• Published 6th Oct 2017
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Equestria Girls Heisei Generations: Crossover Tales - drunkenpandaren

A collection of stories set between the periods of time between Cosmic Friendship and Bonds of our Friendship

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Fresh Precure On Stage! Part 1

“Girls I have news!” Exclaimed Rarity, running into the room while waving a piece of paper. “You know our music video we shot with the Crystal Prep girls?”

“You mean the one that’s still showing in the mall?” asked Sunset as the girls all looked up at Rarity. “What about it?”

“The music video was selected as a finalist in an international music video, and there’s a judge coming in order to visit! Her name is Miyuki Chinen and she’s from the group Trinity!”

“You mean Trinity, only the coolest dance troupe in the world?” demanded Rainbow Dash. “That’s awesome! When is she coming?”

“She’s going to be in town on Monday,” replied Rarity, reading over the letter. “Along with friends of hers, they’re going to come and chat with us, to see if there’s anything we’d like to promote!”

“Like the Camp Everfree repairs,” said Twilight. “I’m sure we can do that.”

“There is just one problem… it’s going to be THIS Monday and I’m due to meet up with my queen, I mean Miu,” said Rarity, looking abashed at her slip. “And Rainbow Dash is coming along.”

“Someone’s gotta talk sports and keep Shun busy,” replied Ranbow.

“That leaves us with 5 left…” said Rarity before Fluttershy raised her hand. “Yes darling?”

“Um, three actually, to be honest. Applejack and I are going to the Veterinarians Pet Expo. She’s entering Winona and I’m visiting with some of the up and coming vets,” replied Fluttershy.

“Ayup,” added Applejack. “Winona’s been a three time champion thus far in the dog races. I’m aiming for a fourth.”

“That’s not much left then,” said Sunset, and Twilight nodded. “Even with the Crystal Prep girls here for the interview, that leaves myself, Twilight and Pinkie Pie.”

“Well… I’m sure it won’t be that bad of a visit,” admitted Rarity. “I mean, it’s just for the day, isn’t it?”

“Don’t worry, we’ll figure it out. Why don’t you girls have fun, and take the Dazzlings with you?” asked Twilight. “I know you and Adagio are always looking at fashion.”

“I suppose…” said Rarity. “But that only accounts for one of them, and you know how Aria and Sonata hate being left out.”

“Why not have Sonata with me, Twilight and Sunset, and Aria goes with Fluttershy and Applejack?” asked Pinkie Pie. “Or it could be the other way around…?”

“Well they do deserve a break from the farm,” admitted Applejack. “All right. Sounds like a plan. That all right Fluttershy?”

“I”m okay if you are, Applejack,” said Fluttershy.

“Then it’s settled. Oooh I can’t wait! As much as I want to visit with Miyuki Chinen all day, I did have plans!” Squealed Rarity, hopping up and down.

“All right sounds like a plan.” said Sunset, grinning. “After the last few weeks, I’m prepared for a nice relaxing visit.”


Equestria Girls Heisei Generations
Fresh Precure On Stage!


Monday, 9:45am
Canterlot Convention Center


“Whoo whee, look at everything here!” Exclaimed Applejack as she let out Winona from her carrier. “I can’t wait to get started.”

“Well it can’t be that bad, considering you two are always talking about this place,” remarked Aria with a little shrug of her shoulders. “What else did you manage to pick up here?”

“Well, there’s a vet conference here, and some of the top vets from around the world are coming to visit,” said Fluttershy as she held Angel Bunny in her arms. “Other than that, I-- oof!”

Squeaking as she was almost knocked to the ground, a strong arm shot out and grasped her wrist. “Are you okay?” asked a girl with lemon-colored skin and short ginger colored hair. “Sorry, I stumbled into you!”

“It’s all right,” said Fluttershy with a delicate blush as she stood back up with the girl’s help. “Huh? A-aren’t you… Inori Yamabuki-san?” exclaimed Fluttershy in shock.

“Huh, well I’ll be,” said Applejack as Aria gave the newcomer a confused look.

Inori smiled as she exclaimed, “That’s right, but please call me Buki. I didn’t realize I was so well known over here!”

“Ah… w-well it’s because I’m a big fan of your work,” stammered Fluttershy as Applejack grinned and Aria rolled her eyes.

It was Buki’s turn to blush as she said, “Well, I’m just doing my job.”

“Can you tell me what inspired your work on grooming?” asked Fluttershy. “I really want to know!”

“Oh that’s simple, I had a handy fellow to practice on every day, and I figured out how some pets ticked!” Exclaimed Buki.

“Well ain’t this a happy little thing.” said Applejack. “They look thrilled to be getting along so well.”

“I’m thrilled to be a third wheel here,” snarked Aria but she turned to Applejack. “Why don’t we leave the two alone for a moment and we’ll go get Winona registered?”

“Oh right. You two okay to chat it out with each other?” asked Applejack, though it was unneeded - Buki and Fluttershy were already lost in their own worlds talking about vet things. “I guess so.”

As the pair headed off, a young form watched the pair go with jealousy in their eyes. “Not fair,” remarked the girl, a light pink skinned girl with strawberry blonde hair. “Fluttershy got to her first! I was so hoping…”

With tears in her eyes and jealousy fueling her, Posey, one of her classmates, continued to stalk the pair from afar, watching them chat.


Kazashiro Shoot


Rarity hadn’t seen such a response when she and Rainbow Dash had come to the Kazashiro shoot that day. There were so many models for this spread, it made the area crowded. Rainbow Dash looked a little bored, as she spun her soccer ball in her hands. Even Adagio had wandered off, citing she wanted to look around with their employee pass. “Hey Rarity? I’m gonna go look for Shun,” said Rainbow.

“All right, Rainbow Dash, we’ll meet back up in an hour.” said Rarity. “Miu should be around eventually…”

Nodding, Rainbow headed out into the room, vanishing into the throng as Rarity sighed and tucked her bag under her arm. “I hope I can find my queen in time,” she murmured half to herself.

“Looking for someone?” asked a woman next to her, and Rarity nodded absently. “Don’t worry, Miu’s just running late. There was an emergency press conference and she’ll be here in a half an hour.”

“Oh thank heavens,” replied Rarity, exhaling. “I hope that means they arrive soon then. Thank you so much!”

The woman next to her smiled as she asked, “You’re Kazashiro-san’s new assistant right? Rarity, was it? Hi, Miki Aono.” She was a light skinned woman with a hint of blue, and bluish hair as well, dressed in a fashionable outfit of dark blues and a sash of yellow.

Taking her hand, Rarity shook firmly. “As in Miki, one of the up and coming models? I’ve heard a lot about you actually. Scouted at fifteen no less! Did you come on the same plane as Miu did?”

“Sort of yes,” replied Miki with a grin. “I’m meeting up with another co-worker of mine, Momoka Kurumi.”

“The famous fashion model?” exclaimed Rarity. “My word, I hadn’t realized so many stars were coming today.”

“She is, and there she is now.” Looking over, a light pink colored woman with dark purple hair stood chatting with Adagio who seemed to be very interested in what she was saying. “She and I go way back. Miu is kind of our junior but she’s risen in stardom fairly quickly.”

“I didn’t realize she was so well connected,” said Rarity. “But that goes to show just how my queen does things.” She blushed at her slip up as Miki laughed.

“That’s the Kazashiro effect,” replied Miki. “I’ve never seen such a charismatic model with such a magnetic personality. She was a queen in her high school and a queen throughout her life. It’s quite amazing. Oh, there she is.”

Pointing over the crowd, a familiar dark haired form strode through the crowd with a smile, and a wave. “Rarity!” called out Miu as she walked up. “Good, you’re here. Did you bring your dress with you? I need your help in this shoot.”

“You mean…?” Rarity squealed at Miu’s nod. “I’ll be right there!”

As she ran off a girl with white hair and blue skin watched them go. Shoeshine, a classmate, sighed with envy as she placed the catering down as she wiped her hands gently with a towel. “I guess Rarity’s living that charmed life,” she said despondently.

“I wish I could be like her…”

“What if you were?” whispered a voice on the wind. “What if… you were everything she was but better…?”


“Nice to meet all of you girls!” Exclaimed Miyuki as she arrived with another girl. The tall, pink skinned and red haired woman was accompanied by a girl with light skin and dark blonde hair, as the pair were welcomed by the Crystal Prep girls and what remained of Team Friendship Club.

“Nice to meet you too,” said Sunset with a smile. “Sorry we can’t all be here, but some of us have prior engagements.” Turning to the group she gestured to all of them. “This is Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, I’m Sunset Shimmer, and this is Sonata Dazzling. As well as our co-creators of the video, Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare.”

“Nice to meet all of you!” Exclaimed the other girl. “I’m Momozono Love, and I’m part of Team Fresh! I’m here with Miyuki, doing international dance promotions.”

“Nice to meet you too,” said Sugarcoat. “Love huh? That’s an on the nose name.”

“I was named by my grandfather,” replied Love with a smile.

“It’s a cool name,” said Sunny Flare. “So, did you want to see our dance moves?”

“Sure thing!” Exclaimed Miyuki. “I’d love to see your choreography at work.”

“I’ve never honestly seen you all dance before,” said Sonata. “I thought it was really bad like Princess Twilight did all the time.”

“Ah eh heh, well, it’s not THAT bad,” admitted Twilight with a blush.

“You know a princess?” Asked Love curiously. “Cause I know a few too!”

“Really?” asked Pinkie Pie. “Like who?”

“Like the Princess of Windbloom Kingdom, and the Princess of Major Land…!” Exclaimed Love excitedly, and before Miyuki could stop her, she was deep in a explanation of all of her friends.

Miyuki laughed a little. “Love’s got a huge circle of friends. You might say they’re heroic.”

“Oh I’ll bet,” said Sunset with a matching grin. “Our teacher’s the eternal school hero.”

The pair stopped for a moment. “Wait, you know Gen-chan?!” Exclaimed Love. “That’s great, we know him too!”

“Oh good! That makes things easier,” said Sour Sweet. “You girls should just assume from now on that everyone is a hero and we’ll be fine!”

Sharing a laugh, they almost missed the giant Uzaiina crashing into their midst. “UZAIIINNAAAAA!” Cried out the large octopus monster.

“Crud,” remarked Sugarcoat seconds before all hell broke loose.


“JIKOCHUUUUUU!” Roared the large monster made out of Shoeshine’s heart fulled with jealousy. As the girls evacuated the team, Adagio snorted.

“It looks stupid,” she said, looking at the dress monster with bat wings. “Is this really your dress Rarity?”

“It’s a knockoff thank you darling,” snorted Rarity as she blocked a strike from the Jikochuu, knocking it back. “Adagio help me out!”

Having gotten some of their power back, Adagio started to sing, making the Jikochuu see stars for a moment before it reoriented itself. “Uh oh,” said Adagio, before she was knocked halfway to the stage.

“Adagio!” Exclaimed Rainbow Dash, running into save her, grabbing her in mid throw. “You okay?”

“I really need a power bauble like you girls,” grumbled Adagio as a girl landed in front of them, dressed in fancy blue outfit with a mid-drif that went for miles. “What the heck?”

“The blue heart is the emblem of hope. Freshly-gathered, Cure Berry!” Exclaimed Cure Berry, throwing her hand to the side. Drawing her Berry Sword she rushed in with several heavy blows that knocked the Jikochuu to the back of the room. “Get everyone out of here!” Exclaimed Berry seconds before a thrown projectile from the Jikochuu slammed into her.

With a cry, Berry slammed into the studio wall, cratering it as the monster stood up. “Jikochuu!” Exclaimed the monster, flexing its arms. Stomping towards Berry, it reeled from a wide shot from a pulse rifle as Miu arrived on the scene, holding a futuristic space rifle.

“No one ruins my shoot,” said Miu, shooting rapidly and driving the monster back, explosions erupting from its surface as a fully armed Power Dizer skidded into view, slamming headlong in a textbook football tackle. “Get it Shun!”

“Gladly, Miu,” replied Shun, the Power Dizer saluting with a audible ping of teeth. Rushing the monster again, it grappled with the Jikochuu as Berry dragged herself out of the wall and without preamble, slammed into the monster with a shout of “Pretty Cure KICK!”

“So where’d this come from?” asked Miu as she kept firing on it. Tossing a extra rifle to Adagio, the Siren grinned and cocked it before adding hits to the monster. Rarity generated a sphere of crystal and hurled it at the Jikochuu, knocking it backwards as Rainbow Dash zoomed behind it and tackled it’s knee.

The Jikochuu lost balance and came down with a crash as Berry drew a spade shape with her weapon. “ESPOIR SHOWER! FRESH!”

Said spade slammed into the jikochuu, entrapping it in crystal as it’s heart was purified with a loud “Jikochuuuuuuu!” that faded away abruptly as it was purified. The heart flew over to Shoeshine and vanished into the heart-shaped hole in her chest as her color returned to her.

“Ugh… what happened?” she asked, rousing as the damage repaired itself around the area.

Rarity ran over to Shoeshine, helping her up. “You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, Shoeshine. Are you okay?” asked Rarity.

“I… I’m sorry,” said Shoeshine. “I was jealous and I thought jealous things about you and your friends before everything went dark.”

“A selfishness, a jikochuu took over your heart,” said Cure Berry. “We should probably tell the heroes that random monsters are appearing in this town now.”

“For now, yes.” said Miu, shouldering her rifle. “For now, let’s get back to the shoot as best as we can.”


“The yellow heart is the emblem of faith! Freshly-harvested, Cure Pine!” Exclaimed Cure Pine, leaping into view as the monster at the vet convention, made from the heart flower of a girl suddenly appeared. Applejack carried Posey’s crystal in her hands as she took cover with Fluttershy and Aria.

“I’m as confused as you gals are,” said Applejack as Cure Pine leaped into battle, punching and kicking as hard as she could. “Fluttershy, can you get the animals all out of the way? Winona, help her out.”

“Got it.” said Fluttershy, leaving cover to coax a group of frightened dogs and cats. With Winona’s help, they managed to get them out of the way as Aria and Applejack crawled around the battlefield, from cover to cover.

“Okay, what’s the plan?” asked Aria as the Desertarian flew overhead since it had been made by combining a heart flower with a fan.

“We need to jam that fan of it,” said Applejack, looking around. “Those drapes will do.”

“I’ll get it’s attention, you do what you need to do.” said Aria, running out of cover as Cure Pine was blown back by a mighty gust of wind. “HEY! Loser! Over here!”

The monster taking chase, Applejack left cover as she tugged at the drapes, ripping them from their mooring. Wrapping it around the bar, she clenched her geode as it flashed orange. “Steady…” she said, aiming like a javelin thrower. “Steady…! Now!”

And she hurled it towards the monster’s back, where it slid through the grate of the fan. The fan’s blades broke it predictably, but the drapes quickly tangled itself into the Desertarians’ blades.

“Got it!” Exclaimed Applejack as Fluttershy and Aria got to it’s side seconds before Cure Pine drew a diamond with her Pine Flute.

“Healing Prayer…! FRESH!” Proclaimed Pine, firing the attack which slammed into the Desertian. It was trapped in a crystal diamond for a moment before it dissolved away, transforming into a bouquet-like crystal with a flower within.

“Whew!” Exclaimed Pine as she brought the bouquet over to the girls. “Let’s return her to normal then,” said Cure Pine as she smiled, presenting the crystal at them.

Touching the crystal to the small sphere, the girl was restored as Fluttershy recognized her. “It’s Posey, from the vet center,” said Fluttershy. “I wonder why she was attacked?”

“Not sure,” said Pine, shaking her head. “Desertarians scream what’s on the victim’s mind. This one remained silent. I wonder if there’s something wrong with the monsters we’re facing. As if… they’re just random constructs.”

“I’m gonna call Sunset, tell her what’s happening,” said Applejack, pulling out her phone. “Aria, can you get in touch with Sonata and Adagio? I don’t have their numbers.”

“Already on it,” said Aria, drawing her phone out of its case and dialing a number.


“Change! Pretty Cure, Beat Up!” Exclaimed Love in the middle of backpedalling. She turned her stumble into a backwards flip as she resolved into Cure Peach. “The pink heart is the emblem of love!”

Cure Peach launched herself like a cannon into the Uzainaa’s side. “Freshly-picked, Cure Peach!”

The Uzainaa oofed as it was thrown backwards into the school courtyard as Cure Peach landed. “Miyuki! Get the girls out of uh…”

At the sight of the monster, Sunset, Sonata, Pinkie Pie and Twilight ponied up immediately, crackling with rainbow magic. “Ooo-kay,” said Peach with a chuckle.

“This way,” said Miyuki, leading the quartet of unpowered girls away to a safer area as the five magical girls slammed into the Uzainaa at once.

Twilight’s hands glowed as she forced the Uzainaa into a compressed state, being a octopus and all as Pinkie Pie threw spinkles into it’s face. Explosions went everywhere as Sonata let out a wail worthy of a siren that made it wriggle and writhe. Sunset, while having less magic than the others, hit a hidden cache and drew a JAXA rifle from it. “Where’d you get time to put that in?” asked Pinkie Pie as Sunset opened fire.

“Last time Kengo visited, he helped me set some of these up,” said Sunset, firing on the Uzainaa. “Peach, your three o’clock?”

“My what now?” asked Peach seconds before she was punched by a tentacle. “Oof!”

“Sorry!” Exclaimed Sunset. “Twilight!”

“On it!” Exclaimed Twilight, her hands crackling with power as she shot a beam that pushed the monster back. “It’s weakening, keep it up girls!”

“Here’s sprinkles in your eyes!” Exclaimed Pinkie as she and Sonata threw two cans worth at the Uzainaa’s face, where it detonated with surprising force. It writhed as several cars pulled up, and Berry and Pine landed next to Peach.

“Sorry we’re late!” Exclaimed Berry.

“Girls!” Exclaimed Peach as Pine grinned. “Just like old times.”

Drawing their weapons, the Peach Rod, the Berry Sword and Pine Flute, they activated it together. “Precure! Love Sunshine…!” Exclaimed Peach, drawing a heart.

“Espoir Shower!” Berry drew a spade as Pine drew a diamond.

“Healing Prayer!”

“FRESSSSSSH!” Cried out the trio as they shot the Uzainaa with a massive triple attack. The Uzainaa buckled and then exploded into little fairies which scurried away.

“Whew!” Exclaimed Peach, turning to the group. “I’m out of practice.”


“So seems like monsters from your hometowns are showing up here,” said Twilight as everyone was gathered in the crowded club room. “Any reason why?”

“I’m almost chancing it but three monsters in one go?” said Miki, arms folded. “Can’t be a coincidence.”

“I have to worry though,” said Buki. “None of them were from our town, they were all from different ones.”

“You girls are in huge trouble if you don’t figure this out,” said Sour Sweet. “I mean, what happens if the Pretty Cure leave and these monsters keep appearing?”

“We need to figure that out soon,” said Sunset. “Or we’re all in danger…”



Author's Note:

Published 10/6/2017
Series: Equestria Girls, Fresh Precure, Kamen Rider Fourze

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