• Published 19th Jan 2019
  • 1,691 Views, 13 Comments

Stay With Me - Fabella

A brand new and strange creature has arrived upon the land of Equestria. Celestia takes the creature in and as time passes both find themselves drawn to each other as they complete the struggles of life together.

  • ...

Chapter III - Planning

Celestia sat in her room, watching the minutes tick away as she sorted through piles of papers littered around her table. She sighed and stared longily into the flames of the fire place that burned with passion. Passion she wished she all but had at the moment.

Her white fur absorbed the light of the fire as her multicolored mane of pastel blues and pink that seemed forever caught in a wind was now messy and unkempt.

The solar queen often found herself in these situations. Tired, stressed and most of all bored. There were times she wished the Storm King would return. Just to add some excitement to what she viewed, a rather dull life. A life she felt she lived much too long to experience.

The smiling and constant apperence of a beautiful queen mother of her nation was at times too much. If only reason would allow that she could set the sun eternally so her night sleep would never end.

She heard a winding noise and her attention to the flames was broken.


"Oh, Luna"

The night queen smiled and made her way inside her sisters Chambers. Despite being twins, Luna was reffered to as the baby by her sister due to being born last. Much to her chargain.

The lunar queen was a polar opposite of her elder sister. Her dark blue fur and bat wings stood against the bright demenaor of her sister. Her ever flowing mane and tail reflecting the very time of day in which she reflected most. Sparkling as though stars were captured in her very mane. Dark and at times even brooding, she immediately attracted more attention in the room than any other and demanded respect. Quick to snap back and not one to like when questions are asked. Luna carried a strong and leading position.

"I saw that your door was open and figured I'll take a peak inside to see if you were awoke by any chance. Turns out that you are." She smiled.


"Say, what are you getting up too?"

"Nothing really. Sorting through papers like so many monarchs do."

"The monarchs I know we're usually too busy with up keeping appearances and attending fancy feasts and balls."

"Sadly those days have long sense passed."

Celestia looked down at her messy table and picked up a newspaper. "There is one paper however that has captured my attention. It's about a creature that Fluttershy found."

"Fluttershy found a creature? Why is that surprising?"

"Not just any creature. One that Equestria has never seen nor heard of before. At least, that's what I can gather from the information given to me." Celestia hovered the newspaper she had sitting upon her desk towards her sister who relinquished it from her grasp.

"What type of nonsensical title is this? Whatever this creature is I doubt it is 'other worldly'."

"I haven't personally seen it myself. It's only been over a week since that incident but the press was quick to latch onto the news when word was spread that the creature was sent to Ponyville Hospital. Quite a few are gossiping about it in Canterlot but there is little information to really go on so a lot of what I heard was but minor speculation."

"I'm surprised that the press just simply didn't hound Fluttershy for information. It's not as though she would be a hard target to do so."

Celestia chuckled. "She wouldn't be...if Discord wasn't there."

Luna smiled. "You do have a point dear sister." Luna continued to read. "You mentioned that its at Ponyville Hospital? Surely it can't be too other worldly if the creature is there.."

"Exactly. In fact..." Celestia lit up her horn and floated a scroll with an all too familiar violet star shaped seal in front of it."

"Is that a letter from Twilight"? Luna asked.

"Yes. I received it from her not too long ago. In fact just about two hours before now."

"It's not like her to send letters this late. Surely it must be important."

"It is. It's about the creature that Fluttershy apparently found. Twilight sent the letter but she wasn't the one who wrote it. Ms.Neightingale, head nurse of Ponyville Hospital, was the one who wrote it. She must have gotten Twilight to personally send it to me since she knows how close we are to each other."

"What does it say?"

"Quite a bit. It recaps on how Fluttershy found the creature on the edge of Everfree while cleaning her cottage and without hesitation called the hospital to take the poor thing in as it was greatly injured. It was unconscious for three days before waking up and causing a small disturbance. She states that it has since calmed down but there were some things to note to owhich I highlighted. First, is that the creature is capable of intelligent speech. Second, it wore clothes and third that is seemed to have some knowledge of magic and even mentioned a chimera. This is all of what Ms.Neightingale had sent me."

"So it shows that it may have some form of sapience?"


"It may just be a creature that we have never seen before but it sounds far from an alien to me. Seems like a normal pony that's probably so very ugly that none can tell what they are."

Celestia laughed. "Luna!"

The night princess couldn't help but grin.

Celesita shook her head. "I wish that was true but how many ponies do you know are described as 'hairless apes'?"

"Well...I can name quite a few." Luna mumbled.

"I'm serious Luna. That was the language Ms.Neightingale used to describe this creature. I think its worth putting in consideration. I can't think of any creature that fits this description that I know of and she sent this letter hoping that I will have answers." she sighed. "But I'm afraid that I'm lost like every one else. She did mention how she believes its a male based on the...descriptions of the nurses who helped change it out of it's clothes." Celestia smiled. Holding back a childish giggle. "It also walks upright."

"So the letter mentioned how it seemed to be a male with knowledge of magic and even chimera. A hairless ape that stands and walks upright...it...certainly doesn't sound like a creature we have looked upon before."

She looked towards the plethora of books that were littered around her desk and pointed at them. "As soon as I had read the letter I took it upon myself to see if I can gather any information on 'hairless apes' but I was unable to find anything and from my millennium year old memory can't recollect any time that I've heard of or encountered such a thing." The solar queen flopped her head upon her desk and made a sour face. "I'm afraid that for once I am...quite useless."

"We've been useless ever since Twilight and her friends took on the elements but do not fret dear sister, you still have cake."

Celestia was hardly amused and her sour face only grew more sour. "Thank you Luna."

"I am merely joking dear sister. Surely not all resources have been exhausted. Perhaps I can find something that may help. There is a library in Manhatten that is open 24/7. I'll see if I can drop by there tonight and find something. I'm more free during my time then you are anyway."

Luna raised an eye at her sister who seemed lost in her own world. "Um, Celestia?"

Celestia sat up. "Ms. Neightingale stated that the creature will be able to at least move around in about three weeks to a month. Giving some time for his wounds to close. Instead of searching for information I thought an alternative would be better."

Luna raised an eye. "And that is...?"

Celestia stared down at her desk before finally flopping back over. "I don't know. I'm too tired to think. I do know that it just doesn't seem practical that the creature stay at Ponyville Hospital....I was thinking..."

"Of bringing it here?" Luna's eyes furrowed towards her sister. Her tone being one of skepticism and disapproval.

Celestia sighed. "Yes."

"Are you sure about a move like that?"

"Having him here would be better than having him at Ponyville Hospital. Neightingale even asked me to put out a royal decree against the press. Telling them to not come within three hundred feet of the building."

"She's probably upset over that unsightly picture in the newspaper." Luna commented.

"Probably? Knowing Ms. Neightingale she is." Celestia grinned.

"Know that when you stated of bringing him here I was not against it sister. I just want you to be cautious and above all safe. Such a move will relieve Ponyville of such a responsibility but we also can keep a good eye on the creature. If it were to try anything we will be able to respond immediately. Not to mention we will have guards stationed along with the best security that Canterlot has to offer. I'll reexamine the locks of the catacombs to ensure that nothing is out of place."


"Is the catacombs not fitting?"

"The creature is sentiment Luna, I want to stay on its good side. Stuffing it in a cold, dark cellar beneath the castle grounds is not the way to do that."

"We know nothing about this creature. Sentiment or not we must proceed with caution."

"What we do know is that the poor thing is confused and badly injured. I don't think it will be able to pull off much even if it did want to fight us."

Luna frowned. Unsure of whether or not to take her sister's advice. The incident of the changeling invasion had put her deeply on edge. Despite such a thing being years ago it had drove her to take her place among the security of her nation. Revamping the military and guards and implementing new guidelines for those who wished to enter. Though she carried a great deal of respect for her sister she knows that sometimes Celestia's nice nature was often a weak spot. This was countered by her more stern and commanding personality. One that required orders to be followed not questioned.

"I do not think that we should be one ounce lack around anything unfamiliar especially to us."

"I agree but we should at least approach the creature with sincerity and warmth. Not too much but just enough so that it isn't intimidated by us. If we immediately see it as a threat and not worth respect on the first impression it may not be as cooperative as we may want it to be." Celestia knew that Luna was not the type to be persuaded easily with such a method. "A balance. A balance between being welcoming and intimidating." Giving a smile to her sister.

"A balance?"

Celestia nodded. "A balance. I won't go unattended. I will have guards. When the creature is bought here I will have one of the guest rooms prepared for him near my quarters. I will also have guards placed by the room I plan for him to stay in as well. They will report to me about anything significant he does. In that way, he will be under the closest supervision possible and I can act when needed if anything happens. In fact, a guard shall attend him at all times. It will not only protect him but any ponies as well."

"It seems to me that you have laid out your plan."

Celestia beamed. "See little sister? I have it all under control."

"I will take your word for it. But if anything happens just know that I will show no mercy."

"I'm aware."

"When do you plan on picking up this creature?"

"When its healed enough to be bought. Neightingale stated that within about three weeks it will be able to move around safely. I will send out a letter tomorrow to her stating of my plan. Until then, I will enlist a few royal guards to stand by and enforce my restraining order on the press. I'll let her know that she doesn't need to worry any more about any funny pictures of her being taken."

"If you say so. Considering that he would be coming to Canterlot soon. There's no need to worry about research now is there?"

"Why you say that sister?"

"Well, since he's coming here, we'll be able to obtain information straight from the source. If he is not suffering from any memory issues or problems then he should be able to recall how his life is like. Like how he knows about magic and what a chimera is. Saves us the time and trouble."


Luna got up from her sister's table. "If everything is cleared then, then there is no more need to discuss it. I trust that everything is under the care of your hooves."

"Leaving already?"

"The night calls sister. I trust that your plan will go well but do get some rest. It is late and those bags under your eyes cannot get any heavier."

"Yes mother."

Luna rolled her eyes and made her way to the door. Celestia gleefully smiled and levitated a pair of scissors that was laying around towards her as she set her eyes upon the newspaper. Luna took notice and raised an eye at her sister. Seeing her cut around the edges of Ms. Neightingale's photo. "Just what are you planning to do with that picture dear sister?"

"Can't you tell? Put it in my scrapbook of course. I won't let something like this go to waste."

Luna could only smile as she headed out of the door. Celestia placed the picture and newspaper on her vanity as she looked in the mirror. Rubbing a hoof against her bags that laid under her pink, watery eyes. She glanced at the clock.

It's passed nine already? She mumbled. "I should get ready for bed..." Before she did however, her eyes laid set once more upon the featured newspaper article.

Standing in the limelight of the moon, a dark colored mare stared longingly out of the large panel windows that lined the hall leading to the sun queen's chambers. The smell of the lavender flowers filled her nostrils as the light of the full moon cast a ray of light upon the marble floors. She felt a surge of magic through her horn which caused her to flinch in slight pain. Rubbing a hoof against it for ease. Her black fitted suit and red mane soaking up the invading rays.

As she stared dreaming, the sounds of hooves clicking against the floor caused her to turn her head. Appearing from the shadows was none other than the very owner of the moon herself.

"Your majesty. Back already?"

"Yes. I too have my duties to fill." Luna sighed. "I've been wanting to ask about your horn."

The mare smiled. Looking up to the blue crystal prosthesis that was fitted upon her temple. "Its been awhile but it doesn't feel as off as before. I've sometimes forgotten that I've ever had a broken one." She chuckled. "I've been practicing even still in honing my magic. I never thought I would practically have to learn how to do simple things all over again like pick up an object. Thankfully, I don't have to worry about that anymore."

"I'm happy to hear that." Luna smiled. "I'm happy also to see that you have gotten more comfortable since the year you've joined."

"I still feel a bit off at times. I don't think the ponies trust me as much. I can't blame them however. I did cooperate with the Storm king. It...only makes sense for them to be wary of me."

"You cannot please everyone. That is a simple fact of life. Not even my beloved sister can. Some ponies take a long time to come around others don't at all. Right now, you have to focus on making yourself a better pony and no one else can do that but you."

"Thank you your majesty. How was your conversation with Ms. Celestia? If you do not mind me asking."

"It went well but I'm all the more happy that I did speak to her. An important matter regarding a creature Fluttershy found was discussed."

"You mean that hairless ape everyone's been whispering about?"

"You seem to know about it."

"It's been plastered all over the front of the newspaper. You couldn't miss it if you wanted too."

"Right now the creature is being harbored at Ponyville Hospital to tend to it's injuries. As soon as his wounds heal however, me and my sister both decided that he will best be bought here."

"To Canterlot?"

"Yes. As wild as it may seem we've decided that this was the best course of action. It will allow us to keep an eye on him much more closer than if he were to stay in Ponyville. Still, I do warn her to be cautious when dealing with any potential threat but I trust that she has everything settled."

"Sounds like she does. Say, do you both perhaps know what creature it may be?"

"Nay we do not. All the more reason to be safe. At least when it's bought here we will be able to inquire about it's history. It doesn't seem to not be sapient. Having appeared with clothes and speech like ours."

"It speaks Equestrian?"

"Judging from the information my sister told me, I would assume so. Is the carriage ready?"

"Yes. Everything is prepared. It's waiting for you right outside in the Canterlot Gardens."

"Perfect. Let us not fret any longer then. The night awaits."

Comments ( 7 )

Why is the picture a centaur?

There are centaurs in the story.

This seems like an intresting premise, and it shows many signs of being a good story, however there are a few bits that seem off.

Celestia and Luna speak very formally with each other, which seems odd considering they're sisters. Nicknames or something else to show more informality could help with that.

There are certain errors in the text that could be easily fixed with the help of an editor. There are many groups on Fimfiction for that exact purpose, and having and editor would greatly help your writting.

Lastly, the description of the centaur in this chapter seemed lacking, as it failed to mention his horse half, only referencing his 'hairless ape' half.

Otherwise, keep up the good work! I'm interested to see where this goes. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for your comment! It's very much appreciated! As for the centaur part, I decided to make the gentleman a regular person. Any references to his horse part is a mistake on my part that was probably left over from my original draft which I probably didn't notice upon reviewing the chapter.

....I'll make him a centaur. I think it will be better that way. Its been lingering on my mind ever since then. lol

I found it weird to refer to her as "princess" instead of "queen" considering she would be having offspring in the future of the fic. Having characters refer to Celestia as "princess Celestia" and her offspring as "princess so and so" would just be confusing to me and nonsensical.

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