• Published 19th Aug 2017
  • 869 Views, 13 Comments

Sugar Bombs - Bookpony579

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Chapter 3

Pinkie Pie was the last one to arrive at the lair. Once she got herself settled, Celestia stepped forward to explain the situation.

"It appears that a band of rogue orcs have taken up residence near Canterlot." The girls gasped at this, as they had studied them in their magical creatures class.

"Orc!? You mean those ugly, brutish creatures who destroy any village in their path!?" Rarity asked, shaking.

"Now Rarity there is no need for stereotypes." Luna scolded. "Not all orcs are war hungry barbarians from stories, in fact I have met several who are perfectly decent people. These orcs appear to be just a rogue group of bandits who mug travelers in order to make some quick cash."

"Indeed." Celestia joined in. "The authorities have tried to bring them in with no luck. I know this is asking a lot of you girls, even in spite of recent events. We need to to find these orcs and capture them. Is that clear?"

Everyone agreed (some more enthusiastic or reluctant than others) and prepared to head out.

The girls stood in front of their destination: the Everfree Forest which surrounded their city. The forest seemed dark and ominous, even on a bright sunny day such as this. For years people have told stories of this place, full of wild magic and unknown creatures. These stories mainly comprised of travelers going into the forest only to never come back, either by getting lost or being attacked by the mysterious creatures that dwelled within. Aside from a few set paths, nobody, not even the bravest and most skilled warriors and mages, ever dared enter it...until now.

"Do...do we really have to go in there?" Fluttershy asked, looking frightened by the prospect of even just being near the woods.

"From the reports and victims statements, it appears the orcs have set up camp somewhere near this area. Far enough to elude the authorities and any hikers, but not too deep that they run into anything too vicious." Twilight explained, even though she herself looked hesitant to step foot in.

"Come on! What are we waiting for!?" Rainbow declared and began to head into the woods. The others shared a nervous glance before following their friend.

The group travelled on, stepping over large roots and around trees. Thankfully the little sunlight that passed through the branches made it possible to see where they were going.

"This is is awesome! We're going to be fighting orcs!" Rainbow said with a near squeal.

"Honestly Rainbow Dash, I don't see how anyone can get excited over fighting some big hulking brutes." Rarity scolded.

"She has a point Rainbow." Twilight said, recalling what she learned about orcs from her studies. " Though in the same group as goblins, orcs are bigger and more brutal. They're also fierce warriors who know how to combat against magic. What they lack in speed they make up for in size and strength."

"So...how exactly are we supposed to beat 'em?" AJ asked skeptically.

"Simple. While orcs are big and imposing, they not exactly, shall we say....the brightest creatures around. Once we find their camp, we can come up with a way to outsmart and trap them."

"Or... I can take them down with my sugar explosions!" Pinkie suggested. Twilight sighed, stopped and turned to the pink girl.

"Pinkie...I know you think you have control over your power, but this is a mission which requires stealth and smarts, not candy bombs that can hurt someone."

"Oh I get it alright! You don't trust me!" Pinkie accused.

"No! I'm just saying that we have to be careful..."

"And you don't think I am careful!"

"I don't think that! It's just that you can be reckless!"

"HEY!" Applejack got between the two girls and pushed them apart. "We can talk about this later, but right now we need ta focus and not let those orcs know we're here first, alright?" Twilight and Pinkie looked away and nodded hesitantly, still steaming.

"Good, not we just need ta find out where their camp is..."

"Um..actually.." Everyone turned to look at Fluttershy, who had a small squirrel on her shoulder. "Xander here says he spotted their camp just a few feet away and can lead us too it. Everyone just blinked at this, surprised at how easy their mission just got.

"Alright then ya'll...let's follow the squirrel."

The little rodent led them to an open area filled with makeshift tents and other supplies that from the looks had been here for a while. The girls made sure to stay out of sight while five orcs sat around the campfire talking and readying their weapons. Standing near the edge of the camp were two more orcs working as lookouts, thought thankfully they didn't see the girls...yet.

"They're even bigger than the books said." Fluttershy whispered nervously.

"Alright, so what's the plan?" Rainbow whispered to Twilight.

"Alright, so from the looks of it, there are about seven of them, which means we're outnumbered. But we've got the element of surprise..."

"Oh! Can I have that element too?"

"It's a figure of speech Pinkie."


"Okay, so if we draw them away from their camp, we can lead them to an ambush." Twilight reached into her bad and pulled out a glass bottle with a blue liquid in it. "If we can get them close together, I can use this sleeping potion. It should knock them out almost instantaneously."

"So we won't have to fight them after all?" Fluttershy said with hope in her eyes.


"Sorry Rainbow, but better safe than sorry." Twilight continued. "But you can be the distraction, since your the fastest one here."


"Now all you have to do is get their attention. Once they start chasing you, lead them to the area just north of here. The rest of us will be waiting. We'll try to get them as close together as possible so I can throw the potion at them. I any orc escapes, try to use your magic to restrain them. Is that clear?"

Everyone agreed and got ready to get the plan rolling.

Author's Note:

So sorry it's been awhile since the last update but as I've mentioned before, I've been pretty busy with college, writing papers and whatnot. So it's going to be awhile again before the next chapter.