• Published 17th Nov 2017
  • 2,472 Views, 211 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 6 - EquestrianKirin

New Gems, old foes, and a big mystery to tie them together. Who's ready for their big reprise?

  • ...

Pearl's Day Out

Over in the Beach House, Pearl was going through her own typical day as it were, and with this case, it was cleaning up the house. The house had been a bit quiet for a while now since the others got back from Homeworld, since they've been slightly pre-occupied with what the Off-Colors were up to. She only just heard from the grape vine about the Off-colors, but she herself hadn't seen any of them face to face just yet. Not that she was having time to do so anyway, as she had plenty to do already. And by plenty, that meant cleaning up the Beach House. Just a typical Tuesday for this Pearl, and at this point, she just got Steven's clothes folded up nice and neat, and putting them away.

"And there. Nice and neat," said Pearl, once it was finished. It took her a while to do so, but she was happy to finish it all off in the end, especially with what else she did. Pearl looked over to the kitchen, seeing the dishes all clean and done. Steven's bed was sorted up, and to sum everything up it was clean as a whistle. Pearl surely felt good with herself, and she looked over a list she made for herself.

"Clean up house, check. Fold clothes, check ..." Pearl took a glance over on the table, and saw some of Steven's figurines all lined up in a row. Pearl took a moment and moved Steven's teddy bear so it was exactly lined up with the rest of the toys.

"And perfect," she finally said. Only Pearl. She got done with it just in time too, as not even a minute after cleaning up the entire house, Pearl then heard someone knocking on the door.

"Wonder who that could be," Pearl wondered, walking up to the door herself. Not often did they get anyone knocking on their door, though it was a good time for whoever it was, since Pearl just got done with her work around the house. When Pearl opened the door though, her calm expression turned a bit surprised on who was standing there waiting for her. One looked a little pleased, the other slightly impatient.

Yellow, and Blue Pearl!

"Oh. Hello," said Pearl. Yellow Pearl and Blue Pearl went on inside, and out of the cold. Yellow Pearl started to look around a little bit.

"So is this where you reside. No screens, no glass, not even decent flooring? Who's bad idea was this?" Yellow Pearl commented.

"Wha?" Pearl questioned. Blue Pearl tapped her shoulder.

"Eh, well, my Diamond thought it would be a good idea for me and her to come here for a while. Something about a ... time off?" Blue Pearl explained. Pearl began to see what she was talking about, but a bit odd since this happened not too long after that last excursion.

"OH, a vacation right?"

"Is that what you call it?"

"It doesn't matter what it's called, I'm not stayed in this kind of accommodation," Yellow Pearl spat.

"I just cleaned this place u, just so you know!" Pearl retorted.

"Well, it isn't the best work I've seen."

"Pearl," Blue Pearl whispered. Yellow Pearl looked to her fellow pearl and just sighed.

"Well, I suppose we can make something work with you two for the time being. I assume your diamonds aren't with you?" Pearl asked.

"No. My Diamond insisted to stay behind," said Blue Pearl.

"Any more days with her gone and the whole city will go hysterical," added Yellow Pearl. With Blue Diamond being gone for so long already, Pearl could see the logic behind that.

"And Yellow diamond?" Pearl asked.

"My Diamond doesn't need to waste her time with a "casual" visit. such a great Gem has her responsibilities," Yellow Pearl explained. Is this what they were going to deal with for the day?

"Pearl? Can you show us around? I-I've only been here once," Blue Pearl asked. Yellow Pearl may be obnoxious, but Pearl smiled to Blue Pearl after a little bit.

"If you'd like."


Back at the barn, some of the other Gems were making some accommodations ready for the Off-Colors. They didn't have any home to call their own according to the ponies, and the first thing many of them came to was the barnhouse. No one was living there, so it wouldn't put anyone's nose out of joint. Steven did the honors of bringing the actual Off-Colors to the barnhouse. Rutile, Rhodonite, Tiger's Eye, and Fluorite were requested to close their eyes under the ponies request, Padparadscha being given a free pass.

"WHOA, are they the new Gems?" asked a voice.

"That's right. Go on, you can open your eyes now," said Twilight. The Off-Colors eventually went on to open their eyes to see what they had going for them. A welcome sign hung up above the barn door, the doors wide open to see the new accommodations the Off-Colors were given, and a few more of the Crystal Gems were there to see them: Fulgurite, Bismuth, Flint and Jade were there and joined with the rest of the Crystal Gems and Mane Six who helped the Off-Colors get themselves here.

"Welcome to your new home!" announced Steven.

"How wonderful," said Fluorite, as the Off-Colors continued looking around the barnhouse. Those new to the group looked on with interest, the Off-Colors seeing their new home. Padparadscha stood over by the door, and Rhodonite and Rutile looked around the place some more. It was the first actual home they had, and it was something they all had to get used to, though Fluorite had a tiny bit of trouble due to her size.

"Our very own home, at last," said left Rutile.

"Without worrying to hide," agreed the right Rutile. The twins were just about to check out the upper levels, but before they could, Fulgurite popped up right next to them.

"Hey there, Rutile is it? So you two are conjoined?" Fulgurite asked, looking them over. The twins looked to eachother.

"We came out wrong," both of them answered. Fulgurite looked them both over up and down and soon saw sight of the gemstone. Rather than looking worried or anything, Fulgurite looked rather intrigued.

"Huh, and here I thought I'm the only one."

"Wait. You're not a fusion?" asked right Rutile.

"Course not, my stone just got split in two and I formed from them that's all. Here, check it," Fulgurite said, lifting one knee after the other and showing the Gemstones on her knees. The Rutile Twins looked simply amazed by that answer, thinking they were the only ones too.

"We're not the only ones," said right Rutile.

"We're not alone," added left Rutile.

"Any of you ever heard of the Crystal Gems? Seriously, we're all practically Off-colored when you think about it," Fulgurite said.

"Really?" they both asked. As they were talking about that, it was actually Bismuth who went over to them.

"That's about right, you two. We got our differences from the normal cut, but that doesn't make any of us any worse. I'm sure Garnet told you two, but we're all our own people, and we can be whatever we decide to be, no need for judging here," Bismuth stated.

"You really think so?" asked left Rutile.

"I know so! The Crystal Gems are our own family, and you Off-Colors fit right in. Nice to have a good pair of Rutiles to join us, and a few more fusions too. And don't look now, but I think Garnet's taking a big liking to Rhodonite," Bismuth joked, seeing the two talking to eachother. The twins could see that, especially with how much they looked like eachother. Permafusions stick together after all.

"We're gonna love living here," said right Rutile.

"My thoughts exactly," agreed left Rutile.

"I have a interesting vision: we're going to be given a new, and better hiding place to call our own on the planet Earth. How very nice of them to be doing," said Padparadscha, very excited.

"It's not a hiding place, it's your home. You don't ever have to hide here," Jade said. Padparadscha needed a minute for her reaction to come around, looking a bit confused.

"Uh ... Padparadscha?"

"You really think so?" she finally asked. Well, quite a delay in reaction, but who was she to judge? Applejack was quick to get the answer out right though.

"Sure thing! Listen Jade, Padparadscha can only predict things that just happened. She means well though, right sugarcube?" AJ explained.

"........ Right! But, what's a sugarcube?" Padparadscha asked. It was something they needed to get used to. At least she wasn't malicious in her reaction time.

Anyway, nearby, Flint was observing the group interacting with the four new Gems here, a bit mixed on the situation. Not really what they were, he could care less about that, but more about just how sudden it all was. Five Off-Colored Gems just showing up out of the blue during a visit to the Homeworld planet. As he was observing, Tiger's Eye and Rhodonite caught sight of him, and went over in her four-legged bounding motion. A bit odd for him, but he kept that under wraps.

"Hello. I just wanna say thanks again for the home," said Tiger's Eye.

"Don't worry about it. ... So, is this all of this "Off-Color" group of yours?" Flint asked, looking at them again.

"Yeah, that's about right. wish we could find more Gems to join us, but it's so great to be here!" Tiger's Eye replied. Flint took her excitement in stride, though one question did bug him a bit.

"One question though: they mentioned that you've all been hiding all your lives?"

"Oh that. Eh, yeah, kinda, that's just because -" Rhodonite suddenly cleared her throat to get her quiet.

"Rhodonite, chill out will ya? They just gave us somewhere to live, remember?" Tiger's Eye asked, a little unsure what it was going about.

"L-Let's not just jump in right away, please?" Rhodonite insisted, still a little uneasy unlike the rest of her group. Tiger's Eye just sighed, and walked away, leaving Flint and Rhodonite by themselves for the moment.

"Trust issues?" Flint asked. Rhodonite tried to not look to him, one pair of arms crossed as she did with the upper arms on her hips.

"W-Well, we just got here, you don't have to know everything just yet ... and you're sure we can trust you," Rhodonite stated, though by the sound of her voice she had trouble just saying that to him. Flint rolled his eyes and started to get suspicious.

"Apparently. Looks like Garnet was more than willing to get you all here, so you must be doing something right. Then again, why wouldn't she?"

"That sounds a bit harsh," said Rhodonite, ironically relaxing a bit.

"Well, I know when to keep my distance. Far as I know, you all could easily be sent here by Homeworld to shatter us."

"You thought that too?" Rhodonite suddenly covered her mouth on that question. Flint felt a little insulted, but he could tell this was a smart Gem, if not a cautious Gem. Something he could relate to. Eventually, Rhodonite sighed.

"Well, if you want to know, our boss found us out and ... wanted to replace us."

"Sounds familiar actually," Flint said, looking over towards Jade. The only Gem he knew for a fact that was gonna be replaced to some other Gem line up, if in a different way.

"Well, at least I know your friends don't exactly lie. This planet is still alive after ... well, you know what."

"The cluster? Yeah, I can't believe it either, especially at the time," Flint said. Rhodonite looked a little confused after that.

"No not that, the Diamond Attack," Rhodonite said. Flint suddenly looked shocked on that kind of answer. When Rhodonite saw him, she looked even more unnerved, and took a step back.

"... The Diamond Attack?"

"Don't act like you don't know, all Homeworld Gems know it. That or they told you already," Rhodonite said, humbled this time. That really worked the gears in his head, and seeing that made Rhodonite realize that he truly never heard about it. Him, or the others for that matter now that she thought of it.

"You really don't know ...?"

"... No. No we don't. Hmm ..."


Meanwhile, the trio of Pearls were still going about the place for a while longer, the trio heading around Beach City. It was nice for the Pearls to be here, but CG Pearl still had her own responsibilities to the place, and of course to the state of the city itself. It had been going very well through the winter, and at the tail's end of it, so was the amount to be done here. Blue Pearl and Yellow Pearl followed Pearl behind, only Yellow Pearl more familiar to the place over Blue Pearl.

"So, as you two can see, the progress in Beach City has been doing pretty well," Pearl explained, as if she was on some tour guide. Probably not far from the truth.

"Sure looked different from last time I was here," Yellow Pearl said.

"The place needed to be repaired, remember? Acid and Cyanide destroyed the place," Blue Pearl reminded, hearing about it from her own Diamond as well. It was bound to reach them eventually, and Yellow Pearl could just imagine what the trouble would be if even half of what the reports say were true.

"You know, it is interesting that both Diamonds would let you two go here like this. I thought they'd come with you," Pearl had to admit.

"You and me both," Yellow Pearl groaned, rolling her eyes.

"Maybe it could be ... fun?" Blue Pearl suggested.

"Fun? You didn't have to deal with Earth the way I did, I can go well without it - ow!" as Yellow Pearl was complaining, she ended up walking into a stop sign. Yellow Pearl quickly gathered herself, but looking across the street she noticed something ... interesting. Something she hadn't seen just yet from last time's visit. Looking across was the ... local jewelers.

"... You harvest here?"

"Eh, no, t-that's not us. Apparently Humans have this sort of habit from finding various gemstones and use them as ... well, appearance modifiers." Pearl may have been here for thousands of years, but there was just some things she would never truly get used to, this jewelers thing being one of them. Blue Pearl and Yellow Pearl were quiet for a moment.

"... That's sick," both Pearls said.

"I know. Eh, let's try over there," Pearl decided, pointing to a building further down the way, this time appearing to be a clothes shop, "T-Shirt Shop". Nothing too fancy, but it beats seeing a harvest shop in the middle of town. Besides, Pearl didn't need to freak out her fellow Pearls.
The T-Shirt shop, much like other places in Beach City, had been given quite a makeover since the water effect months prior, and now new dry shirts were hanged up and on sale. Despite the name, thanks to some thought, other types of clothes were sold too (jeans, shoes, a hat or two). Guess some names in town weren't as strict as they thought, but hey it was something to do, so the trio went on inside to check the place out.

"What's this place?" Blue Pearl asked.

"Well, the humans call this a "T-Shirt shop". Seems Humans have a knack for creating and displaying appearance modifiers time to time, some of which they make themselves," Pearl explained, the overall idea anyway, and in a way to make some proper sense of it all. Yellow Pearl and Blue Pearl took this opportunity to have a look around the place, and see what there is to offer. So far, the exact appearance of the place was a bit lacking: many shirts and pants didn't seem to fancy them too much. Especially Yellow Pearl, over half of the items leaving her rather appalled.

"They would actually wear this stuff? It's so dull, and tacky. I fail to see why they can't just form some modifiers."

"Humans can't do that, Pearl, their bodies aren't made of light like ours," Pearl reminded. Yellow Pearl just shrugged, but Blue Pearl then walked over to them, holding up a shirt for them to look at. The shirt showed what looked like an angel, wings flowing in water, and her silhouette eclipsing the moon. The shirt had plenty of stars on it as well, and Blue Pearl looked a mix of embarrassment with some curiosity over their opinions.

"Do you think this becomes me?" she asked.

"You might want to stick with your original outfit," Yellow suggested. Blue Pearl looked to the shirt and thought it over, as Yellow Pearl continued looking around. There couldn't be anything in here she would even remotely consider. No way would she -

"Wait ... what is that?"

A nice dress: yellow in color, with a nice feathery flair to wrap around the neck. There was a small label nearby the price tag saying (Rarity brand). Two bits to guess who made this. Maybe it was the color, or maybe it was the fanciness of it, but Yellow Pearl's eyes sparkled and she went over to see it. Pearl couldn't help but smirk.

"What were you saying about dull and tacky?" she smirked.

"Eh, w-well this is an Equestrian piece. I-It doesn't subtract my opinion."

"Whatever flies your ship."

"I-I mean it!" Yellow Pearl insisted, flustered up. They knew she wanted to try it no doubt, but her own pride was getting a bit over herself. Blue Pearl took it into her own hands, and ...

"Are we allowed to take this?" Blue Pearl asked the cashier, the one she assumed to be in charge of it. Yellow Pearl grew even more flustered, her face more yellow than usual, and Pearl went to join with Blue Pearl.

"You're gonna have to pay for it first. That'll be fifty bucks."

"Bucks? ... hmm ... Pearl? I heard the ponies talk about that. Is that what he's talking about?"

"Eh, just let me do it," Pearl simply said, giving the man his money. Yellow Pearl felt her pride fall down to her feet.

"Let's do something else."


"So ... this is what you wanted, Pearl."

Oddly, the next stop was the library, and it being Yellow Pearl of all Gems to suggest it. It was fairly crowded this time, several people in there checking out the books, but the Pearls didn't get too bothered by it. Yellow Pearl seemed pretty good about it herself though.

"With all consideration, I find this knowledge area quite fascinating, even if outdated for a number of these," Yellow Pearl said, already getting out a few of the books in question. It couldn't hurt to check it out really, and Blue Pearl found a rather interesting one about minerals and stones (go figure).

"You've been in here before, Pearl?"

"On a research mission, yes. Honestly, this place saved so much extra work for me."

"Wrong ... wrong ... wrong ..."

Yellow Pearl and Pearl looked over to Blue Pearl, who was checking out what "facts" were being said in her science book. As far as she could see, the facts were all over the place.

"And what is wrong?" Yellow Pearl asked. Blue Pearl then showed her fellow Pearls the page in question. Wouldn't you know, it was about Pearls.

"It says here Pearls are made inside these things called "clams", as a result of an irritating microscopic object becoming trapped within a shell's mantle folds."


All three Pearls couldn't help but laugh themselves silly. A Pearl being made in a clam? Ridiculous!

"Yeah right," Yellow Pearl said.

"Impossible," agreed Pearl.

*SSSHHH* said the crowd. That got them quiet, but the idea still sounded hilarious to them, as Blue Pearl skimmed the pages over to another kind of page, this time talking about Diamonds (convenient, isn't it?). This part especially intrigued the Pearls, considering who Blue Pearl and Yellow Pearl belonged to originally.

"This is interesting. "Blue diamonds ... the second-rarest Diamond in the world." ... Wow."

"Does it say anything about Yellow Diamonds?" Yellow Pearl asked, waiting for some information. ...

"I don't see anything."


"Wait. Second rarest?" Pearl asked.

"The rarest of them all is the Red Diamond. Almost non-existent apparently," Blue Pearl said, looking over what it said. While they were looking over that, it did get Pearl to think just a little bit more about these Diamonds. ...


"OK, is everybody here?" Garnet asked.

"All but Pearl and Lapis," said Diopside.

It took a bit, but eventually Flint got the whole group back together over within the Beach House, with the exception of Pearl, Lapis, and the Off-Colors. While it was nice to get the Off-Colors into their new home, this new information about the Diamond Attack surely did make it a bit more interesting, something Flint thought for sure that they needed to discuss among other things. Flint got a bit disappointing that they didn't have everyone here, though, but two absent was better than all of them gone.

"OK, someone try and tell them later then, when we're done," Garnet asked.

"I'll tell her next time I find her. One question though: what's this even about?" Bismuth asked. Flint cleared his throat, and then brought his attention to everybody there. No time like the present. Garnet, who was standing next to him, then nodded her head.

"Are any of you ever aware of the Diamond Attack before?" Flint began. Most of the group was a little bit quiet at first, seemingly a bit unsure about what this Diamond Attack actually was about.

"What Diamond Attack?" asked Fulgurite.

"Rhodonite mentioned this to me as they were getting situated, and I'm trying to better understand this. I for one never heard of it myself," Flint explained.

"That sounds like a final attack to me," noted Bismuth.

"I think it is. By the sound of them, they're not ever aware of the state between us and Homeworld just yet," Twilight figured. Now thinking about it, the Off-Colors did sound like such. None of them mentioned about the Osicone, the big announcement by Blue diamond for their peace, or anything of that sort.

"You think it might be ... a Gem war thing?" Fluttershy finally asked.

"Sure sounds like it," Amethyst said.

"Hmm ... Wait. Anyone know how that even ended? Rhodonite did say the Earth was "decimated" after the Diamond Attack. Right?" Steven brought up. That was one thing that they really didn't explain too well to most of them. That answer came a little quicker than the previous one.

"You remember the Gem Battlefield, Steven? The one where we gathered weapons and where Connie was training at? That was the sight of the final battle between the Crystal Gems and Homeworld," Garnet explained.

"Whoa really? Wish I could've seen it," Amethyst stated.

"No you wouldn't: countless Gems lost their lives there. It was a maelstrom of destruction and death," Garnet made clear. The drama really amped up on that statement, most of the group taken aback by the statement. Most of the Gems involved in the war, didn't see the end like she did.

"O.K. ... How did it end?" Star Quartz asked.

"The Crystal Gems drove Homeworld out, to sum it up."

"No you didn't," Jasper suddenly said. The group turned to her.

"What do you mean, she just said they had won. ... Didn't they?" asked Connie.

"That's one side of the coin. Listen, I will say we did leave Earth behind, but not because the Crystal Gems made us. Our generals demanded it," Jasper corrected. That, and she didn't want to be shown as a coward in war too.

"They ... demanded you to leave?"

"The Diamonds instructed the generals on order to get all the soldiers to leave Earth. If I remember right, it was a mad dash out of there, but no one even mentioned why. We just left -"

"So the Diamonds can attack the planet, of course!" Flint finally concluded. That single add-on made the final battle sound a lot more different than either of them got to realize.

"But hold the hay, what did that attack even do? I mean, it didn't "decimate the planet"," asked Rainbow.

"We can see that, but I don't know, and neither does the Off-Colors. If you ask me, that decimation thing's nothing but a cover-up."

"Cover-up for what? The Crystal Gems?" Star asked.

"Unlikely: I've been tasked to come down to Earth to check on the Cluster, remember? I wouldn't even be here otherwise if all of Homeworld knew the planet was decimated already," Peridot pointed out.

"I think none of us would be," added in Applejack.

"But she does have a point. But then, why even the Cluster? It kinda doesn't add up," Connie said. So with all this, they basically had a little conundrum of conflicting events because of this Diamond Attack, whatever it was. If the Cluster was set to emerge, then why was the Diamond Attack needed. Or for that matter, why the Cluster if they did the Diamond Attack? It just didn't make sense all and all. Eventually, Garnet finally got their attention.

"I think we all know what to do now."

"OH, Can I say it?!" Pinkie asked.

"By all means," Garnet said. Pinkie Pie bolted off for a brief moment, and then came back from the front door, with a Sherlock Holmes hat and pipe in mouth.

"Well gang. It looks like we got a mystery on our hooves," Pinkie said, bubbles coming out of the pipe.

And a mystery they're all ready to figure out.

Author's Note:

Hello folks, and now we get this bigger plotline started, eh? And now you all can see where this "mystery" tag came from for this season. Yeah, the Blue Pearl and Yellow Pearl flock may seem a bit out of nowhere, but ... heh, plans are plans, and I got my plans :raritywink:. Besides, i've been wanting to get this idea out for way too long so here.

anyway, let's get this all on the road!