• Published 25th Oct 2017
  • 652 Views, 10 Comments

Prismatic Soul - Prism Sparkler

When a pony gets injured and finds herself in the capable hands of the star students of the DWMA, she finds herself adjusting to a new life, and with the question of how to get back home.

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Chapter 7 - Growing Jealousy! Tension Between Maka and Milly Rises?

I awoke early in the morning in my own bed, my eyes fuzzy with sleep still in my eyes. Soul and I had stayed up until at least three in the morning just talking and enjoying each other's company. Staying up so late wasn't really abnormal to me, as my job did involve studying stars which, in fact, came out only at night! (Woah, really? I never knew!) So staying awake wasn't too much of a problem, but once Soul got tired, I told him it was okay for me to sleep in my own room. He carried me there and tucked me in before practically crashing on his own once he got to it. I looked at the digital clock on the shelf above my bed. 10:30. Huh. I can say that I actually slept in for once in my life! Not even bothering to change my clothes, I got up from my bed and opened the door. Almost immediately, the smells of Soul's cooking filled the house with sweet aromas like french toast and syrup.

I was in heaven...

I quickly made my way down the stairs, hoping to see Soul in the kitchen, but then I remembered they had school... I huffed but still made my way to the food source. On the counter was a plate with two pieces of french toast with butter and syrup, scrambled eggs with cheese, freshly cut strawberries (my favorite fruit, hello!?), and some apple juice on the side. He left a note propped up on the side of the plate. It read:

"Eat up, Milly-Baby! :heart: I won't be home for a while, the boys want to meet up for some night time basketball. But Maka wanted to take you shopping once she gets home so you can get yourself a phone and earbuds. Have fun!

:heart:- Soul"

Aww! It was so sweet of him to leave that note with my breakfast! But...

He was the biggest, sweetest cheeseball in writing unlike how he acts in person...

Don't get me wrong, I'm still super into him and glad we're officially going out now, but it was so different! In person, he acted like he barely cared about anything that wasn't for his interest, but I was blushing like mad over his writing! I think there's more to him that I don't know... He's much more of a complex human being than expected. But that's what I liked about him. I like a little mystery in my life. He never talks about his family, and he never plays the piano unless it's during their team's soul resonance link. He always just kind of keeps his business to himself as I do. Which is completely fine, but... I can't help but want to know more...

I happily started to eat my breakfast while watching cartoons, my new favorite form of entertainment, which we didn't have the pleasure of enjoying back in Equestria! Sure, the Equestria Games were fun, but I'm not real big on sports and tend to just cheer when everyone else was cheering.

I heard footsteps coming down the downstairs and I look towards them with a mouthful of french toast. Maka just woke up! I wave frantically and hum a hello, hoping she hears me. She takes a glance towards me and flashing a small smile before quickly looking back forward as the corners of her mouth turned downwards. I stop waving and swallow my food, getting a little self-conscious as I continue to eat in silence. I hear Maka get some food and warm it up before sitting down in the dining room and eating by herself.

What was going on with her?...

I finish the rest of my breakfast before heading back up to my room to get dressed for our day out. I've gathered a few more pieces of clothing since our first shopping trip when I first arrived here, acquiring shirts and flatbills from my favorite shows and games! Feeling casual, I slip on one of those shirts, brush my hair, and put on a hat and denim shorts. Hearing Maka start to come up the stairs, my mind suddenly panics as I quickly get into the bathroom before she sees me. Why am I scared? I didn't do anything to her, did I? Her voice called me back from my thoughts.

"Come on, let's go, Milly!" She yelled that with a kind smile and a nice tone, but I couldn't shake the vibes I was getting from her earlier.

We made our way to the mobile store and took awhile trying to to get all my new phone's necessities like a data plan (ew), earbuds, a case, screen protector, stuff like that. While we were waiting for the employees to get everything settled, Maka cleared her throat and turned to me, catching me off guard.

"So... You and Soul seem to be getting along well! More than just 'well' actually..." She mumbled that last bit and averted her eyes away from me. I was taken aback, not sure how to respond at first.

"I-I mean, yeah! I... Guess so! You all are really wonderful people, how could I not get along with any of you!" I laughed a little at that last part, trying to play it off like she wasn't bothering me.

"Don't worry, I already know. I heard the two of you talking last night. I'm happy for you!" Maka said that with a smile, but her eyes and tone were cold. Oh no.

"Y-you did? I'm sorry, I was really going to tell you but you turned in early, and..."

"No no, it's ok! Really! That just means that there will be more happiness at home! Soul's still my weapon partner, so of course, we'd still be ok!"

Wait, did she mean 'we' as in all of us living there? Or just her and Soul? Was she really ok with it? I couldn't tell, and it was scaring me. Why do I suddenly feel threatened by someone who has done nothing but care for me and took me in? I gulped, a lump forming in my throat as the employee came back with our things. We said thank you, I took my phone, and we headed back to our place. The rest of the day was quiet. Eerily quiet. We kept our distance from each other, eating our meals at different times as I hid up in my room, fiddling with my new phone. Did we need to talk about this? Is it really only because Soul and I are together? Is it best to stay out of it? These questions raced through my mind so fast I could barely keep up. Starting to feel sick to my stomach, I put on some comfy footy pajamas and curled up in bed. As I was turning on my nightstand's lamp, I saw a small sticky note. It was Soul's handwriting.

"702-394-2205 (A/N: I completely made that phone number up based off of Las Vegas' area code, don't try that number please!!) Love, Soul"

Is this a phone number? I picked up the sticky note and went into my texting app and put in the number, adding a random greeting.

"Guess who!"

I sent the message and waited for a reply, hoping to get one soon to distract myself. I turned on some music and listened to it through my earbuds as a distraction. Wow, this music was completely different from Equestria's! No random music bursts here! Not long into my song, my phone vibrated and I picked it up. He responded!

"Hey baby. How was your day with Maka?"

This made the knot in my stomach worse as I thought of a variety of responses. Do I tell him that it was perfectly fine and have him come home wondering why she and I were never talking? Or do I tell him the truth and leave him with a lot of pressure? In retrospect, the second option seemed like the better one, as Applejack would've suggested. Honesty's the best policy in this case. Wait.


Before I could reply to his text, overwhelming homesickness hit me like a truck as my eyes started to well up with tears. The girls back in Equestria would've solved the problem between Maka and I already. Here I was in a new world with a brand new species that only Twilight ever got to experience, alone, with no way of communicating with them, and having problems with friends that they could solve so easily. I loved all of them. And I really miss them. But hey... This world has people that can turn into weapons! Maybe there's something in this world that can help me get back home! Or at least to communicate with them... Next time I'm home alone, I'll start my search. Maybe I'll get just what I'll need. With a newfound confidence, I took a deep breath before finding the right words to describe my day with Maka.

"Actually, I'll tell you when you get back, K? I'm not sure how to handle exactly what's going on. :("

I sent the message and put my phone down.

Now all I had to do was wait for him to get back.

Author's Note:

Hello hello hello, pretties!!! I am terribly sorry this story hasn't been updated in MONTHS but school got in the way of a lot of things and I've been using a lot of my time on homework and building my art portfolio. But here it is! The next chapter of Prismatic Soul! I really hope you enjoy!
Prism ✨

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