• Published 6th Oct 2017
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Equestria Girls Heisei Generations: Crossover Tales - drunkenpandaren

A collection of stories set between the periods of time between Cosmic Friendship and Bonds of our Friendship

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The Dark Ring! Zero-san in Canterlot City?

“Curse you Starlight Glimmer!”

The scream could be heard all across the badlands as Chrysalis, former leader of the Changelings was storming through the craggy land.

“Deposed of my kingdom,” snarled Chrysalis as she stormed around in a circle, having worn a groove into the earth. “Deposed of my plans, I was so close, SO CLOSE! And then that traitor Thorax…!”

Pausing in mid-stride, Chrysalis howled, “I would give whatever to get my revenge!”

As if the universe decided to answer her shout, the world ripped open in an angry eye of red. Chrysalis winced as the winds howled as a red circular device fell from the sky, and landed in front of her. Picking it up with her magic, she felt her magic surge as she laughed. “Fate was kind to me…” she muttered. “But I’ll need time to learn this gift’s powers.”

Turning towards the hole in the sky, she took a running leap and flew towards it, being swallowed into the depths of negative space.


In an alleyway in the middle of Canterlot City, the world tore open once more as Chrysalis landed in a crouch. Long slender legs, powerful upper body and an attractive face greeted her. And yet, the surge of Equestrian magic could be tasted on the air as she grinned.

“Time to meet the locals.” she said with a smile.

Several miles away, a wizened elderly head poked its head up. “Oh my,” remarked Ranma, the old sushi vendor. “She’s here now? My oh my… well then, time to up my game a little…”

Nudging the fabric of space and time, he smiled. “There we go.”


“Oh my gosh I’m going to be so late!” Exclaimed Leito Igaguri as he ran towards the building where he worked. “So late, so late, I’m going to be fired for sure!”

“You’ve got plenty of time,” remarked his passenger, the Ultraman known as Zero said from within their shared mind. “You shouldn’t have had seconds though.”

“You keep making me fight, Zero-san. I’m always hungry!” Exclaimed Leito.

“I know I… hold on…”

Slowing to a halt, Leito removed his glasses as Zero asserted control. “Oh no, what now Zero-san?” exclaimed Leito exasperatedly.

“I’m getting a message…” Closing their eyes, the subspace telepathic message came in. “It’s from the Space Garrison. There’s another dimension that needs our help.” He winced. “I should not be going back there but it was an emergency.”

“Why? What’s so wrong about this world?” asked Leito, dismayed that they’d have to take ANOTHER detour from work.

“Old Girlfriend,” replied Zero as he pulled out his visor and placed it on his eyes. “SHAAAAH!”

Taking off into the sky, Leito howled, “But I don’t want to have to explain that…!”


Equestria Girls Heisei Generations
The Dark Ring! Zero-san in Canterlot City?




“It’s too quiet,” remarked Sunset Shimmer that evening, in the Friendship Rider Club’s meeting room.

“Way to go, Sunset Shimmer,” groused Spike the Dog, as he looked up from where he had been napping. “Now you’ve jinxed us all, and we’re due for adventure.”

“You know it was going to happen no matter what,” said Rainbow Dash, tossing a soccer ball over to Pinkie Pie who balanced it on her nose. “We’re due for something wild happening. It’s like clockwork! Ever since we got back from Camp Everfree…”

“How is fundraising coming along?” asked Rarity as she looked up from her needlework.

“We’re at about halfway there,” said Twilight Sparkle, checking her ledgers. “We should be on our way to the full amount for the basic repairs to Camp Everfree before things finish up.”

“Great, cause if I need to make another cookie and fend off Pinkie eating it, ah’ll freak,” laughed Applejack. “In a good way not a bad.”

“Where is Gentarou by the way?” asked Fluttershy. “He’s late for the Club today.”

“He said he had to meet up with a potential new student, or three new students,” chuckled Applejack. “Sonata, Adagio and Aria are enrolling.”

“So they finally decided to huh?” said Rainbow. “The rockoffs are going to be so AWESOME.”

Twilight grinned as her phone beeped. Fishing it out of her skirt, she flipped the lock. “Oh, a text from Moondancer! Dear Twilight, doing well, sending this at midnight. It’s late yes I know. Professor Utahoshi detected an anomaly in your hometown three days ago, you might want to check it out. PS, send cookies.”

“Well that’s ominous,” said Sunset, picking up a Burgermeal and flipping the Camera Switch to activate it. “Here, let’s send the foodroids out first and check it out.”

The ground suddenly shook loudly as the girls yelped, falling over in disarray. “What in tarnation?!” exclaimed Applejack.

Crawling to the window, Pinkie whistled. “It’s a narwhal!” Exclaimed Pinkie as a huge monster with a drill on it’s face rampaged in the downtown area. “It’s biiiiiig.”

“That’s definitely out of our paygrade,” said Sunset with a sick dread. “We need to get everyone to safety!”

Running outside, the ground shook suddenly as a shimmering portal of light appeared in the sky as a huge giant slammed to the ground, showering debris everywhere with his impact. “What the hay?!” Exclaimed Fluttershy, hiding behind Rainbow Dash.

“It’s… a giant…?” Exclaimed Twilight. But then, the Giant spoke.

“I am Zero. Ultraman ZERO!” Exclaimed the giant as he ran in to fight the giant narwhal tooth and nail.

“Ultraman… Zero?” Exclaimed the girls.

“He’s so dreamy!” Exclaimed Rarity, drawing shocked looks from the girls. “What? Can I not appreciate the tightest silver bum I’ve ever seen in my life?”

“I’d say something but the PG rating would go WAY up,” snickered Pinkie cheerfully.

“We should probably get inside,” said Sunset as Zero decided now was the time to piledrive the narwhal. “He’s dragging it into the mountains outside of town.”

“So where DID a narwhal come from anyhow?” asked Rainbow as they ran back inside and there was a shout of “WIDE ZERO SHOT!” followed by a screaming torrent of energy being discharged. “Where’d the giant with the uh, nice butt, come from, and where in the world did they COME from in the first place?”

As the girls returned to the room, Gentarou came running in. “Did you girls see the Ultraman as well?” he demanded. At their nods, he sighed. “Stronger’s not going to like this…”

“Why is that, Gentarou?” asked Twilight.

Gentarou made a face. “That’s Tackle’s Ex-Boyfriend out there.”



Leito was not having a good time.

One, he was stuck in another world without money. He went to a bank but without an account he couldn’t exchange his money. It was here that he was stumbling through the mall, holding a growling stomach. “Oh my,” he groaned, sitting down across from a sushi store and looking in. “Zero-san, we don’t even have money for this world. How am I supposed to eat for the two of us?” asked Leito with a groan.

“Hey don’t look at me, it’s your body,” said Zero.

“And it’s OUR shared energy!” snapped back Leito. “Ah, so hungry…!”

“Excuse me, sir?” asked a young voice as Leito turned towards the owner of it, a young man with bright skin and blue hair. He was offering a boxed lunch in his hands. “The owner of the restaurant in front of us said to give this to you,” said Flash Sentry. “He said you needed it.”

“H-hai… thank you very much,” said Leito, bewildered that someone would take pity on him, let alone give him a bento. Opening it up, he found several delicious looking food items and he broke the chopsticks. “Ikidakimasu,” he intoned, taking a bite.

“This is…” said Zero and Leito in unison before chewing rapidly. “This is delicious!” Exclaimed Leito, eating his fill. “Oh, I can’t thank the owner enough…!”

Flash smiled. “He’s inside, I was just getting a quick dinner when he noticed you needed it. I can get him for you.”

Nodding at Flash, Flash went inside and soon emerged with a elderly gentleman with dark skin, Neighpon features and a long scraggly beard. “Ah, good afternoon,” said Ranma. “I am Konran Ranma. I saw you needed help so I asked young Flash Sentry here to bring you the bento.”

“It’s much appreciated, Konran-san,” replied Leito with a smile. “I thought I’d starve out here.”

“It’s quite all right. Flash, mind going in to tell the workers to start cleaning for the evening shift?” asked Ranma.

“Sure thing, sir,” replied Flash. “See you sir.”

“Good kid, a little down on his luck but that’s teenagers.” said Ranma. “Now then… Can I speak to your passenger?”

At this, Leito stiffened as he removed his glasses. “You know who I am,” said Zero seriously. “How?”

“I was the one who sent the distress signal,” replied Ranma easily, sitting down next to Leito who scooched away nervously despite Zero being in control. “Think of me as a mediator between worlds.”

“What do you need from the Space Garrison that you couldn’t contact them directly?” asked Zero.

“The Dark Ring is in this world,” said Ranma seriously. “I need your help to hunt down the user. She’s concealed herself from my sight, a fact considerable even though I’m split between two worlds.”

“I see,” said Zero. “The Dark Ring seeks out the user with the wickedest plan, and intensifies their greed tenfold. That’s how they were able to summon Gubila to this world. All right, I’ll help.”

“Good. Seek out Gentarou Kisaragi, the Kamen Rider known as Fourze. He and his allies will aid you with the search. Good luck.” With that, Ranma slipped back into his goofy smile and got up.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have sushi to press.”

“Um…” said Leito, taking control. “Another bowl sir?”

Ranma laughed and beckoned him in. “Come come, eat then. You Ultramen have bottomless stomachs.”


Chrysalis had found it child's play to manipulate the hotel owner to give her the luxury suite. A quick scrub in the water provided was incredible, and a luxury long spent. Now dressed in a fuzzy bathrobe, she made a list.

“Gather power, check. Learn how to use the Dark Ring, check. Find the fuzziest warmest bathrobe? Check.” She smirked. An evil despot she might be, but she enjoyed the comforts of a good home.

Striding towards the window, she opened it up and stepped into the balcony, enjoying the wind in her hair. “Sleep while you can Starlight Glimmer,” she smirked. “I’ll return and crush you without mercy. Once I master the power of this Dark Ring, I’ll be unstoppable.”

She indulged in a low cackle before sweeping inside like a diva, shutting the door behind her.

Atop the roof however, a small pigeon cocked its head and flew off, towards a house in the suburbs where it knew the gossip would reap its rewards in bird seed.

It was late by the time the pigeon reached Fluttershy’s house, and it took its fill of bird seed for a moment. Some of the birds chirped at it, and it retorted before tapping at Fluttershy’s window. Soon, the window opened as Shy came to the window. “Oh hello there,” said Fluttershy.

The bird relayed what she had seen and Fluttershy gasped. “You don’t say? An evil sorceress? Oh my, that is dangerous. I’ll call the others, please, refresh yourself first before headed home. And be safe.”

Dialing her phone, Fluttershy set to phoning her friends, and frowned a little when a couple of them went to their inboxes. “Maybe Rainbow Dash and Rarity are away at the moment… I wonder where they are?”


Looking around for a place to sleep that night was one of Leito’s problems as he sat down on the curb. “Ah geez, Zero-san, can’t we just go home for the night?”

“We can’t Leito,” replied Zero. “The power of the Dark Ring seems to be preventing me from opening a portal. And besides, X gave us a ride.”

“You should think of these things before you do them! Why can’t we just bunk with your friends here?”

“They’re not so much as a friend than an Ex-Girlfriend,” remarked Zero. “Besides, Tackle is in Japan. We’re in… uh… Amareica? Was it called? Other universes are strange, odd things.”

“As usual you don’t think things through, Zero-san,” grumbled Leito.

The thunk of a garbage bin roused the pair from their conversation as a woman with short orange and yellow hair set down the trash on the curb. Her skin was a shade of light blue which was odd to the pair, but then to be honest, they would be odd with their plain black hair and pale skin. “Oh, excuse me, I didn’t know someone was sitting on our curb,” said the woman with a smile.

“Ah, pardon me ma’am,” replied Leito, getting up and bowing. “I’ll move in a bit.”

“Oh that’s quite all right,” laughed the woman. “My name’s Windy Whistles, I don’t mind you sitting on our curb. But was there a problem Mr…?”

“Ah, Leito. Igaguri Leito,” replied Leito, bowing again nervously. “We’re um…”

“Ah, from Neighpon, of course, I should know. My daughter Rainbow Dash has a teacher from there,” laughed Windy Whistles. “By the look of you, you were here unexpectedly, weren’t you?”

“This is a shewd woman,” remarked Zero quietly in their mind.

“Ah, hai, I mean, yes, we did. Were, I mean. I had to make a trip and I lost my wallet and…”

“Say no more,” replied Windy with a smile. “Come on inside, and have a meal. Rainbow Dash’s friend Rarity is eating over tonight, but there’s room at the table for one more. And if you lost your wallet, then you must not have a place to stay for the night! I’m sure Bow can put out the rollaway bed.”

“Really?” asked Leito, surprised at their generosity. He bowed deeply. “Thank you very much!”

As Windy headed towards the house, Zero added, “Leito, toss your wallet. We can’t have them poking holes in our cover story.”

Leito scowled a little but did as he was told, throwing it away into the bin. Following Windy inside, she called out, “Bow! Rainbow! Rarity! We’ve got a guest tonight.”

Following the family into the modest kitchen, which was quite large by Leito’s standards, a pair of blue shaded people were there, obviously family, and a girl who was so white skinned Leito almost felt like putting on sunglasses. “H-Hello,” stammered Leito, holding onto his briefcase and bowing. “I’m Igaguri Leito, er, you can call me Leito. Thank you for your hospitality!”

“Nonsense, the pleasure’s all ours,” said Bow. “I’m Bow Hothoof, my daughter Rainbow Dash and her friend Rarity. Come, have a seat at the table, it’s spaghetti night.”

“Mom makes the best spaghetti,” replied Rainbow Dash, giving Leito a curious look. “So, where are you from?”

“Japan, er, I mean Neighpon,” replied Leito, remembering the name for it. “I’m from Tokyo.”

“Poor Leito here lost his wallet when he arrived, and couldn’t check into a hotel,” said Windy as she placed down the pot of sauce in front of the group and without preamble, Rainbow and Rarity started serving themselves. “So I decided until he gets new identification here in town, it would be a good idea for him to stay until he can get back onto his feet.”

“I promise I won’t be a burden,” replied Leito with a smile as he clumsily worked his fork with the generous serving of pasta he was given.

“So what do you do in Neighpon Mr. Igaguri?” asked Rarity. “Was it a business trip you were here for?”

“Yes, it was,” lied Leito smoothly, more smoothly than expected. “I was sent overseas and in the interim between here and the arrivals, I lost my wallet. I couldn’t even check in, it was horrible.”

“Well don’t worry, Bow will drive you to the Embassy tomorrow morning,” said Windy with a smile. “Now dig in, you need to keep your strength up.”

“Of course!” Exclaimed Leito, turning to his food as he started eating. “It’s good!”


“He seems nice,” said Rainbow Dash as she and Rarity were upstairs in her room, working on their group project together.

“There’s something wrong about his mannerisms though,” said Rarity as she twirled a pencil in her fingers. Turning around in her chair, she added, “Mr. Igaguri looked too well kept for someone who had just flown in and hadn’t had a chance to even check in.”

“Yeah, you’d think he’d go right to the Neighpon Embassy in town,” remarked Rainbow Dash. “You think he’s an undercover agent or something?”

“Probably not, but he might be connected to the giant narwhal that popped up this morning,” said Rarity with a shake of her head. Pulling out her phone, she flicked the screen. “Oh, a message from Fluttershy.”

Listening to it, she frowned a little as Rainbow Dash tilted her head. “What’s it say?” she asked.

“She says a pigeon told her there’s an evil sorceress downtown with some kind of red ring,” said Rarity as she hung up. “The girls should have been there an hour ago.”

“We should probably meet up with them, then,” said Rainbow as she threw on her jacket. “C’mon!”

Running downstairs, the pair were met by Windy who was carrying blankets. “You two are headed out?” She asked.

“Uh yeah,” replied Rainbow Dash. “Sorry mom, got a sudden craving all of a sudden.”

“Oh, well take care then. What are you going for?” asked Windy as Leito looked over from where he was reading the paper.

“Rings, er, red. Red Rings. It’s a new place here in town,” said Rarity. “Rainbow Dash just loves their fries.”

“Well I know how it’s like,” laughed Windy. “You two girls go on ahead.”

“Thanks mom!” Escaping the house, the pair ran towards where Rainbow Dash was parked. “All right, let’s kick some tail!”


Twilight struggled in her bonds, as with Sunset who was trussed up alongside her. Pinkie Pie was upside down, Applejack struggled but without her geode she was unable to break free. And Fluttershy was tied in a corner as Chrysalis sighed. “I’ve almost collected the whole set,” she remarked as the girls tried to get free from the sticky substance that held them to the wall. Chrysalis wore their geodes as well, having liberated their magic with the power of the Dark Ring.

“You’ll never get away with this,” replied Sunset, trying to break her arm free. “Whatever it is you’re doing.”

“Oh that’s easy,” said Chrysalis with a easy smirk. “I’m going to get my revenge on the one pony that stole my kingdom from me.”

“You’re from the other side,” said Twilight. “Who are you?”

Pinkie muffled out several names, but being gagged and all she was unable to enunciate them. Still, there was a quick muffled Queen Meanie in there.

“Moi? I am Chrysalis, of the Changelings!” She exclaimed. “And I’m going to get my revenge on Starlight Glimmer, for taking what was mine!”

“Starlight? Twilight’s student?” exclaimed Applejack. “You won’t get away with this!”

“Oh but I will,” said Chrysalis, holding up the Dark Ring. “With this little bauble that fell into my hands, I’ve become unstoppable!”

“That’s not Equestrian Magic, what is it?” asked Sunset.

“It’s called the Dark Ring,” said Chrysalis as she held it up. “And I’m going to make sure that you won’t be around to see what kind of damage it can cause!”

[DARKCLOPS ZERO!] Proclaimed the Red Ring as blackened light flared and shot out into the skies.

In an instant, a tall, mechanical robot that looked similar to the giant appeared, and he started firing on the city. “STOP IT!” Cried the girls moments before the door kicked in.

“Don’t worry girls, we’re here!” Exclaimed Rainbow Dash as Chrysalis fired several sticky bolts at her, but it bounced off the glowing shields that Rarity constructed. “Give it up bug lady, the cavalry's here!”

“You’re too late!” Exclaimed Chrysalis, holding up the Dark Ring. “There’s nothing you can do right now to stop me!”

[DARKCLOPS ZERO!] A second and third Darkclops appeared outside, their mechanical frames landing heavily on the ground.

Down below, Leito removed his glasses. “This isn’t good,” he said. “Three is fine, but I’m not too sure how long I’ve got on this world.”

“We have to try, Zero-san,” said Leito as he pulled out their device and fitted it to their eyes. “SHAAAAH!”

In an instant, in a shining ribbon of light, Zero crashed down onto a Darkclops, knocking it to the ground. “I am Zero, Ultraman Zero!” Exclaimed Zero.

“Ah, Zero,” said Chrysalis. “The Dark Ring speaks of you and your brethren.” She said, addressing the giant who attacked the robots who looked like him. “Sadly, this will be your last time on this planet!”

“Not if we’ve got anything to say about it!” Exclaimed Rainbow and Rarity in unison, as Chrysalis turned from her gloat only to get punched solidly. The Dark Ring went flying as Rarity scooped it up.

“We have to destroy it,” said Rarity as Rainbow freed the girls. “C’mon!”

“NO!” Cried out Chrysalis as she took chase down the stairs of the building. “This is my power, not yours!”

Meanwhile, Zero was in the middle of a pitched melee, as he slammed his fist against a Darkclops, whirling on another and throwing his head fins at it. It cut into the robot but it didn’t stagger. “Oi, oi, they’re stronger than usual!” Exclaimed Zero as he slammed into another, throwing it to the ground.

“Then we’ll have to get stronger,” said Leito as the Fusion Riser appeared in their shared space and two capsules appeared in front of him.

Throwing off their glasses, he siezed the first capsule after placing their transformation device onto the Fusion Riser. “Ginga! Orb!”

Two Ultramen appeared in their shared space as he took the other one. “Victory! X!”

Slotting both of them into the device at his belt, he scanned them as the voice of the Riser exclaimed, [NEO FUSION RISE!]

Holding out the device, the pair proclaimed, “I HAVE NO LIMITS!” And held it up to their face before pressing the trigger. In a flash of light, the external Ultraman changed in a flare of energy as he threw the enemies aside.

“Ultraman Zero Beyond!” Exclaimed Zero as he laid into the enemies.

Downstairs, the girls piled into the lobby as Chrysalis oozed the doors. “You can’t escape,” said Chrysalis as the girls pulled at the doors. “I’ll get my revenge, if that means going through powerless creatures like yourself!”

“We’re not powerless,” replied Sunset. “We’re a team, and we’re friends!”

“That’s right, we’re the Friendship Club of Canterlot High,” said Rainbow Dash. “And there’s nothing you can do to stop us!”

“Hmph, foolish.” said Chrysalis as she fired a beam that smashed the girls through the doors. “Without Equestrian Magic, you’re nothing.”

“We might not have our magic, but we have something stronger. The Magic of Friendship!” Exclaimed Twilight.

“Yeah!” Exclaimed Pinkie Pie. “You’re going down Queen Meanie!”

Grasping each other’s hands, there was a glow of energy which fed around the girls. But suddenly, the Dark Ring in Rarity’s hand flared and she yelped as it flew back to Chrysalis. “I won’t let you do this to me!” Exclaimed Chrysalis angrily as the girls resumed their wind up, a incredible rainbow magic light forming around their hands. “I’ll defeat you myself!”

A dark power pulsed around Chrysalis as the Dark Ring fed her power, and the two resulting magics clashed against one another. “Don’t give up!” Exclaimed Twilight as the girls were forced backwards.

But with a cry of rage, Chrysalis forced the rainbow laser back on itself, scattering the girls as she laughed. “You had no chance,” she sneered. “Without your precious geodes, and my Dark Ring, you’re done for! Beg for mercy.”

“Never,” grunted Rainbow, pushing up to her feet. “They won’t give up, none of us will! Friendship is the most powerful force in the universe!”

“That’s right,” said Rarity. “Because it’s SPACE TIME!”

“Say what?” asked Chrysalis seconds before Gentarou came out of nowhere, kicking her, geodes flying and the Dark Ring flying away. He grinned, scooping up the device. “I’m so glad we planned this out,” he said with a grin, joining his students.

“Who are you?” demanded Chrysalis.

“Me? I’m Gentarou Kisaragi, I’m their teacher. And I’m friend to everyone in this city!” Exclaimed Gentarou.

“Girls, if you will,” said Gentarou as they retrieved their geodes.

“Thought you’d never ask,” said Twilight as she levitated Chrysalis. “We’re going to put you back where you came from!”

“No!” Exclaimed Chrysalis. “I can still use the power of the Dark Ring, I can…!” Suddenly, she collapsed like a puppet with their strings cut, as a man stood over her with a smirk.

“You talk too much,” remarked Juggler Jugulus as he held out his hand for the Dark Ring. “My Ring, if you please.”

“You totally look like a bad guy,” said Rainbow but Gentarou handed it over. “Gen!”

“Don’t worry, he came to help.” said Gentarou as he looked up at Zero who was looking down at them.

Taking the Ring, Juggler kissed it fondly. “I love you Dark Ring. See you again.”

Throwing it into the air, he slashed the air with his katana, cutting a hole into the dimensions as the Dark Ring vanished. In an instant, the Darkclops vanished along with it as he sheathed his sword. “There it goes, to the person with the most evil plot once more,” said Juggler. “My work here is done.”

Cutting a hole into the dimensions, he walked away into the seething red void.

“Is it just me, or is this adventure super anticlimactic?” asked Rainbow Dash as Zero flew away.


“I found your wallet,” said Rainbow at breakfast, holding out the wallet to Leito. She and Rarity grinned at one another. “Call it even, Mr. Igaguri.”

“Thank you so much,” said Leito, opening the wallet and checking it over.

“Is that your family?” asked Windy, looking at the photos in there.

“Ah yes, that’s Lumina and my daughter Mayu. I can’t wait to see them again.”

“With the Dark Ring in another dimension, we can call for a pick up,” said Zero to Leito. “A good thing too.”

As Leito left the house an hour later, he stretched as he awaited his pick up, when footsteps could be heard behind him. Turning, he blinked at an Rider who stood there, arms folded. “Ah…” said Zero, removing his glasses. “Stronger.”

“Zero,” replied Stronger, Shigeru Jo. He frowned at Zero for a moment before saying, “You’re a salaryman now.”

“What of it?” Grumbled Zero as Stronger chuckled.

“You’re growing up,” said Stronger. “You’re basically a man now.”

“Hey, you’re 20,000 years too early to say that,” said Zero.

“Waiting for your ride?” asked Stronger as he nodded. “Well at least enjoy your trip.”

“You’re not mad?” asked Zero. “About Tackle.”

“Water under the bridge,” replied Stronger. “You have a good day.”

Zero snorted as he turned just as his rider, Ultraman X, appeared. “I’m here, who was that?” asked X curiously as Stronger took his cycle and rode off.

“Just an old friend,” replied Zero. “Thanks for the pick up, X.”


“In the end, we never really got to talk to that Leito guy about being the Ultraman,” said Rainbow Dash, sitting down in their club room.

“Well, I suppose it’s not a bad thing we didn’t,” replied Sunset with a grin. “I’m sure he would have been surprised you figured it out.”

“Well, it’s an anticlimactic sort of victory today,” said Twilight. “I do wonder what the weekend is in store for us.”

“Yeah, we’ve still got our 22 minutes on Saturday,” said Pinkie Pie, blowing bubbles with her gum.

“Well if you ask me, the city can’t afford more damage,” said Applejack.

“Yeah but did you see that Ultraman guy kick serious butt?” said Rainbow Dash.

“He was rather amazing.” said Fluttershy.

“Mmm yes, I feel a whole inspired fashion line coming on!” Exclaimed Rarity.

“Say, what did Gentarou do with Chrysalis anyhow?” asked Twilight. “He brought her through the portal but didn’t say much after that.”


Elsewhere, in the middle of the snows of Yakyakistan, Chrysalis seethed.

“Curse you, all of you! I will have my revenge!” She howled to the skies.

A pause. “But how?”

Author's Note:

Published 10/6/2017
Series: Ultraman Geed, Equestria Girls, My Little Pony FIM, Ultraman X, Ultraman Orb