• Published 17th Nov 2017
  • 2,472 Views, 211 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 6 - EquestrianKirin

New Gems, old foes, and a big mystery to tie them together. Who's ready for their big reprise?

  • ...

Gone Carin'

A lone road. Nighttime. Not a usual time for many to be up and about for the time being, but with one creature, he was still going about and running along the open spaces, and along the side of the lone road to who-knows where. Well, Lion didn't know exactly, although the space did give him plenty of room to go wherever this place is. And neither did Connie, who was simply sitting there on Lion's back without much of a word.
It may have been a day or two since she had left her home on Lion after Steven's visit, but it sure felt like forever had flown by. Not that it mattered all too much for her, anyway, her mind was a bit pre-occupied for the moment really. Then again, who wouldn't be if they were in Connie's shoes right now? On the bright side, the night was looking pretty good despite the clouds going by. Eventually, after nearly half a day of running along the road, Lion took a moment to stop over by a patch of greenery alongside the road. Connie got off of Lion and sat down on the ground over by the big cat, Lion already starting to get comfy.

"Sorry for burning you out like this, Lion," Connie simply said. Lion gave his apology acceptance by a simple lick to her face, before dozing off to sleep. They would continue going, but Connie didn't want that to have to happen to Lion.


Hey Connie. Hope you're doing okay.

Wish you'll tell me if you are or not.

I know I messed up.

I guess I miss you. ...

Connie covered her ears for a moment, letting the phone ring up a storm. It was a thing that made her completely freak out in her head even more, but then she eased up when the call ended.
Lucky for Connie, the attempt to contact her didn't seem to wake Lion up, or if it did he didn't bother too much with it. With Lion sleeping, Connie got up and began to walk away for a little bit. Now, the phone call may have not bothered Lion, but Connie moving away did. Lion got up, and saw Connie stop at about a good twenty feet.

Connie had a lot on her mind. What was a girl to do?

They kept telling me that Gem stuff's dangerous
I didn't want to believe it up to now
They always seemed apprehensive
And now you're really freaking out
What do I do?
I don't want that for you. ...

Connie then felt her phone vibrate again. However, instead of answering, Connie quickly placed it aside, face down, and covered her ears until it stopped. another call unanswered, much to Connie's own dismay as she laid down on the ground. As she was, she leaned to her side and started to look through her pictures, many of which showed her with the Crystal Gems, the Mane Six ... and Steven.

You told me before my life is precious
And the planet Earth, but that means you
When you're there to protect me
Who is going to save you
What do I do?
I don't want that for you. ...

Her phone went off again, making Connie drop it. Her mind really was in turmoil on what she was supposed to do. She's mad at Steven, but now ... well, the question remained: what to do? She was on the brink of tears at this point, though none of them came out yet, as she began to reminisce just how much she had gone through with them.

What am I going to tell you?
You're better off not worried for someone like me,
I don't want you to worry about where I've just been,
About what I've just seen
I don't have to be a part of this
I know you won't want me to be
You don't need this
You don't need me

Connie began to hear the phone go off once more, and again it was Steven. She just was too wrapped up in her mind to really even figure it out, or even touching the phone for that matter. This call lasted a good while longer, and in her state of confusion ... she clicked ignore.

It felt too soon.


Throughout the night, and onward into the day, Connie and Lion continued onward from there. Would she head off home right away? Well, again, it felt a bit too soon. As the sun started to come up, It didn't bother Lion, nor did it bother Connie too much after getting some rest before moving on. And as both of them continued, Lion going at a steady pace to not have Connie fall off of him, they both passed a sign that showed just how far away they actually were.

Ocean Town: no longer on fire.
Sure, they had gotten here before in a simple walk along the road, but all the same, it was still a ways away from Beach City and how much was going on over there too. That, and Lion and Connie didn't travel too far through the night, so there was that. Either way, the two didn't bother to stop at the sign and continued going along the landscape down the road, heading right passed the sign. At least, they would've kept going until -


Lion skidded to a stop on the loud whistle, and that got Connie more aware than ever. Looking back, both big cat and human took a look at who called em, seeing a police car with a police officer coming over to them. With her as young as she was, and riding a lion, that might be a bit of trouble to anyone, let alone her.

"Uh ... w-what's the problem officer?" Connie asked sheepishly.

"The problem? Do you even have a license to ride a lion around here?" The officer asked. Connie felt very worried on that answer.

"T-This isn't a Lion, it's my ... dog."

Dog? Really?! He'll never buy it. The officer looked over the animal up and down, Lion getting a bit annoyed, especially when he was checking out his tail.

"A dog, eh? ... And what kind of dog is this?" the officer questioned. Connie felt cold sweat come down her head, Lion getting impatient. Connie didn't want to get into anymore trouble, and hopped off of Lion.

"Uh ... H-He's a mixed breed."

"... And mixed breed," the officer stated suspiciously.

"Sure it is, come on boy, show the nice man. Lion, speak!" Connie commanded. Lion gave Connie one of those "you-got-to-be-kidding" looks, Connie waiting for the bark from her "dog". Eventually, Lion rolled his eyes and groaned a little bit.


"There, see? He's all dog," Connie insisted. not the most convincing woof from an animal, but Lion had never barked before, nor did he enjoy it. Lucky for them though, the Officer then shrugged.

"Must be a new breed. ... Aren't you far from home though, kid?" The officer asked, arms crossed.

"Well, yes, I'm just taking him for a walk."

"On the edge of Ocean Town?" The cop asked.

"H-He needs a lot of exercise," Connie insisted. The cop scratched his head, but he could see some logic to it.

"... and your parents know you're out this far?"

"Of course they do! I got their phone right here, look," Connie insisted, taking out her phone and showing it tot he officer. Well, the cop knew she wasn't out of contact with them, otherwise they'd both be in a bit of a pickle. Well, nothing against the law here, though Lion without a collar was a little iffy.

"Well, I'll let you off with a warning, but next time, I advise you to have a collar on your pet. Especially along a two-lane highway."

"I'll keep that in mind," Connie said. She began to head off on Lion, but that triggered one more question.

"Eh, one more thing. ... Why're you riding him?"

"B-Because ... how often do you get the chance to ride a dog?"

"... True. Well, hurry on home then," the cop advised, and Lion began to run off. The cop watched them go, and Connie was grateful that the cop wasn't following them. That didn't mean Lion enjoyed the little act they had to do, him looked back to Connie with an annoyed look.

"I won't tell anyone," Connie promised. Lion simply snorted.


Well, crisis one averted. Lion and Connie continued on from there and entered over into Ocean Town. Connie had only been here once before during the rock show event, but at least then she had a reason to be here, and there was no internal crisis going on in her mind too. It didn't take too much time until empty space turned into settlements, namely suburban houses down extra roads connecting to the highway. It really wasn't too bad from there, and it looked pretty peaceful when looking around, some of the people taking note of the girl on her pink "dog" riding along through. Connie hopped off after a bit and allowed Lion some time without being her own mount, and walked alongside him. Guess having Lion around really took the cake when it came to getting attention, but the proud creature simply ignored the inferior creatures around him. They already had their excuse to the officer, it can work for other locals too.
As they continued walking through, there was one little detail that Connie kinda forgot about when it came to just taking off ...


"Man, I didn't get anything to eat yet," Connie sighed. A bit odd though; she'd been going around for days, and NOW she starts to get hungry? She hadn't noticed it until now, but that was a LONG time to go without food for anyone, let alone just her. Well something for later, but for now it was time to get something to eat ... with whatever allowance she actually had on her. Unfortunately she didn't had much to work with, and all she got at most was about five dollars. Probably enough to maybe get a meal at a fast food joint or something, if there was one nearby that is.

"Maybe I should've brought more, huh?" Connie said to Lion. Lion could care less about coins and paper though. If he was hungry, he would go and find a Zebra, buffalo, bird, or reptile and soup's on. Then again, Connie was no lion, and her appetite needed different types of food without all the rawness, and for some reason that required coins and paper. Well, what's a hungry girl to do? Connie and Lion went around down the road for a bit more, but then Connie began to notice something off down the way.
The place looked like a small diner, and one just over by the corner at a stop sign. not too bad of a place to just show up like this. Not exactly the first place Connie would just go off to, but beggars can't be choosers as they say. Connie could probably get some fries at least, or maybe a drink.

"Wait out here, okay Lion?" Connie said, as she went on in. Just for Lion to stroll out of the parking lot to do his own thing. As any kitty cat would do.
It didn't take Connie very long until she was inside and having her own seat in one of the booths inside. As it was outside, the diner was indeed pretty and rather old-fashion, as if someone took it out of the eighties and slapped it into present day in terms of design choice. Not too many people were in there, and it left only her to check out the menu in front of her for something she can get with only five dollars in her pocket. As she was looking, she paused for a bit and looked at her arm, the same arm she was sure had been broken to pieces. Incredible to think that it was victim to the teeth of some alien creature, and predicted to have been stuck in some cast for months at best case scenario. At least, that's what she could recall before the anesthetics kicked in from the operation. Connie felt her stomach growl and went back to looking at the -

"Hey, Connie."

Connie felt startled on the voice, but once she saw the Doppelganger Connie II sitting across from her, she began to calm down. At least it was someone she knew from town.

"Oh, C2, it's only you," she sighed. Yeah, it's not the most creative nickname, but it beats constantly calling her "Connie the Second" all the time. C2 was in a more casual outfit, albeit still having that eyepatch over her eye.

"Nice to see you again. Is everything doing okay?" Connie II asked. Connie felt humbled again.

"No, no, everything's fine."

"Come on, Connie, I know you're not. Now come on, out with it."

Connie knew her doppelganger was right, in more ways than one. Why would she even bother to argue with herself, metaphorically and literally? So, she just sighed.

"I need a break from all this Gem stuff."

"Come again?"

"Steven wanted me to stay away from the fights going on, and he tried to save me during one of these attacks. I tried to help him, but ... well, it didn't end very well."

"Broken arm," Connie II assumed, even pointing to the girl's once broken arm in the process.

"... Yeah. Funny thing though, my arm's ... still there."

"Still there? Sure it got broken, but it wasn't that bad."

"Tell that to my scheduled prosthetic," Connie sighed. That made C2 a bit spooked, seeing just how deep of an extent this attack had done to her arm. C2 didn't want to think too deeply on the subject though, thinking that Connie's statement was more than good enough.

"Well, your arm looks ok now. But you're not sure why."

"My arm shouldn't be there. I mean, I'm happy, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't make sense, I-I mean it defies medical science."

"Connie, you're talking to your own doppelganger you pulled out of a mirror pond."

"... Point taken," Connie simply said. Yeah, with how much magic, Gem or otherwise, had been going around here, there, and everywhere, this was admittedly a minor thing. Before they could continue, the waitress had seen them and went over to them both.

"Can I take your order?" the waitress asked. Connie snapped out of it for a moment and looked over the menu for the only item she had found that could work for this case.

"I'll just have a small burger please," Connie simply said, showing the waitress the cheapest one they had. The waitress nodded and went on back to confirm her order. C2 didn't even bother to order anything, more concerned with Connie over some food. Besides, she wasn't hungry anyway.

"Anyway, I don't know how it happened. By all rights, I should still be in the hospital right now."

"Well, let's think for a minute here: who else or what else do you know that can heal this quickly and efficiently?" Connie II asked. Connie paused and thought it over extensively on what options could be the cause. However, the more she tried, the more unlikely things came up.

"Well let's see. Unicorns. Alicorns. Jade. Steven. Rose, I think. Oh, but none of them were with me at the Hospital," Connie said, sure of at least that, and sounding upset over that too. Why wouldn't Steven come to the hospital to see her? Sure he gave himself up to save her (which didn't work), but the least he could do was check in afterwards, right?

"Well, what it sounds like to me is that one of them stopped by and healed you while you were asleep. Sounds simple enough," Connie II figured. It seemed easy enough to figure out, and you know what they say: when hearing hoof steps, think horses not zebras.

"Guess so, but ... UGH, why'd he do that? We could've done it together," Connie said. Connie II knew what her frustration was coming from, and sighed herself.

"Well, I know you need some time to think about it. You can come back to my home if you need to," Connie II offered. A friendly gesture surely, and Connie just smiled to her double.

"I don't think It's bad enough for me to jump to another world. Thanks though," Connie replied. And not a moment too soon, as her meal began to come out for her. It literal was just a small burger on a plate, but that was good enough for her. She gave her thanks, and began to eat up her first meal in days, a smile showing up on her lips, tasting the thin meat and condiments in her mouth. For a moment, Connie was forgetting -

*bing* ... *bing*

... Nevermind. Connie swallowed her piece and checked her phone, only to see ...

Yesterday, when I said "I guess" I mean I do miss you.

Connie didn't reply to it though, unfortunately, and simply left her phone upside down on the table. Connie II could see how much she was trying to handle the situation, and all of this just wasn't going to help her the more reminders she kept getting.

"Too soon?"

"I think it is ..."

"... Here, I think I got an idea."


Soon after she was finished with her meal, Connie went on through ocean town with Connie II riding along with her on Lion, the big cat not minding too much for an extra ride. With the sun higher up, the residents were starting to become a little more active as they went on by. Sure a few were already awake when they got into town, but now all of the residents were up and about, and the town was plenty active at this point. It really wasn't a bad thing, none of them really questioning a big cat going along through town with two twins riding on it. I mean, who would, right?
As for what Connie II initially had in mind for her counterpart, she had brought them on through town until they found themselves off in an alleyway. Or at least a suburban alleyway, lined up by wooded fences, the ground underneath fully concrete, and a few garbage cans off in the alley as well. Connie and Connie II got off of Lion when they got there, but Connie really wasn't sure what exactly was coming their way, or what Connie II exactly had in mind for the girl, but Connie II had a rather basic pastime that could work out.
And what did they had in mind? Well. ... Cans.

"Target practice?" Connie asked, as Connie II was setting up a good several pop cans on the edge of a garbage bin. Connie would've though of something more elaborate than this, but then again, showing off some magic spells in the middle of a neighborhood of humans with little experience of magic was probably not the best idea ever.

"Well, it's something kids do, and we've barely acted much like actual kids for a while. Come on, let's try it," Connie II decided, getting out some pebbles to use as their ammo. Lion yawned, and walked over to the side of the fence, laying down for a mid morning snooze as the kids were playing their game. Connie placed her phone down nearby before they could get their game started.

"K, you wanna go first?" Connie asked.

"Sure thing," Connie II replied, getting into position. The game was pretty simple: knock over the cans with the pebbles. Seemed straightforward enough. Connie II rallied up one pebble in hand like a ball, and threw it good and hard, getting a bee-line to one of the cans.

"Nice! K, Connie, you're turn," Connie II replied. Connie rallied up her pebble next, and got a good shot in one of the cans, landing it back into the bin.
This similar process kept in a loop for a good five minutes: Connie and Connie II going through can after can like a shooting gallery. Connie II got the cans reset about three times during their little game, and for the time being, Connie actually had a decent time with this. It kept her mind off of her problem for a while at least. Connie kept going at it and trying to actually out-do her at some point. At a point, only three cans were still standing, the other cans knocked back into the bin.

"You're turn," Connie II said. Connie gathered her focus for this next move. One can at a time was fine and all, but Connie started to feel a little competitive here.

"Watch this," Connie stated. Connie II did so, stepping back to give her some space, as Connie tried to figure out what to do here. One stone and three cans, how do you do this? ...
Then came the moment of truth: Connie felt a strong bit of accuracy hit her, and next thing she knew, the stone was out of her hand and thrown right at the cans. Connie had some good accuracy as shown throughout the game, but this extra throw was met with a little extra surprise. The stone whacked the first can, bounced to the second can, and from that hit the second can whacked the third can, leaving the stone landing off outside of the bin as the three cans landed in it. Connie couldn't believe her own eyes when this happened, and Connie II was beyond impressed. However, this feeling didn't last too long, and a very contrived event then happened when the stone hit the fence, and fell down near Connie's phone. Connie had placed her phone on a plank, and with the stone hitting the other end, her phone went flying into the air, and over the fence into someone's backyard.
To say that was contrived was an understatement, but that was still Connie's phone, and she'll be in a heap of trouble if she lost it. The bang on the fence was enough to wake Lion up, the cat getting up to his paws as Connie and Connie II went straight over to the fence.

"I got it, I got it," Connie insisted, starting to climb up the fence to get her phone back.

"Need a boost up?" Connie II asked.

"No, no, I think I can get it," Connie said, though with some difficulty got herself up to the top of the fence to see where her phone had ended up. Connie II and Lion glanced to eachother as she was doing this, but stood aside just in case something would happen to her.
Looking over the fence, Connie saw that her phone had ended up a little farther than she thought it would be, five feet from the fence, possibly from bouncing on the ground before landing. Lucky for Connie, the phone didn't look like it was damaged (thank the stars for rubber casings), it landing right side up in the green, fresh cut grass. The backyard itself wasn't really too fancy: fresh grass with the exception of a tree over by Connie's left side, ten feet away from her. Connie didn't see anyone at first, but that changed once she heard a hose go off nearby.
Looking off from her position in the fence, she then saw a teenager off nearby, her hair pink and shaggy, fairly big-boned like Amethyst, and for the moment thanks to the warmer weather in some green shorts and a camo bikini top. Connie hadn't met her before but if Pearl were there she would've freaked out on seeing her, though in a more positive light. Connie looked between her and the phone on the ground, and since the other girl looked a bit busy with watering some plants, so perhaps Connie can go in, get the phone, and then go. Sounded simple enough on its own, but execution was still a matter.

"Ok. Just go in, and get out," Connie told herself, as she lifted herself over the fence. Connie landed down quietly and on her feet, keeping an eye on the person off nearby, as she went to the phone on the ground, Connie II and Lion off nearby, and peeking over the fence. The other girl was a bit further away so maybe this won't be too bad if she can make this quick. But alas, unorthodox events usually would happen in something like this. ...
Suddenly, Connie jumped up in instinctive shock when the sounds of crazed barking rang out, as a dog raced out from seemingly nowhere. The dog wasn't really too big, just a Boston terrier, but the little yapper still was enough to raise an alarm to this part of the neighborhood, and this dog wasn't going to let Connie off the hook that easily. The dog skidded to a halt at about five feet away, mouth yapping and on a hair trigger. Connie thought it was gonna jump at her or something, and the terrier indeed was pretty close, but it was more of a talker than a fighter. Besides, the owner of said dog heard it loud and clear, and soon saw Connie spooked and standing with her phone in hand. A few whistles from said girl was enough to make the dog stop, and the pooch trotted over to its owner.

"Sorry about that. you ok?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine," Connie replied. The girl looked over to the back fence, and saw Connie II and Lion peering over as well, which the dog growled at.

"S-Sorry, my phone just got knocked over here," Connie then added in.

"Well you here to wreck my yard?" she then asked with a smug grin.

"... No?"

"Then you're fine." Connie felt a sigh of relief go through her. At least she wasn't going to get into any trouble with this girl, yet her Boston Terrier still went over to the fence, barking up a storm at Lion and Connie II, so hyperactive that it slammed against the fence first. The girl whistled again and the dog went back.

"It's okay guys," Connie reassured them.

"You don't need protection?"

"No, it's all good," Connie said. The girl nodded to reassure it, and both of them hopped over. The girl was a little surprised when Lion hopped over, as did the doggy which immediately went into a barking fit while standing behind its master, but Lion really didn't worry too much about it, and a simple snort got the dog quiet. The more she looked to Connie in particular though, the more was starting to look vaguely familiar to her.

"Say, do I know you from somewhere?" she asked, scratching her head as she tried to think. Connie felt a little humbled and off guard on that question.

"Eh ... no, I don't think so ..."

However, the girl had to disagree, the memory coming back to her.

"Wait, that's right: I saw you over at that rock show. You must be pretty happy with your big sister, huh?"

Connie didn't realize that she was even there at the time, let alone seeing her and Smoky during that rock show they went off to see. It was a fun night, she can agree to that, and after thinking, the girl could also remember Lion amongst the group too now that she thought of it. Kinda hard to forget a big pink Lion sitting off not too far from the actual rock show, doesn't matter who said what. While Connie can't say that Smoky was her "big sister" per say, it was a nail in the coffin that she was indeed there and saw Connie with her and Lion. Guess that explained why she wasn't as freaked out as one would be seeing them.

"Oh, really? I didn't notice," Connie simply replied. Before anything else could happen, Connie's stomach growled again. The burger was nice, but that wasn't enough to satisfy apparently. Well, one good thing was that they got the other girl in a good mood.

"How about a bite to eat?" she offered. Pretty generous of her really.


"This looks delicious, Sabina. Itadakimasu!"

A few minutes later, Connie and Connie II were over by her back porch, enjoying some sandwiches that they took the time to make. Being a nice day, both Connies took the time to relax outside of the house, and look up to the clouds for a bit. Their host joined them in having some lunch herself, and off nearby them, Lion took a good snooze to catch up from earlier, as the little Boston Terrier was trying to play around with the big cat, Lion not paying it much mind. A quiet moment, and it was plenty good for Connie to have when compared to the small burger she had earlier.

"So, is she like your twin?" Sabina asked.

"Yeah, pretty much," Connie II replied, though Sabina can't help but see the eyepatch over Connie II's eye. Connie II didn't seem to mind it all too much. Connie II placed her hand over the patch.

"Got into a fight?" Sabina asked.

"Eh, don't worry about it," Connie II replied humbly. Sabina was still a bit curious, but Connie II wasn't really as willing to talk about it that much. A bit odd since Connie II was telling stories like crazy over back in Ponyville.


Well, here we go again. Connie might as well look, and she simply went over and looked at who it was this time ...

Hope you're not mistaking your phone for a tennis ball.

"... Tennis ball?" Connie wondered, scratching her head, whatever joke trying to be made flying over her head. She knew who this was from, but it really didn't help the situation, neither the joke. Connie II had no idea either, and simply shrugged, Connie placing her phone aside and continuing to eat. Sabina saw the run of messages left by this person, and began to get two and two together on what was going on.

"I get it."

"Get what?" Connie II asked, as Connie just went back to eating.

"This kid your boyfriend, isn't he?"

Well THAT came out of nowhere! Connie almost did a spit take of bread and condiments, but just managed to swallow it as her face turned almost a glowing red in such a conclusion.

"W-What?! N-No, no, no, he and I are just friends, we've been friends for a few years, h-he's not my boyfriend, what would make you say that?" Connie insisted.

"You're acting like you're in a romance comedy," Sabina bluntly stated, only making Connie feel even more red, and more embarrassed, her hands covering her mouth as she turned away. Is that what people were seeing them as? She only could wonder how Steven would feel hearing that.

"Ok, ok, Connie calm down," Connie II insisted, trying to help her out. Sabina found this as only confirmation more than anything.

"Alright, I'm only joking. Sounds like you're taking time away from him," Sabina concluded. How obvious was it?

"Ok, you got me. ... I don't know what to do."

"Well, lay it on me," Sabina said, Connie II ready to hear herself. The young girl sighed a bit. All of this going on, she might as well explain herself or at least get it off her chest.

"W-well ... Steven and I ended up involved in a fight, and ... he didn't want me involved in it though, and was willing to give himself up. I'm happy he's fine, but ... OH, I'm mad at him, but then I'm not, but ... UGH!" Connie's frustration made her just fall onto her back, these confusing emotions were really overwhelming her. The more she thought about the situation, the more she didn't know what to do. Sabina nodded her head.

"Sounds like a TvP situation."

"A T.v.P.? What does throwing rolls at a house have to do with anything?" Connie II asked, but that just made Sabina laugh.

"No, no, that TP. T.v.P. is basically Truth verses Peace. You want Truth Connie, and he wants Peace. That about sum it up?" Sabina asked. Connie and Connie II both thought about that statement, and suddenly -

You're the one who caused the War in the first place. If you agree to surrender yourself alone to me, then I'll allow everyone else all to continue your existence.

"The world's on the line. ..."

If Connie's hand hit her forehead any harder, she'd probably knock herself out. That little idea Sabina said now made everything sensible, and now she was beginning to understand what Steven was coming from. It could be right, it could be not, but now she understood why he did that, or his reasoning behind it at least.

"Oh, Steven," she groaned, now feeling a bit blind to the situation herself. At least, not blinded anymore. It was then that Connie got up and went over to Lion, who was now on his paws and ready to go off.

"Guess we'll be heading back now."


"Steven! Steven!"

After a good run, Connie, Connie II, and Lion went right off out of Ocean Town, and straight back to Beach City, made a lot faster after a portal jump being made by Lion. It had been long enough since Connie had spoke to Steven, so, she had to at least try to talk it out with him. It was the least she could do. Connie went straight to the door, and swung it right open.

"Steven, I'm -"

Nobody. No one was in there. Connie didn't see Steven, the Gems, the ponies, or anyone. No, she found just an empty place with no one inside. She tried to look around a little bit, but nothing was evident.

Steven was gone. ...

"... Steven? ..."

Author's Note:

Now, I know that Sabina's not the official name to her yet, and if it's not then it's gonna complicate, but hey, Kevin would not've dropped a name like THAT without context to it. I mean, that's not what SU does to ... well, anything really. And in case you don't know:

Kevin: And if you don't pull it together, you're gonna regret it. And it'll be Sabina all over again!
Steven: Wh-- Who's [Sniffles] Who's Sabina?

Well, no idea Steven, but it's a pretty good guess. And by the way, Sabina in a bikini top ...

I think that speaks for itself x3

Anyway, we all know how Steven felt about this whole separation, but what do we know about our pal Connie? Well with this, and some new magical enhancements ala Gem DNA-editing, this gal's got a lot to cope and a lot to work with. Well, what could this lead to?

I guess we'll never know :trollestia: