• Published 21st Jul 2012
  • 1,889 Views, 19 Comments

Pony Tail - Prince Luna

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The Land of Maneia and the Wizards Guilds - Everfree and Pony Tail

Have you ever thought of a land where there is no modern technologies like ours? What would replace it? In this world, there is no need for technological advancement because there is magic. Magic runs like blood in the veins of a certain type of inhabitant in this world, the world called 'Maneia'. The land of Maneia has a much different population to our own world, for Maneia is filled with ponies. Ponies who can talk, ponies who can fly, but most importantly are the ponies who can use magic; the unicorns. The unicorns are greater in numbers than the other two species of pony, mainly because of their power, but they are not the abusive type. Well, most of them aren't.
This is a story of the unicorns who take their magic to the best of their abilities, best known as the 'wizards'. A wizard will use their magic to help others and train to master their magical skills throughout their entire life. Wizards have a wide variety of uses for their magic, unlike common unicorns who just use it for day to day chores. Usually a wizard will work alone or with a friend, but that is rare. Rare because a common dream for all new wizards is to join 'guilds'.
Guilds are special groups of wizards, ranging from just a few to hundreds of unicorns in just one guild who will go to the call of help with no delay. Guilds are always the first to hear of quests available and supply their members with nourishment, lodging and other necessities.
Of the hundreds, maybe a thousand guild groups across Maneia, one is well known as the best; the friendliest, the most successful and the most skilled. This guild is what this story is all about.

This is the tale of Pony Tail!

The first character of our story is, as you may expect, a unicorn. Around sixteen years of age, this unicorn was born with a dazzling and clear white coat which she never likes to get dirty. Sprouting from the crown of her head is a wonderful and shiny purple mane with a unique style, it rose upwards and curled at the very top, then in the opposite direction it descended and curled. Her similarly coloured tail quickly curled from the top. Embedded on her white flank at an early age was a three-blue diamond cutie mark, which appeared when she discovered the wizard's 'gem magic', a type of magic that pulls gems from the ground and uses them offensively. Her parents named her Rarity at the happiness of the miracle that was their first child.

Now, Rarity had not really had the intention of becoming a wizard; but she could not avoid the fact that her special talent was to do with their arts. This gave her the push of determination as a child to become a wizard instead of following a dream that she decided she would have been no good at anyway. But, despite her cutie mark, she did not seen to get to grips with wizard's magic at first; all she could do was pull gems from the ground and launch them. She decided to only practice that and master it, in the mean time she would research the lifestyle of wizards. This was when she discovered the guilds. Rarity loved the idea of the guilds and made it her goal to join one; but this picky unicorn would not join just any guild. She wanted to join the most well known guild in Maneia; Pony Tail. She had read of the amazing exploits of Shining Armor and Mana Spark, two handsome stallions faithfully belong with the guild who were simply a pair of the most skilled unicorns in the kingdom. Their magic, friendship and determination proved unmatched. Soon, for an unspecified reason, the pair broke away; still friends, but no longer adventuring partners. Rarity had taken much of a liking to this Shining Armor character. Brave, loyal, collected and powerful; all qualities the mare admired.

After a few years of training, Rarity had fully learned everything about gem magic, but was still not as good as she could be with it. During those years, Rarity had discovered that one of her childhood friends Twilight Sparkle had moved to the city of Everfree and joined the Pony Tail guild. Rarity had known the mare for ten years, but had not heard of her since then until she read of her in a guild magazine. Needless to say, Rarity immediately leapt on the chance for a link to the Pony Tail guild and wrote to Twilight Sparkle around three years after she had joined the guild. Not too soon after, she received a reply and got on the next train for Trottingham to Everfree.


To the present time, Rarity was sat aboard a vintage steam engine to Everfree. She sat eagerly in her seat, a thin silk scarf wrapped around her neck and small, cute red glasses sat atop her snout. Floating in front of her with a blue aura like her horn was a lightly-browned piece of parchment which she read in her head excitedly and repeatedly.

Dear Rarity,

It was so lovely to hear from you again after all these years! I think a huge catch-up is in order!
Yes, I am living happily in Everfree and as you say, I am a part of the Pony Tail guild. Why did your magic writing go shaky at the mention of the guild in your letter?
Anyway, I would love to meet you in Everfree, since you are interested in joining the guild. You will have to prove your worth at the guild though, so I hope you have been practicing your wizard magic!
If it suits you, I will meet you at the Everfree train station at 12 o'clock tomorrow and we shall have lunch at an excellent local cafe and catch up on the five years we have not seen one another for! I would like to hear what your sister Sweetie Belle has been up to recently too!
I hope to see you tomorrow! If you cannot make it, please write back. Otherwise, keep me in anticipation!

Your faithful friend,
Twilight Sparkle!

After reading the letter for the thirtieth time, Rarity set it down and looked at the landscape outside. It had changed to a much more natural setting, with forests and fields visible. She heard a shout from the end of the cabin, "EVERFREE IN ONE MINUTE! NEXT STOP! EVERFREE IN ONE MINUTE!"

Impatiently, the unicorn quickly rose up and trotted towards the doors, elegantly floating the letter into a blue saddlebag on her side. She looked to a metal railing filled with suitcases and levitated two large white ones which were at the front, which both had her cutie mark on the front. She looked through the small, circular window on the door of the train to see the rolling countryside quickly turn to civilization as ponies walked in, out and passed shops. She could feel and hear the engine of the locomotive slowing down as they approached the station and her hooves began to shake and lose balance. She was nervous and excited to see her old friend again and to face the Pony Tail guild. She purposefully underestimated her own skills, telling herself to try her best even though it may be unlikely they recruit her; but it will be worth a try. The conflicting emotions battled in her shaking forelegs and she almost collapsed as the train came to a halt and the door opened, letting a burst of a mix of smoke and fresh air bombard her face. She coughed quietly and jumped down to the platform, bringing her levitated cases with her. She then looked up to behold the sight before her; a large open shelter with an amazing glass ceiling, held together by green metal frames, then as they went down a brick wall formed, some parts had gaps to make way for newspaper and snack stands. Above the open gap for the exit was a large sign which proudly displayed the words:
"Welcome to Everfree - Home of the Pony Tail Guild."

Rarity was still staring upwards in amazement and her eyes slowly traveled downwards, then she saw a familiar purple unicorn smiling at her. The unicorn had a lavender-shaded coat, with darker purple hair, which bore pink streaks in the mane and tail and covered around her horn. On her flank was a pink star surrounded by smaller white stars. She then stood on her forelegs and opened her front hooves wide, still smiling just as widely. Rarity did the same with a delightful smile and the two shared a friendly embrace.

"Twilight Sparkle, it has been five years and you are just as beautiful as when you left Trottingham," Rarity laughed.

The unicorn blushed, then spoke in what was not her old Trottingham accent, "oh, Rarity, You always did know just the right thing to say!"

Rarity immediately detected the change in accent, but it was understandable. The mare had been living in and around Everfree for years and had obviously caught it on from the other citizens. Twilight offered to take one of Rarity's cases and they headed out of the station's exit to the wide city before them. Rarity was dazzled by all the brick buildings before her, selling all manners of wizarding goods as well as everything and anything for everypony else. Twilight led Rarity to a clearly marked cafe and the two took a seat next to a window. The cafe doubled as a book shop, which Rarity quietly giggled at. She always knew Twilight had a thing for reading. As soon as they sat down, a brown earth pony with a cream mane and coffee cup cutie mark took their orders. The two ordered the same coffee.

"Thank you, Blonde Roast," Twilight cheerfully said as the waitress walked away, "so Rarity. Tell me everything! What has been happening in the past five years?"

Before Rarity could answer, the two unicorns heard a small tapping sound. Rarity was about to speak again when it went away, but it quickly came back. It was a very quiet sound but it still invaded their eardrums. They looked to the window next to them and saw a yellow pegasus, with pink hair arching over her head, being longer at her left side. She had a similarly pink tail and three butterflies as a cutie mark on her flank.

"Fluttershy?" Twilight giggled. Fluttershy tried to talk from the other side of the window, but neither of the unicorns could hear her.

She quickly trotted into the cafe and to their table, "Twilight! You must come quick! It's awful and it's coming this way!" she cried in a panic.

"Whatever is the matter?" Rarity asked the unfamiliar pegasus.

"Twilight," Fluttershy continued, ignoring Rarity, "I need you to help me as a quest for Pony Tail."

"Well, out with it, Fluttershy," Twilight laughed, the pegasus usually only went to her for help if a bunny had gone missing or something, "what's the problem this time?"

"There's an Ursa Minor headed for town!"

"WHAT?!" the unicorns gasped at the same time. They looked at each other, then galloped towards the town center.

Not a minute later, they arrived at a fountain and heard loud thumps from a short distance away. Ponies of all species were galloping away screaming "URSA MINOR! THERE'S AN URSA MINOR!" as they sought protection in the train station. In a second, the large blue body of the Ursa Minor was visible. Twilight Sparkle turned to Rarity with a serious expression.

"If we're gonna defeat that Ursa and send it home, I'm gonna need your help Rarity. A lot of the guild is out today, we may be the town's only help," she said.

"No pressure then," Rarity sighed, then stood read for action.

Now the large bear-like Ursa Minor was fully visible and stood a few feet from Rarity and Twilight. He was see-through in a beautiful blue colour, but the ponies were not distracted by this. He roared loudly and Twilight levitated a spell book from a saddle bag, then flipped through and aimed her horn at the Ursa. Her horn then began to glow a shining white colour.

"BASIC TELEPORTATION!" Twilight shouted, then a beam of light shot at the Ursa, but nothing happened. It simply disappeared on his face.

He roared again and swept Twilight away with a paw that was larger than she. She crashed into a building as Rarity watched in horror. She then turned to the beast and gave it a menacing look. Her horn began to glow blue and the ground beneath her rumbled slightly.

"GEM THROW!" she called, and a ruby burst from the ground and launched at the Ursa, hitting it dead on in his open right-eye. He roared loudly in pain and closed the eye, which was visibly bleeding somewhat.

The Ursa then angrily padded towards Rarity, keeping its damaged eye closed. He held up a paw and unsheathed deadly looking claws which were sharper than the blades on a chainsaw. Rarity recoiled and closed her eyes, but then she heard a voice.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" the masculine voice shouted in a Trottingham accent.

Rarity opened her eyes and looked up. Stood mightily on a rooftop was a white unicorn colt. His mane of light and dark blue widely shook in the wind and he looked down on the Ursa. His body was covered in silver armor which also covered his cutie mark.

"Mare, I will need you to keep this Ursa still so I can return him to his home, can you do that?" he asked.

"S-sh...SHINING ARMOR!" Rarity exclaimed happily, "anything for you, sir!"

She then looked the Ursa dead on in the eye and grinned, "GEM STORM ATTACK!" she shouted as her horn flashed a blinding white and the ground underneath the Ursa burst open with gems of many different colours, shapes and sizes.

The speed and numbers of the gems which violently rose from the ground made it impossible for the Ursa to move without being hurt. On the rooftop, Shining Armor's horn was glowing at a similar brightness to Rarity's, then he pointed it towards the Ursa.

"ADVANCED TELEPORTATION!" he called triumphantly as the light wrapped around the Ursa quickly. The Ursa cried at its failure as it was swallowed by the light and transported back to far off cave where it came from.

Shining Armor leapt down to Rarity and bowed before her, "you showed great bravery, Mare. I thank you for your assistance. What is your name?"

Rarity giggled and told him, then he smiled, "with skills like that, you must be in a guild! But I have not seen you around before. Where are you from?"

"I'm from Trottingham, but I'm not a guild. Actually, I came to Everfree in hopes of joining Pony Tail. I suppose I have high expectations...eheheh...." she replied nervously.

"I think you qualify. You must know I am one of the leaders of the guild. Follow me, Rarity was it? I will take you to the guild and get you signed up," he said, smiling directly at her.

She swooned and fell over, but quickly got back up, thinking she had embarrassed herself. Shining Armor trotted to Twilight, who had only just regained consciousness.

"You okay, sis?" he asked with concern.

Rarity's heart skipped a beat, "sis? As in sister? Oh dear..." she thought to herself.

"Did you get rid of the Ursa?" Twilight asked Shining Armor.

"Actually, I did it with the help of Rarity here. I want her to join Pony Tail. That gem magic was magnificent," he explained in reply.

Twilight smiled at Rarity, and they saw that ponies were coming back, cheering on the mare and Shining Armor. They gave a wave to the citizens and trotted into a large building with the words "PONY TAIL" above the large, wooden entrance doors.

Immediately as the were inside, Rarity saw a magnificent stone floor and wall, but the place was empty. It looked like this might be a tavern, there were seats and benches scattered across the room as well as fireplaces and a large notice board labeled "QUESTS.". Shining Armor lead the other two unicorns through a door next to a gap in the wall where Rarity presumed the drinks were served. Behind the door was a smaller room with the same stone build, but there was a desk and a large, comfy looking red leather chair. Sat on it was an elderly looking unicorn with a white mustache/beard combo and no head hair, but his head was covered by a dark-blue hat decorated with stars, moons and bells. He was a very light purple colour and the wrinkles on his neck were clearly visible. He also wore a robe with a similar pattern to his hat. His bushy white eyebrows descended at the sight of Shining Armor and his frail mouth curled upwards into a smile.

"Shining Armor, I see you took care of the Ursa Minor delicately," he spoke in a wise and old sounding voice.

"Master Starswirl the Bearded. Well, with the help of this mare here," Shining Armor began, "this is Rarity. I see she has a great potential in her magical abilities. I witnessed her try to fight of the Ursa with gem magic and I think she would be a great addition to the guild. Will you allow her to join Pony Tail?"

Starswirl carefully crawled off the large seat and trotted towards Rarity, the bells on his hat cutely jingling with every hoofstep. When he got to the mare, he was half her size! He examined her with slightly closed eyes and she just stood and smiled. He smiled in return.

"Yes, I sense great magical energy from this one. If she proved herself against the Ursa like you say, Shining Armor, she is very welcome to the guild. Of course, I trust your every word," the old pony smiled.

And that was it. Rarity smiled to Twilight, and she smiled back. The two jumped and shared a high-hoof. Rarity was now a member of Pony Tail and her life adventure was just about to begin.

Comments ( 19 )

Long time no see and this is a read for me!


wait does this take place in mainia? as in seagorathes place?

948303 I have never heard of that :rainbowlaugh: nah this is my own made up land :twilightsmile:

Was it ever verified that Starswirl the bearded was dead?

948326 this is my own continuity :derpytongue2:


I know, but was he ever said to be dead on the show?

948336 it was implied that he was. But it isn't canon if he is or isn't.

Now onto the story, it's very good so far and can't wait to see more. Will give a more detailed review once more of the story has been released.

I expect much from this.

948450 I have much planned.

its from oblivion, elder scrols

The ending part seemed a bit... rushed, to be honest. Too simple/easy for her to get in. And... really? Making Rares and Twi best friends, to an extent, but she doesn't know about Twi's BBBFF? That... That's just messed up, IMO. Still going to read, but felt that you should be made aware...

953035 Hey that makes it similar to the show then i mean did anyone know about the BBBFF untill the last 2 episodes?

955617 Umm... That's KINDA the point of a crossover... That it mixes the two things together. And what does 'not finding out' about the BBBFF until the last two episodes have ANYTHING to do with this? This was posted JULY 21, over THREE MONTHS past the season finale. Anyone who DOESN'T know about the finale is a moron. And what I'm saying is odd, in case you missed it, was that Twi, apparently, never mentioned her older brother to Rarity at ALL, despite being friends growing up. I mean, come on. How do you NOT know about a friend's siblings if you're friends for YEARS... ~_~

oooooh brony fight

955966 Lets see,

First of all in the show after living in Ponyville for almost 2 years and making countless trips to canterlot Shining Armor was never mentioned once. Not even in her flashback during S1 Episode 23 did Twilight mention him. So it would make sense that her brother hadn't been mentioned. I mean he is the captain of the royal guard so he should have been there since episode 1 when celestia came to Ponyville for the summer sun festival. I mean not only was the only Princess (at the time), the ruler of the entire land of equestria there, but so was his little sister.

Second of all, since you made a big point of this being KINDA a crossover, if you have actually watched or read the anime/manga Fairy Tail, (which this is based off of FYI) you would know that everyone in the guild has their own secrets that no one else knows. Even the friends and family from before their time in the guild, not every one knew about it. The whole theme of the show is secret pasts and character backstories. So obviously there has to be secrets between the members of the guild.

Third, does it really matter when the story was made? I mean in this story Shining Armor might not even be married to Cadence let alone even have met her. People were writing stories about the wedding from the day it was announced a month prior to its air date. Besides this could be a writers interpetation of the series. What if they decide to make it so that Shining left before twilight was born or when she was a little filly and she didn't remember him. Ever think of it that way? When it comes to writing crossovers there are a million things you can do to a story no matter what it is or what the original story was.

958970 That last reason is about one of the only answers I'd accept, honestly. Sorry, but something like siblings is kinda important to me. (Unless I'm mis-remembering already, they said that in this one, Rarity and Twilight are best friends since childhood. I just... Don't see how they could be BEST friends and have that NOT come up at some point. (What happened in the show is irrelevant. I'm making a big deal about this because of what all has changed, and how those differences should have impacted other things.)

960067 You should wait for them to explain the story more because there may be a backstory behind this because it is a fairy tail crossover and like i said before fairy tail is all about backstories. Maybe there is a Cana and Gildarts style backstory to thier pasts and shining never even knew that she esxisted or a story like what is happening in the anime now where Lucy finds out she has a cousin that she played with as a baby and just had no memory of her.

960067>>960582 Pay attention guys, Rarity has read magazines about Shining Armor in her wizard training, she knew he exists but didn't know he was Twilight's brother. I'll go into some depth in the next chapter since it's sort of a character introduction chapter to clear up and make some new details.
Basically and in the least spoilery way possible, Shining Armor did not live in Trottingham for enough time for Rarity to notice since she was young; then he was questing most of his time with Mana Spark. To the present time, Twilight had only joined the guild in recent years which obviously shows she only had a late interest like Rarity and therefore would not get too involved with her brother in the past, and since he was away when Rarity could notice, the mare didn't know about his and Twilight's connection because neither of them were interested in wizardry at first and there was rarely a chance for it to be brought up.
Hope this shed soem light, I can make it clearer and whatnot in the next chapter which I am currently planning. (I've been away for the week, sorry!)

983405 So it is pretty much the same way Lucy would admire Mirajane in the magazines even though she didnt know much about her

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