• Published 2nd Oct 2017
  • 2,295 Views, 32 Comments

A Broken Mare - DJ Variety

Rainbow Dash finally shows an interest in colts and Rarity is ready to give her advice. Unfortunately things don't go so well and the events of one horrid night leave Rainbow Dash scarred and defeated.

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It was early, almost too early. Celestia had just barely risen the sun, but despite that Rarity was already up and awake for the day. Anxiety and worry coursed through her veins as she approached Twilight’s castle where her friends would be waiting. Rainbow Dash would be the subject of their get together.

Rarity entered the caste and headed towards what can only be described as a dinning room. While generally dinning wasn’t done there Rarity couldn’t think of a better description, map room? Regardless, upon entering the room containing the arcane table of untold power Rarity greeted those who were present. “Good morning everypony. Just missing Pinkie Pie I see.”

“Already here!” shouted the before mentioned pony from another room. “Just making a ‘Hope you’re not sad anymore and feeling better’ chocolate filled donut for Dashie.”

“Pinkie’s making breakfast,” chimed in Twilight before adding, “if you couldn’t tell.”

“And we’re still missin’ Soarin. Said he wanted to tag along. On account of how close them two have been getting I figured it couldn’t hurt,” Applejack informed.

“Girls,” Fluttershy started. “I think we need to talk about how we’re going to talk to Rainbow Dash. I’ve known her the longest and, well, she doesn’t get emotional too often. When she does however…” Fluttershy started to trail off.

“We know what you mean,” said Twilight. “I’m sure none of us have forgotten Tank’s hibernation.”

“Don’t forget about her confidence. Rainbow Dash can be the most confident mare in Equestria but let’s not forget just how defeated she can become. Remember how sad she became over that written test for the Wonderbolts,” reminded Rarity.

“I s’pose this could have something to do with failure. She ain’t never been good with failing. Though it would have to of been pretty bad for her to shut herself in. Normally losing only motivates her more, makes her louder,” added Applejack.

“What ever happened, it’s important that we let her know that we’re here for her,” replied Twilight. Shortly after a knock was heard at the front door. “That must be Soarin. I’ll go let him in.”

Twilight exited the room and headed towards the castle’s entrance. “Pinkie you almost done in there!” hollered Applejack.

“Just adding the finishing touches. Do you guys think I should make her a ‘cheer up we’re your friends and will always be here for you’ lemon meringue pie?” asked Pinkie from the kitchen.

“RD don’t like pie, remember?” answered Applejack.

“Rainbow Dash?” A surprised sounding Twilight could be heard saying. The others immediately fell silent. While they were planning on seeing their friend, never would they have suspected she’d be the one coming to them.

“Hey Twilight. Can I come in?” a defeated Rainbow Dash could be heard saying. “and can you get the other girls?” Everyone in the room was waiting silently.

“Actually, they’re here already. Just in the other room, let’s go.” Twilight lead Rainbow Dash, whose head hung low, towards the others. “Girls, Rainbow Dash is here,” announced Twilight as she re-entered.

“Ah, Rainbow Dash, good morning,” greeted Rarity not sure of how to proceed. The previous night Rarity had gone through multiple scenarios in her head. Some where the situation was resolved quickly, others where Dash became angered with them. Out of all the possibilities, never once did Rarity plan on this.

“There’s nothing good about it,” Dash said flatly. “Look, I know you were planning on coming over to cheer me up this morning. Well, I’m fine so it’s not necessary.”

“But, if it’s fine then why were you crying the other day?” asked Fluttershy.

“How’d you know we were gonna come see ya?” followed Applejack with her own question.

“Scootaloo,” replied Rainbow Dash to Applejack. “And I wasn’t crying. I had sand in my eyes when Scoots came by.”

“You don’t honestly expect us to believe that do you darling?” said Rarity with a concerned and caring tone. “We can see you now, you look miserable.”

“I’m just tired okay. I’ve had a long week.” Rainbow Dash was starting to become irritable.

“Well tell us about it. If its stress you’ll feel better, many studies say so,” encouraged Twilight.

“It’s not stress, and who cares about your studies. You’re not always right you know. You can’t predict everything,” Rainbow Dash spoke with venom on her tongue all while staring daggers at Twilight.

“Whoa nelly. Now calm down there sugar cube. You’re getting all riled up for no good reason. We’re your friends and we just wanna help. No need to attack Twilight,” interjected Applejack.

“Applejack’s right Dashie. We just want you to be happy.” Said Pinkie Pie as she bounced in from the kitchen.

“I know, I know. It’s just… I don’t wanna talk about it.” Rainbow Dash had just gone back to the same defeated look she had when she first entered. “I just want to forget about it okay. Everything will be okay.” She said the last part so quietly that it seemed more like she was talking to herself then any pony else

“Forget about what?” asked Fluttershy.

“Please, I don’t wanna think about it. It’s in the past and I’m past it,” answered Rainbow Dash putting on an unconvincing smile.

“Hey, sorry to just intrude like this but… Rainbow Dash?” Soarin had just entered the castle and was stopped dead in his tracks by Rainbow’s presence.

Rarity wasn’t surprised by Soarin’s sudden appearance, a matter of fact she was waiting for it, but what did surprise her was Rainbow Dash’s reaction. Rainbow Dash was terrified. She was slowly backing away and breathing heavily. She started to glance around quickly. “Darling are you okay,” Rarity was even more worried now.

“Um, ah, yeah. I’m fine, but, um… I got to go!” and with that Rainbow Dash bolted out of the castle but not through the front door. Instead Rainbow Dash darted towards the window on the farthest side and slipped out that way.

“What’s going on?” asked Soarin, truly puzzled.

“I’m not sure but one thing is certain. Rainbow Dash is not okay,” answered Twilight.

“Oh dear, I’ve never seen her act like this before,” said Fluttershy.

“Well let’s not wait around here. I say we go find her,” suggested Applejack.

The group started to head out in search of their distraught friend. The brief conversation they had just had with Rainbow Dash left Rarity even more confused then before. Rainbow Dash had shown so many different emotions in such a short amount of time. Depression mostly but she did get angry at Twilight and then terrified by Soarin. “What happened to you Rainbow Dash?” Rarity asked herself in thought. .

Author's Note:

In case anybody is reading this and notices that the writing is bad, that's because I don't write. I'm not really a writer. Don't necessarily enjoy it really, but I had an idea that I wanted to get out. TBH this is way longer then I wanted it to be but I'm finding it necessary. Hell, I don't feel like I'm describing these conversations fully but I really just want to finish and have my idea out there. Not sure how much longer it will take before the conclusion since I'm only now starting to get to the problem, but hopefully I can keep some of your attentions long enough.