• Published 2nd Oct 2017
  • 2,295 Views, 32 Comments

A Broken Mare - DJ Variety

Rainbow Dash finally shows an interest in colts and Rarity is ready to give her advice. Unfortunately things don't go so well and the events of one horrid night leave Rainbow Dash scarred and defeated.

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Rarity sat quietly in Twilight’s castle contemplating the events of the last few days. After Dash’s sudden retreat the other day from the castle it had taken the entire day and most of the night before Rainbow Dash was found. Upon returning to her home that night to feed her woodland friends Fluttershy was the one who found the mare. Nopony else saw Rainbow that night in according to her own wishes. The only reason the others knew was because of a letter delivered to Twilight’s castle by Angel the bunny.

In the letter Fluttershy told them that Rainbow wished to be left alone but would be staying at Fluttershy’s cottage for the night. Fluttershy urged her friends to be patient and wait till the morning.

The next morning ended up being no better. Everypony was planning on heading to the cottage just outside of town but instead were met halfway by Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash still wasn’t ready to talk to them all and while Applejack protested, Fluttershy convinced them that it was for the best. Fluttershy had convinced Rainbow to stay with her for a while, and Rainbow had agreed as long as it would be just her and Fluttershy.

A couple days had passed since then and still nopony but Fluttershy had seen Rainbow Dash. Rarity wasn’t fond of this agreement but understood why Fluttershy felt it was the best option. At least this way they knew where Rainbow was, and Fluttershy kept them all informed on any changes, even if the only real news they got was that Rainbow has been crying herself to sleep every night.

“I can’t stand this anymore y’all! All this wait’n is getting us nowhere,” Applejack had been growing more and more impatient as the days went by. “I know Shy’s afraid that we will scare RD off but we’ve got to do somethin’. Sitting here isn’t fix’n the problem.”

“That’s the biggest problem, we don’t know the problem,” interjected Twilight. “I think we need to wait a little longer. I’m sure Rainbow Dash will eventually tell Fluttershy what happened.”

“Eventually? Well how long we s’pose to wait for that?” The situation had made Applejack very tense and uneasy, which didn’t really surprise Rarity at all. Situations like this weren’t really the farm pony’s forte.

“Girls! She’s gone!” Fluttershy burst through the front door panicked.

“What do you mean she’s gone? Wasn’t she with you?” Twilight inquired.

“She said since she was gonna be staying with me for a while that she wanted Tank there too. I thought she was just getting Tank and coming back but only Tank showed up.”

“Why didn’t you go with her darling. You couldn’t have thought it was a good idea for her to go by herself given the circumstance.” Rarity said.

“Well she seemed like she was doing better. She was smiling when she left and she was acting like she always does with Discord.” Flutter shy responded

“Wait, why was Discord there?” Applejack asked with a little too much anger.

“Well, um, we were having tea.” Answered Fluttershy cowering back.

“RD doesn’t even wanna see her friends but you thought she’d be okay with Discord?” Applejack was shouting now, causing Fluttershy to retreat even more.

“Applejack!” Twilight snapped. “Now’s not the time. You said Tank is at your place then? If that’s the case I’m sure she’ll come back soon.”

“I don’t think so, she left a letter.” Replied Fluttershy.

“What does it say?” Rarity asked.

Without saying anything Fluttershy revealed a letter that was quickly grasped by Twilight’s magic and hovered in front of her eyes. Twilight started to read out loud, “Fluttershy I’m going away. Don’t try to find me. I don’t plan on being found. Please take good care of Tank for me. Tell the girls that I love you all.”

“Oh nelly, this ain’t good. We’ve got to go, now!” Applejack was visibly worried as was every one else.

“Okay, Fluttershy go get Pinkie. Rarity, Applejack and I will start looking,” Twilight commanded and with that the group split up.

It had been an hour since the group had started their search and Rarity was now searching around Ghastly Gorge. Rarity was terrified, fear for her friend consumed her entirely. She wanted nothing but to find her friend and help her in anyway possible.

As Rarity continued to search the area around the gorge a familiar draconequus appeared in front of her. “Ugh, Discord now is not the time. I’m sure Fluttershy has filled you in, yes?”

“That’s why I’m here Variety.”

“My name’s Rarity,” the mare replied flatly.

“Tomato, tomato. Hmm, that doesn’t work very well in writing,” said Discord.

“I beg your pardon?” Rarity was confused by the last part of his statement.

“Pay it no mind. Look I’ve managed to find our good dear friend Rainbow Dash and..”

“WHERE? Take me to her!” Rarity interrupted.

“Yes I was getting to that before I was so rudely interrupted,” Discord said while crossing his arms and looking away in disgust.

“I don’t have time for you Discord, please,” Rarity was annoyed but pleading with the master of chaos. “I need to talk to her before she flies away.”

“Oh you don’t have to worry about that I’ve changed the gravity around her so she can’t fly, or fall.” With that last part Discord took on a more serious tone. “I’ve been around for a while and I know when someone’s at the end of their rope.” Discord added while holding a rope with a swinging stuffed Rainbow Dash hanging from it’s noose.

“Yes I know she’s hurting that’s why I need to convince her to stay. She needs her friends.”

“Oh you naïve little pony,” said Discord shaking his head. “She wasn’t running away she was going away. Permanently. It was quite obvious to me. I thought it was strange that Rainbow Dash would be staying with Fluttershy, and after she left Fluttershy filled me in on the situation. Once we read the letter I knew immediately what she was planning.”

“Why didn’t you tell us!?” Rarity was shocked and scared.

“If I had you’d be looking for a body. I’ve been using my magic to keep her from, well you know.” Discord’s tone and mannerisms were unlike anything Rarity had every seen from him before. “I love chaos but there is nothing more ordinary then death. I’m not a fan. Especially when it’s a friend, but I’m not really great at sentiment, that seems more up your alley. I’ll stay near by incase you need my magic but the rest is up to you…” Discord paused and pondered, “It’s Rarity right?”

Author's Note:

Okay, so I missed a week but I'm back. Hope you got through this chapter ok. Again, writing is hard but I'm going to finish this story no matter what. Even if only one person wants to read it.