• Published 28th Aug 2017
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Star Trek Online: Darkness Rising - Admiral Wyatt Stone

A old nemesis has returned to the Alpha Quadrant, and the challange may be more than Twilight and her friends can handle.

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Chapter I: Procyon V/Restoration

Year: unknown (circa 2500s)

Location: Sphere Builder space

The area was silent as death and still, small and large pieces of debris from Starfleet, Klingon, Krenim and many other ships from varying races filled the battlefield as several starships slowly made their way through the new graveyard.

Some ships were in a certain fashion, sleek dark grey saucers with slightly curving hulls or pylons behind them carrying two pylons that held sleek, curved engines that served as the nacelles, while another group had a style of hull that seemed to be inspired by the famous Wells class ships, the colors being a slightly dark white main hull and a bright turquoise color for the window-like sections on certain parts of the ships. Two of these ships, however, stood out as they lead the fleet. One was a small ship that consisted of a saucer held by a neck holding the secondary hull of the ship, which held two pylons that also held a pair of nacelles that emitted blue plasma trails, parts of the ship painted in brown and yellow as it flew. The other ship was larger, having a long saucer that was held by the underside that was held by two neck-like sections connected to the stardrive, connected to the hull was two wings holding two nacelles by the sides of the ship. Both of the leading ships bore several scratches and scars on them, having taken damage from enemy ships during the battle. Behind the fleet was a much larger ship, it was as big as four Galaxy class ships lined up by length, was very wide, and had a near flat, oval-like saucer for the main section, behind it was a short secondary hull that held long wings holding nacelles that looked like they wouldn't hold on to the ship that well. Two rows of text were written on the saucer of the colossal ship. "U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701-J".

The front view of the fleet was almost nothing but dead ships spreading out across the area, one ship that was standing out, and was the main focus of the fleet at the moment, was a large ship that had six pylons, three of them being damaged heavily, behind that were six shorter ones that held a sphere that had a circular section nearly broken off of it, and behind that was a section that held six fins, three of them were broken up like the three pylons at the front of the ship. The Chestnut and the Equestria circled the timeship like sharks ready to maul their prey, today was the day the war would end for good, while simulations were a comforting sight, it was a miracle that the Alliance was able to defeat Noye and his fleet at Procyon V. After the Enterprise-J destroyed the sphere builders with the reacquired Tox Uthat, the Annorax had no choice but to run or fight, and thanks to the latter being Noye's choice, he was doomed to his fate of answering for his crimes against his former friends and innocent lives.

On the bridge of the Equestria, Twilight Sparkle sat in her chair, focusing her eyes to the screen as she observed the broken ship, Wyatt and a small away team had boarded the ship minutes ago, and she was waiting for a response on what Noye was planning to do next. Feeling anxious, she looked to her comms panel and tapped it with her hoof and spoke into it. "Sparkle to Transporter room 3, do you read?"

A male voice sounded from the speakers as he answered. "Ensign Ray here sir, what do you need, your highness?"

"I'd like to have an security team standing by for Noye once he is captured, and if Wyatt stumbles into a situation that's more than he can handle." The Princess said as the officer replied.

"Understood, Ray out." The signal cut as Twilight looked to the mare at the sensors console and spoke to her.

"How're they doing, Pinkie? Any problems?"

"Not a thing, Twilight, but they seem to have made it to the bridge at this poi-" She halted as a beep came from Twilight's comms panel and she tapped it, hearing Wyatt's voice in the armrests speaker.

"Stone to Twilight, bad news, Noye is attempting to open a time vortex while the temporal core is damaged, if he succeeds, the ship will be destroyed and over half of the Beta Quadrant will be doomed!" Twilight quickly gritted her teeth as she replied.

"I've gotten a security team ready, I'll send some of my crewmen to the transporter room and when you give the signal, we'll send'em down!"

"Thanks, we're on our way to the core now, we'll contact you if things get ugly, Stone out!" The signal cut out and Twilight turned to her comms panel as she tapped it.

"Sparkle to Engineering, send some officers to Transporter room 3 and have them ready for transport on my order!"

"Understood." Was all that was said before the signal cut out and the Princess was left staring at the viewscreen, hoping that Wyatt could make it to the temporal core in time.

On the Annorax, Wyatt and four others followed him through the hallways as they made their way to the core room. Upon reaching the doors, they opened and the team entered inside, seeing several Krenim officers in front of them before a brief firefight began. Wyatt aimed his phaser rifle at a pair of guards and fired one charged shot at one of them, his body disintegrating as Wyatt then focused on the other soldier and fired several shots, two of them hitting the soldiers personal shield before the trooper went down at the final shot. Miolii shot out at a group of three officers, hitting and killing two of the trio before another shot took out the last one, allowing her to turn towards another officer, charging up a shot and vaporizing the last trooper before the five crewmates continued onward towards the core.

Upon reaching the platform around the core, the Admiral noticed Noye turning towards them as he spoke to them and doors opened on both walls. "I suppose it was inevitable... so be it. It's time, time I put an end to this charade, and to YOU!" Several guards exited the doors and opened fire on the group as the madman spoke again. "Handle them, I must bring the temporal core back online!" The five officers swiftly deployed several shields and turrets that fired at the attackers, Wyatt aimed his rifle and shot out at the soldiers, hitting two of them and knocking them down swiftly as his crewmates focused their fire. Kapor threw out a plasma grenade at two of the remaining officers that were left in the room, knocking one of them off of the platform and the other choking on the plasma gas before the doors opened again.

"Guards, kill them, NOW!!" The guards acknowledged and fired at the five officers, who took cover behind the shields as they kept their ground. Wyatt noticed one of them carrying a Na'kuhl plasma blade before pulling his bat'leth out and fighting the soldier for a moment, after several smacks to each others' blades, Wyatt stunned the guard back and struck him down with a good stab to the stomach. He then looked to Noye who tapped a button on a device on his belt as he spoke once more. "Fine, I will end you... ONCE AND FOR ALL!" Noye then threw out three photon grenades before the group took cover, the bombs exploding before Wyatt tapped the panel on his rifle, took a good aim at Noye and fired at him. The shot knocked out his personal shields with ease, giving Wyatt to take his next shot. Wyatt fired again and Noye let out a grunt of pain as he went down, still moving slightly as the five of them moved towards him and restrained him. Noye gave Wyatt a furious glare as he spoke to him.

"And so it ends.. fine, finish your bloody work then, send me to join Clauda in oblivion, just as you've sent the Tuterians and so many others! KILL ME, if you have the stomach for it!" Wyatt gave a disappointed frown as he replied.

"I'm sorry Noye, but I'm not going to do that, you've got some crimes to answer for." He said before the scientist responded.

"This won't end with me, others are out there watching, they'll see your tyranny and they'll rise up, just as I did! Your time will come, Wyatt... pity I won't be there to see it!"

"I'm very sorry, old friend, but I think some of them will understand what tyranny truly is when they read the records. I'll be sure to see you at the trial." He gave a hopeful smile as he tapped his combadge and spoke. "Stone to Equestria, beam our friend here to the brig." Noye was shortly after surrounded by a small field of energy, his body disappearing with the field as Wyatt went over to the temporal core and tapped several buttons on it before the ambient noise that filled the room swiftly died down.

A moment after the room was silent, a long flash of light appeared before the away team to reveal Agent Daniels, who'd died at Temporal Command at the hands of Admiral Leeta before the battle. Wyatt became slightly stunned before speaking to his friend. "Well... welcome back, Daniels, and I thought my crazy thoughts would never actually come to pass." He said with a smile before Daniels replied.

"Indeed, I see that you've stopped Noye, and now the timeline is righting itself. Stopping him has fixed the timeline in so many ways, including one where I live, but I believe that there's more that will happen to the timestream than you all think." Wyatt stood with a look of confusion for a moment, then silently gasped before he tapped his combadge and speaking.

"Stone to Equestria, do you read?" Twilight spoke up not a second later.

"Yep, you ready to head out?"

"Sort of, I want you to beam us to your ship, Daniels has returned to us and I think there's more in store for us once we head over there." Twilight sounded puzzled as she replied.

"Huh, well I think we can do that, we'll send over the away team once we beam you aboard."

"Got it, Stone out." The signal cut out as the group stood still before several fields of energy surrounded each of them, their bodies fading away as the transporter beams vanished with them...

On the Equestria's bridge, Twilight sat in her chair as Flash looked to her after checking his armrest panel. "The away team's ready Twilight, I can give the word when you're ready."

"Good, once Wyatt and his team are aboard, send them over." The Princess then looked over to Trixie, who was focusing on her weapons console as she spoke. "Trixie, what's the damage on our ships?"

"Decks 8 through 12 have taken heavy damage from all those polaron beams, the Chestnut's taken quite a beating compared to us, her antiproton beam array on the right side's been damaged and Decks 5 through 9 have been damaged heavily, Deck 7 has a hull breach, and engineering teams are repor-" Her report was interrupted when a flash of light appeared near the right turbolift, once the flash vanished, the crew saw a familiar face that they'd thought they would never see again.

Trixie, of all the crew, was the most ecstatic upon her eyes resting on the being. "S-S-STARLIGHT!" Ignoring the crowd's eyes focusing on her, she galloped up to Starlight and hugged her tightly as her friend tried to breathe. After realizing her strength, she calmed down and released her grip on Starlight before her friend spoke.

"Uh... what did I miss?" The unicorn asked in confusion before her friend gave a confused look as she answered.

"You... you don't remember, Starlight? Noye killed you right in front of us back on the Sphere. I was looking at you before you went limp, remember?" Starlight took a moment to process her best friend's words before the turbolift doors opened to reveal Wyatt and his team along with Daniels entering the bridge. Upon seeing their once deceased friend, Daniels and Wyatt smiled as the temporal agent spoke up.

"It's just what I'd hope would happen, welcome back, Starlight." Starlight gave a puzzled look to him as well before he answered her confusion. "We've just arrested Noye and taken the Annorax, and doing so restored certain parts of the timeline, and it seems that the battle must've occurred before your apparent death, Starlight. But because Noye is in custody, he'll never have the chance to harm you or anyone else now."

Starlight then turned to Trixie, who seemed to be holding in her emotions as she looked at her friend. Twilight then spoke to the magician. "Don't hesitate to let it out, we've done it too." Trixie then held Starlight in her forearms as the two embraced for a moment, Trixie letting her tears of joy flow freely as she spoke to the unicorn.

"I t-thought I'd never see you again, Starlight, I watched you wither away right in front o-of me." She said before Starlight replied to her.

"Well, that won't happen again, Trixie. I'm okay now." The two held each other for a moment longer before they looked over to Wyatt and Trixie spoke to him.

"Well, about the battle, how about celebrating? You think Pinkie Pie can set up the ship for something?"

Daniels gave a slight frown as he spoke. "Unfortunately, this event will remain secret, no parades or celebrations on Earth or any worlds involved." His frown soon turned into a smile as he finished. "But.. if it's only aboard your two ships, I believe I can make an exception."

"That's good enough for me to hear." Twilight said as she and Wyatt smiled before the alicorn turned to Rainbow Dash and asked her, "Dash, are our engines still active?"

"Flappin' like a bee, Twi, we're ready on your word!"

Twilight smirked as she gave her order. "Let's fly." Upon tapping the console, a blue portal opened up and Wyatt tapped his combadge and spoke.

"Stone to Chestnut, have one of those temporal cruisers beam Noye aboard to their ship before we depart."

T'Vrell replied to him in her usual calm tone. "Actually sir, they wish to follow us through under the claim that they have something to explain, with Daniel's permission of course." Wyatt looked to Daniels, who after a moment nodded an Wyatt replied to his science officer.

"The word is given T'Vrell, let's head out."

"Understood, Chestnut out." The signal cut out as the ship accelerated forward, shortly after entering the portal alongside the Chestnut and a Paladin class battlecruiser. Once the three ships were inside the portal closed, leaving the remainder of the Alliance fleet to clean up the scraps of the wrecks scattered across the sector, as well as taking in the Annorax. After months of fighting, the war was finally over, Noye would face justice, the Annorax would be repaired and returned to the Krenim facility at Kyana, and Wyatt and Twilight would finally get some time to relax. They would have to enjoy it while they could, though, as they would have something do deal with soon after...