• Published 16th Jul 2012
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Dark Body, Light Soul (Or the Tale of the Stalfos) - Garino

Another pawn in the Chess Game of the Gods takes the stage in the land of the dead

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34: No Exceptions

Chapter 34: No Exceptions

I yawned as I woke up, shaking my head and leaning out of bed. Even though everything was telling me to go back to the covers, I ignored them. There were things to do, places to explore. I found a blue robe and yellow hat combo on a dresser. Seems like Melody decided to give me the usual clothes. I wasn't about to complain, though. I threw on the robe, adjusted the hat, and walked out the door.

Right into Jack. Unlike what you'd think in a comedy where both of us would collapse onto the ground, we simply lost and regained our balance, trying to find what hit us.

"Careful, Daniel!" Jack yelled.

"Sorry! Still waking up!" I quickly replied.

Jack shook his head. "Ugh...same here. Been a while since I've woken up so soon, actually."


"It's an acquired skill, I guess," I shrugged, now following Jack. "Anyway, where are you headed?"

"Kitchen," Jack yawned. "Seems to be a good meeting place."

"...I actually can't disagree with that," I remarked. There was silence as we continued. "...so...a spy and blacksmith, huh?"

Jack shot me a look. "The best. Diamond Dog claws for fast digging, ears for better listening, a nose for finding even the faintest scent, and sharp teeth to help the claws rend my enemies apart."

"And the blacksmith part?" I asked.

"A hobby," he answered. "I'm not the best by any means, but I can still make goods. What about you? Were you always a gladiator?" We took a left to the stairs, climbing down and carrying on with our conversation.

"Never was, actually," I chuckled. "I only fought when it was a last resort. But I was more known for if I ever DID fight, you crossed a line. Plus, I only needed one good hit to knock someone's lights out." We entered the kitchen to find it empty except for a few unicorn chefs. Unlike the maids, these were mostly male, a dark gray-nearly black coat, blood red mane, and a chef's hat.

"One hit as in one hit, one kill?" Jack asked. He tapped one of the chefs on the shoulder, asking for some food. The chef nodded and talked to the others, looking for ingredients.

I shook my head. "Most of the places I was in didn't allow weapons. And even if they did, I never carried any on me before coming here." I gave a small request for food, waiting for them to nod before leaving with the Diamond Dog. And yes, I realize that the dead need no food, drink, or sleep, and I now fall into that category. Force of habit, sue me. As for everyone else, I don’t have an excuse, so sue me again.

We moved to the dining room. As I tapped my finger on the table, wondering what to ask next, Shiira and Morva joined us. Morva was using the vampire pegasus for support, but he managed to stay on his feet. He took a seat next to me while Shiira sat next to Jack. "So, what are you two talking about?" Morva asked.

"Our previous life," Jack said. "That kind of thing."

"Sounds interesting," Shiira smiled. "Mind sharing?"

We spent a bit catching them up, answering their questions as we relayed each of our own pasts. "So what about you two?" I wondered. "What did you do before joining up?"

Morva looked down. Apparently, his past wasn't so nice. Either that, or he didn't have a past TO remember. Shiira thought for a moment before she gave an answer.

"Former caravan guard. Believe it or not, some crazy ponies come to the Black Marsh for ingredients for many high-priced items. They hire a caravan brave/crazy enough to venture here, caravan hires a number of ponies brave/crazy enough to protect them from the wilds."

"You were one of them crazy enough?" Jack smirked. He was met with a glare instead of a slap. I was a bit disappointed with that.

"I was BRAVE, not crazy," she huffed. "With bat wings, you can instill fear in a lot of would-be bandits. And, in case you forgot my fight with Daniel," she added with a grin, "I'm a competent fighter, too. We were far beyond the recommended stopping point for finding plants and herbs. They had gathered the items and were preparing to leave when we were attacked."

"By what?" I interrupted. As she tried to remember, Jack and I saw the chefs with our orders. I actually forget what it was, but damn, was it good.

After a moment's thought, she shook her head. "I can't quite remember," she admitted. "All I know is that they tore us apart. There were six guards and three gatherers when we went in, and only two gatherers managed to get away. Two of the guards had flown away in fright, while the other three sacrificed themselves to keep the attackers at bay. One gatherer foolishly tried to assist in fighting them off. He was injured, and I tried to protect him."

She flipped her mane, revealing two bite marks on her neck. "He had turned. Worse, he made me one of them," she said through gritted teeth. "After I recovered from the attack, I came across a stone boulder by a cave. It went down to Necro City. From there, the rest is history."

"How long ago was this?" Morva asked. He was answered with a simple headshake. I guess time can take a toll on you.

As we finished breakfast, I stretched again. "Well, I guess I'm gonna try to find Drac and see what he had in the ways of training me," I said. "I'll catch up with you guys later." I headed through the doors and looked for our host.

The moment I did, though, I was tackled by a familiar black 'n blue dog. He barked happily as he licked me, a far cry from yesterday. When I finally got him off of me, Marcy and Melody walked in, giggling.

"I was wondering where he went," Melody said.

"Like I said, he wanted to see his savior again," Marcy replied, petting the dog.

"He's pretty strong," I groaned, shaking my head. "Speaking of him, he needs a name." I'll admit, funny as it is, I refuse to call my new dog just Dog.

"Hmm...how about Treble?" Melody suggested.

"I was thinking Rush," Marcy said.

The dog shook his head. He ran past the two, heading outside to the dirt. As we followed him, he started pawing at the ground. At first, I thought he was digging for something, but then I saw his movement. It seemed like he was writing in the dirt, giving his own input. Hmm...the letters weren't as I had ever seen them, yet...I knew what he wanted to name himself.

"Let's call him Pedro Martinez the third, esquire!" I announced.

Both of the girls looked at me like I had sprouted a second head. "What?!?" they asked simultaneously.

"Just messing with you," I admitted. I took a look at the letters again. It translated (roughly) to...Aldous? How do I even know that? "I think he wants his name to be Aldous. Wonder what significance it holds?"

"Hellhound names tend to have an anagram of 'Soul’ within their name," Drac's voice stated. "Plus, they don't like to be called by any other name." We turned to see Drac with a glass of wine levitating beside him. He took a sip and sighed. "Anyway, Daniel, I have need of you."

"I was looking for you, actually," I answered. The dog...er, Aldous, ran back in, barking at Marcy. While Melody was petting him, I waved and followed Drac. "I wanna learn a different weapon."

"Really?" he asked. "What's wrong with a little sword-play? I thought heroes preferred a sword over everything else."

"And I'm no different," I answered. "I just wanna make sure I'm covered on all fronts. So I wanna learn how to use a lance."

We walked into the armory, where many weapons hung. Swords, lances, axes, halberds, muskets and gunpowder, shields, chainmail, you name it. It was like I had walked into the Feudal Era. I went over to the lances and looked at all of the different styles. I took down a seemingly simple one: wooden pole with an iron tip on one side.

"Nice choice," Drac smiled. "Good for either killing or incapacitating. Impale them with the iron side, or just smack them on the head with the wooden side to knock them out."

"I would think so," I nodded. "So...who exactly can train me?"

There was a bright flash. When it died down, the two of us were outside, with a third being, a gryphon, holding an axe in one hand. It growled as it stood on its hind legs, gripping the axe in both of its talons.

"...wanna change to your sword and shield?" Drac asked.

"...nah,” I answered. “I’m pretty sure I can deal with him in spite of the disadvantage.”

Remember these next words: they will be my downfall.

“Also, am I the only one who can hear drums playing?”

Author's Note:

I don't know what to say. ...Sorry for the wait?

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