• Published 16th Jul 2012
  • 7,161 Views, 716 Comments

Dark Body, Light Soul (Or the Tale of the Stalfos) - Garino

Another pawn in the Chess Game of the Gods takes the stage in the land of the dead

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15. The Obligatory Song Chapter

Author's Notes: Sorry this took so long to get out! The songs that will be playing are songs I chose, with the help of Dashydra (who chose her OC's song) and Glassed (who gave me Daniel's second song). When a character is singing, their text will be colored, while a crowd or the whole band will be italicized. Enjoy the Obligatory Song Chapter!

Chapter 15: The Obligatory Song Chapter

A trumpet sounded to start the song. After four bars, the guitar joined in. Another four bars and the crowd started clapping their hands, stomping their hooves, just keeping to the beat. So they DO know this song, I thought. Then I was gonna have some fun. After four more bars, I started singing.

Time, I won't ever give in
No matter how hard you pull me in
I know gravity ain't an excuse,
I just wanna make things a little more smooth
Majority is still asleep
They're tired of those dreadful dreams
Now let me shout and wake you up
Let me wake you up

The drums started to help the crowd keep the beat. Another four bars and it was time to get wild.

When the sunset dyes the sky so bright,
She freaks me out with the secret smile
Stars above start to shine
For miles and miles, I wonder why
Is this a curse or just your heart
No other rhythm with those flowers flowin'
I know you can stop its flow on a whim
So I have learned to swim!

Until the time is up, I can't give up on you
Before the time is up, I leave all my regrets
Between the lines of lies, I am lost again
Until this time is up, I'll never give this up!

Until the sun is up, I can't give up on you
Before the time is up, I leave all my regrets
Between the lines of lies, I am lost again
Until this time is up, I'll never give this up!

I was enjoying myself far too much. I started to clap along with the crowd as the song continued. The trumpet sounded to signify my singing was needed soon.

Oh, why you want to tie me up?
Get out of my way, cause I'm on my way.
I don't care about imaginary boundaries
but somehow I'm afraid to go over them
Cover up, all the skies and memories
Creativity is all that I've got
So let me shout and wake you up
*band stops* LET ME WAKE YOU UP!

*band resumes* While the fireflies dance on a full moon night
She tempts me with her glistening eyes
The sky above, changing its color
From dawn til dusk, I wonder why
Is this a curse or just a wild guess
So I'll flow it on the clouds without wings
All of a sudden the end might come
So I don't act like someone else!

Until the time is up, I can't give up on you
Before this time is up, I leave all my regrets
Between the lines of lies, I am lost again
Until the time is up, I'll never give this up

Until the time is up, I can't give up on you
Before the time is up, I leave all my regrets
Between the lines of lies, I'm confused again
When the time is up, I'll take what I've got to take!

I took a bow as the guitar played the final riff. The crowd clapped and stomped in joy as I jumped off the stage. I could even hear whistles in the noise. Makes you wonder how they manage it.

My table was showering me with praise. "Pretty sweet, Dan," Wisp nodded.

"Encore, please?" Jack asked.

Morva simply held his glass up when it was his time to speak. He seemed...sad.

Melody looked away, but she still spoke. "That was...amazing. I agree with Jack, you need an encore."

"Maybe in a moment," I replied. I took my spot beside Melody as Dracula stepped up to the stage. I wonder what he was gonna sing? Is his voice even any good? I've never heard him sing in any kind of media that involved him. Let's hope it was good.

Wait, was he levitating a guitar himself? Just what was he going to do? The beat started quick, and Dracula started to play his instrument. Then the lyrics hit me like a ton of bricks.

Dead I am the one, exterminating son
Slipping through the trees, strangling the breeze

My thought process at that point was, Seriously?!? THIS was his song?!? Dracula, you are now top villain, EVER!

Dead I am the sky, watching angels cry
While they slowly turn, conquering the worm

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

I started to tap my foot to the beat. I couldn't help it! It was my favorite genre, and Dracula actually had good pipes!

Dead I am the pool, spreading from the fool
Weak and want you need, nowhere as you bleed
Dead I am the rat, feast upon the cat
Tender is the fur, dying as you purr

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

Do it baby, do it baby
Do it baby, do it baby
Burn like an animal

At this point, I'm muttering the lyrics to myself. Melody seemed to notice, as she poked me and whispered, "It's his show right now, Daniel, not yours."

Dead I am the life, dig into the skin
Knuckle crack the bone, 21 to win
Dead I am the dog, hound of hell you cry
Devil on your back, I can never die

At this point, it didn't matter. Everyone that could sing stood up and started chanting along with the Lord of Darkness.

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

Do it baby, do it baby
Do it baby, do it baby
Burn like an animal

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

The beat died down as it was only Dracula himself once more, to sing the final part of the song.

Dig through the ditches,
Burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my

I don't care who you are, this guy deserved a fucking standing ovation. And boy, did he get one. The whole tavern stood up, whooping and hollering and cheering. Man, I wish I could've gotten that kind of reaction. All of the sudden, I had the most evil idea I had ever obtained since I got here. I approached Marcy and told her my plans.

She managed to stifle a laugh as I finished my idea. "Well, I won't stop you, but you'll have to wait your turn. Seems like Shiira will be going next."

Shiira? Who's that? I wondered. I looked to the stage and, to my surprise, it was the blood-red pegasus from the arena! Wow, I had no idea everyone loved to sing. I guess it's the pastime of Necro City!

She adjusted the microphone and conversed with the band, who had nodded at her choice of song with a smile. Let's see what she had.

The drums started to play at a fast tempo. Shiira's eyes were closed, probably to help her silently count. Then her voice rang out:

They came for him one winter's night
Arrested, he was bound
They said there'd been a robbery
His pistol had been found

The keyboards and guitar started to play at the same fast beat. The crowd clapped in time with the beat. She'd done this before, then. Well, her voice was perfect for the song, it seemed.

They marched him to the station house
He waited for the dawn
And as they led him to the dock
He knew that he'd been wrong

"You stand accused of robbery"
He heard the bailiff say
He knew without an alibi
Tomorrow's light would mourn his freedom

Over the hills and far away
For ten long years, he'll count the days
Over the mountains and blue seas
A prisoner's life for him there'll be

She seemed to be into it. But there was no time to stop, it seemed, as she immediately went into the second verse.

He knew that it would cost him dear
But yet, he dare not say
Where he had been that fateful night
A secret it must stay

He had to fight back tears of rage
His heartbeat like a drum
For with the wife of his best friend
He spent his final night of freedom

Over the hills and far away
He swears he will return one day
Far from the mountains and blue seas
Back in her arms is where he'll be
Over the hills and far away

Over the hills and, over the hills and
Over the hills and far away

Finally, she took a breather as the band played the break. The keyboards and guitar dueled it out in their solos. I silently chuckled as I saw some fireballs in some of the unicorns' horn tips.

Each night within his prison cell
He looks out through the bars
He reads the letters that she wrote
One day he'll know the taste of freedom

Over the hills and far away
She prays he will return one day
As sure as the rivers reach the seas
Back in his arms he swears she'll be

The band had stopped playing as the blood-red pony sang the chorus. It was here that I finally noticed something. As the song changed keys, Shiira had shook her head. Was that...a tear?

Over the hills and far away
He swears he will return one day
Far from the mountains and blue seas
Back in her arms is where he'll be

Over the hills and far away
She prays he will return one day
As sure as the rivers reach the seas
Back in his arms is where she'll be

Over the hills, over the hills and far away
Over the hills, over the hills and far away

As the band finished up, the crowd once again roared with approval. It's times like this I wish my old school had choir. Instead, we were but a marching band. And a damn good one at that. Well, time for my second round. And my last one solo. I grabbed a tuxedo and bowler hat from the back and donned them, prepared for the hell I was unleashing.

The band chuckled as they acknowledged my choice of song. "On my cue," I said.

There were a few chuckles from the crowd as they saw the finely-dressed Stalfos before them. Oh, if only they knew...well, now they will.

"Hit it, boys," I said with a gravelly voice. The band played the music and I could just SEE the crowd's minds being blown to smithereens. And thus, I began to sing.

Hey! Give me a listen you corpses of cheer
Least those of you who still got an ear
I'll tell you a story make a skeleton cry
Of our own jubiliciously lovely corpse bride

I expected to sing the song all to myself. Boy, was I surprised when the whole tavern joined in the chorus. Well, other than the vampires, for some reason.

Die, die we all pass away
But don't wear a frown cuz it's really okay
And you might try 'n' hide
And you might try 'n' pray
But we all end up the remains of the day

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah (That's right!)
Yeah yeah yeah (Hee hee!)

Well our girl is a beauty known for miles around
When a mysterious stranger came into town
He's plenty good lookin', but down on his cash
And our poor little baby, she fell hard and fast
When her daddy said no, she just couldn't cope
So our lovers came up with a plan to elope

Die, die we all pass away
But don't wear a frown cuz it's really okay
And you might try 'n' hide
And you might try 'n' pray
But we all end up the remains of the day

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah (I'm doing a bit of beatboxing at this point)

As we came to the instrumental, I started to give commands as if I was Bonejangles himself. I was kind of disappointed as it came time to sing once more.

So they conjured up a plan to meet late at night
They told not a soul, kept the whole thing tight
Now her mother's wedding dress fit like a glove
You don't need much when you're really in love
Except for a few things, or so I'm told
Like the family jewels and a satchel of gold
Then next to the graveyard by the old oak tree
On a dark foggy night at a quarter to three
She was ready to go, but where was he?

"And then?" Jack asked.

She waited.

"And then?" Morva joined in.

There in the shadows, was it the man?

"And then?" Wisp added himself.

Her little heart beat SO loud!

"And then?" the head of a random gryphon on a platter chimed.

And then baby, (I laugh darkly here) everything went black...

Now when she opened her eyes, she was dead as dust
Her jewels were missin' and her heart was bust
So she made a vow lyin' under that tree
That she'd wait for her true love to come set her free

Always waiting for someone to ask for her hand
When out of the blue, comes this groovy young man
Who vows forever to be by her side
And that's the story of our own corpse bride!

As I finished the song, the crowd chimed in once more with the chorus. As soon as the music stopped, there was laughter all around and a round of applause. Not as big as Dracula's or Shiira's, but it was there. As I jumped off the stage once more, Marcy intercepted me.

"Not too bad, huh?" I asked. Marcy replied by putting a wing around me. Oh, no...

"Hey, are you...taken, by any chance?" she asked seductively. Azura, God, Olman, ANY HIGHER UP LISTENING, PLEASE GET ME OUT OF THIS SITUATION! Thankfully, my prayers were answered as Melody cleared her throat. She eyed the gryphon in contempt, as if to say, "Keep your grubby claws off of him!"

I gingerly pull the wing off of me. "Sorry, but I'm not searching," I replied. I bolted to the table to find a full glass of apple cider in my spot. Without a second thought, I downed it as fast as I could.

"So, what now?" I asked.

Morva stood up. "Well, I've decided to sing. But, I'm not doing it alone. I need your help, along with Dracula, Jack, and Wisp," he said.

"I'm afraid to ask," I said, "but what song would possibly need five singers just to perform?" Morva whispered it to me.

I was...rendered speechless. I pointed to the other three, who were ACTIVELY NODDING their heads in agreement. I swear, this song was going to hurt. Badly.

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