• Published 20th Sep 2017
  • 813 Views, 30 Comments

Rabbit Tracks - Krickis

An anthology of short stories and flash fictions. You've seen these before and know what to expect.

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Culture Shock (sirens returning to Equestria)

Sunset stopped at the doors to the throne room. One more reminder couldn’t hurt. “And remember, be on your best behavior.”

Adagio rolled her eyes. “We know, Sunset. We won’t embarrass you in front of your little pony princesses.”

Considering the three sirens had been turned into ponies when they passed through the mirror, Celestia was in fact much larger than Adagio Dazzle was, but Sunset decided not to point that out. Instead, she focused on something else. “It isn’t embarrassing me that I’m worried about. Remember, this meeting will determine your future. My friends and I know you three are good now, but Princess Celestia doesn’t.”

“We’ll be good!” Sonata said cheerfully. “Well, Adagio and I will be good. Aria is the one you need to worry about.”

Aria quirked an eyebrow. “Please, if Sonata can behave herself, so can I.”

Sunset took a deep breath. She’d spent months getting to know the sirens, building trust between the four of them, and she knew they could behave themselves. But the thing about could is that it didn’t mean they would, especially if Sonata and Aria started bickering.

But this was their futures, not Sunset’s. All she could do was trust her friends to not blow their chance to return to Equestria now that they had it. She pushed the door open.

Princess Celestia sat on her throne before them. Princess Luna was absent, no doubt sleeping in preparation for her role as the Princess of the Night.

But that was as planned. The sirens only needed to pass inspection from one of the two rulers, as Luna trusted Celestia’s judgement on the matter. Sunset walked forward, her three companions following a few steps behind.

“Greetings,” Celestia said, rising from her seat. “Sunset has told me much about you three. Good things, I assure you.”

Sunset bowed, and she hoped the others were quick to follow her lead. “Hello, Princess. I present Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. Although they once terrorized Equestria before being banished by Starswirl, they’ve changed their ways and wish to return to Equestria and learn to live in harmony with your little ponies.”

Celestia stepped forward. “Rise, Sunset, and all of you. I see you’ve taken on the form of ponies for this trip. The mirror’s magic?”

“Yes, Princess.”

Celestia nodded. “Well, whatever form you take, as Sunset’s friends, I welcome you all.” She stepped up to Adagio. “You should know I’ve been made aware of the incident at Sunset’s school, as well as what Sunset knows of your past transgressions. I do not mean to punish you if you are truly ready to change your ways, but I will be keeping a close eye on your progress.”

“We understand,” Adagio said, and Sunset wished she would have remembered the honorific title of ‘Princess’ at the end.

Celestia moved on to examine Aria in her place. “I would have you three stay in Ponyville under the watch of Princess Twilight and her friends. I trust you’re acquainted?”

“We’ve met,” Aria said bluntly. She held something of a lingering grudge against Twilight for foiling their plans, but she would get over it, just as she had gotten over her grudge with Sunset. “We’ll be saddled with a babysitter then?”

“I would prefer you think of Twilight as a guide. If you wish to live in harmony with ponies, you will need somepony to show you how to do so.”

Sunset winced, wondering what Aria was thinking, making a comment like that. Celestia simply moved on to Sonata. “But I am not without my reservations. It is true that Princess Twilight will keep me informed on how you three are progressing.”

“Of course!” As Celestia leaned in to look at Sonata, she kissed her on the muzzle, leaving the others dumbfounded. Sonata continued as if nothing was amiss. “We’ll be on our best behavior!”

For a moment, everyone was silent. Even Celestia seemed to be at a loss for words at the unexpected kiss. It was Aria who spoke first. “Ugh, ponies don’t do that, Sonata!”

“They don’t?” Sonata cocked her head to the side.

“Sonata…” Sunset winced. “What was that?”

“Kissing a siren on the muzzle is a sign of respect,” Sonata said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“Princess Celestia is not a siren!” Adagio said sharply. “We told you to let us do the talking.”

Celestia giggled, then full on laughed. Sunset was, again, dumbfounded. “Well, there’s a first for everything, I suppose. No, ponies don’t have that particular sign of respect, but it was well meant and well received. Thank you, Sonata.”

Sonata beamed, and Sunset let out a sigh of relief.

“Now then,” Celestia said, guiding the others away with her wings towards the door they entered from. “Enough of this. I’ve had the cooks prepare us a meal so that we may talk over food. Perhaps you can tell me more of siren culture. I admit I know little of it.”

“Oh, I’d love to!” Sonata said before the others could answer.

Aria groaned, but Adagio seemed amused by the development. She turned to Sunset and grinned. “Told you there was nothing to worry about.”

Shaking her head, Sunset followed the others out of the throne room. It would, if nothing else, be an interesting lunch.

Author's Note:

Inspired by the above picture by scraggly-guy