• Published 7th Oct 2017
  • 1,328 Views, 24 Comments

Of Gods and Mortals - Inferno demon Dash

Discord sees the love of his life lose what made her so perfect in his eyes over time. And yet he still loves her and will do what he has to in order to protect her.

  • ...

Time can't be reversed

The bakery was more quiet than usual this evening, fall would be coming soon and if Discord knew anything about the love of his life it's that she loved baking new treats, even in her old age.

He turned from the counter of sentient dough and tubes of frosting that were fighting a war among the other, never being on either side as both 'prayed' to their god and he obliged by shifting the battle in their favor, though the dough was getting more experienced by the minute and maybe after a couple of seconds it would have the upper...hoof?

Discord didn't know and frankly didn't care as he snapped his fingers and froze the fight for a moment to watch the nearly unlimited bound of pink energy that was his mate slowly roll the dough in front of her with a rolling pin, blowing back a strand of gray colored frizzled hair that appeared over her left eye away as she hummed softly to herself.

"Screwball sent me a letter the other day, but I forgot to give it to you." She spoke behind her as she worked, the cake they needed to bake was for Diamond Jet, Rarity's and Thunderlane's oldest daughter and to celebrate her graduation from Flight School, but Discord paid such detail no mind as he slithered silently over to Pinkie and wrapped around her like a snake like she loved as she giggled before giving a hacking cough.

Snapping his fingers once more he made a glass of ice cold water appear out of nowhere and slowly gave it to her with his tail wrapped around the glass making her give a loving smile and take the glass from his tail into her hoof as she drank about a quarter before setting it down on the counter and kissed his lips making him grin.

"Did she now? Finally got the permits to expand that magical water park like she wanted?" He asked as Pinkie grinned and dug a hoof into her mane to try to find the letter but frowned when nothing but three bits came out, with a loud sigh the mare placed the bits back and turned to look at her love who snapped his fingers and brought forth the letter in question making her smile and nod at he read it.

Screwball seemed to have indeed done well in Fillydelphia and was going to visit Pinkie's sisters Marble and Maud along with their children who helped on the farm before coming and seeing her parents causing Discord to smile at the mostly harmless chaos he could do with his daughter.

Sure, she was immortal like him and didn't look a day over twenty five now, keeping her body from ageing with her chaos magic, even though technically she was not an earth pony but rather a sentient cotton candy with purple soda and peppermint in the shape of a pony, that didn't stop either Discord or Pinkie from treating her like a real pony who had her own thoughts, ideas and after years of living in Ponyville, dreams and knowledge of the world.

And it didn't stop Pinkie Pie's family from loving her like one of their own either, even though she was only Pinkie's adopted daughter, the pink mare had never once used that word, even when angry with her.

Discord smiled as he read over the letter again before taking a bite out of the paper, nodding in approval at the taste of marshmallow and oranges, Screwball sure knew how to send a tasty letter.

Pinkie continued back on her work, her brow dripping from sweat as she blinked tiredly and yawned covering her mouth with a hoof while Discord stared at her with a frown though she didn't notice.

"Maybe after we bake this cake for Roseluck we could go say hi to Applejack and the family, huh, Dissy?" She spoke with a bright smile that she was famous for making Discord narrow his eyes and kept himself from sighing.

"Pinkie, did you take your medicine?" He asked gently causing her to pause with her tongue sticking out in thought, her eyes narrowed in concentration as she thought of what she did today but she let out a soft sigh and shook her head causing the draconequus wrapped around her to shake his head slowly and snap his fingers once more causing two purple and white gummy looking pills to appear in his eagle talon as he slowly gave them to her which she accepted with a sad smile and after putting them in her mouth took another sip of water to wash it down.

Chaos Sanity, that was the now legal term that had been deemed by the medical boards of Equestria for those who was around Discord for a prolonged amount of time, a side effect for being around one who for sure had an enormous amount of dangerous magic within them that it caused those around him to literally go insane.

It was one of the reasons Discord never stayed around anyone but his daughter for longer than three days, but with Pinkie it was made worse because she chose to be around him longer than anyone thought possible, it was a risk she was willing to take as it was similar to dementia but far stronger, disastrous and incurable even with magic, even Celestia and Luna had to perform an extraordinary powerful spell to keep themselves sane with being around Discord.

These gummy pills were an invention that Discord, Celestia and Twilight made themselves as time had gone on and were the only thing that helped Pinkie Pie from doing something...suicidality insane.

Though the ones she took were far stronger than the ones now in the stores, and kept her in check....at least they used to. They used to last her two entire week, but that was sixty years ago and now he was lucky if they lasted four hours, he wanted to up the dosage even more to bring her back into the pony she once was but he knew if he did it could kill her.

That was not a risk that sat well with him and the thought alone was to much to bare.

He hated how he had to give her medicine to make her remember simply because she was around him, but she never seemed to mind and the only true cure was for her was to be immortal like himself and their daughter.

But he didn't feel in the mood to get into another fight with her right now since she insisted on living a normal life, good and bad before she gave him her decision.

Only ten more years at most before she was on her deathbed, for her sake he would wait that long, even if it pained him.

It took about thirty minutes before she remembered where she was and what was happening, all the while talking about seeing how strong Big Mac and Sugarbelle's kids were on the farm and hoping to finding the stallion's secret on how he got his pie crust so buttery delicious.

But Big Macintosh had been dead for nearly twenty years now, Discord knew he should have been there to do anything, to help or maybe save him but at the time Pinkie had said he died doing what he loved, even though after all this time it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Maybe you can go play one last game of Ogres and Oubliettes before Spike and Sweetie Belle get married next week." She giggled in her dazed state, not being aware that she had grabbed a cookie cutter and was pressing it into the dough to resemble snow ponies even though she had been preparing a cake, but she was like that in this state and didn't see the hurt expression on her mate's face as he slowly unwound himself from around her and laid on a chair next to her.

Spike and Sweetie Belle had been married for nearly thirty years now and with Spike ruling Equestria as king and Sweetie being among some of the most well known pop stars in the country known as Lady Belle, she had taken a break to learn how to rule along side her husband, but Discord doubted Pinkie knew this from the chipper tone in her voice.

Besides, Spike had stopped playing the game for a very long time now after Big Mac died, it would be centuries at the most before Discord dared to bring up the adventures they once shared.

What really hurt him though was when his mate mentioned going to see Rainbow Dash, she had been dead for five years, saving some colts and fillies who were caught up in an enormous lighting storm that struck Cloudsdale, not wanting to leave among the other Pegasi until everything was completely safe and it cost her, her life.

Pinkie had been furious, screaming at Discord to bring her back, that he could do it and had the power, but he refused.

She couldn't comprehend that him going back in time would drastically change the world, and risking nearly everything for one pony was a gamble he swore he would never do, unless it was her but he only said that to himself knowing that he was already on very thin ice with Fate.

They rarely fought, at least to such a heated degree but when Rainbow died it had caused one of the biggest fights they ever had and Discord, in his rage to make her listen to him had nearly turned half of Equestria into a world of nightmares, and yet still she stood, unafraid of him not even flinching before he changed it all back and told him she needed some time alone.

They hadn't talked to each other for two weeks after that.

At least it was better then when her sister Limestone died after being crushed by a boulder while working the farm forty years ago, Pinkie had left town for six months after that, leaving Discord alone but furious with their daughter crying and begging for her mom to come back.

That had to be the biggest fight they ever had and Discord even to this day sincerely regretted the words he spoke.

He could have easily reminded her of her friend's demise or showed her the grave that held the honorable Wonderbolt but he wanted his mate to be happy and with regret went farther than most would by traveling to an alternate universe where Rainbow Dash was alive, at least one version of her.

The biggest problem was that this Rainbow and Pinkie hated each other since Pinkie betrayed her friends by siding with Discord when Tirek had won, Twilight Sparkle was killed, Rarity was forced into slavery, Applejack took her family and was never heard from again and Fluttershy to his everlasting shame and guilt even if the world he had traveled to was not his own, had killed herself.

He had bargained with the alternate mare to be her friend for a few hours and gave her a list of all the Dash's from his world's accomplishments in exchange for bringing her father back to life for a week, he had to admit that she did an amazing job acting even with the hate burning in her eyes seeing the mare who looked and acted just like the one who betrayed them when Pinkie was not looking.

But even though he went to an even slippery slope with what he had done bringing the other Dash's father back to life, it was all worth it in the end to see his love's sincere and genuine smile, luckily they didn't travel often to meet her since Pinkie thought her friend was so busy.

He only did it when she was on the pills though since she forgot the years had passed and begged him that they had to see her, so maybe the other Dash would not mind at least one more visit, if he planned it correctly.
He didn't enjoy lying to her, but if it as to keep her happy, even if it made him sick to his stomach then he would do what he must.

She spoke about going to Appleloosa and seeing Fluttershy and Braeburn along side their children to which he wholeheartedly agreed, even though Fluttershy was now confined to a wheelchair with her rear legs giving out as the years passed, at least she and her husband were alive.

She mentioned seeing Applejack and Soarin at the farm, despite the fact that they had moved to Appleloosa years ago with Fluttershy, but he didn't correct her as she wanted to also see Twilight and Zecora who had moved to Canterlot a long, long time ago but again he didn't correct it, in a few minutes her memory would come crashing back and she would weep extremely hard into his fur like she always did.

The Castle of Friendship was looked over by Starlight and Sunburst's children and Rarity and Thunderlane had lived in Cloudsdale for around fifty years now, using a very powerful cloud walking spell that lasted longer thanks to the Princesses.

Pinkie was the only one left in Ponyville from her friends, despite Discord telling her that they should go back to her rock farm and live the rest of her life among her family but since she was the owner of Sugarcube Corner, the Cakes retiring years ago and Pinkie hiring a Yak, Changeling, dragon and female bat pony to work the bakery with them she just could not let the town she loved go.

Maybe in another five years if Discord played his cards right, the bat pony was becoming quite the manger after all this time.

The Element of Laughter was naturally in her element with all her other friends and Discord didn't have the heart to force her to change, after all she never expected him to change for her.

Sighing loudly as he saw Pinkie's mind once again remembering everything that had happened over the years she sobbed, loud and hard as he floated from his seat and hugged her tightly while she wept in his chest.

This had become their theme, but Discord didn't mind it after all he loved her with every ounce of his powerful beating immortal heart, which was ironic since he sold the organ for something called a truck load of Klondike bars ice cream a very long time ago and even to this day still loved them.

Unfortunately the after aforementioned organ exploded and killed ten thousand humans but he had done something to aid them during those trying times, though he could not remember what it was.

Either way, he loved his Pinkie Pie and he knew she loved him to, they were not perfect but then again they were about as perfect as a couple could get when one was eons and another was barely making it to ninety years old.

He was her guardian angel, her sword and shield and her blanket of passion for trying times and for all intent and purposes, he was her heart.

And she...was the only reason he still bothered with mortals, other then Fluttershy and maybe Spike, he would not leave her, no matter what the two went through even if she didn't have as much time as he wished.

He sure hoped that changed though but no matter what, he loved Pinkamena Diane Pie with all that he was and all that he had to offer.

She was his loving mortal, and he was her loyal and caring god.

Author's Note:

A short idea I had all day from reading a few sad fics about time with the Mane Six and wanted to write a Discord/Pinkie story for a while now. I'm trying to bring this pairing back from the grave since I love and miss it, this was going to be so much longer and much more detailed but I forgot a good chuck of how it was supposed to go at work so I did what I could.

Wow my first ever Everybody rated story....that's so bucking strange and scary for me, doubt I'll ever write another one.

Sorry it's not edited but hope you all enjoy anyway, it's much more serious then I done in some time. Have a good day/night fellow creatures.

Comments ( 24 )

This tells you that life is short and you gotta live it to the fullest and look back

Damn straight, thanks for the review.

No. thank you for writing an amazing story that can change the aspects of someone’s life

Wow that really means a lot, I just wanted to write a Pinkie/Discord fic since I'm trying to bring this pairing back but I'm very glad it did wonders my friend.

I don't know if it's just me, but odd boxes are showing up in this story

Finally got the permits to expand that magical water park like she wanted?"

Like at the end of this sentence.

"Maybe you can go play one last game of Ogres and Oubliettes before Spike and Sweetie Belle get married next week."

And this one. Not sure if you're using a custom character, or it's fimfiction being dumb

Now, on to what I actually thought of the story.

It was amazing. I love the PinkieXDiscord ship and i love what you've done with it. 10/10, 100% S rank, Going on my favorites! Have a clapping waifu for your good job! derpicdn.net/img/2014/1/15/524738/full.gif

Thank I would love to read a Pinkie/Discord story from you, my friend, that pairing died after season two and I'm trying to bring it back.

That picture is saying.

Discord: Pinkie. Get off my nose.

Pinkie: Nope~ No can do Dizzy~

Love this story. It is so damn sad and heartwarming and tear jerking and sweet all rolled into one. You are awesome!

Thank you very much, I tried to make a story of Pinkie being older while Discord is watching his mate slowly die, but I also want to make one where she's younger and they are together. I'm just really trying to bring this pairing back.

I've always loved this pairing. It can be sweet, crazy and fun. I like Fluttercord as well but Pinkcord (Don't know the official ship name for it) Just is wonderful.

While I do enjoy Fluttercord quite a bit, Discopie just seems to naturally fit, they have a lot in common and can connect in a way that Shy and Discord can't. If you ever chose to write about the pairing, send me a link. I'd love to read more of this pairing.

They do have a lot more in common when you think about it. Also. I don't think I will ever write a Discopie story but if you write more stories bout them., I will read them.,

Agreed, and that's a shame. I'd love to see your writing style but it's fine. That's what I plan to do, some of my new stories have Discopie in them if you want to give them a read.

I will read them pal. I can't wait for them.

Then get to reading :rainbowlaugh: Enjoy.

I will. Thank you.

No problem, thanks for the watch.

i love the pairing and i liked the window into their domestic life, but pinkie going insane just because shes around discord was a little much. it felt like angst just for angst's sake, you could have easily accomplished the same thing narritively by pinkie being old and having *actual* demensia, which would be sad enough, but that "insanity by assosiation" thing felt way out of left field.

You make a very fair point and you are right it would have been more interesting to do such in that way. But that's a real thing that affects people and I've never been through it in my life with my family while other people had so I didn't want to talk about something I knew nothing about.

The biggest problem was that this Rainbow and Pinkie hated each other since Pinkie betrayed her friends by siding with Discord when Tirek had won, Twilight Sparkle was killed, Rarity was forced into slavery, Applejack took her family and was never heard from again and Fluttershy to his everlasting shame and guilt even if the world he had traveled to was not his own, had killed herself.

I kinda want to read that story and see how that went down

Wow that was something so years has been past and Discord knew that this would happen since he's Immortal and Pinkie Pie is slowly growing in every each year which it was pretty sad to see that and hearing about all the things been happening with her friends family and all the stuff and despite the heartache that Discord had to go to he will never leave Pinkie Pie alone they always have each other despite how much time they have this was a sad story but a very good one keep up the good work

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