• Published 19th Aug 2017
  • 870 Views, 13 Comments

Sugar Bombs - Bookpony579

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Chapter 2

When, Pinkie, Applejack and Fluttershy got back to Pinkie's house, they decided to get straight back to work making cookies.

"Alright, but I've got my eye on you." Limestone said threateningly, keeping one eye open and focused on them as she walked away.

Once she was out of eyesight, AJ turned to Pinkie.

"Now Pinkie...maybe you should let Fluttershy and me handle most of the work."

"How come?" Pinkie asked before narrowing her eyes. "You don't trust me to keep from blowing stuff up, do you?"

"Yes. I-I mean no! What I mean ta say is...is..." Applejack was now sweating nervously until Fluttershy saved her.

"What she means is, just until you got it under control."

"But I already have it under control!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Listen, sugarcube, it took me a while to figure out mah super strength, ah'm just figurin' it's gonna take a while for you to control your power. We ain't saying you can't help at all! You can help get the eggs and set the oven, stuff like that." AJ explained.

Pinkie sighed, figuring she wasn't going to win this argument. "Alright..." she uttered, and she noticed AJ and Fluttershy relax a little.

And so it went on like that, with Pinkie helping in any way that didn't involve her coming into contact with sugary substances.

The next day didn't fare any better for the pink girl. She had spent most of the night before learning how to use and control her power until she was sure she had the hang of it. However, when she told her friends this, they didn't look very convinced.

Such as when she was in Home Ec. class with Rarity, their assignment was to bake a cake. However, Rarity took control over the sugar and the batter, saying she wanted to try baking herself for once, though her nervous smile didn't convince Pinkie.

In chemistry, they were each given a little bit of sugar for an experiment.Twilight immediately took charge of it, citing her better grade in science and that she had experience with these types of experiments. Pinkie didn't buy it for one minute.

Finally it all came to a head at the bake sale...

Pinkie, Aj and a group of students had just finished setting up in the gym when AJ suggested that Pinkie should be in charge of the money.

"Why? Your better with it I am." Pinkie questioned.

Applejack shifted in her seat. "Well...here's some experience for ya then! Ah can handle the cookies." At the sound of this, Pinkie's eyes widened before she frowned.

"Hey, wait a minute! Your just scared I'll blow up the cookies in the customer's faces!" Applejack flinched at the angry tone in Pinkie's voice. Her yelling also attracted the attention of her fellow students, who wondered what was going on.

"W-What? No! Ah'm just..." Before AJ could come up with an excuse, Pinkie cut her off.

"I know what's happening! You girls don't trust me do you!? Even after I told you I spent all of last night practicing!"

AJ sighed. "Pinkie we're just tryin' tah be careful is all."

"Oh! Now you think I can't be careful!"

"No! It's just..."

"You know what? Forget it! I'll find a way to show you how careful I am!" With that, Pinkie stomped out of the gym.

AJ could only sigh and put her head in her hands, wondering what she had done.

Pinkie was now pacing in her room, trying to figure out what to do about her situation. She was discussing it with her best listener and familiar, Gummy.

"I can't believe they don't trust me! Even after al the practice I've been doing!"

Gummy did nothing. The only sign he was even alive was the swishing of his tail.

"I know their just worried! And I know my power can be destructive! But don't they trust me to use it responsibly!?" Pinkie continued her one-sided conversation.

Gummy continued to swish his tail.

Pinkie sighed. "I don't know what to do Gummy. How can I get them to see that I am responsible?"

Gummy slowly blinked his eyes.

Pinkie brightened up. "You're right Gummy! I just need a chance to show them I can control my power! But how....?" Pinkie looked like she was waiting for something to happen. This continued for a few minutes.

"Huh. Usually this is where the phone rings and Twilight tells me there's a monster attack or something else that would give me the opportunity to prove myself."

As if on cure, her phone range. Sure enough, it was an emergency text from Twilight informing the others to meet in the Lair."

Pinkie grinned. "I knew it! Now I'll show them who's the responsible one!" Pinkie than rushed out of the room leaving Gummy standing on her bead.

Suddenly she popped her head back in and said:

"It's me, just to be clear."

Then she headed to the school.

Author's Note:

Sorry if this is taking a little bit longer to write, but I've been having trouble coming up with a good storyline for Pinkie. So just hang in there!

Fun Fact: The 'unofficial' language of magical/supernatural society is Gaelic. Though many also speak english today, many spells, books and scrolls were written in gaelic and many people who grow up is magical society speak it, as shown in 'Past Regrets'. (Though do please be aware that I do not speak gaelic so any gaelic in these stories comes from google translate, which I know isn't 100% accurate.)