• Published 5th Dec 2011
  • 9,923 Views, 142 Comments

Festival - Silverquill

Trixie gets a lucky job performing for Equestria's favorite holiday. There, she meets familiar faces

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Day 5: Outdone

Trixie yawned, slowly awakening from her dreams. A loud clanging noise came from outside her room, making her groan. Nnng… just five more minutes, please… She pulled her blanket up to her chin, trying to shut out the noise. She began to drift back to sleep, enjoying the warm cover over her body, and the smoky smell wavering underneath her nose.

Trixie’s eye shot open. Wait a minute… smoke? Throwing the covers aside, Trixie leapt out of bed and out into her living room. She saw that the couch was empty, and a vivid orange glow was coming from the kitchen. She ran to it and peered in, just in time to watch a wave of water splash over a massive fire blazing atop the oven. Twilight stood next to the blaze, levitating a wet, empty trash can. Twilight breathed a sigh of relief, setting the trash can aside.

“Twilight,” Trixie spoke softly, startling her guest, “Why was there a fire in Trixie’s kitchen?” Trixie looked at the corner of the kitchen, noting a pile of garbage sitting where her trash can would be. “And why did you dump trash all over the floor?”

Twilight blushed hotly. “I… I woke up early, and you were still asleep. I wanted to thank you for letting me stay, so I wedged a book in the door and left for the general store. I picked up something to make us for breakfast…”

“And the fire?”

“Well… let’s just say I’m not the best chef. Spike usually makes our meals… I had to dump out the trash and use the can to dump water on the flames. I‘m sorry…”

Trixie groaned, rubbing her forehead with both hooves. “It’s okay, Twilight. Just help me clean it up… then we’ll go grab some breakfast and get back to work on the show.”

Twilight nodded and began levitating garbage back into the trashcan. Trixie inspected the oven’s damage. scrubbing away any charred marks. Thankfully, the fire was put out fast enough to keep the smoke alarm from going off; the clean-up was finished swiftly, and the two unicorns inspected their work.

All seemed in order to Trixie. Twilight broke the silence that had fallen over them when the cleaning started, “I really am sorry, Trixie.”

“It’s no big deal, Twilight. Honestly.” Trixie grinned. “It got Trixie out of bed early, anyway.”

“Well… I just wanted to thank you. Not just for letting me stay… but…”

“But what?”

“But for letting us get to know you, too. And vice versa.”

Trixie rolled her eyes and smirked. “Yes, and look where that got Trixie; one of her new friends almost burned her apartment down.”

Twilight blushed again, sputtering more apologies. “Trixie was just kidding,” The unicorn teased. She wrapped an arm around Twilight, leading her towards the door. “Now come on, let’s get something to eat that isn‘t burned to ash on Trixie‘s stove. Then we can get back and finish off the planning.”

Twilight’s frown inched upward into a smile. “That’d be wonderful.”

Knock, knock.

Trixie looked up from her sketches, glancing at the front door. “I’ll get it,” Twilight announced, setting aside a few papers and standing up. She went to the door and unlocked it, nearly being tossed aside when a white unicorn burst into the room.

“Rarity has ARRIVED!” The newcomer announced, dragging a wagon behind her. Atop the wagon sat a draped object, rocking gently back and forth with the wagon’s movement. Rarity wheeled it into the room, looking around her. “Oh my, Trixie, you certainly got your money’s worth on your living arrangements.”

“The room’s free,” Trixie corrected her. Trixie stepped forward and poked the draped object, watching it wobble from the touch.

“Oh, my apologies. Anyways, I’ve got something for Twilight.”

Twilight raised a hoof to her chest, looking surprised. “Me?”

“Yes, you! Where to begin… ah, yes. Nopony saw you come home last night, so we agreed to send somepony to see where you were. I offered to go, not just so I could find you, but also so I could show you this!” With a flourish, Rarity removed the drape from the figure. One of her mannequins was revealed, showing off one of her latest designs. “I told you I’d make you a stage outfit, darling, and a lady keeps her promises.”

Twilight and Trixie gasped at the creation; a red-sequined vest sparkled on the mannequin‘s torso, set just above some sleek black pants studded with bluish gems running up and down each leg. Atop the mannequin’s head sat a light-purple top hat, surrounded by a star patterned purple-silken ribbon. “No need to hold your tongues, ladies,” Rarity chimed, “What do you think?”

“It’s…” Twilight began, “…a little much, to be honest.” Rarity’s face fell for a moment before Twilight went on. “But, you know how much I know about fashion... I love it; thank you, Rarity.”

“Excellent!” Rarity replied, smiling. “And what do you think of your assistant’s attire, Trixie?”

“It has Trixie’s official seal of approval, Trixie guesses. It‘s very lovely.”

Rarity’s smile grew. “I’m glad you both like it! Now don’t tally, Twilight, go try it on!”

“W-wha?” Twilight blurted. “Here? Now? Why?”

“Well, why not, darling?” Rarity began lugging the wagon behind her, nudging Twilight ahead as she did so. Ignoring Twilight’s protests, Rarity managed to find the bathroom, gently pushing the purple unicorn into it. Rarity levitated the mannequin in after her before following it in, closing the door behind her.

Trixie chuckled before flopping onto the couch. She levitated some of their sketches in front of her and inspected them to pass the time; it wasn’t easy organizing a show around a beginner, but they weren’t far from finishing. Trixie got up and walked to the window, looking out into the plaza to read the sun dial there. And still plenty of time before the show, too, Trixie realized. Plenty of time to find something to do. Maybe stop by the festival again, or…

Trixie cut off her thought as the bathroom door creaked open behind her. She turned, seeing that Twilight and Rarity had exited the bathroom. Twilight stepped forward, striking a clumsy pose. “Well? How does it look?” She asked.

Trixie eyed her assistant up and down; she had to admit, Twilight looked great. Twilight always had an adorkable charm about her, but Rarity’s outfit was doing wonders for her. “Trixie never said she wanted to be upstaged.”

Rarity giggled. “That good, huh?” Rarity appeared behind Twilight, pausing to adjust the purple unicorn’s hat. “You look absolutely fabulous, darling, if I do say so myself.”

Twilight blushed. “You‘re exaggerating.”

Rarity laughed again, levitating her mannequin back onto the wagon. “Well, my work here is done. Ta ta, ladies, see you at tonight’s show.” Rarity made her way to the door, pausing at the last moment. “Oh, and Twilight, do be a dear and let somepony know if you ever stay out again… you had some of us worried sick.”

“Oh! Uh…” Twilight stammered. “I’m sorry, Rarity. Tell the girls I’ll see them tonight, okay?”

“Of course, dear. Don’t work too hard, you two. See you tonight- and don‘t forget the outfit!” With that, Rarity left, taking her wagon and mannequin with her. Trixie closed the door after her, turning to grin at her dressed-up companion.

“What?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, nothing,” Trixie replied. “Trixie just never really saw you as a fashionista.”

“Har, har,” Twilight said sarcastically. A glow surrounded her hat as she levitated it off, gently setting it on the coffee table. “Don’t get used to it.”

“Is that any way to speak to the performer, assistant?” Trixie teased.

“Anymore comments like that and you’ll find yourself missing your assistant.”

Trixie laughed, smiling wide. “Okay, okay. You really do look lovely. Now come on, let’s finish planning the show.” Trixie nudged Twilight back into the living room, missing the blush that lit the mare’s face from the comment. “Tonight, we shall shine!”

Trixie tossed a few carefully-selected fireworks over her shoulder, listening to the thump of them landing in her assistant’s arms. After a few more selections, she decided they had enough, and gathered up the rest into her own arms. Carefully carrying them to stage right, the duo dropped off their cache, setting the fireworks next to the rest of their props. Trixie glanced over their collection, mentally listing off what they had, until she finally decided she was satisfied. “We’re ready!”

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief, tired of having to lug around all the supplies. She sat down, readjusting her top hat for the umpteenth time. “Thank Celestia for that; I never imagined how much went into these performances.”

Trixie sat down as well, rolling a smoke ball around underneath her hoof. They’d finished up their planning relatively early, and both decided they’d stay home until show time. Twilight had investigated the complementary selection of books Trixie had been given, and the blue unicorn herself had allowed herself a nap. When the time had come, they’d made their way to the stage, stopping for a bite to eat along the way. And now here they were… both nervous about performing with somepony else- and one nervous about performing in general.

Trixie glanced at her assistant. “Are you ready for this?” Twilight nodded. “If Trixie gets lit on fire, you do realize there will be no mercy.”

Twilight jokingly punched Trixie’s shoulder. “Keep it up, and any fires won’t be accidental.” Both mares chuckled, watching the act before them finish up. The jester took a bow, his fiery performance once again netting a round of applause. Twilight took a deep breath, staying put while Trixie went onstage.

Trixie glanced over the crowd. “Citizens of Canterlot, the Great and Powerful Trixie brings you a surprise today! Prepare to be dazzled by not just Trixie, but her lovely assistant as well! Trixie presents to you… TWILIGHT SPARKLE!” Trixie tossed a smoke bomb she’d hidden in the folds of her cape, watching as it burst next to her. The crowd gasped as the smoke faded, revealing a purple unicorn waving to the audience- and having a mild coughing fit.

“Trixie,” Twilight whispered through some wheezing, “When you said to sneak into the smoke, you never said how hard it was to breathe in it!”

“Dangers of the business, Twilight,” Trixie replied. She took a bow for the audience, smiling as they cheered for the newcomer. All according to plan so far, Trixie thought to herself. She looked to Twilight and raised an eyebrow, receiving a nod in response. Not wasting any time, the two began the main performance, losing themselves in their act.

Trixie breathed hard, bowing for the audience. The show had been harder than normal; making room for her accomplice hadn’t been the easiest thing. But Trixie was fairly sure they’d done well, with only a few minor errors. She glanced out into the crowd, smiling as she watched the applauding ponies. She even noticed some familiar faces in the front row: The rest of their friends applauded even louder than the rest, Spike riding atop Applejack’s head to get a clear view of the show. Trixie smiled, giving them a brief wave, before ushering Twilight and herself offstage.

Twilight immediately burst into a wide grin. “How’d I do?”

“To be honest, Trixie’s not sure. She was so into the performance, honestly.” Trixie winked at her assistant. “But I know how we can find out.”

“How’s that?”

Trixie only smirked. As if on cue, the rumble of ponies running across the backstage area reached their ears. Coming into view were their friends, all looking excited. Pinkie Pie reached them first, bouncing up and down as she excitedly chattered. “Ohmygoshohmygosh that was splenderific, you two! Especially Twilight’s part! She was like WHAZAM!” Pinkie began waving her arms around, as if directing invisible fireworks.

“I agree,” Rarity chimed in. “It was even better than yesterday’s show, and I’m not just saying that since my design was starring in it! Twilight, you added such a powerful touch!”

The rest nodded in agreement, universally agreeing on one thing: The show was good, but Twilight added a special zing to it… without much mention of Trixie herself. B-but… Trixie thought, Trixie never intended to get upstaged… She shook her head, determined to get to the root of this. “What did Twilight do so much better than Trixie?”

Applejack shot her a curious glance. “Sugahcube, we’re not tryin’ ta leave ya out, it’s just… well, Twilight’s spells might not have been as fancy shmancy as yours were, but ah reckon they were so much more powerful. Your tricks went off with a bang, but hers went off with a…”

“BOOM!” Pinkie blurted, grinning ear to ear.

“Er, right. A boom.” Applejack went over and ruffled Twilight’s hair. “Our friend’s got more surprises in her than even we’d know, sometimes.” General approval came from the others.

Trixie’s face fell. …The Great and Powerful Trixie… shown up by her own assistant? It’s… just not possible. Trixie is the greatest! The most stupendous! She’s… a sigh escaped her lips, …been defeated.

Twilight, noticing Trixie’s sudden change of attitude, turned to her. “Is everything all right?”

“Yes, yes…” Trixie lied. “But if it’s all the same to you, Trixie’s going to go home… get some much needed rest…”

Her friend’s faces fell. “Is it about the performance?” Twilight questioned. “It’s not a big deal, you did wonderful!”

Trixie walked through her friends, heading towards the exit. “Trixie just needs some time alone.”

The walk home was quiet and lonely. Trixie’s hat drooped from her head, threatening to fall off if her posture sank any lower. And yet Trixie made no move to fix it… her mind was much, much farther elsewhere.

Trixie works her hooves to the bone perfecting her art, she grumbled. She’s performed in cities from one end of Equestria to the other, she’s put her considerable talents to work amusing these slack-jawed folk, and for what? …To be completely outperformed by a rank amateur. One Trixie thought was her friend…

But that’s not true.

Trixie blinked. Did Trixie really just think that? But she couldn’t deny it; deep down, she realized… she was in the wrong. Yes, Trixie wasn’t the star of the show… for once… but she was the one who asked Twilight to be her assistant in the first place. Not only that, they hadn’t just complemented Twilight… and even then, Twilight didn’t showboat at all; Trixie isn’t sure she would have been able to do the same.

Trixie groaned, the conflicting thoughts bringing on a headache. Trixie is the star, Trixie should get the praise she deserves… but Trixie has spent so long without friends, acting like this definitely won’t help her keep them… Trixie just… just… Trixie sighed. Trixie just needs to apologize.

Turning around completely, Trixie held her head high and straight. She made her way back to the stage, weaving swiftly through the moonlit streets of Canterlot.

Trixie gently nudged open the door, peeking into the backstage. “Girls?” She entered the room, being greeted by nothing but an ominous silence. She’d always been back here when the place had at least a few ponies wandering about, but when the lights were out and the lack of noise became noticeable, it was easy to see just how empty the place was.

“Twilight? Pinkie Pie?” Trixie looked around, calling out names. “Applejack? Rarity? Fluttershy?” She thought it over for a moment before uttering the last name. “Rainbow Dash?”

Nopony answered her calls. She was too late. Her friends had gone before she’d gotten the chance to make amends, and she had no idea where she’d be able to find them. With a heavy heart, Trixie exited once more, half-heartedly dragging herself back to the Pegasus Plaza.

Trixie let herself into her room, switching the lights on. The living room looked the same as it ever did; and yet, something was just plain… off. Then it hit her; with Twilight having spent the entire day there, it felt a little odd to see her home missing the purple unicorn’s presence. The thought only made her regret her actions more.

Calm yourself Trixie, she told herself. It’s not like Trixie flipped out on all her friends… she merely had a little tantrum. But how can she fix this…? An apology is… warranted, Trixie supposes, especially to Twilight. But how is Trixie going to find her? She walked over to the living room window, placing a hoof against it. She glanced out over the city, her eyes settling on a certain street halfway across Canterlot. That’s where Applejack and Rarity set up their stands, she remembered. Suddenly, a thought hit Trixie. Wait one moment. That’s it!

Trixie smiled as she realized what she could do. Tomorrow, Trixie should be able to find those two by their stands, and she can get directions to Twilight from there! Trixie’s smile fell a little. But is Trixie really able to say she’s sorry?

Well… Trixie will have to find out tomorrow. Taking one last glance out the window, Trixie sighed and turned off the lights with a flick of her magic. She began walking to her room, stumbling when her hoof hit something. With a grumble, she levitated it up; the blanket she’d draped over her friend yesterday hung in front of her. Ignoring another odd jab at her heart, she folded it up, draping it over her couch. Satisfied, she went to her room and climbed in bed.

Trixie couldn’t sleep for the longest time. Thoughts kept running through her head… Will everything be okay? Did Trixie screw up? Did Trixie overreact? The thoughts followed her as she fell into a troubled sleep.

Trixie glanced up at the towering building in front of her. The sign out front proudly declared the establishment’s name: The Academy for Gifted Young Unicorns. Trixie glanced down, kicking at a pebble with her noticeably shorter legs. Something fell off her head; she inspected it, a star-patterned purple hat sat on the ground in front of her. Now she remembered; the hat went along with the silky cape draped over her back, the two articles of clothing the only thing she had brought with her.

Somepony reached past her, picking the hat up and depositing it back on her head. She glanced behind her, seeing a tired-looking stallion, who rested a yellow hoof on her shoulder in a comforting gesture. “Well, what do you think, Trixie?” He asked.

Trixie glanced at the building again, its wooden door more than ten times her small size. She shook her head. “Trixie dun like it, Daddy. What if nopony likes her?”

The stallion sighed, rubbing his orange mane. “They’ll like you, dear, but you won’t get anywhere when you keep referring to yourself like that. And you’ll have to learn to like it here… this is your new home for awhile.”

Trixie sidled up to the stallion, holding onto his forelegs tightly. “But why can’t Trixie just come with you?”

The stallion leaned down, embracing her. “Daddy’s going away for awhile, I told you this.” He let her go, ushering her towards the front door. Trixie stepped up to the large wooden door, watching as it was opened by an old, pink mare. The mare smiled, stepping aside to let Trixie in, bidding her welcome. Trixie glanced back, watching as her father stared back at her. Without warning, she ran back to him, clinging to his legs again.

“But Trixie doesn‘t wanna,” she moaned.

Her father patted her head, gently peeling her off his leg. “We’ll meet again, before you even know it. Just remember that I always love you… and promise me you’ll always strive to be the best… because you ARE the best.”

Trixie sniffled, letting go. She turned, heading back to where the pink mare was patiently waiting. She walked inside, the mare closing the door behind her. As it closed, Trixie looked past it, getting one last glance at her father. The look on his face worried her; it was one of pure sadness. Her father turned to go, and the door closed shut.