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“Be the change that you want to see in the world of My Little Pony fetish fanfiction.” | Tip jar: https://ko-fi.com/radpanic

Comments ( 33 )

im not exactly sure what i just read. have a mac.:eeyup:

Damn poor Fluttershy :fluttershysad:
interesting story:unsuresweetie:
and I'm not going to lie around the last time Fluttershy was being inflated
I thought Discord was going to end up falling into one of the containers for the various liquids being forced into her and he would end up in side of her bloated form?

this was...i-i...i don't even know.

In a strange way, I can see Fluttershy actually working well with the slapstick, but only because Discord's there. Much like Roger Rabbit with that baby at the beginning of the movie, she's trying to protect him and keep him out of harm's way. Things just spiral out of control. Especially now that she has a bolder side in this story, and despite her sweet soft shy exterior wants to get mad freaky with the draconequus, makes it a little less odd that she's going through it.

And, well, the obvious thing that Fluttershy wants to get it on with the spirit of chaos kinda has it calling for what happens.

Anyway, I found most of the hi-jinx enjoyable (I personally didn't like it when she gets her cutie marks stabbed with the knives), and described pretty well. The physiology of what happens to her in reference to how much space she takes up are excellent, both when she's growing and when she's being stretched out; even when she's shrinking, it's nice to read. Und mein wort, that growth scene at the end! faints

Considering your usual oeuvre, and what you attempted here, I think it works for the most part. If you want to branch out into stuff like this, then I would like to recommend not leaving the characters to the gags. Usually, characters interact with each other during the various actions—like Rainbow Dash and Tank, Daring Do and that other dude (sorry!), Twilight and Zecora, Fluttershy and Tree Hugger. Here, though your actions with Fluttershy were nicely written out, it did feel a bit empty when she had completely lost Discord. I think this is also due to how little she seemed to acknowledge the environment. Having the explanation of the factory be from Discord's POV, while Fluttershy was the main POV, was an odd detail. But maybe that's just my opinion on it.

Most of it did work, though, and I feel you had a very good story here. It's odd, and out there for your usual schtick, but your experimentation was really good. Take my opinions however you will.

I wish you the best with your next story (or chapter. in case you update one of your two ongoing stories... :fluttercry:) I am joking about that.

What you just read was what happens when sweet, sweet lovin’ meets a failure to communicate.

Yeah, poor Fluttershy indeed. I think I left enough wiggle room for readers to say she’ll get better and everything will be just fine, if that’s what they’d prefer...

And that is a really interesting alternative there. I might have to actually write something like that in a future story.

How so, if you don’t mind me asking?

I feel somewhat guilty for enjoying this, too, and I wrote the damn thing.

Thank you very much for the kind words. And thank you again for your help in editing the story to get it this good.

(I personally didn't like it when she gets her cutie marks stabbed with the knives)

Understandable. I was a bit divided on including that detail myself. Though I meant for them to just poke Fluttershy, not stab her, and apparently I failed to get the distinction across. I’ll think about how to edit that paragraph.

Daring Do and that other dude (sorry!)

Haha, he certainly wasn’t the deepest OC, was he? Almost more of a plot device—a reward for Daring Do, to compensate her for everything else I put her through.

Here, though your actions with Fluttershy were nicely written out, it did feel a bit empty when she had completely lost Discord.

Yeah, a hypothetical version in which Discord and Flutters both get about equal focus—and their paths through the factory criss-cross often, and each of their actions affects the other in unexpected ways—would make for a really good story. Complicated to set up, but worth it, I think.

But I feel that that story is somewhat incompatible with some of the things I really wanted this story to be. First, there’s the central joke that vanilla sexual intercourse for a draconequus looks exactly like cartoony slapstick to the rest of us. Which means that Discord ought to get run through the gauntlet just as much as Flutters. (And scenes like the one where he tries to “rescue” her ought to be just brief interludes between his own amusing injuries.) So giving him more focus would mean coming up with more gags to subject him to. And—at the risk of revealing too much about myself—doing these things to Discord doesn’t turn me on nearly as much as doing these things to Fluttershy. Which leads into the next point...

The unfairness of this whole story is part of the appeal to me. You can sorta make the case that this wouldn’t have happened if Fluttershy had made slightly different choices, but even so, her “karmic retribution” is way out of proportion to her actual “mistakes”. The reptile part of my brain loves that aspect—but my moral and rational sides find it a bit disturbing. Keeping Discord off-screen as much as possible turns him into a Schrödinger's Cat, which both sides of my brain can interpret in their own preferred way. The part of me that likes the unfairness can imagine that Discord’s slapstick gauntlet is milder overall than Fluttershy’s—while the other part of me can imagine that he got injured just as much as her, if not more. But if I were to give Discord almost as much screen time as Flutters, I’d have to actually show how much slapstick he went through, and definitively pick a side on the fairness issue.

So that’s why I shoved Discord off-screen for so much of the story. Maybe that was the wrong choice, but at least it was my choice, and not just some oversight.

i don't have enough alcohol on hand to process that. what were you smoking when you wrote that, and can i have some? sounds like a fun trip. also, on the flutters getting better, sure, she may physically get better, but if that were me, i'd have a lot of psychological damage. even reading it makes me hurt. its not a bad story, you just need to be in a different mental state to handle it.

Fun. I wish more people did stuff as cartoony as this.

I was high on life when I wrote this. High on life and hooked on a feeling.

also, on the flutters getting better, sure, she may physically get better, but if that were me, i'd have a lot of psychological damage.

Cartoon characters don’t get psychological damage. Or if they do, they get it the same way they get any other injury—they show really exaggerated symptoms, then snap back to normal as soon as there’s a scene transition. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Thanks. And me too.

This is quite the read in here.

A lot of flutters abuse, but for the most part, the good kind.

That was quite the ride, great job! well worth the wait.

I don't think it's unfair to prefer doing these things to one character over the other; nor would I consider what you did "wrong". I see where you're coming from. What I will say is that Fluttershy may've at least called out Discord's name wherever she was, like around the fridge; or, similarly, looked around for him when she was up extraordinarily high on the bucket. It's alright that Discord wasn't there; it didn't seem right that Fluttershy wasn't at least calling out for him more, or looking for him wherever she was.

I definitely understand what was going on, and respect what you did. You succeeded in what you set out to do; you just seemed to lose the characters' connectedness, is all I can really criticize here.

It's still a great story. :pinkiehappy:

true. well, it was a well written story, but i don't think im going to reread it anytime soon. have a mac. :eeyup:

all i can say is, i love this!💖

Glad you approve!

Good points, all of those.


it was a well written story

We’re gonna have to agree to disagree on that part. :derpytongue2:

Glad you like it!

well written as in no grammatical errors. not well written in the making sense department.

I was expecting (and hoping for) something closer to Evil Expandtress here. I was expecting something more sensual and sexy. Instead it just seems like Flutters is getting the snot kicked out of her and hating every moment.


Instead it just seems like Flutters is getting the snot kicked out of her and hating every moment.

Yeah, pretty much. But I think that’s kind of hot, and I wrote this for the handful of other people out there who also think so.

I’m sorry if I misled you about the story contents somehow.


Somehow, it all made sense in a very roundabout kind of way. (See what I did there?) :derpytongue2:

Roundabout is the best way!

Reactions like this make it all worth it.

What, no suck a lux?

I considered it for a bit, but Pablote beat me to the punch on using a vacuum in a Discord/Fluttershy inflation story.

Which one is that?

It’s “Flutters n Discord 4chan story” on his pastebin page. The story is an alternate, fetishy-as-hell-but-technically-SFW ending for “Discordant Harmony”.

A VERY nice read. I'm just recently finding out about your stories and can not wait to read the rest of them! You should really continue to write things like this. There aren't enough stories or authors who write this much slapstick comedy. (I only know of pablote and you) Keep up the good work and I hope you have a chance to write something along these lines again.

Glad you like this. Definitely had a lot of fun writing this one. I’ve got more ideas and no plans to stop anytime soon; just haven’t had time to write anything the last few months.

“ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh! ” Fluttershy’s mouth twisted, and her eyes widened; she grabbed her head in her forehooves as if to contain the abject horror contorting her face.


Then Fluttershy opened her mouth. She rocketed backwards, white clouds blasting out of her mouth as she went. She sounded like a steam whistle as she zipped back and forth across the factory. Fluttershy twisted and turned; she looped and swooped; she wove between the giant buckets hanging from the ceiling, at speeds that even Rainbow Dash would envy. All the while, she shrank closer to her normal size, spewing out a trail of steam to mark the path of her uncontrolled, rump-first flight.

Reminds me of Tom and Jerry. Ah, good old times...

Scratch that, everything after that part reminds me of Tom and Jerry.

Also, this fic is totally poking fun at the inflation thing that somehow seems to be popular.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion is advised.

Now, if this was all written as a grimdark fic... the horror... :pinkiecrazy:

Glad you enjoyed this.

But no, this isn’t meant to be a parody. Like, I’m not taking myself super seriously, and I’ll joke around a bit because this inflation stuff really is kind of ridiculous. But I actually like inflation stories and inflation art, and this story was a sincere attempt to write something that I and other inflation fans would enjoy.

Ok then. Just let me say that liking something and poking fun at the same thing aren't mutually exclusive, but I guess this story is kind of poking fun at inflation by taking it to ridiculous extremes, a good way of poking fun – as in poking fun in good faith – though, if it can be called that.

I think I've confused myself :twilightoops:. Oh well. :pinkiehappy:


but I guess this story is kind of poking fun at inflation by taking it to ridiculous extremes,

The thing is, for a certain sort of inflation fan, this story isn’t really ridiculous or extreme. It’s more like I’m offering my readers three scoops of ice cream instead of just one.

There are folks out there who prefer inflation to smaller sizes, and get turned off by anything too big. But there are almost as many of us who have no real size limits. So no matter how big you inflate a pony, someone will enjoy it.

As someone who is not into inflation I have to admit I find this story confusing, I mean at first it was funny, failsafe was such a genius Discord moment, then it was a house of horrors with fluttershy getting beaten up, then their was the inflation which didn’t bother me so much(just cause it’s nit one if my kinks doesn’t mean I don’t recognise it as one and I try not to judge) as it was somehow the only part of the story that resembled plot.
Then there was the end which left me wondering..... Did they even have sex? Did Fluttershy dump him after this? This story got Discord’s personality down more than most others that I’ve read but I’m finding it hard to judge if it is a good or bad story cause I don’t really understand what happened.

Yes, they had sex. You read all about it.

Seriously, the punchline is that sex between higher-dimensional creatures of chaos looks absolutely nothing like what you or I would recognize as sex. Fluttershy wants to get physical with Discord, and Discord feels the same way, but neither realizes that they’re working off completely different definitions. So all the cartoon slapstick was rather vanilla love-making from Discord’s perspective, but from Flutter’s perspective it just was a bunch of random weirdness.

I tried to leave the final scene open-ended, but if I have to use my authority as writer to specify what happens after: No, Flutters didn’t dump Discord. They just had a long talk to clear up the misunderstanding—and I don’t wanna think about the logistics, but the next time they made love, both of them were able to enjoy it.

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