• Published 19th Jan 2019
  • 1,691 Views, 13 Comments

Stay With Me - Fabella

A brand new and strange creature has arrived upon the land of Equestria. Celestia takes the creature in and as time passes both find themselves drawn to each other as they complete the struggles of life together.

  • ...

Chapter II - Wanting Answers

"Ms. Neghtingale are you here?" Redheart asked as she peeked inside. Wishing not to intrude upon her boss's space.

"Yes I'm here, just sorting through some papers." Redheart walked inside as Nurse Joy followed close behind.

The head nurse went over to her desk from her file cabinet and sat down. "You can bring a chair over and sit in front of my desk. There are a few things to discuss."

Both nurses rolled over a chair and sat down in front of the head nurse who had picked up a newspaper. Grumbling under her breath. "Cursed paparazzi..." she grumbled.

The two nurses stared at the large unfolded papers in front of them. The large bold print of Equestria Daily situated dead center at the front. Their eyes skimmed the page and just below it was an equally as bold title that caused her to slouch in disappointment.

'Unknown and Weird Creature Found by Everfree. Have Aliens Contacted Us? What Secrets is Ponyville Hospital Hiding?'

Redheart rolled her eyes. Really?

Next to the headline was an unruly picture of their boss caught telling the press off three days ago. Her eyes wide and mouth opened in an unpicturesque manner as the press had swarmed the hospital. Trapping the mare as soon as she had walked outside.

The head nurse folded up the paper. "All right, lets start from the beginning." Nurse Neightingale stated with a sigh. she put the newspaper down and grabbed a pen and sheet of paper. "We've had this creature-for lack of a better term-for about a week now correct?"

The two nurses nodded their head.

"Good, just wanted to make sure that I was still on the right track." She continued to write. "I'm still trying not to punch a hole thorugh the wall after dealing with that cursed press. Every day is a letter asking me for information. I told the nurses to just ripped them up. We can't disclose patient information anyway. Regardless of what they are."

"It's too be expected considering what we are dealing with. Did you really expect that nurses and docs were going to be quiet after seeing a creature like that being rolled into the hospital?" Redheart smiled.

"I'ts too much to ask isn't it?" Neightingale continued. "So, Fluttershy found this creature on the edge of Everfree Forest, bruised and unconscious. Clothes tattered and ripped apart. No doubt attacked by something. The assumption being that it was timberwolves. He was then taken to us to treat for his injuries under my supervision."

"If you don't mind me asking Ms. Neightingale, What are you writing for?"

"Queen Celestia."

"Queen Celestia?" The two nurses said in unison. Looking at one another.

"Don't you think that it's too soon?" Joy spoke up. "After all he hadn't spent long here in the hospital. He's just truly recovering from his injuries not to mention that his most severe wound has slightly opened back up."

"That's true but it's important that something truly outstanding like this is known to her majesty. She is the ruler of the country after all. I believe she should at least be made aware of whats going on in it. We know nothing about this creature. Hell, we barely know if its even a male to begin with. I'm just going off what I know about stallions and the pleasant information given to me from the nurses who changed him out of his ragged clothes. Not to mention Equestria Daily won't shut up about it. I didn't think that within a week that they'll be off running at the mouths. We ponies are quite the talkative bunch aren't we." she groaned. She seemed more annoyed than she ever was before.

"I would assume she was the first to know." Nurse Joy commented.

"She probably does but I'll send the letter as a precaution. At least I can rest knowing that I did my part at the least. I wanted to write this letter in front of you both so you all will know what will be happening from this point forward. Especially since you two had direct involvement with him." she looked down at the paper and continued writing.

Redheart rubbed her front leg and furrowed her eyes at the tiles.

"Hopefully her majesty will know what to do. But I do wonder if she will know what to do? None in Ponyville has seen a creature like this before."

"She's lived longer than any of us so if any pony may have an idea on what we are dealing with its probably her. At this point the most she can do is probably only gather more information on him. "

Joy turned her attention to Redheart. "Redheart, are you okay?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah, its just..."

"Its just...? Neightingale pressed.

"When I was interacting with him, he seemed curious as to what I was. Saying how it was 'ridiculous' that I, an animal could speak. He also mentioned magic and asked if I was a chimera."

Ms. Neightingale and Joy looked at each other with wide eyes. Interest more peaked than ever before. "Did anything else happen between you two?" The head nurse asked.

Redheart shook her head. "No. That was it before chaos unfolded."

"Is he from a place where magic is the norm? How does he know what a chimera is?" Joy questioned. Redheart looked at her and smiled. Can't help but seeing how she was like a small filly who was absorbed in a good story.

"Your asking all the questions we all want to know the answers to." Redheart responded. "In all my years I have never heard of other worldly contact being accomplished nor a creature such as this. Contrary to what the papers state." Thinking back to the newspaper.

"I'll be sure to put this very important information into the letter what you told me. No doubt something like this should certainly capture the attention of the Queen. To ensure that she most certainly gets it, I'll past the letter through her most faithful student Twilight as she has direct delivery of letters through her dragon. How long before our unique patient will get well enough to see anyone?"

"I say give it about three more weeks." Joy replied. "That should be enough for his large wound to have healed properly enough to allow for movement.

"Alright. Three more weeks it is. I'll tell her majesty that she will be free to visit him by then and I'll also put in a tiny request of a restraining order on the paparazzi." Her eye twitched as she thought back to the ugly picture they took of her screaming at them. Plastered all over the front page of the newspaper.

Redheart and Joy simply chuckled. Seeing the clear irritation of their boss caused by the news.

"It's late and we both are clearly tired and since none of us work the night shift, lets call it a night. Its already seven o'clock."

"There isn't anything else that needs discussion?" Joy asked.

"No besides that from now on, you two will personally be in charge of him. I will still have guards sanctioned by just in case anything else happens. Outside of the surgeons, I'll be placing the majority of care in both of you mares hooves. Report to me anything new and his well being."

Both mares bowed their head. "Yes ma'am."

The head nurse let out a sigh. "You both are dismissed. I will see you mares tomorrow."

"Do you want us to put back the chairs?" Redheart asked.

"Don't worry about them, I'll move them tomorrow."

"Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Same to you Redheart."

"Have a good evening!" Joy happily waved.

Nightingale smiled back. "You too Joy."

The door closed and the two mares went their ways but not without pondering upon the days events.

"Do you really think...that he's an alien?"


"Well I'm just saying. What if Celestia never seen a creature like the one we saw before?"

"That doesn't mean hes an alien Joy."

"I know but it will speak volumes. Celestia had a thousand years to see Equestria become a country and travel the world. Shes a living encyclopedia!"

"Maybe we, us ponies, have never seen something like him. Afterall he did mention a chimera and magic."

"Hm...you are right on that." Redheart smiled and rolled her eyes. "But I don't know something seems fishy!" Joy puckered her lips. Scrunching up her nose to look like a fish. Redheart simply giggled.

"If you say so."

As she gathered up her belongings and parted ways with her assistant she couldn't help but wonder through the night about the creature that Equestria had stumbled upon

Author's Note:

Meh, too lazy right now to put a description of the office.