• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 3,201 Views, 77 Comments

Portal - Ultimauser50

Twilight Rainbow Dash My Little Portal Fluttershy Rarity Applejack Celestia Luna Wheatley

  • ...

Chapter 4 The Suprise

Everypony leaves the elevator and enters a dark room.

“Oh no…it’s d-d-d-dark.” Fluttershy stuttered in pure fear.

“Don’t worry Flutter, I’m here.” I said.

“You mean, we’re all here right?” Rainbow Dash said teasing.

“Rainbow, now’s not the time or the place!”

“Don’t worry everypony, she’s just preparing the surprise. No need to be afraid just because it’s dark.” said Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie? Do you exactly KNOW what the surprise is?” asked Rarity.

“No, not really.”

“And what do you think it’s gonna be, huh?” I asked.

“She did say that it involved to ponies that we hadn’t seen in a while. So I’m guessing that it’s the princesses!”

“Get real Pinkie! The princesses are probably at the castle right now! I highly doubt that Celestia and Luna are here!”

The door then opens and two familiar figures move into the room slowly.

“Huh? Who’s that?” Twilight asked.

“I dunno, it’s too dark to see.” replied Rainbow Dash.

“Deploying surprise in 3… 2… 1…”

The lights instantly turn on and the dark figures turn out to be Celestia and Luna inflatables. Leaving everypony with confused/disturbed/surprised faces.

“I made the whole thing up.”

Confetti then falls out of a chute in the corner of the room and you can hear a party horn.


Twilight then used her magic to pop the inflatables and everypony exits the room.

“Oh come on… if it makes you feel any better, they abandoned you as soon as they killed me. So I very seriously doubt they’d even want to see any of you anyway.”

“It looks we need to activate those laser conductors, and there’s a turret in this room too. And the bad part is that he’s in a position where he can see us no matter where we are.” I said.

“So what do we do?” asks Rarity.

“Well, you guys find a way to use those lasers to your advantage and I’ll distract the turret.”

“No! You can’t do that! You’ll get hurt!” Fluttershy protested.

“If I don’t then our friends will get hurt. Don’t worry Flutter, I’ll be okay.” I said patting her back. “Now, when I jump down, you guys solve the test as quick as you can.”

“Right!” said Rainbow Dash.

“We’ll get it done as soon as we can!” said Twilight.

“Right, well…here I go.” I then jumped down and ran into the turret’s line of sight. “Yo, no hit wonder! I’m over here!”

“Firing.” the turret muttered softly before unleashing its rounds.

I then begin to jump, duck, and roll around the room. “Thank God I’m used to dealing with these things in the past, or this would be REALLY dangerous!”

The mane 6 then quickly jumped down and Twilight headed towards the laser and fires a blue portal on the barriers wall and fires another portal at the white wall in the back of the room. The mane 6 then quickly ducked into the portal and Twilight fires a portal on the top of the light bridge in the room and fires another portal in front of the platform the Areal Faith Plate was, causing another downward light bridge to appear.

“Okay, we’re almost done. Rarity, press that button and follow me everypony!” Twilight said.

“Yes ma’am!” replied Everypony.

Rarity then pressed the button, causing a cube to fall from a chute and the cube hit the light bridge. Twilight the fires a blue portal at the barrier and fires an orange portal on the wall next to her. The mane 6 head through the portal and peer around the barrier to see me still dodging bullets.

“Uh, girls? I hate being a pushy you-know-what, but if you don’t mind, I would reeeeeeally appreciate it if you guys could speed up the process!”

“Just keep dodging David! We’re almost done!” Twilight said as she fires an orange portal on the wall in front of the two discouragement redirection cubes. “Okay everypony, stay here. I’ve got an idea, just make sure that turret doesn’t get any shots in on David okay?”

“Yes ma’am!” replied Everypony.

Twilight then moved through the portal and grabbed the discouragement redirection cube and brought it back to the laser and placed the cube down aiming it at the wall. Twilight then heads back through the portal and grabs the second discouragement redirection cube. Twilight aims the cube towards the turret, causing it to slowly catch on fire and explode.

I then drop to the floor out of breath. “F-Finally, n-not a m-moment too soon…” I panted.

Fluttershy dashes out from behind the barrier wall and hovers over me, with the mane 6 following behind her. “Are you okay? Did any of the bullets graze you again? Did you pull a muscle?”

I gently laugh. “It’s cool Flutter, the only thing I sustained from the insane turret, was fatigue. I just need to breathe for a few seconds.”

“Ha! Fluttershy, you really can be such a mom!” Rainbow Dash laughed.

“R-Really? I’m sorry.”

“Nah, don’t apologies. I just thought it was funny.”

I smile and give Twilight a thumbs up. “Good job by the way Twi!”

“Thanks, now to finish the puzzle.” Twilight fires a portal behind her and trots through the portal and aims the discouragement redirection cube diagonally, hitting two laser conductors. She then trots over to the other cube and places it in front of the lasers path, causing it to hit the last two laser conductors and a laser platform, opening the door. She then fires a blue portal on the ceiling where the light bridge is and fires an orange portal on the wall on the left of the exit door, causing a light bridge to appear in front of the exit door.

“I feel awful about that surprise. Tell you what, I’ll send the princesses a letter and when they reply, I’ll tell you what it says.”

“She REALLY knows how to make a stupid joke drag on doesn’t she?” I asked slowly getting up.

“Just ignore her. Let’s move.” Twilight said trotting towards the light bridge.

“Roger.” I said following her along with the mane 6.

“Who’s roger?” asks Pinkie Pie.

I let out a small sigh. “I’ll tell you later.”


Everypony then heads to the elevator and heads down. The elevator moves slowly and on our way down we see Wheatley.

“Hey! How’s it going?!”

“Wheatley! Boy are we glad to see you!” Rainbow Dash said.

“It’s great to see you’re all still alive too. Now listen, I talked my way onto the nanobot work crew rebuilding this shaft. They are REALLY small so –ah – I KNOW Jerry. NO, I’m on a break mate. On a break.”

“Who are you talking to?” asks Twilight.

“Oh, that’s just Jerry, he’s one of the-” Wheatley then hits a wooden beam on his way down. “Ow! One of the nanobots that I was talking about, he needed me to help fix something, but I’m on break anyway. So yeah, anyway, we’re really close to busting out of here, so just hang on for five more – What? Jerry, you can’t fire me for that! Yes, JERRY – or, maybe your prejudiced worksite should have accommodated a nanobot of my size. Thanks for the hate crime, Jer. See you in court mate.”

Everypony is trying there best to hold in there laughter.

“Anyway, look, just hang in there for five more test chambers. Okay?”

“Got it!” replied Twilight. “You can count on us.”

“Good, that’s good, well anyway catch you guys later!”

“Bye Wheatley!” replied Everypony as the elevator went down a tunnel. After a few more tunnels, the elevator arrives on the next floor and everypony departs from it.

“Well, you know the old formula: Comedy equals tragedy plus time. And you all have been asleep for a while. So I guess it’s actually pretty funny when you do the math.”

No pony gave a response and moved into the next test area.

“Woah! Pretty big, do ya think we’ll need teams again?” asked Applejack.

“Maybe. Wanna do this one with me?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Sure, why not?”

Applejack and Rainbow Dash jump off the platform and Rainbow Dash grabs the discouragement redirection cube.

“Alrighty, I can see th’ laser goin’ into an room up there. Let’s get up there an’ get a better view of th’ room.”


Applejack fired an orange portal on the ground next to her and fires another portal on the wall next to the laser. Applejack and Rainbow Dash jump into the portal and land next to the laser.

“Alrighty, let’s see… I see a laser conductor over there. Let’s see what it can do.”

Rainbow Dash places the cube down and aims it at the conductor. As the laser powers the conductor nothing happens, as far as Applejack and Rainbow Dash can see.

“Do ya think it did anything?”

“Not sure, let’s check it out.”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack jump off the edge and land next to the orange portal.

“Hmm… It doesn’t look like anything happened.”

Applejack looks up and sees another discouragement redirection cube in front of another laser conductor. “Hmm, ah wouldn’t be so sure Rainbow. Wait here.”

Applejack fires a portal above the discouragement redirection cube and jumps into the orange portal. She grabs the cube and jumps down next to Rainbow Dash.

“So, what now?”

“Ah’m not sure.”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack look around the room deep in thought, until Rainbow Dash gets an idea. She fires a blue portal on the platform above an Arial Faith Plate and she grabs the cube. “Hang on for a few seconds AJ.”


Rainbow Dash jumps into the orange portal and as she falls through she lands on the Faith Plate and she flies back through the portal, while she was in the air she fired a blue portal on the wall in front of her and as she fell through the portal again she flew out of the wall and landed next to the laser. Rainbow Dash then used cube to aim the laser at the laser conductor in front of the exit door. Rainbow Dash then jumped down and trotted to Applejack.

“Hey Rainbow, ah saw another one o’ those discouragin’ redirectin’ cubes.”

“Really? Where?”

“Up there.” Applejack points to a discouragement redirection cube mounted on a platform next to a white wall.

“Cool, I’ll-”

“Don’t sweat it Rainbow, Ah’ll get it.”

“Okay, if you want to.”

Applejack fires a blue portal above the Ariel Faith Plate and jumps through the orange portal. As she falls through and gets shot back into the air, she fires a blue portal on the wall close to the cube and as she flies out of the wall she knocks the cube down and lands next to it. Applejack then fired another blue portal on the ceiling above the laser. Applejack jumps through landing next to the laser and aims the laser towards three turrets, slowly burning them until they all blew up. Applejack then aimed the laser at the laser platform causing platforms to rise under the exit path.

“Alrighty everypony, we’re done with this test! Ya’ll can come join us now!!” Applejack yelled.

Everypony jumped down and joined Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

“Great job you two!” yelled Pinkie Pie.

“Y-Yeah, way to go.” said Fluttershy sheepishly.

“I gotta admit, I thought you two were gonna need help with this test, but you two handled that pretty well.” I said.

“Even I must admit, you did a great job out there Applejack, you too Rainbow Dash.” Rarity said with slight difficulty.

“Thanks everypony, it wasn’t that hard.” Applejack replied rubbing the back of her head.

“Yeah although, it would’ve been easier if I were able to fly.”

“Don’t sweat it Rainbow, at least we finished.” Applejack replied.

“Okay you two, how do we get outta here?” Twilight asked looking around the room.

“Like this.” Rainbow Dash then fired a portal above the Faith Plate and jumped into the orange portal. As she gets launched into the air she fires a portal on the wall and she flies through the portal and lands next to the laser. “Like that! Do it like I did and you’ll make it!”

Everypony copied Rainbow Dash’s strategy and eventually everypony made it to the emancipation grill.

“I thought about our little dilemma, and I came up with a solution that I honestly think works out for one of everypony.”

“One of? Definitely doesn’t sound good.” I said.

“Let’s just keep moving, hopefully there isn’t that much left to do.” replied Twilight.

Everypony enters the elevator and arrive on the next floor.

“Now, I know this question is long over due, so I’m gonna ask now. How far down does this place go?” I ask.

“No one knows, ponies say its 30,000ft deep.” Twilight replied.

“Sheesh! Was Cave Johnson paranoid?! I knew the stallion was crazy, but paranoid too? Sheesh!”

“I don’t think he was paranoid, I think he just wanted a lot of space to test in.”

“Federal regulations require me to warn you that this next test chamber… is looking pretty good.”

Everypony just stare at the room with a blank stare.

“That’s right, this facility is fully operational again.”

“That doesn’t sound good.” said Rarity.

“Don’t worry girls, I’m pretty sure Wheatley will use that to his advantage.”

Everypony then proceeds to the testing room, and as soon as everypony gets a good look at the test room, everypony stares at Twilight.

“UGH!! Fine!” shouted Twilight as she storms off.

Twilight then takes a good look at the lasers, the cubes, and the laser platforms.

“So, do you think you can solve it?” Rainbow Dash asked sheepishly.

Twilight only gave Rainbow Dash a death glare and went back to solving the test.

“Uh, yeah, maybe we not talk so much to her? Anypony agrees?” I asked.

Everypony gave there agreements.

Twilight then fires portal on the wall where the laser was touching and fired another portal on the support beam in front of the three laser platforms. Twilight then picked up a cube and placed it in front of the laser going across the room, causing the laser to hit the second laser platform. Twilight then picks up the second cube and placed it under the laser hitting the floor, causing the laser to hit the third laser platform, opening the door. Twilight then trotted back to the group.

“Alright Twi! High hoof!” I said holding up my hand. Twilight only stared at me with a REALLY annoyed expression. I then stared at her but kept smiling, hoping to cheer her up. “Uh, bro to sis hoof!” I said holding my fist in front of her, still nothing. “…Hoof shake?”

Twilight then began to trot to the door.

“Oh boy.” I said facepalming. “Don’t tell me she’s going to get all pouty with us.”

“Meh, she gets like that sometimes. She’ll get over it.” Rainbow Dash said waving her hoof in the air.

“I hope so, because if we’re gonna escape, we’re gonna need everyone to be on there best co-op behavior.”

Everypony then joined Twilight in the elevator.

“I think these testing chambers look better than they did before. It was easy, really. You just have to look at thing objectively, see what you don’t need anymore, and trim out the fat.”

“Okay, not liking how she said that.” I said.

“I know, she just loves being creepy.” replied Rainbow Dash.

The elevator arrives at the next floor and everypony heads down the hall.

“I’ve got a surprise for you everypony after this next test. Not a fake, tragic surprise like last time. A real surprise, with tragic consequences. And real confetti this time. The good stuff. Our last bag. Part of me’s going to miss it, I guess-but at the end of the day it was just taking up space.”

“She sounds excited. Not a good sign.” said Rarity.

“Yeah, what do you think it means Twilight?” I asked smiling.


“What, I’m just trying to make you smile. You’ve been acting odd Twilight.”

“Just lay off it.”

“Okay, if that’s what you want…So, does anypony mind if I do this?”

“Nah, not really.” replied Rainbow Dash.

“Go for it!” cheered Pinkie Pie.

“Alrighty, here I go then.”

I fire an orange portal on the white wall in the upper left hand corner of the room and I fire a blue portal on the wall where the light bridge meets the wall. I then walk through the portal and I press the button causing a cube to fall from the chute and it lands on the light bridge. I walk towards the cube casually until the light bridge and the lights cut off and I fall towards the floor landing on my back. Everypony rushes towards me and also look around the room, searching for the problem.

“What’s going on? Who turned out the lights?”

“Uh, does anypony know what’s going on?” asked Twilight.

“Heh, th-thanks Wheatley.” I grunt in pain.

“Wheatley?” asks Fluttershy.

“Are you sure?” asks Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was him.”

The wall panels move to the side and Wheatley appears.

“Hey buddies.” Wheatley calls out in an English accent. “I’m speaking in an accent that is beyond her range of hearing…”

“Look – metal ball, I CAN hear you.”

“Run! I don’t need to do the voice. RUN!”

Everypony then makes a mad dash to the wall panel that Wheatley opens up and hops on top of the light bridge he constructs and run down until they stop and hop down onto a railing and run down the path. Wheatley then catches up to the group as they keep running down the path.

“Okay, quick recap: We are escaping!”

“Yeah, like we didn’t know that already!” I shouted.

“Well, yeah, I guess running from almost certain death would count as obvious, but I digress! Quick word about future plans that I’ve got in store.”

“Okay, we’ll follow whatever you’ve got planed!” said Twilight.

“Well first, we’re going to shut down her turret production line, turn off her neurotoxin, and then confront her.”

“Sounds good to me!” said Rainbow Dash.

“The irony is that you were almost at the last test.”

As everypony continue to run down the path a test chamber appears from a huge panel of walls and a light bridge appears in front, connecting the railing to the test room.

“Here it is. Why don’t you just do it? Trust me, it’s an easier way out than whatever asinine plan your friend came up with.”

“Oh what? How stupid does she think we are?”

Pinkie Pie then hops on the light bridge and trots to the test room until Twilight grabs her with her magic and pulls her back.

“Pinkie!! What are you doing?!?!” yells Twilight in massive confusion.

“What? She said it was the last test, and besides she said it’s an easier way out than this plan.”

I pick up Pinkie Pie and place her waist round my arm and we begin to run in the opposite direction of the test room. “Trust me Pinkie, they test chamber maybe the way out, but I doubt it’s the way out we want!”

“You sure about that?”


As soon as everypony gets above another railing the light bridge shuts off and everypony lands on it. I then place Pinkie Pie back down on her hooves and we continue to make a run for it.

“Come on! Come on!” Wheatley motions as he continues to lead everypony down the railing.

Everypony then moves to a room that appears to be under a test chamber. And as Everypony moves past a tube two crane hands place down two online turrets. Noticing this, everypony ducks behind the tube out of the turrets line of sight.

“Great! What now?” Rainbow Dash asks.

“Well, I hate to say it, but it looks like we’re gonna have to charge them.” I said.

“What?! That’s crazy!” yelled Twilight.

“Yeah, we need to think about a new strategy. If you don’t mind that is.” said Fluttershy.

“Sorry Flutter, but unless you guys can think of another idea in the next ten seconds, I’m going to follow through with my plan.”

Everypony stayed silent for a few seconds, Applejack was about to speak but I interrupt her.

“Times up! Now, here I go!”

I dash at the first turret and I duck behind it and use it as a shield as the second turret unloads its round. After hitting the first turret a few times, the turret finally unloads its rounds. With both firing rounds at each other they slowly start to fall apart until they stop firing and fall to their sides.

“I heard gunfire! A bit late for this, but look out for gunfire! Probably doesn’t help now that the firing seems to have stopped, but at least I tried.”

“Yes, you’re the master of timely concerns Wheats.”


“Yeah! I’m 0 for 2 turrets! What now!?”

Everypony trots up to me and Rainbow Dash tugs on my shirt. “Hey, king of the world, we still got one turret left.”

“Consider it smashed.”

I slowly sneak behind the turret and kick it over. As soon as it stops unloading its round everypony looks around the room.

“Okay, how do we get outta here?” asks Applejack.

I look over one of the panels and I spot a white support beam.

“Hey girls, there’s a white support beam over there. We just need a portal in here and we’re good to go.” I said firing an orange portal on the beam.

Twilight fires an orange portal on the white wall next to her and everypony jumps through the portal landing on the railing.

“You’re all okay! Great, come on!”

Everypony follows Wheatley and stop as they see a turret.

“We don’t have time for this!” I yelled firing a blue portal under the turret and an orange portal on the wall causing the turret to land on its side. Everypony takes cover as the turret unloads its bullets eventually shutting off, everypony continues down the path following Wheatley.

“There’s the exit! We’re almost out of here!”

“Thank goodness.” Fluttershy softly exhales.

The room then begins to violently shake causing support beams to fall and knock down walk ways on the railing.

“She’s bringing the whole place down! Hurry!”

Everypony makes a mad dash follow Wheatley to a lift. A support beam then begins to tilt towards the group causing the whole group to run faster then they thought possible, making it into the lift. As the room continues to fall apart and the lift begins to rise, me and the mane 6 try our best to catch our breath.

“We made it we made it we made it!”

“Th-That, was, t-too, close.” I barely get out as my lungs continue to grasp air.

“W-We, nearly, g-got crushed.” Rainbow Dash panted.

“I-I’ve, n-never, b-been, th-that, sc-scared.” Rarity wheezed.

“M-Mah, h-heart, i-is like, a-a drum.” gasped Applejack.

Fluttershy could barely speak, she looked like she was concentrating to keep from passing out.

“That, was, GREAT!” Pinkie Pie bounced up as if nothing happened.

Where the frig does this girl get here energy? I pondered.

“I’ll meet you all on the other side!”

“Okay!” replied Everypony.

The lift stops in front of the door and Everypony slowly made there way towards the door, except for Pinkie Pie who is bouncing towards the door.



Phew! Took me long enough huh? Sorry about that, me and my family went mountain climbing last Sunday and it was hectic and scary, I REALLY hate hights, and as I was climbing this mountain, which was both HIGH and SLIPPERY I also had to endure staying in one place waiting for people to move up. I hated every second, every second seemed like forever, I wanted to just go back down but there were people below me! It was hell!! I don't even know what I was thinking going mountain climbing knowing good damn well I hated heights! Oh well, live and learn. And the trip was more manuvering around rock than it was climbing(Thank God.) and it's all over now. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter and see ya next chapter. Oh! And here's some advice: If you're afraid of heights and your friends/family wanna go rock/mountain climbing, stay at home!