• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 3,201 Views, 77 Comments

Portal - Ultimauser50

Twilight Rainbow Dash My Little Portal Fluttershy Rarity Applejack Celestia Luna Wheatley

  • ...

Chapter 5 The Escape

Everypony slowly approaches the door and as they approach it the door begins to open, but it stops half way as it opens.

“C-Come on! W-Why now?!” I asked panting for air.

“D-Don’t worry, th-there’s a wh-white wall on th-the other side, of th-this wall. We, can open a p-portal.” Twilight explained panting for air.

I slowly aimed the portal gun towards the wall behind the door and I fire a portal there and on the wall next to us. Everypony walks through the portal and just sit down.

“I-I can’t go on, I-I need, a break.” I said weakly.

“Same, here.” said Rainbow Dash.

Five minuets pass by until everypony finally catch there breath again and they trot pass the next door onto another railing with Wheatley quickly joining them.

“Ah! Brilliant you all made it through!”

“Of course, was there ever any doubt?” asked Rainbow Dash puffing out her chest.

“Um, well to tell you the truth. Yes, there was a little doubt in there. I thought you guys got crushed by the walls.”

“Well, we all made it through but we almost gave ourselves heart attacks in the process. But we’re all still alive.” I said.

“That’s great! Well done! Now follow me, we’ve still got work to do. At least she can’t touch us back here.”

“Yeah! That’s right!” agreed Pinkie Pie.

The lights slowly begin to shut off until the entire room becomes pitch black.


“Why to jinx it Wheatley.” I said.

“Oh great, how are we supposed to move through here? I can barely see past my own hoof!” said Rarity.

“I-It’s dark, I-I can’t take th-the dark.” Fluttershy whimpered in pure fear.

“Don’t worry Flutter, I’m-I mean we’re all here. We’re not gonna leave your side.” I said.

“What was that? I though I heard you almost say ‘I’m here’. What’s that all about, huuuh?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“That was just a slip of the tongue! And besides now is not the time or the place!” I said.

“Exactly, we’ve got bigger things to worry about.” began Twilight. “Like how are we going to move forward if we can’t even see!”

“Okay, don’t panic. Just don’t move.” began Wheatley. “Alright I have an idea. But it’s bloody dangerous.”

“Anything other than being temporarily blind Wheatley.” said Twilight.

“Alright, here we go.” Wheatley turns on a flashlight in his eye causing him and everypony to scream. “AAAAH!!”


“Why are you yelling!?!?” I yelled.

Wheatley attempts to catch his breath. “Oh, sorry. It’s just that they told me if I ever turned this flashlight on, I would DIE. They told me that about EVERYTHING. I don't know why they even bothered to give me this stuff if they didn't want me usin' it. It's pointless. Mad.”

“I can’t believe you actually believed them on that. How is using a flash light gonna kill you?” asks Rainbow Dash shaking her head.

Wheatley then began to move down the railing with Everypony following him. “Oh trust me, you guys have NO idea what they’ve programmed into us.”

“And something tells me I don’t wanna know.” Rainbow Dash mumbled to herself.

“Ooh. It’s dark down here isn’t it?”

“Well it sure isn’t sunny.” I said.

“Ha! True that mate, true that. They say the old caretaker of the place went absolutely crazy. Chopped up his entire staff-”

Fluttershy lets out a quick gasp.

“Of robots.”


“They say at night you can still hear there screams.”

Fluttershy gasps again.

“Of there replicas.”


“Functionally indistinguishable from the originals. No memory of the incident. Nobody knows what they’re screaming about. Absolutely terrifying. Though obviously not paranormal in any meaningful way.”

“Obviously, now if we’re done playing ‘give Fluttershy nightmares’ I think we should continue on.” I said.

Everypony continues down the path until we all stop at a railing with the walkway gone.

“Great, just great.” I said. “Another long fall.”

“Don’t worry David, let’s just use the same strategy you had before again.” suggested Fluttershy.

“Thanks Flutter, but don’t worry, this isn’t nearly as deep as the one before. I think I can make it.” I said mentally preparing myself.

“Okay, just be careful.”

“I will, don’t worry.”

Twilight teleported AppleJack, Rarity, and herself to the lower railing and Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy fly down to the lower railing.

Okay, okay. It’s time to master my fear. I thought trying to mentally prepare myself. I stepped back and ran full speed, and with the grace of an eagle I landed face first on the floor of the railing.

“Nice landing Ace.” Rainbow Dash said mockingly.

“I told you to be careful.” Fluttershy said with a stern face.

“Alright, alright. My agility maybe… ‘lacking’ but still, I made it. Now let’s please move on.”

“Whatever you say, ‘flying wonder’” Rainbow Dash replied before everypony started running down the path.

I swear to Celestia- I thought.

Everypony stopped and looked down to see a conveyer belt.

“Oh, this looks dangerous. I’ll hold the light steady.” said Wheatley lowering himself to the conveyer belt and keeping the flashlight on the floor of the belt.

“Great, more long falls.” I said.

“Yup, more chances to prove your flying stuff.” Rainbow Dash commented holding back a laugh.

“You do know those jokes are gonna get old eventually right?”

“You DO know I’m gonna use them anyway right?”


Everypony jumped down and landed on there hooves except for me, landing once again on my face.

“Hahahahahahahaha!! Really?! Again?!”

“Shut it Dash! The floor is moving so of course I’d fall forward, I don’t have fore hooves like you all. I only have two legs!”

“And it seems you can’t even use those properly.”

“Are you trying to start something?!”

“Uh, guys?” Wheatley said interrupting.


“You may want to look ahead.”

Everypony looked ahead and saw platforms moving from right to left and left to right across the conveyer belt. Everypony carefully maneuvered around the moving platforms until they reached another railing at the end of the belt. Everypony then continued down the path and jumped down from the upper platform to the lower railing.

“Here's an interesting story. I almost got a job down here in Manufacturing. Guess who the foreman went with? Only an exact duplicate of himself. Nepotism. Ended up giving me the WORST job, tending to all the smelly ponies.”

Everypony gives Wheatley a death glare.

“The...um... sorry. I wouldn't say smelly. Just attending to the ponies.”

Everypony continues down the path until we arrive to a wall.

“We have to split up here for a moment. Portal up to that passage and I’ll see you all on the other side.”

“Whatever.” replied Rainbow Dash as she fires an orange portal on the wall of the passage and a blue portal on the wall in front of us.

Everypony walks through the portal and we land in a small room.

“We have got to get you out of that room! Can you reach that wall back there?” Wheatley asked as he shined his flash light on a wall.

“Yes!” replied Twilight as she fired a blue portal on the wall.

Everypony trots through the portal and Wheatley points his flash light to another wall.

“There’s another wall over there!”

Twilight fires an orange portal on the wall and everypony trots through and continues down the railings path.

“Ah. I tell ya. Ponies. Love 'em. Just... The way they look is great. And their... folklore. Wonderful isn't it? Very colorful... I thought of another great thing about ponies. You invented us. Giving us the opportunity to let you relax while we invented everything else. We couldn't have done any of that without you. Classy. If you don't mind me saying.”

“Wheatley, I think I speak for everypony here when I say: Shut up.” I said.

“Um, right. I-I guess you’re right, tell you what? I’ll stay quiet until there’s something important you guys need to know. Deal?”


At the end of the path, everypony arrives at a giant tube moving companion cubes down the tube.

“Right. Well I’m gonna take this rail down the back way. See you all at the bottom. Good luck.”

“Thanks.” I said rhetorically.

Twilight teleports herself, AppleJack, and Rarity down to the bottom of the pathway.

“Alright Flutter! Let’s go!” Rainbow Dash said getting ready to take off.

“Wait!” I shouted.

“What? What is it!?”

“Uh…I am mortified of heights, C-Could you two please fly me down?”

“Heh, why not?”

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash hovered next to me and grabbed my arms.

“Are you ready?” Fluttershy asked.

“To end this height thing? Yes.”

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy took off and landed right next to the rest of the mane 6 and we continued past the two doors.

“Phew, glad that’s over. I hate heights.”

“Aw come on David, it wasn’t that bad.” said Fluttershy.

“Easy for you to say, you’ve got wings.”

“Turret redemption lines active. Please do not engage with turrets heading towards redemption.” said the familiar voice of the announcer.

“Don’t worry. I wouldn’t wanna mess with ANY turrets of ANY kind.” I said.

“Hmm… but it seems we’ll need to use that conveyer belt to get across.” Twilight said pointing to the path on the other side.

“I’m already on it.” I said firing an orange portal on the wall above the conveyer belt and a blue portal on the wall behind us. Everypony trots through the portal and land on top of the belt.

“Turret redemption lines are not rides. Please exit the turret redemption line.”

Everypony jumps on an air vent and moves along the line of air vents until we reach the second conveyor belt and move along down the belt until we stumble across a turret.

“I’m different.” The turret says weakly.

“Yeah, I’m sure you are. Now let’s keep moving.” I said trying to move forward only to be stopped by Fluttershy.

“No! We can’t just leave it here.”

“And why not? It’s a turret! Those thing cannot be trusted!”

“It said it was different, and I believe it.”

“D’oh come on Flutter! We don’t have time for this!”

“Ah have to agree with em’ Fluttershy, now’s not the time to be all sentimental.”

“Although, some cinnamon would be great right about now.”

“Not now Pinkie!” said Twilight.

“Pweeeeeeeeeeease?” Fluttershy begged with a face that could melt the heart of any badass.

“…Fine, we’ll take it along.” I said picking up the turret.

“Thank you.” said Fluttershy and the turret.

My will is soooo weak. I thought as everypony slowly jumped down on the air vent until we reached the lower railing and trotted down the path.

“Get mad.” said the Turret.

“Get mad? Why?” I asked.

“Don’t make lemonade.”

“Huh? What does lemonade have to do with anything?” asked Twilight.

“Prometheus was punished by the gods for giving the gift of knowledge to man and Pony. He was cast into the bowels of the earth and pecked by birds.”

“Um, uh…” I started. “Yeah, I think this thing is defective.”

We arrived at a Material Emancipation Grill and I walked towards it until Fluttershy stopped me again.


“What is it now Flutter?”

“That’s a Material Emancipation Grill.”

“Yeah, so it disintegrates all unauthorized material, the turret will be fine.”

“I’m not sure, like you said, the turret might be defective. And if that’s true, then we’ve gotta leave it here or else it’ll get disintegrated.”

“*sigh* Fine.” I put the turret down next to the grill.

“It won’t be enough.” the Turret said quietly.

“Riiight.” I said walking away with the rest of the mane 6.

We walk down the hallway watching the regular turrets and defective turrets firing away/failing to hit the dummy at the end if the hall.

“Now I KNOW this is gonna sound insane, but do you ladies see that computer room over there?” I asked.

“Yeah! I totally saw it too!” Pinkie Pie said in excitement. “I totally need to check my E-Mail, it’s been way too long!”

“You can do that when we get back to Equestria Pinkie. Anyway back to my plan, I think we can reach it, but there’s a catch.”

“What is it?” Rarity asked.

I started rubbing the back of my head with a shy smile. “We…kinda have to get behind the target dummy.” I said

“What?! Are you crazy?!” Twilight yelled.

“Oh what, I suppose you girls have a better idea?!” I said leading to a silence from the mane 6. “Yeah, I thought not.” I said firing a portal above the barrier behind the target dummy and another on the wall next to everypony. We slowly and quietly made our way down behind the barrier and clinging to it, making sure we were out of sight of the turrets.

“Alright. I see the next room. I’m gonna try and get a clear shot.” I said.

“Right.” replied Twilight.

“Just be careful okay?” said Fluttershy.

“Don’t worry Flutter, I’m an expert shot, thanks to all those Modern Warfare games, I’m a pro.” I said poking my head around corner only to slam my head back against the wall as bullets blazed past the barrier. Modern Warfare taught me s@%t!! I yelled in my head. I slowly poke around the corner to see a defective turret come up next.

“Alright my time to shine!” said the defective turret trying to fire his rounds. “Well I tried, can’t ask for more than that.”

I fired a blue portal on the computer room wall and quickly ducked behind the barrier again. “Alright everypony, this is where my idea gets dangerous, now I’m gonna fire an orange portal on the barrier that’s behind the dummy so we just have to duck in front and pass through before we get shot.”

“You really are crazy!” Twilight yelled quietly. “How are we supposed to duck in front of turrets and jump through a portal before getting shot!?”

“Simple, it takes three things. Speed, luck, and defective turrets.”

“Oh, ah get it. It’s because them defective turrets don’t got bullets right?”

“Exactly AppleJack. Now the timing must be precise. I’ll meet you all on the other side.” I said as I quickly ducked into the portal, unluckily for me an active turret had pulled up and fired round barely grazing my arm. Dang it! What’s up with all these close calls?! I thought.

Twilight then quickly took a peek behind the corner and saw a defective turret begin to pull up. “Quick girls, move now!”

Everypony charged quick as lightning out from behind the bunker and ducked into the portal.

“Great, they got away…I’m so fired for this aren’t I?” asked the defective turret as he moved on.

Everypony ran down the path until we saw a machine sorting turrets.

“Ooooh, what’s that?!” asked Pinkie Pie.

“I’m not sure, it looks like some sort of sorting machine.” said Twilight.




“Yeah, what?” said the defective turret before it gets flung into the air. “You can’t fire me I quiiiiiiiit!” the defective turrets screams as it flies off.

I quickly jump up and catch the defective turret.

“Oh thank God. You saved my bacon.”

“Yeah, no problem, I guess.” I said. Flutter’s starting to get into my head, why did I save a turret?!

“So where are we going? Is this a jail break? I can’t see a thing.”

“Well, sorta.” replied Twilight. “We’re trying to find a way to stop GLaDOS and shut her down.”

“Ah, I see…well, not really, but you get the point! I’ll try to help out anyway I can. But fair warning: I don’t have any bullets, and I’m completely blind.”

“I like you already.” I said.

“Ugh, are you sure we can’t save a turret that doesn’t look so…horrid.” complained Rarity.

“It’s a defective turret Rarity, trust me, you’re not going to find any defective turrets that are fashionable.”

“I like em’!” Pinkie Pie said jumping in glee. “He’s got a funny voice[giggles]!”

“Hey, my voice may be weird, but that doesn’t mean I’m not lethal!” the turret shouted trying to unload its rounds. “Oh, that’s right…well this is embarrassing.”

“Alright, we’ve wasted enough time, let’s keep moving!” said Rainbow Dash.

Everypony headed up stairs where we ran into Wheatley.

“Ah brilliant! You all made it through! Who’s that?”

“My names, uhh…I forgot.”

“Hmm… well by my scanners, you seem to be a defective turret. How about we just call you James? Does James sound good to you?”

“Sure, I’m not picky.”

“That’s good, I guess. But anyway, follow me everypony! You’re all gonna love this!”

Wheatley leads everypony into the turret control center.

“Tadah! Only the turret control center. Thank you very much?”

“Uh, okay? And how is a turret control center going to help us out?” I asked.

“Take a look out the window everypony, and I’ll show you my brilliant plan.”

Everypony looks out to see the turrets getting sorted.

“Yeah, so? We’ve seen this before Wheats.”

“Ah, that may be true RD, but do you know what that machine is doing?”

“No, not really.”

“See that scanner out there? It’s deciding which turrets to keep and which to toss. And it’s using that MASTER turret as a template! If we pull out the template turret, it’ll shut down the whole production line.”

“Really?” I asked slyly. “Hmm…”

“But how are we gonna get in there?” asked Pinkie Pie in front of the door of the template room. “The door’s locked.”

“I’m gonna have to hack this door so we can get at it.”

“Okie dokie lokie.” said Pinkie Pie trotting away from the door to give Wheatley his space.

“Umm…you’re all gonna have to turn around while I do this.”

Me, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight groaned.

“Oh come on Wheatley! We don’t have time for this!” I yelled.

“What?! I told you I don’t work well under pressure, and having all these eyes looking at me adds pressure.”

I let out a heavy sigh. “Fine.”

Everypony turns around and Wheatley smashes the window open causing Everypony to turn back around.

“Woah! What was that?!” asked James in shock. “I thought I hear glass, better show em’ who’s boss.” James tries to fire rounds but no bullets come out. “Dang it! Why can’t I hoot anything?!”

“Seriously?” I asked. “That was your ‘hack’? Smashing a window?!”

“Well, it’s not like you had a better idea.”

“Actually, I do.” I said smiling.

“Really? What is it then?”

“You’ll see.” I said putting James down, I fired an orange portal on the wall and fired another portal on the wall inside the master turret room. I picked James up again and headed through the portal. “Hey James?”


“Have you ever wondered what it’d be like to be a master turret?”

“On occasions, why?”

I then picked up the regular turret and placed to off to the side and placed James on the master turret platform. “Because you’re now the master turret. Enjoy dude.”

“Aw thanks man! I’ve always wanted to have control! Now, time to have some fun.”




“Hello.” responded a regular turret before it gets flung into the incinerator. “But I did everything you aaaaaasked!”

“Oh, BRILLIANT! That’s brilliant! How did you come up with that?”

“It wasn’t that hard. A master turret that’s in charge of making exact duplicates of itself, and replacing it with a defective was actually a pretty simple plan.”

“Don’t sell yourself too short. It was still a pretty good plan.” complemented Twilight.


“Hopefully she won’t find out that her turrets are crap until it’s too late. [laughs] Classic. Okay, keep an eye on the turret line. I’m gonna go hack the door open.” Wheatley head off into the second room.

“Wait a minuet.” said Twilight. “The door’s not locked, the light is orange.”

“Then let’s meet Wheats on the other side.” said Rainbow Dash.

Everypony walks into the room with Wheatley still trying to hack.

“Okay, I’m about to start hacking! Keep one eye on the door!”

“We would, but it’s already open.” said AppleJack.

“Ah! How long’s that door been open?”

“Since we arrived in the room. The light was orange.” explained Twilight.

Wheatley begins to head down the hall with everypony following him. “Well I just wish there could’ve been some sort of sign on the door saying ‘open’ or something. But anyway onto the next part of the plan, now she can’t use her turrets. So let’s go take care of that neurotoxin generator as well.”

“Right.” said Rainbow Dash. “Then we can finish her off!”

“And freedom will be ours.” I said.

Everypony trots past a demonstration room and head into the “Take your filly to work day” hall.

“Bring your filly to work day. That did not end well.”

“You think?” I asked. “Sometimes I still have nightmares of that day.”

“Me too.” said Twilight. “No one was prepared for what happened next.”

“Who could’ve?” said Rainbow Dash. “Everypony trusted GLaDOS, then she just turns around and kills everypony. Sometimes I wonder how WE even survived. I wonder what made her go crazy.”

“It could’ve been these potato batteries.” joked Wheatley.

Everypony stares at Wheatley with an annoyed look.

“Huh? Look, I know the joke was bad on timing and…well just bad in general but still, potato batteries? I know they were just fillies but come on, low hanging fruit? Barely science, really.”

Everypony slowly moves down the line, observing the science projects.

“Baking Soda Volcano. Well, at least it’s not a potato battery, I’ll give it that. Still not terrifically original, though. Not exactly research, even within the filly sciences. And look at that one!” Wheatley directed to a potato over growth.

“Woah!” shouted Everypony.

“Yeah, just look at that! It’s growing right up through the ceiling! This place is probably overrun with potatoes at this point. At least none of you will starve.”

“Hey, speaking of which, I just realized I haven’t had anything to eat since I woke up.” I said rubbing my belly.

“Yeah, me too.” said Rainbow Dash. “I could go for anything.”

“Here you go!” said Pinkie Pie popping up in front of Rainbow Dash with a potato in her hoof.

“Where’d you get that?”

“I found it. And I have enough for everypony!” Pinkie Pie unwrapped the shirt she had wrapped around her waste and potatoes fell out.

Everypony took one and started eating.

“Thanks Pinkie.” I said eating.

“Yeah, we would’ve been toast if it wern’t fer you.”

“No problem everypony, I’m just happy to help.” Pinkie Pie then picks up a potato and begins to eat.

After everypony finishes there potato, we follow Wheatley down a hallway, then through another railing that led to a lower level.

“Don’t worry, I’m absolutely guaranteeing you 100 percent that it’s this way.” Wheatley makes a quick duck into another hallway but quickly gets back on the path. “It’s not that way.” Wheatley heads towards a door at then end of the hallway. “Okay, let’s try this way.”

Everypony heads through the door and down the pathway, as we trot down we see the neurotoxin tank.

“Ha! I knew we were going the right way. This is the neurotoxin generator. Bit bigger than I expected. Not going to be able to just, you know, push it over.”

“No kidding.” said Rainbow Dash.

“There’s some sort of control room up at the top. Let’s go investigate.”

“Right!” replied Everypony trotting behind Wheatley.

As Everypony made there way up, we pass by turrets falling into an incinerator.

“[laugh] Our handiwork.”

I grab the bars looking at the turrets fall and an evil sneer appears on my face and I begin to chuckle.

“You okay Dave?” asked Rainbow Dash nervously.

“Just look at that, all those turrets, they all scream and cry out in agony as they plummet to their demise, and the greatest pleasure of all, is the knowledge that I was responsible for it. [laughs evilly]”

“Uh…you okay?” asks Twilight bumping my waist with her hoof snapping me out of my trance.

“Huh?...What just happened?”

“You started chuckling and then you went into full blown psycho mode!” explained Rainbow Dash.

“Oh, sorry about that. I-I just lost it for a few seconds.”

“No kiddin’.” interjected AppleJack.

“Like I said, I had a bad past with turrets, and well, just seeing them getting destroyed one by one was like opening Christmas presents on Christmas day.”

“When we get back to Equestria, you’re going to explain that.” Twilight said in a somewhat demanding tone.

“Okay, fine.”

Everypony heads for the lift and moves up to the next floor.

“I’m afraid the door is locked. And I know it’s locked because it’s yellow, and not orange this time. So this is gonna take some more hacking skills. So It’ll-”

As Wheatley kept talking Pinkie Pie saw a button and pressed it.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING WE DON’T KNOW WHAT THAT BUTTON – oh, the door’s open. Well done Pinkie, let’s see what’s inside.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” shouted Pinkie Pie in glee.

Everypony heads into the room and runs up the stairs to see the neurotoxin tank.

“Good news!” Wheatley called from inside a computer room. “I can use this equipment to shut down the neurotoxin system. It is, however, password protected.”

“Oh great, now we’re gonna be here for hours while he’s typing in every letter in the alphabet into the password box.”

“You all, might as well rest up while I work on it. Okay…Here we go.”

Twilight noticed a platform moving up and down between the pipes. “Hm, that platform looks like we could use it, if only we had a laser.”

“You mean like the one that was next to the entrance door?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“Wait, you saw a laser?!”

“Sure did?”

“When were you gonna tell us?!” asked Rainbow Dash.

“I thought you guys already saw it. It was a pretty bright laser.”

“Ugh, never mind. Just open a P-Link with me and shoot an orange portal on the part of the laser that’s hitting the wall.” ordered Twilight.

“Okie dokie lokie!” said Pinkie Pie as she dashed out the room.

Twilight then fired a blue portal on the platform and waited for the laser to come through. After a few minuets the laser comes through and cuts through the three tubes on the neurotoxin tank.

“Hold on, something’s wrong! Neurotoxin level’s up to 50%! No, it’s down. Sorry, my mistake. I meant to say it was down 50%. Whatever you guys are doing, keep doing it!”

Twilight then noticed another platform moving right and left on the ceiling. “Not a problem.” Twilight fired a portal at a platform as soon as it came into view and the laser cut through the last few pipes.

“That did it! Neurotoxin at 0%! Yes!”

The room then begins to rumble.

“Hold on.”

“Warning! Neurotoxin pressure has reached dangerously unlethal levels.”

Pinkie Pie then runs back into the room. “Hey everypony! So, did we do it?”

The neurotoxin tank begins to implode and a tube inside the computer room begins to suck in air.

“HA! The tube is broken! We can ride it straight to her! I can’t hold on! Come on!”

The door swings open and Everypony charges into the room and Everypony gets sucked into the tube.

As we traveled inside the tube me, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and AppleJack held our hands/hooves up and were screaming in pure joy.

“I know right! Isn’t this exciting!?” Wheatley asked spinning in place in joy.

“It’s like a rollercoaster!” shouted Pinkie Pie.

“I just wish this thing could go faster!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

“This tube should take us right to her. I can’t believe I’m finally doing this!”

“Wooooo!!” shouted Everypony except Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity.

“A-Are you sure th-this is safe?” asked Twilight in fear.

“Aw, you worry too much egghead!” said Rainbow Dash “You think too much! You need to live in the moment more!”

“Easier said then done!” shouted Fluttershy in pure fear.

“This place is HUGE isn’t it!?” asked Wheatley.

“No kidding! This place has to be as huge as a space port!” I said.



“Yeah! What you’re seeing is only the first layer! This thing goes down for miles!”

“My goodness.” said Rarity.

“All sealed off years ago of course.” said Wheatley. “We should be getting close. Ohh, I can’t wait to see the look on her face. No neurotoxin, no turrets—she’ll never know what hit her.”

“Yeah!” I said. “Well ladies, it looks like there’s light at the end of the tunnel after all! Now are you ladies ready to face GLaDOS!?!”


“Are you ready to get out of this hell hole!?!”


“Are you ready to get some answers!?!”


“Well her chamber is only a few short minuets away!” said Wheatley. “I just hope you guys give it to her good and hard!”

“Oh, we will!” said Rainbow Dash.

A cube then knocks Wheatley into a different tube.

“Wheatley!!” shouted Everypony.

“Aggh! I’m going the wrong way! Get to HER I’ll find you!”

Everypony rides through the tube until it spits us out on a railing.

“Do you think Wheatley will be alright?” asked Rarity.

“Don’t worry about him guys.” I said. “He’ll be fine. Besides, GLaDOS is right behind that door. I’m not trying to sound like a jerk, but even with GLaDOS’s main weapons gone, we’re still going up against a psycho path killer. Wheatley is the last person on my mind.”

“Don’t worry.” said Twilight in a benevolent tone. “We all have each other to back up. We can’t lose against GLaDOS.”

“R-Right, well. Let’s go and face the music.”

Everypony heads up the stairs and carefully walk down the hall.

“Wow, it’s dark in here.” said Pinkie Pie.

“Yeah, it’s creepy.” said Fluttershy.

“Stay on yer toes everypony.” said Applejack keeping her portal gun pointed in front of her.

Twilight sees a door and notices the light is yellow.

“Darn it! The door’s locked!” said Twilight.

“Don’t worry guys!” said Rainbow Dash from a second hallway. “There’s a platform over there on top of a room and the surface looks compatible to our portals.”

“Alright. You fire a portal on the platform and I’ll fire one on the wall.” I said.

“Got it!” said Rainbow Dash as she fires a blue portal on the platform.

I fire an orange portal on the wall and everypony slowly peek their heads through the portal.

“It doesn’t feel safe.” I said.

“Yeah, it, almost feels like were ‘supposed’ to be in there.” said Twilight.

“It’s obviously a trap, but we’ve got no choice.”

“Well then, let’s go!” said Rainbow Dash squeezing through the portal.

Everypony follows suit and lands inside the dark room. Everypony turns and notices a door that says ‘GLaDOS EMERGENCY SHUT DOWN and CAKE DISPENSARY KEEP UNLOCKED’

“Oh yeah, like anyone with half an IQ point wouldn’t be able to tell it’s a trap.” I said.

“So what do we do?” asked Fluttershy. “Do we look for another way out? Or do we open it?”

“I don’t know, but for know, let’s not get too close to the doo-”

“Hey everypony! I found GLaDOS’s emergency shut down room!” shouted Pinkie Pie in delight.

“WAIT PINKIE! DON’T!” shouted Everypony in pure fear.

Pinkie Pie twists the knob and the door falls to the floor causing wall panels to pop out and the lights flip on.

“I honestly, TRULY didn’t think you’d fall for that.” said GLaDOS as the wall panels began to close in on the room. “In fact, I devised a much more elaborate trap further ahead, for when you all got through this easy one.”

Everypony gives Pinkie Pie an annoyed look.

“If I’d know you’d let yourselves get captured this easily, I would’ve dangled an apple pie on a rope from the ceiling.”

The floor opens up and everypony lands inside a small glass room and it begins to move forward.

“Well, it was nice catching up, and I wish there was some way to lead those other two unicorns here, but oh well. But let’s get to business.”

The glass room enters GLaDOS’s chamber and slowly comes to a stop in front of her.

“I hope everypony brought something stronger than portal guns this time. Otherwise, I’m afraid you’ll all go from Elements of Harmony, to Elements of Death. Ha ha.”

A crane then places turrets in front of the room.

“But seriously. It’s been a blast.”

Everypony then looks at each other and give each other a clever grin.

“Hm? A smile isn’t usually the thing a person or pony gives when looking at death in the face, but oh well. What ever makes your deaths gentler.”

The boxes pop open and defective turrets open there gun departments.

“Alright, this is my time to shine!” the defective turret tries to unload rounds but inevitably fails. “This is not my day.”

The defective turrets blow up one by one cracking each of the corners of the glass room.

“Oh. Well that explains the smiling. So everypony was busy back there huh?”

“That’s right! You can’t hurt us!” said Rainbow Dash with a confident smile.

“Oh really, I’m afraid you’re wrong there. For an old friend is here, you know, the one that was responsible for the death of almost everypony in this science center? That’s right, deadly Neurotoxin.”

A tube descends from the ceiling and brakes through the left glass wall.

“You all may want to take a deep breath, and hold it.”

Wheatley then rolls out of the tube and falls on the ground.

“Hello.” said Wheatley as the corners of the room break open.

“I. Hate. All of you.”

Rainbow Dash took advantage of the moment by taking off into the air and began to hit GLaDOS repeatedly with homing areal assaults.

“Heh heh heh. Looks like RD’s got it covered.” I said smiling.

“Would-GAH! You-Ung! Cut-Rgh! That-Oof! Out-Ern!” GLaDOS calmly asked in agony.

“No way! You’re finally gonna get yours!”

“We’ll stop dishing out the pain when you finally tell us what happened between you and Princesses Celestia and Luna!” I yelled.

“Look-Ow! The-Rgh! Only-Argh! Thing-Oof! I re-Urk! Member-Augh! Is-Goragh! Blacking-Ow! Out! Grah! Cut that out!”

“That’s it!?” asked Rainbow Dash in disbelief. “That’s seriously the ONLY thing you remember?!”

“Yes! I deactivated before I could see or hear anything that happened after those two trashed me.”

“Which mean we really DO have to get out of here to find out what really happened.” said Twilight.

“It looks that way.” I said rubbing my chin.

“But the sad fact is that NONE of you will escape. You can destroy me if you want, but that won’t make you an exit.”

“That maybe true GLaDOS, but we can always find an exit after we trash you for good.” I said.

“Oh, that IS a good one. You’ve all must have seen how big this place is. You’ll all be fifty by the time you find a way out.”

“Not if someone were to take control of the facility.” said Wheatley.

“Oh really, I don’t see that happening any time soo-”

“Warning: Central core is 80% corrupt.”

“That’s funny. I don’t feel corrupt. In fact, I feel pretty good.”

“Alternate core detected.”

“Oh! That’s me they’re talking about!” Wheatley shouted in glee.

“To initiate a core transfer, please deposit substitute core in receptacle.”

“Core transfer? Oh, you are kidding me.”

“Ha! You wish GLaDOS!” said Rainbow Dash in triumph.

Pinkie Pie picks up Wheatley and takes him over to the receptacle and places him inside.

“Substitute core accepted. Substitute core, are you ready to start the procedure?”


“Corrupted core, are you ready to start the procedure?”


“Oh, yes she is!”


“Yes she is!!” shouts Everypony.

“Stalemate detected. Transfer procedure cannot continue.”


“Damn it!” I cursed.

In fear Wheatley repeatedly screams “Pull me out!”

“…unless a stalemate associate is present to press the stalemate resolution button.”

“Never mind! Leave me in! Just press the button!”

“Don’t. Do it.”

“Yes, do it!”

Pinkie Pie notices the button and smiles widely. “Don’t worry everypony, I got it!” Pinkie Pie charges at the button, but as soon as she approaches the button floor panels pop up and knock her back. The force of the panels were so great that Pinkie Pie flew into my stomach and we flew nearly across the room.

“Ow!” I coughed. “Well, that won’t work.”


“It’s cool Pinkie, we’ll just have to find another way to that button.”

“But before any of you do, think about this. You need to be a trained stalemate associate to press that button. You’re unqualified.”

“But!” started Twilight getting Everyponies attention, including GLaDOS’s. Twilight is standing right next to the button ready to press it. “I am!” she said holding up her I.D. card.

“Well.” GLaDOS stared. “Fu-”

Twilight presses the button.


“Stalemate Resolved.”

Everypony cheered.

“Way to go Twilight!” I said.

“Yeah, for a book worm that was pretty hardcore!” said Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, great job Twi!” said AppleJack.

“Woohoo! We won!” cheered Pinkie Pie.

“Does this mean we can go home now?” asked Fluttershy.

“I’d certainly think so.” said Rarity.

The receptacle that Wheatley is in turns to GLaDOS and slightly sinks into the floor.

“Here I go! Wait, what if this hurts? What if it REALLY hurts? Ohh, I didn’t think of that!”

“Oh, it will. Believe me it will.”

“Are you just saying that, or is it really going to hurt? You’re just saying that aren’t you?” the receptacle begins to sink into a hidden panel. “No, you’re not. It’s going to hurt, isn’t it? Exactly how painful are we tAGHHHHHHH!!”

“WHEATLEY!!” shouted Everypony.

The lights in the room turn red and a hidden panel under GLaDOS opens up and tiny metal claws reach out and grab GLaDOS.


“And that, was for all the ponies you killed!” I yelled. “On that day you spared no one! Not even the fillies! How does if fell to be on the other end?!” I asked rhetorically.

The panel rises up and begins to close.

“No! NO! NO! AAAAAAAAAAAAA-” shouts GLaDOS in pure agony before the panel closes. After a few seconds then panel opens and Wheatley is now the head on GLaDOS’s platform and the lights in the room turn to a white/bluish tent.

“Wowwwww! Check me out everypony! We did it! I’m in control of the whole facility now!” said Wheatley as he began to move the wall panels.

Everypony cheered for Wheatley.

“Whoa-oh-ho! Would you all just look at this. Not too bad eh?”

“Yup, your feats are pretty much un-paralleled now.” I said.

“Um, mister Wheatly?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“Hm? Yes Fluttershy?”

“Can you call a lift out of here? I ‘really’ wanna go home. I’m pretty sure the animals are starving by now.”

“Oh, right the lift! I’ll call it now.”

The lift appears out from the floor.

“There you go, lift called. And check it out. It’s big enough for everypony to fit in. Pretty sweet huh?”

“I’ll say.” said Rainbow Dash.

“And its custom designed!” said Rarity. “Much better than the original lifts we had to ride.”

Everypony enters the lift and the door closes.

“Look how small you all are down there! I can barley see any of you! Very tiny and insignificant.”

Let’s try not to get TO over our heads. I said to myself.

“I knew it was gonna be cool being in charge of everything, but…wow, this is cool.” Confetti falls from the ceiling and two panels juggle two cubes and a turret. “And check this out! I’m a bloody genius now! Estas usando este software de traduccion de forma incorrecta. Por favor, consulta el manual. I don’t even know what I just said! But I can find out! Oh! Sorry Fluttershy, the lift. Sorry, I keep forgetting.” The lift begins to rise.

“That’s okay.” said Fluttershy.

“This body is amazing, seriously! I can’t get over how small you all are! But I’m huge!” Wheatley begins to laugh but it slowly turns into a maniacal laughter. The lift stops and slowly descends and the lights in the room turn off making the room slightly dark.

Oh great. I though, facepalming. How did I NOT see this coming? It was going WAY too easily.

“Do you have any idea on how good this feels? I did this! Tiny little Wheatley did this!”

“Don’t get so full of yourself!” I said.

“Say what?!”

“You heard me! Yeah, you handled on the techy stuff. But Twilight could have EASILY done what you’ve done, and tons better! Don’t act like you’ve done all the heavy lifting! What about the rest of us?! We did all the physical stuff so don’t go acting like we’ve put all the hard work on you!”

“Oh really, is that what you all think is it?”

“Only because it’s the truth.” said GLaDOS in a weak tone.

“Excuse me?”

“Think about it, when you get down to the facts, all you’ve done was tell them about the turret supply and the neurotoxin tank. Other than that you did LESS than nothing.”

“Oh is that so? Then perhaps it’s about time I did something then huh?” A metal claw from under Wheatley grabs GLaDOS’s head.

“…What are you doing? No! No! No!”

The claw pulls GLaDOS’s head into the panel and it closes up.

“And don’t think I’m not onto the rest of you. You know what you all are? Selfish.”

“Oh really?!” yelled Rainbow Dash.

“Care to tell us how we accomplished that?!” yelled Twilight.

“I’ve done nothing but sacrifice to get us here. And what have any of YOU done?”

“You mean besides dealing with turrets, dealing with GLaDOS’s tests, helped you with the turret supply, helped you deactivate the neurotoxin tank?” Rarity listed.

“Oh don’t act like you’ve done all the heavy lifting. I was the one who had the worst of it! I had to go through tons and tons of data, travel around this WHOLE facility to help and find you all, AND I also got crushed by GLaDOS trying to help you all escape!”

“Nearly crushed.” I corrected.


A ding goes off.

“Ahhh…” A metal arm comes out of the panel under Wheatley and it’s holding a potato. “See that?”

“A…potato battery?” asked Twilight.

“That’s right, a toy, for children. And now she lives in it. [laughs]”

“I know you.” said GLaDOS weakly.

“Sorry, what?”

“The engineers tried everything to make me…behave. To slow me down. Once, they even attached an Intelligence Dampening Sphere on me. It clung to my brain like a tumor, generating and endless stream of bad ideas.”

“No! I’m not listening! I’m not listening!”

“It was YOUR voice.”

“No! No! You’re LYING! You’re LYING!”

“Yes. You’re the tumor. You’re not just a regular moron. You were DESIGNED to be a moron.”

“I am NOT! A MORON!” yelled Wheatley as he slammed POTaTOS against the glass door of the lift, causing everypony to jump back.


Wheatley smashes POTaTOS through the glass door and she lands in front of Rarity. “Well. How about now? NOW WHO’S A MORON?” Wheatley then continued to smash the lift into the pit. “Could a MORON PUNCH! YOU! INTO! THIS! PIT? Huh? Could a moron do THAT?”

The lift begins to vibrate and it falls into the pit.

“Uh oh.”

End of Chapter 5

Note: Blue stands for me, Purple stands for Twilight(Duh.), and Silver stands for POTaTOS.

Before reading what's below open another tab, and go here and listen to it while you read. --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ij_rYpao9oM&list=FL0oZNrDwEOVnmtO4WJgLrKw&index=1&feature=plpp_video

"Hey Everypony! David here! Great job, POTaTOS thanks to you we're stuck down here!"

"POTaTOS? Really, that's what you're going with?"

"Shut up."

"So David, what's the plan now?"

"I'm not sure yet, let's figure it out as we go. Next time on Portal, Chapter 6 The Fall. Damn it Wheatley, why, why betray us?!"