• Published 25th Sep 2017
  • 1,429 Views, 17 Comments

Never Alone - Rock Slide

They were supposed to look after each other. Yet, Sonata had never felt so alone..

  • ...

Chapter 2

Why are you here?

Sonata let those words sink in as she kept a gaze that bore into Adagio. She analyzed Adagio’s expression and tried to keep her tears at bay.

Adagio’s jaw quiver and her hands tightly gripped themselves. Her shoulders shook as she lowered her head to avoid Sonata’s gaze. She had never meant to hurt Sonata, but Aria had pushed her too far.

Silence shrouded over them and Adagio’s voice had seemingly left her as no words could form.

“Was I so horrible to you? What did… I... Do to make you leave?” Sonata cried out to Adagio, her own shoulders shaking as she continued her questions, “A-And why did you leave me...so alone?”

Adagio blinked, her jaw stiffened as her gaze jolted up to meet Sonata’s. “I… I… Never meant to leave you, I just couldn’t handle being the leader anymore… I had let you both down so many times, and Aria had pushed just too hard… I had to go!”

Sonata’s jaw quivered as she let the words sink in and whispered, “Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you leave me with her, then?”

“I never thought she’d abandon you too. I… I’m so sorry, Sonata,” Adagio said as she lowered her gaze once more.

Sonata stood up swiftly, her boots echoed against the floor as she took strides to close the distance between her and Adagio.

Adagio's body tensed as Sonata's arms wrapped around her in a tight, warm hug.

"I-I'm sorry too, I never should have thought so poorly of you after you left. I should have known something was up," Sonata whispered as she rubbed Adagio's back.

Adagio’s mind reeled as the fact that sonata had forgiven her began to sink in. Her arms grasped tightly around Sonata’s waist as she had begun to pull away.

“Don’t go…” Adagio whispered to her as tears fell freely.

“I won’t… But please, don’t leave me again,” Sonata responded as her own tears began to fall.

“I… hate to break up this moment,” Sunset said as she looked between the two. “But quick question for Twilight and Adagio? Why were you two holding hands?”

“Well…” Twilight started with a nervous smile, her free hand rubbing her arm as she looked over to Adagio.

“She saved me from myself, and helped me heal… oh and we’re dating,” Adagio continued bluntly looking over Sonata’s shoulder.

She noticed a nervous expression on Sonata’s face and whispered, “It’s a story for another time. Be happy, little sister.”

Sonata smiled and nodded as she broke the hug and nudged Adagio back over to Twilight.

“Gosh darnit, Rainbow! You really made us late! Everyone’s already here!”

The group looked behind them and noticed Applejack and Rainbow Dash enter the building, their hair soaked from the rain.

“It’s not my fault your truck can’t handle the back roads!” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

“Stop it you two, we have more important matters,” Rarity chastised them as she ushered them to their seats, although not before she handed them towels, given to her by Pinkie, “Dry your hair off, and sit down, darlings, I think we have a long story to hear.”

As everyone took their seats Sonata stuck to Pinkie and Adagio, the semi-large crowd of girls around her that had once been on the other side made her slightly nervous. Pinkie noticed this easily, and rubbed a hand over Sonata’s shoulder.

“I texted everyone here, so we could all give Sonata here some support, she's been feeling down and I can’t let her think she’s alone in my good conscious, so what do you say girls?” Pinkie asked with a genuine smile towards Sonata.

Sonata looked around at each girl as they looked thoughtful, before letting out a sigh of relief as a chorus of agreement surrounded her.

“Although, we must update your wardrobes, darlings, both of you,” Rarity commented a few seconds later. “If you would like to that is?”

“I’d like that,” Sonata said softly, thankful for a change in her daily wardrobe.

Adagio nodded, choosing to stay quiet but was eager for a change.

Rarity smiled at her, taking one of Sonata’s hands in hers. “It is no problem, dear.”

Rarity’s eyes lit up as a smile almost split her face and she sang out, “Idea! I must be off! I have designs in mind, I’ll text Pinkie or Twilight when their ready.”

Since Rarity was her ride, Fluttershy followed her, but not before she gave the girls each a hug. She squeaked when she saw that Rarity was out the door already and ran after her.

After that Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Sunset all bid their farewells. They wanted to give some time for Adagio and Sonata to catch up by themselves. Pinkie and Twilight looked at the girls as they asked, “Would you like us to leave you alone to catch up?”

Adagio looked to Twilight and held her hand out. “You don’t have to leave, my dear. Neither does Pinkie. Sonata there seems kinda attached.”

Adagio proceeded to point over to her sister, where Sonata pulled Pinkie down into a bigger seat.

“It's ‘cause she was there for me… To put it bluntly. It feels better having her here…” Sonata trailed off into a grumble.

“Don’t get yourself all in a twist, Sonata, I was teasing,” Adagio giggled as she pulled Twilight down into her lap. “Don’t be so shy, my dear.”

Meanwhile as Adagio soothed a nervous Twilight, Pinkie rubbed Sonata’s shoulder, whispering softly, “You okay? You had me worried there for a second.”

“I wanted to thank you, for stopping me,” Sonata whispered back as she took the hand that rubbed her shoulder and intertwined her own with it.

“It’s no problem, Sonata, really, I’d never leave someone behind if I saw they were suffering.” Pinkie smiled warmly at Sonata, running her thumb over the top of Sonata’s hand.

Sonata smiled back, and laid her head on Pinkie's shoulder. Her eyes closed and she breathed out a sigh of relief.

“Thank you.”

Author's Note:

Thank you so much feather book for editing :D

Comments ( 11 )

D'aww, that ending. :D

*Hurk* The feels... My heart... Can't take it...

*Dies of Cuteness*

Confess: You wanted to write this final in the second chapter because you wanted to make me die for diabetes, is not that right ?!

returning seriously, I congratulate you for this second chapter! I really enjoyed a lot and my desire to read the next chapters is growing more and more.

P.S: A little advice, nothing too serious, but in my opinion among the tags of the story you should also put that of Pinkie Pie as she and Sonata are the main protagonists of this story.

'Dagi is the smoothest

So where's Aria?


I know i wish i had more written ive struggled with this one scene for days now but im working on it


Such a good story so far! ^^

Very sweet and promising!

How u doing. Haven't seen you in a while

Been well, life been crazy and busy honestly

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