• Published 31st Aug 2017
  • 770 Views, 10 Comments

Roommates - Wolfe15

  • ...

Full Moon

Chapter 5:
Full Moon

The next two weeks passed quickly, the group settling into an almost mundane routine around the manor. Rarity actually counted herself incredibly lucky to have the other women in the house. Pinkie usually watched over the children all day while Twilight studied. Rainbow Dash had been quick to get a job at the local weather station while Fluttershy helped out the town's vet with the animal population. Applejack was trying to turn around the Apple Farm while Rarity herself ran her stores and talked fashion with her numerous investors. Speaking of which....

"Rarity! Darling! I have to say, you need to move where your people are!" A loud and posh voice said, Rarity wincing as she grabbed another bolt of fabric and draped part of it over her client's shoulder. It wasn't that she hated Hoity Toity. He was just loud. And obnoxious. And.....well he had one good point. He kept coming back for more clothes. The man had three full wardrobes for one week away from his home alone at times. Shaking the thought from her head, she watched as he sighed dramatically and began strutting towards his closet.

"You know that I prefer somewhere quieter. I have thought about it," Rarity said as she wrote down some ideas and a few measurements on her notepad. It seemed that he was playing around with body modifying magics again. He was back to being muscular when just last week he was as thin as a twig.

"Oh come on Rarity! Live in the city of dreams! Then I wouldn't have to wait for you when I need you to make a new master piece!" He said dramatically as he walked out of the closet in nothing but a thin speedo. Rarity restrained a grimace since it seemed that his modifying was affecting his more private areas as well.

"Hoity, you know that I want my daughter to have a calm life. Ponyville provides that," she said softly as she took a seat. Sighing heavily, Hoity nodded before taking off his sunglasses and placing them down on his vanity table.

"That is true. How is the little darling? Has she gotten better at singing?" He asked curiously. As self centered as he was, Hoity still cared about Rarity's home life and adored Sweetie Belle.

"Oh Sweetie Belle is wonderful. I still can't believe you got Stephen Trotsworth to give her personal lessons!" Rarity said happily, Hoity chuckling before placing a hand on his chest.

"Think nothing of it dear. I must be heading out though. I have a date with three pool boys and a bear. Keep me updated on that suit! The Gala is two months away!" He said before heading out. Rarity sighed heavily after he left before getting up and gathering up her materials.

"I'll never understand him," she grumbled, putting her fabrics and tapes away into it's cases. She checked her watch and grinned when she found that she had enough time to eat a snack at her favorite place. She quickly teleported her belongings home, silently thanking Twilight for her knowledge of spells, before heading out of the house. The air was chilly and she shivered, bundling herself up as she walked down the long path and towards the towering gates that led out of the estate.

"See you later Miss Rarity," the steel eyed guard said as she passed, Rarity lifting her hand to show she had heard him.

"Maybe I should head home?" Rarity mumbled, shivering hard and tugging her jacket closer around herself. She didn't have long before her train was due to leave and as much as she loved Donut Joes, she didn't want to leave Sweetie Belle alone for long with Pinkie. The pink haired woman sometimes got the kids to do weird things. Shaking her head, Rarity instantly changed course for the train station and hummed lowly under her breathe as she walked through the emptying streets. "Step by step, stitching it together," Rarity softly sang, her head dipping in greeting to some of the designers she passed on the street. They nodded in return and she smiled softly as she continued to sing, pausing when she heard a soft, almost silent whine from the alley at her side.

Frowning, Rarity strained to listen, blinking when she heard the sound again. It was similar to when her Maw Maw Apple was transforming. Biting her lower lip, Rarity steeled her nerves and headed into the alley. "Hello?" Rarity called, looking around as she headed deeper into the area, her right hand sliding into her jacket pocket. The whimpering grew louder and she narrowed her eyes, speeding up as she walked forward. The street lights were dim and cast an almost unholy amount of shadows around her, making her nerves stand on end. Rarity moved forward then paused when she found herself in front of a dead end. Swallowing, Rarity turned around and froze when she found herself trapped by three thin men. They were strangely identical triplets and Rarity frowned, her hands tightening. "Pardon me gentlemen, I need to be going," Rarity said, her head lifting as she straightened out. The leader of the group chuckled before lifting his head and cracking his neck.

He was dressed in rags and had short blue hair, his eyes green while the whites around it were a deep rusty red. "Sorry miss but we have some orders not to let you go," the man rasped, his head tilting from side to side. Rarity scowled internally while her right hand tightly grabbed at the knife that was within her pocket. "Now why don't you be a good girl and just let us take care of you," the leader said, a cold smile spreading across his face. Red tinted teeth greeted her and Rarity scowled as he chuckled lowly before surging forward, his hand out stretched. Rarity moved back swiftly, her right hand moving as she lashed out at him. Her knife cut deep into the bridge of his nose and he yelled out in pain, recoiling as he grabbed at his face. "You bitch!" He snarled, his brothers growling as their faces shifted into wolf hume hybrids. The man's face began doing the same and Rarity switched her knife grip, slowly blowing out a breathe as the men rushed towards her. She moved to the side and kneed one of the advancing men in the face.

He stumbled back and she kicked out, catching his stomach. He wheezed in pain and she moved back as one of them attempted to grab her arm, Rarity lifting the knife and stabbing down into his forearm. The man roared and she tugged out her knife, twirling it in her fingers before she shoved the man back and into his advancing brother. With her path clear, Rarity tried to run but the leader grabbed her by the back of her jacket and yanked her off her feet. He threw her down to the ground and slammed his foot into her back. Rarity yelped in pain and winced, the air getting knocked from her. Wheezing, Rarity tightened her grip around her knife and swung back, burying it into his leg. He yelled out in pain and moved back, which allowed her to push herself to her feet and run for the alley exit. She looked back and found the other two men had recovered and begun running after her.

Turning back, Rarity rushed out of the alley and down the street, quickly pushing through the crowd while apologizing. She looked over her shoulder and found the three men were still following her. Mumbling a soft curse, Rarity looked forward and grunted as she crashed into someone, looking up and relaxing when she realized it was Applejack. she quickly looked back and found the men had stopped, a wary look in their eyes. A thick and strong arm wrapped around her waist and she blushed as she looked back then up at Applejack, who was beginning to quietly growl. Rarity frowned in mild confusion before she jumped when a loud snarl came from the taller woman, her face shifting ever so slightly. The men growled and Rarity looked back at them, watching as they huffed before turning and running off. "Are you alright?" Rarity heard, her head snapping back. Applejack looked down at her in concern and she gave the taller woman a small smile before sighing tiredly.

"I'm better now. They cornered me in an alley. I've never seen werewolves like this," Rarity mumbled, Applejack quietly grunting. She had seen werewolves like this but not in Canterlot. "So......when were you going to tell me you were a werewolf?" Rarity asked, Applejack flinching and looking at her with a wince.

"I was-," she began before Rarity gingerly popped her on the nose with the palm of her hand.

"We talked about your accent," Rarity said, Applejack sighing softly before she rubbed at her head with her free hand.

"Ah was going to tell yew but Ah've been busy and Ah didn't know how you'd react," Applejack said weakly, Rarity nodding in understanding.

"Well....I have a few questions," Rarity said, Applejack nodding before ushering the shorter woman towards the train station.

"Ask away," she said, Rarity humming lowly.

"Well.....is Apple Bloom a werewolf?" Rarity curiously asked, Applejack chuckling lowly before nodding.

"Yes but she's still has a bit to go before she can transform herself. She's going to be trained to take over when Ah retire," Applejack said as they stepped into the light that was coming from the station. Rarity hummed softly before looking to the taller woman and frowning.

"Do you know who those men were?" She asked curiously, Applejack's face twisted as she shook her head and her arm tightened around her waist.

"No but they seemed familiar. I need to speak with Apple Clan," she grumbled, her voice changing back to her socialite accent. Rarity let it slip and nodded as they headed onto the train, the women showing the conductor their tickets.

"What were you doing in Canterlot?" Rarity curiously asked, Applejack looking to her as she took her seat across from her.

"Pinkie said that you needed my help. Her left leg was twitching?" Applejack said in confusion, Rarity's eyes widening in surprise. She knew about Pinkie's unusual senses and often consulted with her when she needed some extra help in the luck department. Rarity rubbed her chin and looked out of the window, almost flinching when she found the men were right outside of the train. They sneered at her and as a group passed between the train, they disappeared when the group headed off. "Rarity? Are you okay?" Applejack asked, Rarity looking to her and finding her looking concerned.

"I'm alright dear. I'm just.....thinking," she mumbled, rubbing her chin and frowning.

A/N: Hello everyone! I have kind of returned?????? Surprising I know but I got the urge to write and had to let it take over. We've jumped a bit but more information on Apple Clan will be learned, Rarity's other grandmothers make an appearance and we meet the Alpha of the north, Prince Rutherford, who comes bearing dire news!