• Published 20th Sep 2017
  • 815 Views, 30 Comments

Rabbit Tracks - Krickis

An anthology of short stories and flash fictions. You've seen these before and know what to expect.

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Tsundere (Dazzlings being sisters) (Some Sonashy and Sunblaze)

Author's Note:

Based on the picture by Overlordneon (Tumblr/deviantART), partially as a response to some other unrelated artwork but mostly as a way to be trash and write about my favorite siren ships.

It was inexcusable. Unbelievable. It was as if she had forgotten everything that has happened. Forgotten everything that they had done. It was their fault that things were so bad, and they should never be forgiven. And they definitely shouldn’t be befriended.

If Aria Blaze had to rank the worst the worst people she had ever met, it would be pretty easy. The worst was Starswirl, for imprisoning her and her sisters in this stupid fucking world in the first place. Next would be Sunset Shimmer, for being just the actual worst thing. The rest of the Rainbooms would be next, since they were all indistinguishable anyway. Well, maybe Fluttershy was next, and then the rest of the Rainbooms. And after that? Currently, it would be her own sister, Sonata Dusk.

Since Starswirl had probably kicked the bucket by now, that meant that the Rainbooms were enemies number one through seven. So why in the name of all things good was Sonata out with three of them!?

“Why are you worried about what Sonata does, anyway?” Adagio asked, as if Aria had invited her to open her big mouth.

“Who says I care what she’s doing?” Aria shot back.

“You’re literally writing a list of the worst people right now, and you put Sonata right under all of Sunset’s friends.”

Aria glared at Adagio. The elder siren was sitting on their tiny couch with a book sitting open on her lap. But rather than reading it and minding her own business, Adagio was looking lazily over in Aria’s direction. “How do you even know what I’m doing from over there?”

“Because that’s what you did when Fluttershy took Sonata to that petting zoo.”

“That was one time.”

“And I found your list from when Sonata and I went to that party Pinkie invited all of us to.” Adagio’s eyes narrowed. “I was on that list.”

“And your point is?”

“Not to mention the first time we met with the Rainbooms, and you spent the entire time figuring out which one was the worst. You decided it was Sunset, but only after she went out of her way to make sure you were comfortable.”

“Jesus Christ, are you stalking me or something? Want to read my fucking diary while you’re at it?”

Adagio resumed reading her book. “That depends. Would I find a bunch of hearts around a certain somepony’s name?”

“Somepony!?” Aria stood up and clenched her fists. “What the hell are you implying!?”

“Aria, please. I’m trying to read.”

Although it was tempting to argue the point, Aria had long since learned the futility of that. There was no way she could do anything to rid Adagio of her stupid smug attitude, so she’d just have to deal with it.

On her list, Aria wrote ‘Adagio’ underneath Sonata.

The door opening caused Aria to scowl. If Sonata was back, it only could mean one thing: They were going to have to hear about her date, and how everything had been so nice.

“I’m back from my date! Everything was so nice!” Sonata announced. It was almost enough to make Aria gag.

“Welcome home,” Adagio said without looking up from her book.

“Okay, so we were at the mall, right?” Sonata started, but Aria wasn’t having any of it.

“No one cares,” she interjected. “Oh, look at me! I’m Sonata and I want to hang out with our biggest enemies! Fluttershy and I probably snuck off to make out with each other!”

“I don’t think Fluttershy wants to do that kind of stuff yet,” Sonata said. “But while we were walking and everyone could see, she totally held my hand! She was a little embarrassed, but it was really cute!”

Aria switched from almost gagging to actually gagging. “I think I’m going to be sick…”

“So how are Sunset and Twilight?” Adagio asked, although she barely seemed interested.

“They’re both doing good,” Sonata reported. “Even though we weren’t supposed to get all dressed up, Sunset wore this flower dress and wow! She was just gorgeous!”

“So why don’t you just date all three of them then?” Aria asked through clenched teeth. “You know what? Just date all the fucking Rainbooms!”

“Don’t be silly, that’s not what a double date means,” Sonata said. It was frustrating how oblivious she was to Aria’s sarcasm. “Besides, just because Sunny and Twi are both really pretty doesn’t mean I want to date them.”

“You can relax, Aria,” Adagio said as she turned a page in her book. “Sonata’s not after Sunset.”

“And just why do you think I would care about that?” Aria demanded.

“Because this is really about how you’re jealous Sonata and Fluttershy weren’t double dating with you and Sunset.”

Aria’s sisters were stupid. They were so stupid that it was embarrassing, and that was why Aria’s face was going beet red.

“Oh, I didn’t know that!” Sonata excitedly ran up to Aria. “I could talk to her about it if you want. Twilight has another girlfriend back in Equestria, so I know they’re not exclusive.”

Aria blushed even more. It must have been because Sonata was getting even more embarrassing by the minute, and could not have been for any other reason. “No! I hate Sunset, and I don’t want anything to do with her! Now just shut up about your stupid date, I’m tired of hearing about it.”

“But I didn’t even tell you about –”


Sonata sighed and looked down at the ground. She tentatively lifted her head to look at Adagio, but she turned away again when she saw Adagio wasn’t interested. Head hung low, she walked back towards the door.

Aria looked down at her list and wondered if maybe Sunset deserved the top spot instead of Starswirl.

Sonata’s voice was gratingly peppy when she next interrupted Aria’s thoughts. “Hey, Aria! I got you something at the mall!”

Aria looked over to see her holding up a blue sweater. It had the words ‘I’m not a tsundere (I actually hate you)’ written on it. “What is that?”

“It’s a sweater!” Sonata announced, as if that part wasn’t obvious.

“I can see it’s a sweater, but what the hell’s a tisuh…”

“Tsundere,” Aria corrected. “It’s an anime thing, it means –”

“Nope!” Aria turned away, unwilling to even entertain the thought. That was one of the worst things about Sonata dating Fluttershy; they watched all this weird crap together, and Sonata was always trying to show it to Aria and Adagio. “There is no way I’m wearing something with one of your stupid made up cartoon words on it.”

“Aww, and Sunset was so sure you’d like it,” Sonata said. “As soon as we saw it, she said it reminded her of you…”

“She did?” Aria turned back towards Sonata, who was holding up the sweater and looking at it sadly. Her expression was so pathetic that it made Aria blush again. “Then I definitely don’t want it.”

Adagio set down her book and walked across the room. “Hmm…” She examined the sweater and smirked. “I think Sunset’s full of it. Aria’s way too much a tsundere to pull something like that off.”

“What does that word even mean?” Aria demand.

“Don’t worry about it,” Adagio said as she slipped on the jacket.

“Hey, that’s mine!” Aria said as she made a lunge for it.

Adagio effortlessly moved out of the way. “What’s the matter, Aria? Want the sweater from Shimmer-san after all?”

Although Aria didn’t know what that meant, it made Sonata giggle, so it had to be bad. “No! I just don’t want you taking my stuff, so give it!”

“Fine.” Adagio shrugged and started taking it off. She stopped short, however, and grinned. “I’ll give it to you if you can say something nice about Sunset.”

Aria scoffed. “Really? Fine. Sunset’s really popular and everyone loves her.” She held out her hand expectantly. “Now give it!”

Adagio tapped a finger against her lips. “Hmm… no.”

“What? But I said something nice!”

Adagio just shrugged again. “I wasn’t specific enough. It has to be something about her that you like. And don’t even try to say you like her popularity.”

Aria clenched her teeth. “But I hate the bitch!”

“Come on, this is easy!” Sonata chipped in. “Sunset’s really nice, and she even got you to talk with her at that get together when we first started to patch things up with her and her friends. She has a great singing voice, she can play the guitar, she’s pretty, she’s smart, she has that really cool motorcycle.”

“See, Sonata’s making it easy for you,” Adagio said. “So tell me, Aria… Do you like those things about Sunset?”

It was too much. Her sisters were just too much. They were so embarrassing, and Aria could not stop blushing. “Fine, keep the damn sweater!” She stormed off as her sisters laughed, slamming the door to the bedroom shut.

Sunset was definitely going above Starswirl.