• Published 25th Sep 2017
  • 1,428 Views, 17 Comments

Never Alone - Rock Slide

They were supposed to look after each other. Yet, Sonata had never felt so alone..

  • ...

Chapter 1

Pinkie Pie bounced towards her window, her smile almost splitting her face.

A flock of birds flew by as the street below bustled with unexpected foot traffic. People crowded the sidewalks some spilling off onto the street. Mrs Cake walked by not a moment later, struggling between pushing her stroller and keeping a brown puppy under control. Pound and Pumpkin Cake squealed as they waved their little arms towards the dog.

That means Mr. Cake’s running the store on his own again, Pinkie thought with a soft hum, and probably making his famous carrot cake, heh, carrot cake, named after him, or was he named after it? Or maybe they came into existence at the same time?

“Waaaait a minute, where's my mind going to? I have brooding to do. Wait, it’s more of a pondering, definitely more of a ponder then a saddy sad brooding.”

Pinkie jumped slightly into the air, her hair frizzing just before a crackle of thunder boomed in the sky. A figure clad in a hooded sweatshirt and ripped jeans, with blue knee-length boots caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. The figure’s shoulders shaking visibly as Pinkie realized on further inspection that the figure was Sonata. She watched as Sonata started to climb the fire escape on the side of the apartment complex across the street.

Is that one of those meanie sirens? Why does she look so sad? Waaaaait a minute, if she's sad, should I go try to cheer her up? She did seem to fit less with those other meanie sirens, but she was just as mean. Wait where are the other two, and why is she trying to climb to that building's roof? Maybe they left and she doesn't have friends anymore. That would be terrible!

Pinkie gasped loudly, her hair slightly flattened at the thought of not having friends. She would not let anyone experience that horror, even if they were a meanie.”I’ll be right back, Gummy!” she called out to the giant stuffed alligator on her bed.

Pinkie grabbed her coat from the front rack and pulled it on, the hood covering her mass of pink curly hair just right.

Slamming the door behind her, Pinkie bolted down the stairs and out the back. She climbed over the chainlink fence, and ran across the tiny side street to the fire escape.

Sonata clung on tight to the ladder of the fire escape, shaking slightly.

"Sonata!" Pinkie cried.

Startled, Sonata jerked, losing her footing. A short scream escaped her as she fell.

Pinkie gasped; her eyes widened as she rushed towards the girl. Sonata’s body weight collided with her own and they both collapsed to the ground. The air was knocked from pinkie's lungs as sonata was draped over her stomach. She gasped weakly as she pushed at Sonata's shoulders.

Pinkie closed her eyes, gasps less frantic as she felt the relief of Sonata‘s weight rolling off of her. Sonata got to her knees just as Pinkie grabbed her arm.

“Are you okay?” Pinkie asked softly, letting fresh air into her lungs.

“Oh I-I’m fine… I… I was just wanting to watch the… rain from the roof,” Sonata lied.

At least, Pinkie was pretty sure she was lying, if she had to guess from the tears that trailed down Sonata's cheeks.

“That's a pretty high building to watch from…” Pinkie raised an eyebrow as she continued, “are you sure you’re okay?”

Sonata faltered for a second, not once had Adagio or Aria asked if she was okay. Yet, here someone she had faced against in the Battle of the Bands, here she was so concerned for her.

“I-I… no I'm not okay… Aria kicked me out of the house today, telling me it had been all my fault that our plans hadn’t worked out, and that I was the sole reason Adagio had left us…”

“I doubt you were at fault, she was quite the meanie mean pants to you… from what I saw in the background,” Pinkie Pie whispered as gave Sonata a smile.

“You shouldn’t have stopped me…” Sonata whispered back, slightly trailing off as fresh tears glistened in her eyes and her lip quivered, “They wouldn’t have…”

“They’re meanies if they leave a friend behind and maybe they’re not friends you need.” Pinkie gave her a soft smile. “Maybe you could find other friends?”

“What other friends? All I ever did was cause trouble for Canterlot High students. Adagio and Aria were like sisters to me. But I was just a pawn for Adagio’s plans and then she left. Aria became my only friend and sister, but now I don't even have her…” Sonata muttered, and she yanked her arm away.

Sonata brought her knees close to her chest and placed her head upon them. She tried to keep a respectful distance from Pinkie, but failed as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“You’re not going to try though? A lot of things have happened since the Battle of the Bands, and there's a girl who felt a little bit like you do right now, her names Twilight Sparkle. Our world’s Twilight is a lot different from the pony princess you faced against with your friends,” Pinkie spoke softly as she tried to coax Sonata outside of the walls she had built.

“There’s no way they would forgive me…” Sonata trailed off, her eyes closed; her arms drawing her knees in tighter.

“I know you think there’s no hope. But there is still plenty of reasons for hope though, I promise,” Pinkie assured her smiling softly as a soft silence cast itself over them.

Minutes passed as Sonata thought on all that Pinkie had said to her. She hadn’t thought there was any reason Pinkie would be kind to her, but here she was being nice to Sonata like no one had in a long time. Her arms softened their hold on her legs and she slowly started to raise her head. “Is It really possible I-I could find new friends?” she asked hesitantly, her eyes holding a lot of uncertainty.

“Yes, and you can start with me!” Pinkie said, her smile brightened at each metaphorical step Sonata took forward.

“T-Thank you so much… Pinkie,” Sonata said as her hands went to wipe the tears from her eyes.

“No one should be without a friend, that's horrifying!

Pinkie shuddered visibly for a moment, her hair flattened at the thought, before her hair bounced back up at an idea in the clutter that was her mind. “Come with me!”

Pinkie stood up and held her hand out to Sonata, and she waited only a moment before Sonata took her offered hand. Once both girls were standing, Pinkie almost bolted towards Sugarcube Corner while her free hand tapped her phone vigorously. She nodded to herself as she sent the group text.

Once they were at the doors, Pinkie held one open for Sonata and let her go in first. She headed towards the kitchen the moment after they were both inside She giggled as the rain started pouring down outside of Sugarcube Corner. “Looks like we just missed the rain.”

“Mr. Cake! I know it’s almost closing for your lunch with the missus but the girls and I needed a place to discuss a ‘friendship emergency’, so is it alright that I grab the table in back?” she called into the kitchen sticking her head through the door.

“Of course Pinkie, you know we trust you and your friends won’t mess with the store!” Mr. Cake called back to her as she saw him locking up the back door, “Help yourselves to some treats from the fridge when they get here and just be sure to lock the doors when all of your friends show up, Okay?”

“You know it Mr. Cake! I haven't let you down yet, so I’m not gonna start now!” Pinkie giggled and took Sonata’s hand back in hers as she brought her over to the back table.

As Sonata found herself in the back of Sugarcube Corner, she smiled lightly and claimed a comfy lounge chair for her seat. “So… what are we doing here? All I heard was ‘friendship emergency’ in everything that you said…” Sonata trailed off when nervousness started to set in.

“I want to show you the true meaning of friendship and what better way than to have a get together with the other girls. I want to turn that sad smile into a beaning grin!” Pinkie answered her happily.

“You’ve been so nice to me, yet all I did was try and divide you and your friends…” Sonata muttered softly, her gaze wandering to the floor.

“You were just following your sisters, and that meant you cared deeply about them. I admire that because I’d be the same way if one of my sisters needed my help.” Pinkie nodded, her smile still just as wide as she rubbed Sonata’s back.

“But I bet they never would have been like Adagio and Aria…” Sonata closed her eyes, leaning her head back on the headrest.

“Who knows? But still all the same I'd have followed my sisters, not because I had to, but because I truly care for them. Just as you did for yours. Do you really think you’d be this upset over their betrayal if you didn’t care about them?” Pinkie asked her, her gaze softened.

“I-I don’t know... I guess.” Sonata nodded as she processed this new information.

The bell above the front doors rang as a sign that one or more of the girls had arrived.

“What’s up Pinkie? All you said was ‘Friendship emergency’? Is there something…” Sunset trailed off as she blinked and looked over at Sonata, who anxiously fidgeted with a smile in her seat.

Sonata waved slightly at Sunset as she let out a nervous chuckle. “Hi Sunset... It's been awhile hasn’t it?”

Sunset looked at Sonata, her mouth closed as she turned to Pinkie and asked cautiously, “She's the reason you called this ‘friendship emergency’, isn’t she?”

Sonata squeaked and went to hide her eyes, but felt a hand on her shoulder as Pinkie whispered to her, “You wanna wait till everyone gets here so you don’t have to explain multiple times?”

Sunset’s gaze softened as she noticed how nervous Sonata was around her. Something bad must have happened if she's this wary. There's no sign of the siren she was, just a lost girl in need of a friend, she thought to herself as she watched Pinkie and Sonata.

The bell rang again as the sound of boots freshly coated from the rain rushed in.

“We got here as soon as we could, darling, and Applejack will be here soon with Rainbow Dash.”

Sunset turned to see Rarity and Fluttershy walking towards them. “Where’s Twilight?” Sunset asked as she looked behind two two girls. “I thought she’d be with you?”

“We haven’t seen her at all, she hasn’t answered her cell phone either, Sunset…” Rarity confessed.

Everyone turned when they began to hear laughter coming from the door.

“Hello everyone! So, what's the emergency, Pinkie?” Twilight asked, nervously chuckling when she noticed some dropping their jaws, “W-What’s wrong, guys?”

There standing beside her was Adagio dazzle, but that wasn’t what everyone was staring at. Their hands were intertwined.

Sonata blinked rapidly as she looked at Adagio and whispered, “Why are you here?”