• Published 16th Aug 2017
  • 873 Views, 8 Comments

Fluttershy's Big Adventure - Bookpony579

Can Fluttershy use her power to save the day?

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Chapter 3

As soon as Fluttershy got home she collapsed on her bed, exhausted.

"What's wrong Fluttershy?" Angel asked, hopping onto the bed too.

"Oh Angel...it's just..." Fluttershy sighed and tried to figure out a way to word it without hurting her bunny's feelings.

"...that actually being able to understand what we're saying is harder than you thought?" Angel finished for her. Fluttershy sat up in surprise.

"What...how did you...?"

Angel gave her a look that said, 'do you think I'm an idiot?' before saying, "Fluttershy, like that blue lady said earlier, I'm not just your pet, I'm your familiar. I can tell when your happy, angry and upset." Angel took a deep breath, putting on a softer face. "Look, I've SEEN what your capable of. I KNOW how strong you are, and it irritates me when you can't see it yourself and let things like this get to you. I don't know any other person who's better with us animals than you are. I know things are going to be different now, and I know it's tough, but I know your going to get through this, because if there's anyone who loves and knows animals more than anyone, it's YOU."

Fluttershy had tears in her eyes as she picked up Angel and hugged him tightly to her chest, smiling all the while.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome. Now do you mind putting me down before you have to find a new familiar?" Fluttershy immediately obliged as Angel took several deep breaths.

Suddenly Fluttershy's phone rang. As she listened to what Twilight was saying, Fluttershy gasped before putting the phone down

"I have to get going! My friends are in trouble!" She quickly grabbed the keys to the van and went out. Angel watched this with a small smile.

"That's my girl..."

At Sweet Apple Acres....

The manticore destroyed a barrel bore roaring loudly. Destroyed equipment and torn down trees only served as a testament to it's strength and ferocity.

"We gotta do somethin' before it destroys the whole farm!" AJ said with worry.

"Ok, let's see if we can try to divert it back to the Everfree forest without hurting it." Twilight said, taking charge.

At her behest, AJ tried using her strength to throw large rocks at it to scare it back in. However, it managed to doge them before trying to pounce at her. Thankfully a blast from Twilight prevented this, only for the manticore to focus it's attention on her now. It ran towards her, only to be met by Rainbow, Rarity and Pinkie Pie wielding a pitchfork, a scythe and, strangely, a torch. The three girls pointed their weapons at the beast, managing to drive it back a few steps before it swung out and managed to either break or knock out the items from their hands.

"This isn't working!" Rainbow said, dodging at swing aimed at her.

"Let's try to incapacitate it instead! We can release back in the forest afterwards." Twilight suggested.

AJ got out her lasso and aimed it at the beast. Thanks to her strength, she was able to hog-tie it in a matter of minutes.

"Hooo-weee! Beasty boy here wasn't so tough! Now let's get hime out before..."she was cut off as the manticore managed to break the roped and gave another loud roar.

"Alright, no more Mrs. Nice girls!" Rainbow declared. She and the other girls lined up, preparing to face the beast head on. Just as they were about to attack...


Fluttershy now stood between the girls and the manticore, arms held out to prevent them from further movement.

"Fluttershy get out of the way!" Rainbow said, irritated that the moment had been ruined.

The girls watched in surprise and horror as Fluttershy slowly approached the beast, being very careful not to be seen as a threat.

"Shhh... It's okay. I'm here. Now, do you mind telling me what's wrong?" She asked, using the same gentile voice she used for all her animal charges.

The manticore gave a sigh. "I didn't mean to cause trouble, I just wanted someone to help me get rid of this." He turned over his paw, revealing a sharp thorn that was stuck in it.

"Oh, you poor, poor little baby." Fluttershy said.

"Little?" Rainbow whispered to the others as they watched.

"Now this might hurt for just a second." Fluttershy warned him as she quickly and effortlessly removed the stubborn thorn. Immediately the manticore pounce on top of her.

"FLUTTERSHY!!!" The girls cried out in horror. This only lasted for a moment until they heard her giggling.

The manticore wasn't trying to eat Fluttershy, it was licking her in gratitude while purring like a small kitten.

"Aw you're just a little ol' baby kitty, aren't you? Yes you are, yes you are." Fluttershy gushed. The manticore stopped and stepped back, allowing Fluttershy to get to her feet. "Now, if this ever happens again, come see me instead of going on a rampage like this. You could have hurt someone."

The manticore hung it's head in shame. "I know and I'm deeply sorry about all of this, but that thorn really hurt!"

"I understand, now I think it's time you retuned home." The manticore wholeheartedly agreed and did just so after a heartfelt goodbye to his savior. After he left, her friends surrounded her. Pinkie engulfed her in a big hug.

"Fluttershy that was simply amazing!" Rarity gushed.

"Yeah! You walked up that manticore like a boss!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"How did you that that?" Twilight asked in awe.

"It was easy, I just showed it a little kindness." Fluttershy said.

"So I reckon' you finally got the hang of your power?" AJ asked with a smile.

"Yes. It might take a little getting used to, but this is my gift, and I'm going to use it to help any animal who needs it!" The girls were proud of Fluttershy's determination, and got together in a big group hug.

The girls and Big Mac spent the rest of the day cleaning up Sweet Apple Acres, but celebrated their latest victory and Fluttershy's newfound purpose that night with a sleepover hosted by Pinkie.

They hoped that all their powers would prove as useful as Aj's and Flutttershy's...

Author's Note:

Hey, so this may be the only story where I show what the animals are saying (unless a future story finds Fluttershy alone with one again.) Just a heads up.

Anyway, another story done! I'm trying to get as much writing in before I go back to school at the end of the month.

Comments ( 4 )

Yeah, he's pretty cool with Owloicious. My idea is that her parents got Spike when she started Crystal Prep and they noticed she was having a hard time. (After-all, you can't cuddle a bird.)

Intriguing thought and point quite well taken. :-D

Now, all I can say is thanks very much for getting the final chapter up. :-D The action, characterizations, exchanges and wrap-up were all very well done. I particularly liked Fluttershy's chat with Angel as well as the others' response to how Fluttershy handled the situation.

I'm quite certainly going to be looking forward to the next installment.

That's my dear Fluttershy! What a cool story!

This kinda reminds me of the second episode of "MLP: FiM", which showed a similar thing with that manticore, and Fluttershy stepping in to take care of it.

Definetly getting favorized. Well done. :)

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