• Published 12th Oct 2017
  • 419 Views, 13 Comments

Equestria's Greatest Moment: A Compilation of the Stories of the Brave Ponies Who Fought In the Face of Overwhelming Odds - Philosophysics

These are the many, many stories of the ponies that rebelled under the rule of the Storm King.

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Entry #4: For the Teacher Who Led

Teachers are one of the most important positions out there.

Terrible ones simply have their students learn the information before sending them off into the world. Good ones expand students horizons and inspire them to be more than what they could be.

And the best ones?

The best ones are those indistinguishable from family. Holding you when you cry, supporting you in your failures and successes, and being the shield for you in your worst times. More often than not, they are the ones who turn what the troublemakers of youth into the greatest ponies they can be and more.

They are the ones who take what any sane being would write off as a failure and guide them to greatness.

I’ve been told that Tempest Shadow took great pride in the fact that there was no casualties in her invasion. I find it darkly humorous that she herself almost broke her own achievement though.

And on one of the best teachers I will ever have the priviledge to know, no less.

The following is an interview between myself and an unnamed student.


Ms. Cheerilee’s okay, right?

Oh. Yeah. Silly question I guess. I mean my class is going to go visit her tomorrow, so she’s obviously fine and the papers did say that there were no casualties or heavy injuries.

...What? I can read! You got a problem with me reading the papers?

Yeah. That’s right. I read the papers and I keep up to date! Got to stay in the know! Better than half those idiots screaming out about how the Princesses don’t exist. Sun and moon, I have to deal with those idiots walking to school.

Um… I go to the School for Gifted Unicorns. Can’t you see the horn?

There’s only the one in Canterlot, isn’t there?

...Your head’s bleeding. Oh? You don’t care? You sure? Okay! Okay! I’ll stop asking!

So me and a bunch of my friends are walking around, right? I mean the Festival of Friendship just started and nopony ever pays attention in class especially when the biggest party in Equestria is literally going on in town. But the parental figures don’t want the kids scampering ‘round right? So the teachers offer to babysit for the first day.

Normally, I would say that sucked because me and my friends wanted to go ste- go steeple some roofs.

Steeple can be a verb. And you don’t know that my friends aren’t pegasi! We weren’t going to steal some alc- alkaline batteries!

You can’t use this in court!

Oh, uh… you don’t care? Sorry. Sorry.

Anyways, me and my friends wanted to hang out, but the teachers had to babysit us. Come on! We walk by ourselves to school and home, we can handle a festival by ourselves.

But yeah. The kids who parents didn’t want around got shunted off to the daycare, we were milling around, snacking on home lunches, doing activities that we didn’t really want to do, when BAM! This storm cloud comes out of nowhere! AIrships start landing everywhere and these huge monkey goat things come out. They got these null shields and blasting them doesn’t work, so the teachers start panicking until this one purple earth pony slams the ground hard enough to crater it!

Like no joke. It would have been pretty badass to crack it, but she fucking CRATERS IT! Like big enough that I could lie in it and sleep.

And everypony just looks at this mare because one does not simply just not look at the mare who freaking craters the ground. Then this mare looks around, and you better bucking believe I memorized this, and shouts.

You should do something. Like her speech is to amazing to be in mere quotation marks.

What in Tartarus are you doing!?

Equestria’s being invaded and this is what you do!? What happened to all those boasts about being amazing teachers? Eh? What happened to them!?

I’m ashamed for you. Your teachers! We’re teachers! Students look up to us. They trust us! You panic and the students panic!

Our jobs as teachers is to teach and protect! So Discord help me, protect the students, damn it!

She was so badass.

Get this! After her awesome speech, she smiles like she didn’t just yell at the “best” teachers in Equestria to get their horseapples together. Instead,she tells all of us to get in line, that we were going on a little walk, and that we were going to sing a song and that we could call her Ms. Cheerilee or Ms. Cheers if we wanted to.

It was kind of hilarious. There’s an invasion going on, everypony’s scared out of their minds, and then she just treats an evacuation as though we were going on a field trip.

You know what?

It bucking worked.

This one colt that always cried when a teacher glared at him actually started smiling and singing along to the song that Ms. Cheers was singing as we walked out of the main courtyard in single file line. My teachers were all sniffing and disapproving and we were scared, butMs. Cheers seemed like she knew what she was doing, and the song was fun to sing.

Ooh! Let me sing it for you!

When you're rife with devastation
There's a simple explanation:
You're a toymaker's creation
Trapped inside a crystal ball

And whichever way he tilts it
Know that we must be resilient
We won't let them break our spirits
As we sing this silly song

When I was a little filly, a galloping blaze overtook my city
So they shipped me off to the orphanage. Said, "ditch those roots if you wanna fit in"
So I dug one thousand holes and cut a rug with orphan foals
Memories are blurred, and their faces are obscured, but I still, know the words to this song

When you've bungled all your bangles
And your loved ones have been mangled
Listen to the jingle jangle
Of my gypsy tambourine

'Cause these chords are hypnotizing
And the whole world's harmonizing
So please children stop your crying
And just sing along with me

Anyways, we sing the song, we follow Ms. Cheerilee like we’re on a field trip, except you know, stuff’s on fire and we have to sneak through the alleyways, but it was fun and like an adventure.

It was hilarious to see Mr. [REDACTED] get all freaked out over the mice when we had to sneak through the sewage system. Did you know that our sewage system actually goes directly to the magical power plant to burn for energy?

Eventually, we made it back to SGU(School For Gifted Unicorn) All the fillies and colts got shoved into the classrooms and we got told to be quiet with the teachers watching us.

So obviously we started talking about what was going on, what we were going to do. The teachers were looking less panick-y but they still seemed unsure.

Especially when the goat monkey soldiers start marching into the couryard. Everypony instantly got to the corners. Even me. Yeah. I was scared. I admit it. Everypony else was. Want to know who wasn’t?

Ms. Bucking Cheerilee! She gets a chair with both hooves, stands to the side of the only door to the classroom, and when that ugly soldier leans its stinking head in, she freaking whacks it marbles out and breaks the chair on the head!

Then she goes to steal the spear, holding it with her teeth and start stabbing the next one right back out. And the next. Sometimes she whacked them until the spear broke and then she just freaking tackles them and wrestles them to steal the spear! Sometimes she even straight up just got the shield and bashed them!

Old Mr. [REDACTED] and them even got in on the action, shooting magic blasts, but Ms. Cheerilee was definitely the MVP! Sun and Moon, she suplexed one of them!

And then Tempest Shadow comes in! Like she’s standing in the courtyard and-


What? We’re done! But we were getting to the awesome part!

It wasn’t scary!

Okay, maybe a little scary, but she’s fine now!

Fine. Why you giving me a lollipop!? I ain’t some little filly!

Okay, I do like lollipops… I’m only taking it because I like them. And not because I’m a little filly.

I’m going to get bigger, ******

Oh. I’ll tell Ms. Cheerilee you said hi.

Ah… That was a fun interview. Rarely do I get such brutal honesty.

A colorful perspective from a colorful student on a colorful incident. Apologies. Could not resist the wordplay.

There is more to Ms. Cheerilee’s story, but I wish to get a more… adult perspective on that part of the story. Sadly, all the adults in the story are currently in the hospital right now.

Why do I always do these things to myself?

Author's Note:

Inspired by Wishy Wish's AMAZING STORY!



I am unashamed to admit that I shed manly tears.

Comments ( 6 )

You're too kind, thanks for the mention! :twilightsheepish:

Thanks for allowing me to write this!

Where is entry #3?

The linked story is indeed a fairly close match to pair with this chapter.

Anyway, fave and upvote. I critique because I care.


Also this may be dead

IDK, the only reason I keep this is because of guilty pleasure

All of this is guilty pleasure

The only things I'm truly proud of are my poems


Well, if you were thinking of taking it down, please don't.

I'm not. I never take down stories if I can help it. They serve as measuring posts for my ability as a writer

Except the two hypothetical mary sue ones.

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