hang up more posters before class started.

Lunchtime came once again and this time Twilight was more careful about where she was going before seating herself at an empty table. Lunch was always a good time to get some extra studying done in her books. She pulled out a text book and was about to dig in when a familiar voice called out:

"Well howdy there Twi!" Applejack proceeded to plop herself down right across from Twilight.

"Oh, hey Applejack." Twilight was disappointed that she would be going through another day without a peaceful lunch. She stopped her self-pity when she noticed the serious look forming on AJ's face.

"So...I hear ya got Rainbow to help convince people to vote for you."

"Well, I didn't really ask, she just.." Twilight was about to explain until Applejack interrupted.

"Let me just warn ya...she ain't nothin' but a backstabber! I asked if she and the softball team could make an appearance at my bake-sale. Everyone waited around for hours and not one of 'em shows up! She made a liar out of me!" Twilight was shocked yet again. Was this what Fluttershy had warned her about earlier? But Twilight couldn't make sense of it.

"Anyway, just be on the lookout. Don't be surprised if she supports you today, but leaves you in the dust tomorrow."

Twilight didn't know what else to say. She and Applejack spent the rest of the lunch period eating in an uncomfortable silence.

Rainbow Dash finished lunch early so she could get some extra practice in. Her teammates had been skeptical when she told them about Twilight Sparkle but all it took was a little convincing from her to get them on board. She continued on her way until she heard some familiar voices.

"I want you to follow her. Bring me something I can use just like I did with that last girl who thought she could challenge me."

Rainbow peaked around the corner and saw Sunset talking to her two lackeys: Snips and Snails.

"Yes ma'am!" They both saluted her.

"Once the crown and it's power are mine Twilight Sparkle will regret ever challenging me. Not that she would've been safe if she hadn't..." Sunset muttered to herself, but it was still loud enough for the others to hear it.

"Uh..what was that?" Snips asked curiously.

Sunset, realizing they had heard her, put on her commanding voice: "What are you two still doing here?! GO!" The two boys quickly scampered off. Sunset rubbed her eyes and muttered "idiots.." and headed into the bathroom, forgetting about her bag on the floor.

Rainbow was confused. it's power? As far as Rainbow knew the crown wasn't magical in anyway, was it? Rainbow decided to have a quick peak into Sunset's bag to see what she was up to. Inside were the usual notebooks, textbooks, pencils and other supplies. But what caught her attention was a huge, well-worn book and didn't look like anything Rainbow had seen before. On the cover was a golden image of a unicorn head. Taking a quick look inside, Rainbow found the title:

The Elements of Harmony: A reference guide? But...the Elements of Harmony are just an old fairy tale, or at least something that was destroyed a long time ago. Why would Sunset have this?

Suddenly she heard the bathroom door began to open and Rainbow quickly closed the bag and ran off, still holding the book. Sunset picked up her bag and, not sensing anything out of the ordinary, went off to her business.

Rainbow hid around the corner, clutching the book to her as though her life depended on it. Once the coast was clear she rushed off to put it in her locker for safekeeping.

I have a feeling Twilight will be interested in this.

Author's Note:

Sorry this one took a little long but I'm trying to figure out how I want the rest of this to go.