• Member Since 27th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Yesterday

lost worlds

After a year or so I finally decided that I should make an account on this site to comment and or write because I love reading the stories posted here.

Comments ( 9 )

okay. Yeah. Nah. He's totally calm while doing something like that but then AFTER freaks out. No hesitation to crying? That just doesn't work.

He's able to shut off his emotions in the heat of the moment, able to throw himself into the act in order to ignore what he is truly doing, but afterwords he has nothing to keep himself in check and it overwhelms him. Plus at the start the stallion was angry and defiant, a perfect target for a victim, but by the end the main character could see the pain in his eyes and was able to truly reflect upon the suffering he had caused and it caused him to feel overwhelming guilt for what he had done. Besides that little explanation all I can say in response is that this is a side project story (so not one that I put my absolute heart and soul into) based almost solely around the torture aspect, not the story, so think what you will, I don't care.

Great way to approach a story.

"Not trying my hardest and I don't care what you think"

That'll get you far I'm sure.

Good luck I suppose.

Once again, it's a SIDE story, not my main one. To be honest I wrote it on a whim and even said in the authors note (not sure if you even bothered to read it) that I would not be making very large chapters, nor would I be focusing on this story. If you want a story by me where I actually put some effort into go check out the story I mentioned in the authors note. In any case though you're entitled to your own opinion, so think what you want, and I hope you have a wonderful day sir.

If it is any consolation to you ( forgive me if I used the word wrong).
But I for one kind of find this to be a bit intriguing.
Not many authors out there have the stomach to portray the torturer as somebody who has been roped into a situation by somebody else of a higher power.

the idea of a story in the perspective off the torturer is something new and original. more often than not many authors portray the torture as somebody who is unstable as well as maliciously unwell, someone who takes great pleasure in the suffering and broken will of the victims.

There are not many but there ARE people who can turn off their own emotions to complete a task. How do you think doctors feel when they have to work on or have no choice but to euthanize their own family members? To some it is difficult, to others it is necessary.

It is so easy to demonize an interrogator, but what one fails to realize is that they are living beings too. As a Famous man by the Name of Mike Row (once more, please forgive me if I have presented his name wrongly). It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it.

If this comment has cone off as myself being in favour of the act of 'aggressive information retrieval' then let me say that I find the act a bit too off for my stomach. But I do see the benefit to such a method. If one believed that wars and battles or perhaps major conflicts throughout history that the act of torture had never benefitted both sides then you are just fooling yourselves.

Torture is wrong, heinous, disgusting, inhumane and simply not nice.
But at times, a necessity.
It when one forgets the taste of sugar in our mouths that we truly cease to be human and become, something else.

I for one would like to read more.

Most of what you said is actually a large reason why I thought of this, and for the record, the reason I know of the "turning off emotions when necessary" is because that happens to me. When I get too angry I just shut off, calming myself right back down until I can get away from my source of anger (it really helps sometimes). My story is not the only one that portrays someone who finds the necessity of torture to be true, but in most that I have read the main character truly feels nothing about the situation, or even enjoys it. Though I still wrote the chapter on a whim, not sure of how people would perceive it (so far more negative than positive) but thanks for the words of encouragement.

I think it's good. Really f up story but still good. I'm curious about how this story will go now.

Thanks, as for how it will go, it will have at least one torture scene every chapter (that's the current plan at least)

I'm not even into torture and I'm looking forward to it. I'm really curious to see where this goes and how you write it. :)

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