• Published 31st Aug 2017
  • 771 Views, 10 Comments

Roommates - Wolfe15

  • ...

Pack Life

Chapter 4:
Pack Life

Thick jungle branches blocked the path of the young adventurer and her companion, who shoved her glasses back up the bridge of her nose. "Sparkler. We've been through this part of the forest already," her companion grumbled, rolling her eyes when the other woman laughed before jumping over a log.

"I know my way around a forest Velvet."

"You just jumped into the quicksand that you've already jumped into four times already....again...."

"So it seems that I have," the adventurer grumbled before using her magic to free herself. Her companion looked up into the sky before narrowing her eyes and humming quietly. The sun hadn't seemed to have moved in the four hours they were wondering so Velvet deduced that they were in an illusion. How to break it though? She was about to comment but Sparkler snapped her fingers before placing her finger to her chin and pointing at a funny looking tree. "Does that look right to you?" She asked curiously. Velvet shook her head and the two walked over to the tree, placing their hands on it before flinching when the world around them seemed to crack and shatter. They blinked a few times and were shocked to find themselves in a darkened forest. "Well I broke the illusion," Sparkler said happily. Velvet rolled her eyes before smiling softly at the rather goofy woman to her side. Oh how she loved her.

"That's gay," Rarity heard, the woman flinching at the sound in her ear. She jerked forward and glared over her shoulder at the cackling woman behind her. Rainbow was bent over at the waist laughing while Twilight glared at her and gave Rarity a small sheepish smile.

"Sorry. Pinkie told us to come and get you," Twilight said with a small smile before she gave Rainbow an unimpressed look. "Rainbow thought it would be funny to scare you," Twilight grumbled before rolling her eyes. Rarity marked her place in the old journal before closing it and smacking Rainbow with it. The other woman squawked and Twilight snickered while Rarity smiled tiredly. After the manor was restored, they had all moved her grandmother's belongings down to Rarity's office and she had been slowly shifting through everything. It was just yesterday that she had stumbled upon her Grammy Vel's journal that detailed her adventures as her Grandma Sparks assistant. She had been reading through it and loved the almost uncanny parallels it shared with the Daring Do novels she loved to read as a child. Rarity placed the journal in her desk and got up, stretching as she followed Rainbow and Twilight out of her office and to the living room.

Since it was the weekend, Rainbow, Twilight, Pinkie, the kids and Rarity were home while Fluttershy had excused herself to handle some things pertaining to the Hotel and Applejack claimed the farm never took a weekend off. Rarity frowned before shaking her head and grinning when she found the kids were playing some kind of game while Pinkie sang aloud. Rainbow took a seat and grabbed her plate of hot dogs while Twilight did the same but grabbed some sandwiches. Rarity was given a plate of sandwiches as well and she dug in, smiling a little wider when Scootaloo stuttered her way through a sentence but the others waited for her to finish before responding. It seemed the others kids positive reinforcement was doing wonders for Scootaloo's confidence, which made the adults happy. Rarity was just about to finish one of her sandwiches when the doorbell rang and she looked up, waving Rainbow and Twilight down when they moved to get up. "I got it," she said, standing and heading towards the front door, smoothing the crumbs off of her clothes and wiping off her mouth. "Coming!" She called when the doorbell rang again.

She opened the door right as she got to it then froze, her eyes widening before she squealed excitedly and threw herself forward and into the arms of the tall woman in front of her. "Maw Maw Apple!" She almost screeched, the tall woman chuckling lowly before hugging her tightly.

"Rare Bear!" The woman said with a laugh before moving back and giving her a wide smile. The other woman was one of her grandmothers and Rarity looked passed her, frowning when she didn't see her other grandparents.

"Where's Grandma Sparks, Grammy Vel, Granny Posey, G-Ma Firefly and Gran Surprise?" Rarity asked curiously. A group of tiny feet suddenly sounded from the hall and Rarity glanced over her shoulder, smiling when Sweetie Belle ran out of the room and towards Maw Maw Apple.

"GREAT MAW MAW APPLE!" Sweetie Bell screeched, slamming into the older woman's legs. The woman laughed and scooped her up before giving her a few kisses while Rarity waved her into the room. Spike, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo poked their heads out of the living room while Twilight, Rainbow and Pinkie walked into the room and curiously looked to the other woman. Maw Maw Apple marched in and looked the other three woman over before curiously looking to Rarity.

"Who're yerr friends?" She asked, placing Sweetie Belle down before looking to the now slightly nervous three women. Maw Maw Apple was huge, 6'4, with the build of a warrior. She had long silvery blonde locks that was braided down her back and one sky blue eye, the other covered by a black eye patch. She was dressed in black jeans, a blue button up with a black vest over it, and a black steston hat. She shoved her hands into her pockets and narrowed her good eye at the three before snorting and giving Rarity a look. Rarity colored at what she knew was going to be a question about her relationship status and opened her mouth to say something when the door opened all the way and another person strutted in.

"You're blocking the door Apple butt!" A raspy but playful voice called, Maw Maw Apple blushing before glaring at the short woman at her side. As opposed to Maw Maw Apple's 6'4, the other woman was 5'2 and had bright blue hair that was cut short and streaked with grey. Her eyes were a dark purple and she was smirking. She was dressed in black jeans, a pink polo shirt and blue wonderbolts jacket with had several patches on it. "Come give G-Ma Fire a hug!" The woman said happily, Rarity squealing and bouncing forward, wrapping the older woman in a tight hug before squeezing. Maw Maw Apple rolled her eye before looking to the three and humming quietly, deciding to leave them alone for now. When G-Ma Fire and Rarity separated, Sweetie Belle instantly rushed over and tried to scale G-Ma Fire's body, which left the woman in stitches. Rarity smiled fondly at the two before looking to Maw Maw Apple and frowning.

"So what are you two doing here?" She couldn't help but ask.

"I was given a call about some kind of weather issue that was brewing in the forest and have to check it out. Apple butt is here because someone in the apple family doesn't know how to count," G-Ma Fire said before placing Sweetie Belle down and grinning easily, peering at the other women and grinning. "Who are your friends?" She asked before yelping when Rainbow rushed over and took her hand in a tight grip.

"Are you Firefly the Dazzling?!" Rainbow asked quickly, excitement on her face. Firefly blinked before smirking and nodding shaking her hand. "Hall of fame three times over, one of the only people to perform the Vortex twice and the Boom?!" Rainbow asked rapidly, G-Ma Fire puffing up and nodding. Scootaloo rushed over and excitedly began to bounce in place.

"Yuh-You also w-were part of tha-the D-Dazzling Sky D-D-Dancers!" Scootaloo squeaked out. G-Ma Fire seemed to inflate more and Maw Maw Apple rolled her eye before placing an arm on Rarity's shoulder.

"We heard 'bout the Canterlot Boutique. Are yew sure yew don't want us to help rebuild it? Lord knows we have more than enough money," Maw Maw Apple asked, a small smile appearing on her face when Rarity shook her head.

"I'm fine, plus the store was due for an overhaul," Rarity said. Maw Maw Apple nodded and rolled her eye again when G-Ma Fire inflated more, gingerly ushering the group towards the living room.

"Come on we can go to the living room," she grumbled, Rainbow and Scootaloo happily talking about G-Ma Fire's achievements. Right as they got to the living room opening, Maw Maw Apple grabbed Rarity gently by her arm and led her towards the backyard. "We should talk," she said, Rarity pouting as she was led outside and down a worn path. "So are they your-?" She began grinning when Rarity quickly shook her head and blushed a bright red.

"No! No......well not yet," Rarity grumbled, Maw Maw Apple rolling her eye before smiling softly. She always had a soft spot for Rarity, she was her little princess.

"Tell me about them," Maw Maw Apple asked, smiling when Rarity instantly began talking about the others.

She's our mate. Our mate. Our mates. You can feel it Jackie. Can't you? The pull? How quick you were to abandon the farce that is Madam Apple Sweet for them? Applejack shook her head before rubbing her face with a small hand towel, scowling when the thoughts returned. You can't ignore the wolf inside Jackie. You were born with it. The Alpha's curse. The voice hissed before falling dormant. "Applejack?" A tired voice said, the woman blinking a few times before hesitantly peering over to her grandmother. They didn't get along much but they tried their best, bonding over Apple Bloom more than talking about the past.

"Yes Granny Smith?" Applejack asked, internally cringing when her voice instantly took it's sophisticated southern bell tone. Her grandmother fell silent before a tired sigh came form her and she grumbled then marched off. Scowling, Applejack slammed her leg into the apple tree in front of her and listlessly watched the apples tumble down. "Better go apologize," Applejack grumbled before stiffening when she felt the pull of another alpha. Her head instantly lifted and she looked to the farm opening, stiffening further when she saw Apple Clan. The large woman was marching forward and towards her, a frown on her face.

"Applejack!" The woman called, her blue eye narrowing on the other woman.

"Apple Clan," Applejack said in return, growling lowly when she was hit with the other woman's scent. She smelt like Rarity. The two stood across from one another before Apple Clan grinned and rushed forward, locking Applejack in a headlock and laughing.

"Hey Jackie!" She said playfully. Applejack growled playfully in return and halfheartedly struggled before breaking free and rubbing at her neck.

"Apple Clan. What can Ah help you with?" She asked curiously. Apple Clan frowned before rubbing her head and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Ah got word from another alpha about some kind of infestation in the forest, some lone frenzied. It shouldn't be a problem but their lurkin' around the Manor," she said, shifting when Applejack growled in anger. Who would try to encroach in her territory?! "This also leads into my first question. What are yew doing at the Manor in the first place?" Apple Clan asked, Applejack freezing before looking away and up. Applejack had always been a shitty liar and right now would probably be no different.

"Rarity offered to let me and Apple Bloom stay with her for a while, the others just kind of tagged along as well," Applejack said evenly, looking to Apple Clan, who was frowning lightly.

"Does she know about yer furry problem?" Apple Clan asked, Applejack frowning before shaking her head. Apple Clan nodded slowly before sighing and running a hand through her silvery blonde hair. "Well she knows that werewolves exist to yew shouldn't be afraid of telling her about your wolf but if yer going to keep it a secret, make up a lie now. She's not stupid pup," Apple Clan warned before cracking her neck and looking to the side. "Ah know yer their you old bat!" She suddenly snapped. Applejack frowned before looking to the side and scowling when Granny Smith shuffled out from behind a tree, glaring from Apple Clan to Applejack.

"What are yew doin' here Grandmare Pear?" Granny Smith asked, Apple Clan growling in the back of her throat. Granny Smith grimaced and Applejack shifted uncomfortably as Apple Clan stalked over and leaned forward, glaring down her nose at Granny Smith.

"Talking to Applejack and if you call me that name one more time I will not hesitate to kick your old ass from here to Tartarus," Apple Clan snarled, her eyes flashing red while her sideburns grew out and her face shifted slightly into a wolf hume hybrid. Granny Smith let out a weak growl before submitting and Apple Clan moved back, her face returning to it's normal look but her sideburns remained grown out toward her chin. She huffed and rubbed at the hairs before scowling. "Great, now ah have to shave again," Apple Clan grumbled before shaking her head. Applejack relaxed marginally before rubbing her neck as she thought. How was she going to lie to the person she was trying to make her mate?

Three red tinted eyes rolled over the land as the new owner of the Manor hummed and began messing around in her garden. "It reeks of Apple Clan and one of her bitches," A gravelly voice hissed, the other two growling in unison.

"Well it won't for long. Apple Clan may have run us out of Vanhoover but she can't do it here, she gave up this land to that other alpha, Apple whatever," another voice said, the sentence ending in a demented giggle.

"Don't underestimate the Apple pack Rover. We did in Vanhoover and now a lot of us are dead," another voice piped up before a dark and low laugh came from a four set of eyes. The other the anxiously looked to the last pair of eyes and the person spoke in a low and angry voice.

"Apple Clan is going to regret driving us out. First we take her granddaughter and great granddaughter. Then we turn the new alpha into a frenzied like us. Then we turn her grand daughter and great granddaughter. No one messes with Sombra," the last voice said before beginning to laugh darkly, red eyes flashing green and black.

A/N: Here we are. The chapter was more Applejack focused with is fine. I think I'm going to take the omniship into like sections. First is Applejack then is someone else then so on and so forth. Also you found out Applejack's kind of secret. Werewolf Jack! Apple Clan's real name and her relationship with Granny Smith will be touched down upon later while Grandma Sparks adventurer history becomes important later on in the story. Happy reading everyone.