• Published 28th Aug 2017
  • 1,077 Views, 18 Comments

Star Trek Online: Darkness Rising - Admiral Wyatt Stone

A old nemesis has returned to the Alpha Quadrant, and the challange may be more than Twilight and her friends can handle.

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Chapter VIII: Pain/Assistance

U.S.S. Antares


The room was bustling with doctors, nurses, injured officers, and civilians as the medical staff attempted to heal the wounded. The room was large and brilliant with lights, there were several medical beds set along the room, all of them being occupied by injured patients. There was also a glassy wall that was bent into three parts, behind it was a desk that was piled by hyposprays and PADDS. Groans and moans of pain and relief sounded constantly as the doors split open and 10 equines, one Andorian, and two Tzenkethi warriors entered the room, some of the patients letting out faint gasps as they saw them.

Twilight gave a faint smile as she started to speak. "Don't worry everyone, they are our friends, they're here to help." The crowd calmed down upon those words, and Terrak's comrade looked to him and spoke.

"With your permission sir, may I assist in treating the wounded?" Terrak gave a nod before he walked over to a nearby medical team to speak to them, the rest of the group continuing on as they went over to Applejack and Dash's parents. Some of the people from the Aquarius were in bad shape, several officers were burnt from whatever explosion they were near, others bore bloody wounds that were being treated by doctors, one that Sweetie Belle could recognize was one of her classmates, Button Mash, who was sitting next to his mother as she lay against a wall and being treated for a decent-sized wound on her leg by a doctor.

Sweetie Belle gasped and looked to Rarity before speaking. "Sis, you mind if I go over there and help Button?" Rarity then looked at the sight before nodding to her little sister, the filly trotting over to the gamer colt and his mom before she asked, "Is your mother okay?"

Button, wiping the tears from his eyes, steadied himself before he spoke. "Yeah, I thought my mom was dying, she got a bad cut from this piece of metal when we were near one of the explosions, but the doctor says she'll be okay. Are you alright?"

Sweetie nodded before she spoke to her friend. "Yeah, I just got knocked in the head a moment ago when we got to the Fearless, they nearly had us when we were beamed here."

Button smiled as he embraced Sweetie Belle, the filly holding him as well as Button's mom spoke up. "He's been hesitant to tell you, he's had a crush on you."

Button snapped his head at his mom while Sweetie looked to the mare and spoke. "Really?" He then looked to the colt next to her and asked, "How've I caught your eyes?" She said with a smirk.

Button Mash blushed out of embarrassment before he spoke with a sigh. "You and your sister have saved our planet and many other ones so many times, and I really like the stories we've read. My mother always grabbed the papers and read the ones involving you to me every time!" He said with a excited smile.

Sweetie Belle gave a smile as well as she asked, "Well, I'd love to have a date, but me and my friends have a job to do, how about after all of this is over?" Button gave a quick nod as they then looked to the colt's mother, who smiled and spoke to the two.

"I don't mind, and your friends are going over there, Sweetie Belle, do you think you should check out what they're seeing?" Sweetie nodded and looked to Button, who gave a smile as the two stood up and trotted over to the group to try and catch up.

Twilight and her friends kept their pace to the other side of the room as they observed the injured, they'd noticed around 18 injured, minor and badly before they heard a terrified gasp from Rainbow, only to turn and look at the sight she saw. They too let out fearful gasps as they saw Windy Whistles, tearing up over Bow Hothoof, who was mortally wounded as he lay on the table, along with the now slightly healed scar from earlier, he was covered in shrapnel, most likely from one of the torpedo blasts on the Aquarius, and along with that, small, dripping lines of blood from some of the wounds and some parts of his fur were turned into a more purplish color as they were mixed with dried blood from the injuries.

Dash hit the ground on all fours upon seeing her father, her pupils shrunk down to pinpricks and her hooves feeling weak as she slowly made her way to her dying dad. She looked into her dad's slowly opening eyes, who was trying to give a faint smile to Dash as he saw her, coughing slightly as Dash spoke to him in a pained voice. "Dad, what happened to you?!"

One of the doctors turned to Dash and walked over to the group, giving a solemn frown as he spoke. "You are the one named Rainbow Dash?" The pegasus nodded impatiently before he continued. "Your.. your father has suffered critical injuries from an explosion, the impact launched shrapnel into his body, his blood levels are critical and his heartbeat is dropping dangerously low... and... because of the low amount of blood in his body, there's nothing I can do, I'm very sorry."

Dash looked as if she was about to faint upon the news, her dad wasn't coming home with them alive, and she was hoping to show him all of the skills she had for him in the sky as she slowly turned to Hothoof, Windy starting to break down as Rainbow spoke, almost frantically. "D-Dad, don't die on me, please! Mom and I can't bear to lose you!" She then looked to Twilight and gave a fearful and pleading expression. "Please Twilight, you have to help him, I can't take seeing him like this!"

Twilight tried to think of a way, but even if she healed the wounds, the blood couldn't be replaced. She started to give a tearful look as she spoke. "I'm sorry Dash, b-but I don't have a spell for such a task."

Dash was about to crack as Scootaloo trotted up next to her and got on her hind legs to see Hothoof, Dash and Windy giving tearful eyes to the stallion as well before he started speaking. "Dashie, don't worry about me-AH.... I'll b-be alright, just stop those guys before they can hurt anyone else...." He started to gag on the blood choking his throat before he finished. "Don't cry over me, just... make the best out of later times.... I.... I love... you both...." He said as he started to slowly fall back onto the table, the light fading from his eyes as he finally lay on the bed, the heart monitor over it letting out one last beep before a constant noise played faintly.

Windy started to bawl over her husbands body, waterfalls of tears spilling over his body as the mare cried out. "Why?! WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE TODAY THAT HE HAD TO GO?!" She continued crying as Dash started to burst, burying her face in her dad's chest and adding her tears to the stain of tears, Scootaloo joining in a second later. As the three bawled and wailed over their dead father and husband, Rarity started to crack, holding Fluttershy who was also weeping, Applebloom and Applejack started to cry as well, both of them holding each other in an embrace as they stood near the sorrowful scene. Sweetie Belle and Button Mash, who'd came around and saw the sight a moment ago, began crying as well, both of them joining Rarity and Fluttershy as they all filled the room with sobs and tears. Trixie and Starlight began to sniffle and tear up as they heard the painful cries of the two pegasi near Bow's body. Twilight teared up as well, closing her eyes and holding onto Flash, who tried to act as strong as he could and closing his eyes as the pair maintained an embrace.

After a long moment of crying, Dash slowly lifted her wet head from her father's chest, her face slowly turning into one of anger and hatred before she spoke. "If I ever see that Trinnak guy again..... I'M GONNA BREAK HIS NECK!!" She yelled before flying up and storming out through the doors and into the hallway.

"Dash, wait!" Twilight yelled, but she didn't halt on her call, and as Scootaloo started to go after her, Twilight put her arm in front of her. "Let her go, she needs to let it out." Twilight sniffed a little as they all looked to the doors, all of them trying to control their sobs as they then heard a beep from the nearby wall console, Tarsi walking over to it and speaking.


"My apologies for the interruption ma'am, but that ship we've been monitoring has started to take off, it's attackers are following suite."

"What? Put it on." Tarsi said as they looked to the glass screen to see a rectangular image appear on it, the Fearless was flying up into the sky and the three attacking ships were flying by it's side.

"They're leaving to help out the Tzenkethi fleet!" Twilight said before the screen cut out, Twilight then turning to the Andorian before asking, "Tarsi, is the Antares operational?"

Tarsi smiled as she answered the alicorn. "Fully, she's armed to the teeth and has been ever since we landed here. Shall we head up to the skies and help our friends out?"

"I wouldn't be asking if I didn't want to, get her ready, we'll be at the bridge once we get Dash back on her feet." Tarsi nodded before making her way to the doors, which shut as the Princess turned to her mourning friends and spoke. "We'll have to mourn later, we've got to get going, Terrak?" She said before looking to the Tzenkethi in question, who was merely lowering his head in sorrow before speaking.

"Yes... and, I'd like to extend my condolences on the death of your friend." He said as Windy built a faint smile, Twilight giving a sad frown before speaking.

"Thanks, Windy, are you coming with us?"

Windy nodded slightly before replying. "Yes, I just want to ask if they can keep the body safe, I don't want to lose him anymore than we already have." As she finished, one of the doctors heard the mare and nodded with a smile before responding.

"He'll be fine, I'll make sure of it."

Windy gave a smile as she then joined the group, Twilight building a determined smile as she finished. "Then let's get Dash back with us and finish this fight!" The group then made their way to the doors, which opened and closed upon them passing through, leaving the once again quiet sickbay to its troubles.

~U.S.S. Antares, Outer Hallway~

The glass window on the exterior of the hall exposed a blue ocean and a sandy, shell-filled floor below as a blue hoof touched the surface if it, quiet footsteps and low sobs from the pony sounding within the hallway. Rainbow Dash looked to the surface of the ocean above, sniffing out her pain and anger as she thought. "That damn Tzenkethi will pay for what he's done to me and my mother, I won't be letting him off if I see him again."

She stopped as she heard a familiar voice sound from her left. "Dash, honey?" She turned her head to see her mother Windy Whistles, behind her were her other friends along with Terrak.

The speedster pony gave as good a deep breath as she could before she spoke. "...I'm sorry if I stormed out like that, mom...I....I just couldn't take it." Windy and the others looked down to the floor, remembering the scene from mere moments ago before Dash spoke up again. "Twilight, Terrak.. we don't need to get any prisoners on any of those ships, right?"

Twilight shook her head in confirmation before replying to her friend. "We won't need to capture anyone at the moment, but as much as I cared about your father, we need you to help us here, not sitting here mourning over your dad while our friends are dying up there."

Dash gave a glare at the surface again, trying to control her anger before turning to her friends and speaking again. "Twilight... what my mother and I had to experience, that hurt my heart, Twilight... they hurt me, and I ain't gonna let that monster hurt anyone else!" Her voice raised a bit upon the end of her sentence, she then shook away her head and started to tear up again. Terrak then walked up to the pegasus and lent his share of words.

"Commander Dash, I can understand your pain as well as your mother...my colleagues, like you and your friends, are part of our 'family', and Trinnak and his minions are most likely butchering them as we speak. But mourning will get us nowhere right now... we must put our grief aside and overcome our foes, and I believe if your dad were still alive right now, he would want you to help your friends."

Dash gave one last sniff of grief before trying to take a deep breath once again, turning to her mother and looking at her pleading eyes. She could see the same look in all of her friends as well, the begging face to help them stop a threat that could hurt more if she didn't do something about it. Slowly building a smile, she wiped the last of her tears from her face as she responded. "...You're right...and if I don't want to lose anyone else, we need to get up there quickly!" She shot herself up in the air upon finishing, looking to Twilight before asking, "Twi, is the bridge all set?"

"I'd say so, and it's waiting for us."

Dash smirked as she spoke again. "Well we can't be letting those guys hurt our fleet up there, let's get going!" With that, Dash flew to her friends' side, Twilight smiling before she spoke once more.

"To the bridge!" They then made their way through the hallway at fast pace, keeping their eyes out for a nearby turbolift as they ventured to the bridge of the Antares.

~Meanwhile... in orbit...~

The battle had been lasting for some time, large, broken pieces of dead ships lay scattered around the ocean of space as the two fleets clashed constantly, another ship being lost on both sides every minute. The Alliance fleet was doing better than the Tzenkethi expected, while they had lost a large portion of their ships, their current amount of vessels pitted them against a fleet that was now only a third of theirs, and once their reinforcements arrived, the tide would be turned.

On the bridge of the Amarillo, officers were repairing damaged consoles and treating the injured as Wyatt kept himself stern in his chair and ordered, "Roll us over, Elisa, photons at the ready!"

Elisa tapped her console, and a mere second later the ship jerked to the left, but the screen showed the ship in front of them flipping upside down and back again as the Commander then tapped her console again before several torpedoes shot from under the ship, the top part of the enemy warship being covered in burning patches of broken hull as they lifted up.

"Good shot Elisa, now set us up for another pass!" The officer nodded and tapped her console again before the Admiral heard T'Vrell's voice speaking up from behind him.

"Sir, I'm detecting warp signatures, it's our allies."

"Put it onscreen!" The screen then changed to show several ships dropping out of warp, many of the newcomers having various designs from other races as well as a few from Equis, but with modifications. One of the ships appeared to be an Xindi-Aquatic warship, with hull colors that seemed to match the ship's captain, as well as a few escorts. Another ship appeared to be an Equestrian airship with rainbow colored sails, but several metal rings encircled the ship inside an air shield, another ship looked the same as well, but it's blimp section had a black and red patch on it, with blue shapes that seemed to look similar to thunderbolts. Near them were what Wyatt called the "Nimbus Team", a Breen Chel Grett cruiser, an Orion warship, a T'varo warbird, and a modified civilian ship.

Wyatt smiled at the sight and turned to Lon at the helm console as he spoke. "Hail the Aquatic ship." Upon Lon tapping his console, the screen changed to show two female beings on the screen, both of them had forehooves and tails for their lower sections, the larger one had a white coat as well as pink and purple fins and hair, while the smaller one had a bright yellow body as well as bright turquoise hair and fins and a set of red beans to go with it.

The smaller seapony gave a gleeful grin as she started to speak up. "Sorry if we're a little late to the party Admiral, we got here as quick as we could!"

"Not a problem, Skystar, we've held up here for a bit, and I'd say it's time we clean up this mess for good." Wyatt said as he gave a smile in response.

"Oooh, good! Commander Tempest and Celaeno had prepped themselves for this, so I'm hoping their new gadgets will work."

"Excellent, form up on us and we'll send'em packing!"

The larger seapony, whom many have known as Queen Novo finished the chat with, "Oh, that'll be easy as pie." The channel then cut to show the battlefield again, more debris visible throughout as Wyatt spoke once again.

"Weapons and shields at max, target the escorts, let's put a stop to this bloodshed!" Elisa tapped a few buttons on her console as the Admiral kept himself steady, small purple-white projectiles shooting out from the ship seconds later. While Wyatt had time to try and locate his friends down on the surface, he was going to take care of distractions so that they would be free to look without a threat, but he was going to be in for a much longer ride than he expected very soon.