• Published 20th Jul 2017
  • 3,600 Views, 12 Comments

Dashie's Diaper Love (Revised) - Ironskeleton444

Rainbow Dash loves wearing diapers and acting like a baby. One day, her solo time to herself is interrupted by.... Fluttershy! After a small explanation, Fluttershy becomes Rainbow's caretaker! Contains Fluttershy x Rainbow Dash and Diaper usage

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Chapter 1: The Big Reveal!

Author's Note:

Sorry it's kinda short, but this is my first fanfic involving My Little Pony! This was edited by thatguywholikesponies. Hope you enjoy!
Well, this is the revised version of the first chapter. Enjoy.

`Rainbow Dash walks into her room, just finishing her shower, towel wrapped around her head, and wearing her purple bathrobe. It had been a fairly stressful day, Wonderbolts practice was hard, Pinkie had roped her into going swimming almost right after, and to top it off, she had to help Applejack with farm work tomorrow. She sighed as she looked at Tank, who was happily snoozing away on his pillow next to the bed.

Rainbow flops onto the bed, landing on her back and groaning. She was exhausted. She needed a break. She turned her head to the cabinet on her right, debating on whether she really needed it. Her clock on top of it read 4:18. Groaning, she sat up and went to her left window, closing the blinds before heading to the right window to repeat the process.

Rainbow is a tough girl. Strong, agile, not exactly a genius but decent intelligence. But above all, to put it in terms simple for one, she was AWESOME. But even the coolest of the cool and the lamest of the lame need to hunker down with the rest of the mortals and relax. Rainbow had her own special way, and kept it to herself.

She knelt down and opened her cabinet to reveal a vibrantly colored plastic package inside of a small cardboard box. Rainbow undid her hair towel as she took the cardboard box out from its hiding place. As the contents of the box became clearer Rainbow grimaced at the half-empty package as she reached her hand into it to retrieve something. Rainbow Dash smiled as her hand gripped something crinkly. She pulled it out into the dimmer light of her room..

It was a sky blue diaper decorated with clouds.

To others, this may have seemed odd. Even odder was how large it was. But to Rainbow Dash, it looked to her like a prize she had carved by hand out of gold. She set it aside to her, reaching back into the box around the package. In the next minute, baby powder, a cyan pacifier, and an over-sized dark blue T-Shirt gave company to the diaper. Rainbow Dash turned to her side, and she looked at the objects of her most well-kept secret.

Many times, as she and her friends grew closer and closer, she considered telling them. Hell, she even considered asking for one of them to play with her from time to time after Twilight became an official part of the Royalty in Canterlot. But Rainbow held herself back, she was loyal, not stupid. The moment she’d tell them that she liked to sit in diaper while sucking on a pacifier and playing with toys-

She didn’t even want to think of what the repercussions would be.

Rainbow Dash shook her head of these thoughts in preparation of what was to come. She finished drying her towel and threw over onto a chair nearby. She grabbed the diaper, unfolded it, and laid it down flat. She grabbed the baby powder and sprinkled some of it onto the flattened inner pad of the diaper before sitting herself on top of it. She added some more onto her private areas and rubbed it around to make sure it got where it needed to be.

Rainbow dusted her hands off and lifted up the front of the diaper, covering her privacy from the world. One hand held the front down while the other grabbed the right wing and brought the first bottom tape onto the tape zone. She taped it on and repeated the process on the left side. She grabbed the first top tape and taped it on before repeating it with the other one. She took a moment to redo them to make them tighter and grab her shirt.

She lifted the large shirt over her head and let it fall down over her chest and fit her arms through the holes. Finally, she looked in the mirror and grabbed her pacifier. She looked at herself as she put the rubber nipple into her mouth. She looked at her reflection and lifted her hair into pigtails then turned to Tank. “Pigtails or no pigtails?”

Tank blinked confusedly as he woke up.

Rainbow nodded and grabbed two cyan ribbons from the cardboard box. “You’re right, what’s the point of wearing it if I don’t go all the way?” She struggled for a bit as she tied the ribbons and hair together into pigtails. She was never that into girly-hair stuff but she had seen Applejack tie Applebloom’s bow a few times.

Rainbow looked back into the mirror.. To see Little Dashie looking back at her. They shared a smile and looked back at Tank, who seemed to be falling back asleep. Rainbow waddled to Tank and picked him up. “Cuddwes?”

Tank merely yawned and rubbed his small head against her.

Rainbow Dash smiled wider and took Tank into bed with her and cuddled with him like a teddy. “Good Tuwtwe..” It was exactly why she loved Tank, he was always so easy going.

A half hour later...

Fluttershy knocked on Rainbow Dash's front door, with a large, yellow taupe bag decorated with three pink butterflies on her shoulder. She shifted a little as she waited and thought about what to do. Rainbow said she was always welcome inside, and despite how she protested Rainbow even gave her a copy of her house key. She guiltily held up her key-chain until she found her friend's rainbow colored key and popped it into the lock. She turned it and opened the door, letting herself inside.

Fluttershy looked around inside the home, looking for her rainbow-haired friend. “Rainbow Dash?” She walked to the living room, noting the empty chip bags on the floor before heading up the stairs towards Rainbow Dash’s room. Fluttershy stood hesitantly stood before the final door, unsure of its innards. She had come this far, she may as well be polite before she opened it. Her fist raised she knocked three times. “Um, Rainbow?”

Nothing was heard from beyond the door, prompting Fluttershy to open the door, thinking that leaving a note with the bag on the bed would be good. But as the door was opened, Fluttershy’s eyes widened as she gasped with shock.

Rainbow Dash was waking up hearing the door open and a small gasp. She looked to the doorway and felt the blood drain from her face. Fluttershy was standing in her doorway. Her face flushed and staring at her. Rainbow spit her pacifier out and smiled at her friend nervously. “H-hey there, Fluttershy.. What you doing here?”

Fluttershy seemed surprised at Rainbow’s oddly calm voice. “I was umm, returning the clothes you left at my house..” She lifted the bag up for reference.

Rainbow Dash looked at it, then back to Fluttershy, the smile still plastered on. “Just put it on the table and I’ll deal with it later.. Just lock the door on your way out.”

Fluttershy gulped. “I’m sorry for coming in without your permission..”

Rainbow Dash turned away and covered herself in her blanket. “Just go.. I know you won’t want to see me after… this.”

Fluttershy walked forward to Rainbow Dash. “Dashie..”

Rainbow looked back at her, tears in her eyes and visibly upset. “Just go!”

Fluttershy flinched from the sudden yell but held her ground. “C-can I at least have an explanation?”

Rainbow Dash glared at her. “What does it look like?! I’m a freak!” Rainbow Dash threw off the blanket, not knowing as it covered Tank, and stood before Fluttershy. “I’m a weirdo sitting in bed wearing a goddamn diaper!” She started to pull her pigtails out, not noticing as he tore out hair with them. “There’s no way in hell anyone would like a goddamn-”

Fluttershy hugged Rainbow Dash mid sentence with enough force to send her back a few inches. She clung onto Rainbow’s middle. “I do.” She looked up at Rainbow Dash’s tear covered face. “I like you, diaper or no diaper.”

Rainbow dash was stunned. “You.. you do?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No. I don’t..”

Rainbow slumped forward, hurt. She opened her mouth to say something. Anything. Good or bad. Defense or offense. Just something. But before she could, she heard three words that stopped her. Three words that changed the outcome of what could, would, and will happen.

“I love it.”

These words, spoken so quietly it was almost impossible for any other to hear them. But to Rainbow Dash, they were as loud as a shout from heaven straight from the mouth of god, if not louder. Then, another four words broke the silence that had fallen like snow atop a mountain. These words changed everything far more than the first three, if the first words were a stone thrown into a river of the flow of time, then these were a boulder.

“And I love you.”

With those words, spoken quieter than the first three, the noise seemed to dwarf the first three. The words that formed a bond between them, stronger than any metal or stone, were solidified by Rainbow Dash’s response.

“I love you too.”

Comments ( 12 )

nice like:dislike ratio

better go contribute to it

Better luck next time.

Check those dislike digits, yo

"coming out about my fetish" stories don't suddenly not suck when you add ponies to the equation, and that's literally all this is, framed by an obnoxious "I don't know how to indicate flashbacks smoothly" intro.

I see lots of hate here but we all need to remember that the author clearly stated it was his first story so if your gonna hate then at least give some constructive criticism for future reference.
Personally I don't think this was a horrible first chapter and it could definitely evolve into an even better story with time. I'm not sure if you had stated if his was anthro or human but you should mention that in the disclaimer before anyone reads the story.
Don't let people's hate bring you down, as I said it wasn't too bad, I have seen waaay worse for first timers and even long time writers. If you want better results in the future then find some voluntary proofreaders/editors to have a better chance of making the story look more professional and read comments similar to mine to help you out.

Thank you for telling me. I will definitely have a few of my friends proofread it.

what hate? I haven't seen any hate, just dislikes.

Very cute. Diapers and shipping can certainly be difficult topics to work together. However I feel you did fairly well with this. Especially for your first try at it. :)

Dislikes are very much expected when doing such work. So don't feel disheartened if you get more of them than likes. Know that each like and positive comment is reason enough to continue doing the story. Some people appreciating it are better than none.

My best to you as you continue to write this and other stories. I hope that you are able to make friends here while building upon your talents as a writer.

Fluttershy smiles at her rainbow-haired girlfriend, currently hiding behind the door of the bathroom. “Come on, Dashie~ You don’t need to be so nervous anymore, we’ve been talking about this for over a month.”

Start with a description of the scene. Where are they and what is Fluttershy feeling? You can start this quickly if you want to but you need to describe the scene's accurately.

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Fluttershy, I’m… an ABDL. Which means Adult Baby Diaper Lover..” Fluttershy blinks. Rainbow Dash continues. “.. I know it’s weird, but it’s just so comfy and relaxing. If you don’t want to date me anymore, I under-”

Fluttershy hugs Rainbow Dash, cutting off her sentence. “Rainbow, I love you. And I love you whether you’re wearing diapers or not. If you like it, then I won’t judge. Besides..” She smiles at Rainbow Dash. “..You look cute in it~”

That was a sudden change in perspective. In that final sentence you should have said "Rainbow Dash didn't get to finish her sentence as she was suddenly hugged by Fluttershy". It's from Rainbow's perspective and so she would notice her sentence being cut off first.

This seems largely like a draft without refinement. Try to identify what character you're following and make sure the describe the scenario. Especially in stories like this you need to be very accurate with your surroundings.

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