• Published 5th Dec 2011
  • 9,921 Views, 142 Comments

Festival - Silverquill

Trixie gets a lucky job performing for Equestria's favorite holiday. There, she meets familiar faces

  • ...

Day 6: Making Things Right


Trixie woke up, breathing heavily. She pressed a hoof to her forehead, wiping away a sheen of sweat. The world came back into focus; sunlight streamed in through the window, bathing her face in its glow. She sighed, having already forgotten what had haunted her dreams.

“Just a nightmare, Trixie, just a nightmare…” She let her pulse slow down, glancing out her bedroom window. The sundial’s shadow showed that it was fast approaching noon, the streets already filled to the brim with busy revelers. Trixie groaned. How anypony could sleep so late through a nightmare is beyond Trixie…

She swung her legs off the bed, climbing down. She stepped into the living room, She contemplated grabbing her bit pouch, eventually deciding otherwise. No time for a breakfast stop; the longer Trixie waits, the worse it’s going to be. Trixie must hurry… let’s see… she walked to her window and looked out, scanning the city once more. Spotting her destination, a certain street close to the festival itself, she marked it in her mind and headed out the door.

She descended to the first floor, walking through the pony-filled lobby. A bellhop bid her good morning, Trixie giving a brief response as she made her way out the front door.


“Oof!” Trixie covered her ears as a blue stallion raised a hoof to his mouth, the tuba wrapped around his waist quieting down after its loud cry right next to her head.

“My apologies, miss!” He reached forward to help, but Trixie shrugged him off. Giving him a curt wave, she stepped into the crowded streets.

Now what in Celestia’s name was up with that, she grumbled. These yokels are getting more rowdy as the holiday runs on, to the point where…

…where… uh-oh. Trixie found herself moving against her will as the crowd surged around her, ponies following behind a performer juggling numerous objects in an attempt to get a closer look. The only problem was, the crowd was dragging Trixie in the wrong direction. She struggled against the flow, almost catching a glancing blow in the face as she wormed her way out of the mini-parade. Barbarians!

Not wanting to stick around for any more interruptions, Trixie made her way into the streets once more. Time was wasting, and the rowdy crowd wasn’t making her mission any easier. But Trixie was determined; she had to make things right..

Trixie glowered around her. All she wanted to do was get to Rarity and Applejack so she could get directions, but the celebrating civilians weren’t making it easy. She’d been swept into many crowds, tossed around way too much for her comfort, and if a vendor tried to peddle their wares to her one more time, she was going to scream.

“Well howdy there, you’re lookin’ like ya could use a pick-me-up. How about ya try one of our new apple tarts? They’re tasty, cheap, made with love, and…”

Trixie shot the vendor a look that would freeze anypony in their tracks. “Well shoot, if ya didn’t want anythin’, ya coulda said n-… wait, Trixie? Is that you?”

Applejack shielded her eyes, getting a closer look at Trixie from behind her cart. Trixie looked around, breathing a sigh of relief; it hadn’t been very fun, but the crowd had eventually managed to drag her to where she needed to go. Applejack eyed her up and down, drumming her hoof on her stand. “Yer lookin’ down, sugahcube. What’s botherin’ ya? Where’d ya head off to yesterday?”

Trixie nervously nibbled on her lip. “Trixie… wanted to apologize for storming out last night, first of all. Trixie overreacted, it’s true, and she’s sorry. And she… needs directions.”

Applejack smirked. “That’s what’s botherin’ ya? Don’t worry yerself, it wasn’t a big deal. Now, where do ya need ta go?”

“Well… would you know where Twilight is?”

“Course ah do, but ah think Rarity could help you out more with that.” Applejack raised a hoof to her lips and blew, a shrill whistle sounding around the area. “Hey, Rarity! Ya awake over there?”

“There’s no need to shout,” A voice responded. Trixie turned, spotting Rarity manning her own booth on the other side of the street. The white unicorn’s eyes settled on Trixie, a smile spreading. “Ah, she’s back! How are you, darling?”

“She’s just lookin’ to apologize fer yesterday,” Applejack stated, saving Trixie the trouble. “She needs directions ta Twilight, if ya’d be so kind.”

Rarity tapped her chin with her hoof, pondering how best to help. Seemingly coming up with an idea, Rarity ducked behind the counter, her purple mane the only thing still in view. After some rummaging around, she reappeared, levitating a small square of pink fabric and a needle. Trixie ducked down a little, remembering what had happened last time she’d seen Rarity sporting a sharp object, only to stand up again when Rarity looped some thread into the needle and began sewing something into the pink material.

Trixie watched with curiosity as Rarity sewed away, wondering why the unicorn would rather make a dress than give Trixie simple directions. Moments later, Rarity looked closely at the cloth, inspecting her work. Satisfied, she levitated it over to Trixie, holding it up in front of her. “Will this suffice, dear?”

Laid out in front of her was a rough overhead map of Canterlot, a series of dotted lines weaving their way through the city’s lanes. At the end of the lines sat a shiny yellow X, glimmering as it marked out a certain spot. Written to the side were tiny stitched instructions, marking out certain landmarks to watch for. Trixie had to admit, she was impressed. “This is just what Trixie needed, and more! Thank you, Rarity.”

“Oh, think nothing of it. You did allow Rarity to show off her work onstage; why just this morning alone, my usual customer queue has doubled! Spreading the word around did wonders.”

“Still… thank you.” Trixie glanced over the counter curiously, noting that someone was out of place. “Where’s the little dragon that helps you out? Spike, wasn’t it?”

“Oh, he’s taking the day off to spend time with Twilight back where we’re staying. At a friend of the Cakes, if you’re wondering; somepony they know heads out of town to see their family every Celestial Carnival, so they rent out their home to the Cakes for the duration. That’s where the map should lead you; speaking of which, do me a favor and give Twilight and Spike a hello from me, hmm?”

“As you wish. But why is Twilight at home, not out and about?”

Rarity shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine, darling. All I know is she decided she’d rather stay back at the house; nopony decided to pry. But I digress... give her my regards, if you would.”

“Oh, and if yer doin’ favors,” Applejack piped up, drawing Trixie’s attention, “Would ya mind delivering this to Twilight?” Applejack reached behind the counter, pulling out a brown baggie. “We don’t want Twilight starvin’ on her day off. I threw together somethin’ for her to eat; mind droppin’ it off?”

Trixie nodded, glancing at the two ponies. “Thank you both for the assistance.” Applejack and Rarity gave her their goodbyes, turning back to their work. Trixie grabbed the bag off the counter, gripping it in her mouth, before levitating the map in front of her. Following the first instructions on the chart, the unicorn set off, making her way through the streets once again.

Trixie glanced at the map, comparing its directions with the building in front of her. When you see the yellow-walled house with a blue-tiled roof, you’ve arrived, Trixie read off. Lowering the cloth, she glanced at the building, noting the yellow paneling set below its blue roof. It matches up. Well, here goes nothing… Trixie stepped forward, fixing her grip on the doggy bag in her mouth, and knocked her hoof against the front door. She waited a minute, then two, hearing no response. She tried the door, finding it unlocked. She gingerly nudged it open, the sounds of ponies outside draining away as she closed the door behind her.

The smell of baked goods immediately wafted under Trixie’s noise, reminding the unicorn of her decision to skip breakfast. Her stomach growled, prompting her to glance into the kitchen on her right. She huffed as she saw it was completely empty, the smell of baking being little more than a natural scent. How much do they cook to keep that delicious aroma hanging around? she wondered.

Ignoring her rumbling stomach, she searched throughout the first floor. Finding nothing aside from a few empty rooms, a living room, and a set of stairs, Trixie headed up to the second floor, the steps creaking as she moved. She made her way up and glanced around; she was in a hallway, a couple doors to her right, and a couple doors to her left. With no indication as to what room lead where, Trixie randomly decided and started her second floor exploration with the closest door on the right.

She peeked in, finding an unkempt bedroom. Luggage and bed sheets were strewn around, hanging off the two beds inside. One bed even had a coil of rope looped around its post, while the other one was surrounded by a couple Wonderbolt posters. Eugh… a pig sty. She closed the door and moved onto the first room on the left, finding another bedroom inside. Much neater in comparison, the two beds were properly made; however, one of the beds seemed completely surrounded by luggage. What pony needs this much stuff, let alone carries it? She glanced at the second bed, eyeing the little white rabbit curled up atop it. Aside from the bunny… no one here, either. Leaving the room behind, Trixie backed out and headed to the farthest right room. She nudged it open, stepping inside.


Trixie yelped, dropping the paper baggie from her mouth as a burst of green flames lit the room. The bag fell to the floor with a thud, Trixie paying it no attention as she looked at the dragon staring at her curiously. “What?” Spike asked, wiping his hands together. “Just sending a letter.”

“Trixie?” Twilight appeared from out of Trixie’s field of vision, levitating the bag Trixie had just dropped. Twilight set it aside, giving Trixie a concerned look. “I didn’t expect to see you here. Feeling better?”

“Somewhat. Oh, and the bag is for you… lunch from Applejack.”

A low glow surrounded the sacked lunch, Twilight opening it to inspect its contents. “Well, I already snacked a little earlier… want to share?”

Trixie’s stomach cheered at the prospect of food, the mare smiling brightly. “Gladly.”

Twilight walked over to one of the beds in the room, a single-person mattress completely covered in books, quills, and scraps of paper. Twilight brushed aside a few tomes, sitting down and patting the spot next to her. Taking the cue, Trixie walked over and climbed up, watching as Spike clambered onto the bed next to Twilight as well. They divided the lunch up amongst the three of them: a very tasty apple pie, thankfully already cut into slices. The three enjoyed their lunch; Twilight and Spike chatted as they ate, while Trixie nibbled on her slice of pie in silence, gathering her thoughts.

Twilight paused the conversation, noticing her friend’s quietness. “I forgot to ask, Trixie, what brings you here? Applejack‘s cooking is delicious, but I doubt you stopped by just for some pie.”

Trixie shuffled her hooves around on the bed, making herself comfortable. “You’d be right about that. Trixie came over because… well…”


“…Trixie wanted to apologize for yesterday. Walking out on you all was uncalled for; you performed well… especially for a beginner.”

Twilight looked confused for a moment before giggling. “That’s what was wrong?”

Trixie felt a little heat rise to her face as her friend chuckled. “Yes, Trixie was just the tiniest bit upset about being shown up.”

Trixie blushed more as Twilight giggled again. Twilight reached over and grabbed her hoof, gently squeezing. “The tiniest bit?” Another giggle. She glanced down and let out a sigh, looking up with a smile. “I’m sorry for laughing, Trixie, but I’m just relieved that we hadn’t somehow offended you terribly. I’m glad you’re okay. There’s not that much to apologize for.” Her smile grew a little larger. “Did I really do that well?”

“N-…mayb-…” Trixie sighed. “Yes.”

Twilight let her hoof go. “Thanks. It means a lot, coming from the Great and Powerful Trixie.”

Trixie raised an eyebrow. “Saying Trixie’s title without sarcasm? That’s new.”

“Don’t get used to it. More pie?”

Trixie and Spike nodded, Twilight shoveling what was left from her plate onto theirs. Trixie ate quickly, finishing off lunch as a question came to her. “Twilight?”


“That letter you were sending… who was it for?”

“Oh, um…” Twilight blushed, looking as if she was deciding something. “I was just sending a letter to Princess Celestia.”

“Again with this ‘student of Celestia’ shtick,” The blue unicorn scoffed. “Didn‘t Trixie tell you already that she doesn‘t believe your tall tale?”

Twilight rolled her eyes and levitated a scroll up, opening it wide for Trixie to see. It was blank, but one things stood out; the royal golden seal of the Canterlot Royalty gleamed from the bottom right corner of the page.

Trixie’s eyes widened. “You mean that story you told Trixie was TRUE?”

“Every word.”

Trixie blinked, seeing last night‘s situation in an entirely different way. No wonder she could outdo Trixie yesterday, if she has the princess herself as a tutor. A smile spread across her face. It wouldn’t hurt if Trixie knew more… “Truly?” She began, “What’s it like? How‘d it begin? Do tell, Trixie is curious.”

“Oh! Well…” Twilight stroked her chin, arranging her thoughts. “It began years ago, when I was just a filly…” Twilight stood up, starting to pace around the room. “The Celestial Carnival had just begun that year, and I managed to convince my parents to let us spend a few days there. I was there for the rising of the sun ceremony…” A smile danced across her face as she remembered a pleasant thought. “…and when I saw Celestia’s powerful magic, I knew that I wanted to try and be just like her.

“So after we got back from the event, I began studying. For months, I worked hard, taking in as much magical knowledge as I could. Soon enough, my parents arranged for me to sign up for one of Canterlot’s prestigious academies for young unicorns. I went to the entrance exam, and nearly botched the whole thing… until a friend of mine gave me just the push I needed to pass.”

Trixie‘s ear twitched as Twilight mentioned academies; she wasn‘t sure why. “A friend?” Trixie questioned. “Who?”

“That’s a story for another day. Anyway… Celestia herself happened to be touring the grounds that day… she saw my display, and took interest. It’s all just technical details from there… I moved to Canterlot and studied under her, trying my best to make my parents proud.” Twilight stopped pacing. “Not the most exciting story, is it?”

“But it is,” Trixie responded. “Quite fascinating, actually. But Trixie has one more question… what did you write to the princess?”

A hot blush lit up Twilight’s face. “N-nothing at all. Just… some notes, nothing more.” She stretched out a hoof, pointing at Trixie to emphasize her statement.


The two mares blinked as Spike belched a wall of flame, a message appearing within it. It fell, falling directly into Twilight’s outstretched hoof. Twilight’s blush rose higher as she wrapped her hoof around it, pulling it towards her. “One moment, please.”

Twilight scrambled to the far end of the bed, unraveling the scroll and reading it. Curious, Trixie tried to peek around her to see the paper’s contents, to no avail. Moments later, Twilight rolled the scroll up and stood, climbing off the bed and over to a nearby dresser. She opened the top drawer and slid the parchment in, closing the compartment firmly afterwards.

“What was that?” Trixie questioned, watching Twilight sit back down next to her.

“N-nothing! Don’t worry about it.” Twilight’s suspicious behavior and red face only served to make Trixie even more curious.

She’s hiding something, Trixie mused, something she doesn’t want Trixie to know. But how would Trixie go about getting access to the scroll without her knowledge? Trixie idly tapped her hoof on the bed, an idea forming. Aha!

“Twilight,” Trixie began, “As much fun as Trixie’s been having, she has to go prepare for tonight’s act.” Twilight’s face fell, making a small pout. “But… Trixie has a proposition.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “What would that be?”

“Trixie let you stay over at her house, two days back… so now, Trixie wants you to return the favor. Let Trixie stay over for the night, we could have a…” Trixie paused, hoping she wasn’t about to do something she’d regret. “…sleepover.”

Twilight’s eyes brightened up, a grin spreading over her face. “Sleepover? Of course!” Glancing around quickly, Twilight levitated a book off the ground seemingly at random. She held it open in front of her, and Trixie scanned the title: Slumber 101. Oh, Celestia…

“With this guide, we’ll make sure my second sleepover ever is the best one yet!” Twilight said, excitedly flipping through the pages. Trixie groaned, easing herself off the bed.

“Well, Trixie must go prepare… meet you after the show?” Twilight nodded, hurridly scanning a page. Trixie bid her and Spike goodbye, the dragon smirking as if he knew exactly what Trixie had gotten herself into. Trixie turned and headed towards the door, casting a quick glance towards Twilight’s dresser as she made her exit. She left, determined to find out the scroll’s contents, no matter the cost.

…did Trixie say any cost? Trixie flinched as Twilight roughly brushed her hair again, accidentally tugging it sharply. Trixie wishes to retract that statement.

“Finished!” Twilight let Trixie’s hair go, standing up. “Style hair, check… now, let’s see what’s next…”

Trixie’s eye twitched as Twilight sought out that accursed slumber party guide book. This is a bit much, even if Twilight is Trixie’s friend now. Trixie shot a glance at the dresser, its drawers firmly shut. Let’s just hope it’s worth it.

“Here we are!” Trixie flinched as Twilight levitated the book up, the one she‘d first seen before leaving Twilight‘s house. Trixie had put on a good show that night, everypony but Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy attending. Afterwards, she’d followed Twilight back home, and her torment had begun. They’d spent the last few hours following the book to the letter, though Trixie had gotten the chance to meet the Mr. and Mrs. Cake her friends sometimes spoke of.

They seemed nice enough ponies; the blue-coated wife and her yellow husband had stopped by about an hour ago, introducing themselves. They’d told Trixie she was welcome by their stand anytime, and they’d even given the duo a couple mats to sleep on for their little sleepover. Spike had left hours ago, however, trying not to gag as he stated that he’d be staying in Rarity and Fluttershy’s room tonight. And now here they were; Twilight deciding what to do next, and Trixie quickly thinking up a way to get out of it.

Aha! “Twilight?”

The unicorn looked up. “Yes?”

“It’s getting quite late, and Trixie’s feeling a bit tired. We could surely finish up these… ‘wonderful’ activities tomorrow, correct?”

“Well…” Twilight set the book aside, flopping down onto her cushy blue mat. “I suppose you’re right. Maybe Pinkie Pie will be back then, too; she’d definitely make the party more fun.”

“Pinkie rooms with you?”

“Oh, yes.” Twilight chuckled. “It’s definitely hard to get to sleep when she’s around, but that’s actually pretty uncommon. She’s up at least half the night causing mischief and smiles around the city, let alone during the daytime.”

Trixie tried to imagine the bookworm sharing a room with the pink party animal, completely baffled as to how that’d worked out without some sort of explosion resulting. But time truly was drawing on, and the dresser was beckoning to her yet again. “Interesting. Well… good night.”

“Sweet dreams,” Twilight replied, drawing her covers over her and flicking off the light. Trixie drew her own green covers over herself, making herself as comfy as possible. But sleeping isn’t in the plan, Trixie thought with a grin.

Time passed, Trixie patiently waiting until she heard some soft snoring from Twilight. Being cautious, Trixie kept still until at least five minutes had passed. Deciding it was safe, Trixie slowly pulled the covers off and stood up. Taking care not to trip on any spare books, Trixie snuck her way over to the dresser.

At last! She cheered, placing a hoof on the drawer’s handle. With malicious glee, Trixie pulled the compartment out to reveal the completely empty insides of the drawer.

What?! Trixie fumbled around in the drawer, seeing if the scroll had rolled back. Finding it completely empty, she tried the next drawer down… and the next… but ultimately finding nothing. Can nothing be easy?! She snarled, looking around the room for any possible hiding locations. She crept over to the bed and peeked under, gently nudging away various objects as she sought out the mysterious letter.


Trixie jumped, hitting her head on the bed frame. Cursing under her breath, she scolded herself for being startled by something as little as a snore. Trixie glared at her sleeping companion, watching Twilight’s blankets rise and fall with her breaths. Trixie felt her anger melt away, her friend’s cute appearance making her forget the pain for a moment.

Oh Celestia, not again. Trixie shook her head. Alright… the scroll is clearly hidden somewhere else; she must have moved it when Trixie was out preparing for her show. No matter, Trixie shall find out the scroll’s contents sooner or later… though for now, Trixie needs some sleep. She’s thinking weird thoughts again.

Trixie stepped over Twilight, taking care not to disturb her friend’s slumber. Trixie slipped under her covers again, rolling over to face Twilight. Trixie let out a yawn, her eyes slowly closing. Right before her eyes closed, Trixie caught one last glimpse of her friend’s sleeping figure, another gentle snore rising from her it. For some reason, the image brought a smile to Trixie’s face. The smile stayed with her as she drifted off to sleep.


Trixie’s eye flicked open, nearly letting out a shriek as Twilight appeared right in her face, kneeling over her. The purple unicorn covered her mouth, shushing her. After a moment, Trixie was released, scowling at her friend. “What the hay is wrong with you, Sparkle? What time is it?”

“It’s two.”

“TWO?!” Trixie snarled. She drew her blankets back over her, ready to return to her dreams. She groaned as another psssssst sounded. Trixie sat up and scowled at her friend. “Alright, alright… what is it?”

“I wanted to show you something.” Twilight stood up, motioning for Trixie to do the same.

Trixie reluctantly stood up. “Can’t it wait till morning? Trixie needs her beauty rest…”

She was met with another shush as Twilight crept to the room’s exit, creaking the door open and peeking around it. Starting to get curious, Trixie walked over and did the same. She glanced down the hall, noting that one of the doors was open just a tad. The duo watched for a minute until Trixie’s curiosity got the better of her.

“What is Trixie supposed to be looking for?”

“Hush, I think she’s about to…” Clck. The pair hushed up as another door creaked open, a rainbow-maned pony stepping out from around it. Rainbow Dash looked around cautiously before closing the door and heading towards the stairs. The two unicorns watched as Rainbow Dash descended to the first floor, completely oblivious to their presence.

“C’mon!” Twilight whispered, ducking underneath Trixie to get into the hall. Trixie followed, the two of them heading down to the first floor and out into the deserted streets of a pre-dawn Canterlot.

Trixie glanced around, now sufficiently curious about what Twilight wanted to show her about her pegasus friend. Twilight got her attention, motioning for her to follow. Trixie obeyed, the purple unicorn leading the pair into the dead-end alley next to their house. Aside from several stacks of crates and some litter, the alley was empty.

“What are we doing back here?” Trixie asked.

“Finding a way to the rooftops,” Twilight replied, looking around for something.

“The rooftops? Are you crazy?!” Trixie hissed. Twilight ignored her, finding what she was looking for: A pyramid of wide crates laid against the wall, stacked up all the way to the edge of their house’s roof. Twilight got up on her hind legs, pulling herself onto the first crate. Without pause, she began ascending to the rooftop.

Either she wants to show Trixie something very interesting, or she’s lost it. Trixie watched as Twilight climbed the tower of crates, finally reaching its summit. Twilight glanced down and motioned for the blue unicorn to follow her up. Trixie looked at the first box in front of her before standing up on her hind legs, putting her hooves on top of the crate to pull herself up. Is Trixie really doing this?

Trixie wasn’t the most athletic pony, but she managed to make it up with minor difficulty. She met up with Twilight, the purple unicorn crouched low on top of a wide, wooden crate. Trixie sat beside her, giving her a curious glance. “What are we doing up here?” Trixie whispered “What about your fear of heights?”

“It’s not THAT high up.“ Twilight looked down, shivering a bit from the view before turning back to look across the rooftop. Twilight motioned for her to stay quiet, looking out over the rooftop. She pointed her hoof to the far side of the blue-shingled roof, mouthing one word: ‘look’.

Trixie glanced out over the top of the building, spotting a silhouette on the other side. Though it was only a short walk away, the indiscernible figure was shadowed by the moon’s glow. Trixie squinted, trying to get a good look at what Twilight had thought was worthy of interrupting the Great and Powerful Trixie’s sleep.

It was fuzzy at first, but the dark shape eventually began to take a form. At first she saw colors… blue and yellow… then shapes… two ponies… and then it all became clear; Trixie looked upon Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, the former having her wing placed gently around her meek friend as they stared out over Canterlot‘s moonlit streets. They were having a low conversation, mumbling things back and forth that Trixie couldn’t hear. Trixie observed as Rainbow Dash turned to Fluttershy, the yellow Pegasus shyly doing the same. Trixie watched as they stared at each other for what seemed like forever… until Rainbow Dash leant forward and drew Fluttershy into a kiss.

A blush came to Trixie’s face as she watched the two pony’s private moment. Feeling slimy for watching- yet unable to look away -she watched as the two pegasi remained with their lips locks for another moment. Eventually they pulled away, resting their foreheads against each other as they muttered more things between them.

“They don’t think anypony knows about their relationship,” Twilight whispered, snagging Trixie‘s attention. “Nopony knows when it started… but it’s not really that much of a secret. We don’t pry though… if it was something they’d wanted us to know, then they would just tell us.” Twilight sighed. “Though sometimes I wish they’d just admit it… it’s a shame to know they have to sneak around like this.”

Trixie thought that over. “Why are you showing Trixie this? …and isn’t it a bit creepy to be spying on them like this?”

Twilight’s expression turned uneasy. “You’re right… I saw how you and Rainbow Dash weren’t getting along, so I guess I wanted to help you get to know her better… and, well, I guess I thought the scene would be a little…” Twilight cut herself off.

“A little what?”

“Never mind,” Twilight stated, turning away.

“Oh no you don’t,” Trixie whispered. The blue unicorn looped an arm over Twilight’s shoulder, drawing her close. “Finish that sentence.”

Twilight covered her mouth to suppress a giggle. Trixie eyed her friend, a look of surprise crossing her face as Twilight began to lean into her, placing her warm side against Trixie’s. Trixie froze, surprised she hadn‘t flinched or pulled back from the gesture. What is she doing?

“It’s not important,” Twilight whispered softly. The unicorn shot a nervous glance off the edge of the crate tower, quickly averting her gaze back to Trixie. “I… might have been underestimating the height earlier,” She said, changing the subject. “Let’s just stay a moment longer, and then head back inside.”

Trixie nodded, lowering her arm off Twilight‘s back. Their sides still gently pressed together, the duo glanced across the rooftop, watching as the two pegasi chatted and gave each other the occasional peck. Trixie has to admit… it is pretty cute. She covered her mouth, suppressing a yawn; the rush that Twilight’s mysterious exploring had given her was wearing off. Drowsy, Trixie leant her head to the left, feeling it brush against something fluffy. Somepony’s hair, she realized, drawing her head back. “Sorry,” she mumbled.


Trixie looked to her right, seeing Twilight with her eyes lazily locked on the couple ahead. But if Twilight’s on Trixie’s right… Trixie calculated. Cautiously, the unicorn turned her head to her left. A pile of pink hair entered her vision, seated atop a pink pony that was glancing ahead through a pair of binoculars.


Immediately realizing her mistake, Trixie covered her mouth, only to have Twilight and Pinkie Pie cover her face with their hooves as well. “When did you get here?” Trixie hissed to the pink pony through the tangle of hooves.


The trio’s gazes faced forward as something rustled ahead of them. They saw the couple ahead glancing around curiously, having heard something suspicious. Rainbow Dash’s gaze passed over them, a sudden look of surprise crossing her face a moment later as something clicked in her mind.

“Tactical retreat!” Pinkie Pie whispered, tossing the binoculars aside and quickly doing a back flip off the crate tower, working her way back down into the alley. Wasting no time, Trixie and Twilight scrambled down the crates, hurrying to meet up with their pink friend. They reached the ground and broke into a run, hearing the flap of wings coming from somewhere up above them.

A pink hoof shot into view from inside a big crate, blocking their path. “In here!” Pinkie Pie whispered, motioning them into the box. The two unicorns ducked inside, finding themselves surrounded by darkness as Pinkie lifted the box’s side back up.

The trio stayed motionless, listening to the sounds of shuffling outside. Moments passed, their hearts racing whenever the footsteps got a little bit too close, until the noises stopped. With another rustle, somepony flapped their wings and took off. Pinkie Pie pushed open the box’s side, letting the others out in time to watch as Rainbow Dash returned to her rooftop rendezvous.

“That was close!” Pinkie breathed. She looked to her friends, who were glaring at her. “What’s wrong? Is there a spider on my face?” Pinkie’s expression turned panicked as she began scrubbing at her face with her hooves. “Get it off!”

“Shhh!” Twilight shushed her. “Pinkie, where did you come from?”

“Ponyville, silly! Duh, you should know that…”

“She means,” Trixie interjected, “Why were you trying to scare Trixie half to death and blow our cover?”

Pinkie Pie waved the question off. “I wasn’t trying to scare you, sillies… I was coming home for the night, after skiing through the streets, of course, when I saw you two sneaking out. Nopony sneaks out this late without planning on doing something sneaky… or to throw a party! Well, I was hoping for a party, but a spy mission is fun too! Why were we sneaking around again?”

“Twilight wished to show the Great and Powerful Trixie something,” Trixie chimed in.

“Oh, you mean Rainbow Dash and Flutters? You mean you didn’t know?” Pinkie Pie looked at Twilight. “She didn’t know?”

Trixie blinked. “Um… no, Trixie didn’t… did she miss a memo…?”

Twilight chuckled. “Alright, enough of that. I think we’ve had enough fun for tonight, girls. C’mon, let’s go hit the hay before Rainbow goes on the prowl again.” Twilight yawned, stretching her legs out.

Nopony could disagree with that. With Twilight leading the way, Pinkie bouncing behind her, and Trixie bringing up the rear, the trio headed around to the front and reentered the house. Taking one last glance at the skies, they shut the front door quietly behind them before making their way back upstairs.


Trixie’s eye opened, her ears picking up an ominous noise. She scanned the room; there lay Twilight on her mat, cuddling into her blanket, and there was Pinkie Pie, who’d insisted on scooting her bed into their little mat circle to join in on the sleepover. Finding nothing in that direction, Trixie rolled over, readjusting her blanket around her. She was facing the door… and seeing it opened just a crack.

Trixie may have only been asleep for an hour, but she knows we had the door closed… Trixie prepared herself to get up and close it once more, when she froze. She looked into the door’s opening, and an eye looked back. The eye, surrounded by a rim of blue, scanned the room from side to side. Rainbow Dash.

The pegasus looked back and forth, her eyes settling on Twilight at first, then flicking to Pinkie. Finally, they moved to Trixie, and the unicorn pretended as best she could to be asleep. Her eyes open barely a crack, Trixie watched as Rainbow Dash kept her gaze focused on her. The pegasus’ gaze slowly became a glare, her eye squinting. Trixie gulped.

Rainbow Dash watched for a moment more, before slowly nudging the door shut. Only when the door was fully closed did Trixie allow herself to let out the breath she’d been holding in. She listened as footsteps sounded outside, trotting down the hall and back towards Rainbow Dash’s room. A faint click signaled that the coast was officially clear.

Did she see us? Trixie wondered, the scare making her mind race. Was she just keeping an eye on Trixie? Trixie felt a chill run down her back, imagining that the pegasi was distrustful enough to actually keep an eye on her new ‘friend’. Trixie rolled over, attempting to erase the past few moments from her mind.

She closed her eyes, trying to sleep amidst Twilight’s gentle snoring and Pinkie’s occasional repositioning of herself. But deep down Trixie knew, sleep would not come easily that night.