• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 3,064 Views, 50 Comments

Dreams In The Mist - lorettafox

Prequel to These Dreams and Renew. Twilights begins seeing Discord in her dreams and soon begins having feelings for him.

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Moonlit Forest

I've completely revamped the original story into this. This one will be much better, believe me on this.

"What a wedding!" Twilight Sparkle spoke as she and her baby dragon, Spike, walked through the library door. "I've never seen Pinkie eat so many sweets before!"

"I know. She must have eaten like three trailers worth of sweets tonight!" Spike laughed. "I can't believe you also sang at the wedding."

"Cadence insisted that I sing for her. Something about I've always been able to sing since I was a filly or something along those lines."

"Too bad I never got to throw that bachelor party." Spike sighed. "But the reception was fun, no denying that!"

"The reception was very fun. All the discourse that went on. I've never seen so many ponies in one place!" Twilight giggled.

"And to think, none of it may have not happened if you hadn't been able to find the real Princess Cadence."

"My brother would have married the Queen of The Changelings. That wouldn't have turned out well."

"But it's all good now, Twilight. Another villain who tried to take over is history." Spike said as he headed towards the kitchen.

"All that have tried to overtake Equestria have never won. The Changeling Queen couldn't do it, neither could Nightmare Moon, or Discord." Twilight said without giving much thought into her response. The sentence she had spoken registered in her mind a few seconds later. "Wait a minute, did I just say Discord?"

"Yeah. You were comparing him and Nightmare Moon to the Changeling Queen by how they were never able to truly take over Equestria. Are you spacing out or something now?" Spike called from the kitchen.

Twilight let out a loud and long yawn, signaling just how tired she was from the reception and the train ride home. "I guess I'm just tired if I can't detect my own sentences. I think I need to head to bed. But still, I haven't thought about the Discord incident for months."

"It just popped into your head is all, Twilight. These things do happen after all."

"Right. I think I'm going to head to bed. You can eat your snack and then it's straight to bed with you, young dragon." Twilight said with a smile as she climbed up the stairs to her bedroom.

Opening the bedroom door at the very top of the stairs, Twilight stepped into the room that was only illuminated the the full moon hanging in the sky. Everything in the room had a moonlight like quality to it, making it more inviting to Twilight as she simply wanted to do nothing but sleep. Twilight crossed the room and climb under her star covers. With one last look of her bedroom, she closed her eyes and drifted into a sound sleep.

Twilight opened her eyes instantly to find herself no longer in her moonlit bedroom, but rather a moonlit forest. A full moon hung high in the sky above some trees that had lost all it's leaves and only the branches remained. The forest had no apparent signs of life in it at all, only a soft breeze that ran through the branches, making a quiet whistling noise.

"Where am I?" Twilight said as she looked around the spot she was in. She quickly noticed that the forest was covered in a small layer of mist, giving it a creepy and mysterious vibe. "Why am I here?"

Twilight raised her hoof up to take a step forward when she noticed something white on the upper half of her leg. Looking down, she noticed that she was wearing a simple white dress, nothing special, just an ordinary white dress. "This is very unusual. How do I get out of this forest?"

Twilight looked around when she noticed a small light coming in the northwest direction of her. She turned her head in that direction and saw a small candle sitting in a container, simply sitting there and glowing brightly. Twilight walked towards the candle and looked at it, puzzled. What was a rogue candle doing in the middle of a forest at nighttime? Twilight really didn't think of an answer as she picked up the container with the candle inside with her magic so it could light a way out of this forest.

Twilight walked in the direction that she had found the candle. She glanced at her surroundings as she kept on walking forward. It was nothing but barren trees and mist that hung to them. The moon also seemed to be frozen in it's place as it still was hanging high in the sky. What was she even doing in this forest in the first place? Was she dreaming she was here or was this a real place?

Twilight kept on walking when suddenly, she stopped in her place. She had come to a gap in the barren forest as there was a stretch of road running through it. Maybe if she was lucky, a carriage or taxi would come on by and be able to get her out of this place. She looked in both directions and had her ears straight up, but she didn't hear and see anything coming.

"I want to get out of here!" Twilight groaned. "This is not a place I want to be!"

With her statement said, the sound of running could be heard coming up on the south end of the road. Twilight instantly flipped her head in towards where the sound was coming from as a blob was starting to appear. As the blob got closer to her, she could make out that it was a carriage being pulled by a single pony. The carriage came up the road as it began to slow down and stop nearby Twilight. The pony who had been driving it gave her an unusual smile.

"Care for a ride, Twilight? Rides at this hour are absolutely free." he said as he flashed his teeth, a slight snaggletooth made noticeable.

"Will you be able to get me out of this forest?" she asked.

"Of course. I run through here every night at this hour. I'll be able to get you out, if that's what you'd like."

"Yes, please! Get me out of here!" Twilight said as she stepped inside the small carriage. The carriage was cushioned inside and had a small window in which you could see the driver pony. Twilight stuck her head out the carriage door window and smiled at the strange pony. "Thank you so much for coming. I thought I was going to be stranded in there."

"No problem, Miss Twilight. Just sit back and enjoy the ride." the strange pony said as he kept on giving her his unusual smile.

Twilight peered her head back into the carriage as her magic closed the door. As soon as the door clicked close, the strange driver pony began to run forward, moving the carriage with him. Twilight then began to ponder something. How did this strange pony even know her name when she clearly hadn't stated it to him and what was a carriage doing in a forest at this time of night? Did carriages even run this late at night or was this pony kidnapping her?

"As long as I get out of this forest and back to a town, I can figure out exactly where I am." Twilight said with a sigh. "I can't be out to far from a town."

Time passed as the carriage kept on rolling by the barren forest, the moon not once moving from it's place and the mist never disappearing from the trees. It seemed like it was forever since this carriage came and picked her up from the forest when she suddenly felt it slow down and come to a stop.

"Here is your stop, Twilight." the strange pony spoke in almost creepy happy tone, which Twilight didn't catch onto.

Twilight peered out the carriage door window, hoping that they had finally reached some town. It turned out however that they were still in the forest and nothing seemed any different. "But this must be some mistake," Twilight began. "There isn't a nearby town that I could stay in so I can figure where I am?"

"Nope, this is the very end of the line, Twilight Sparkle." the driver said as an almost evil smile was starting to form on his face. "Besides, there is something very special waiting for you. Good bye, Miss Sparkle." With that said, the driver began to run up the road, both him and the carriage seem to disappear from view completely.

Something special was waiting for her? What could possibly be waiting for her in this barren, moonlit forest? Twilight let out an annoyed sigh as she began to walk away from the road with the candle being her only close source (besides the full moon) of illumination.

She kept on walking when the light began to show something that was not one of the barren trees. The light was shining on something that was gray and hard looking material. As Twilight walked a little closer to what the candle was lighting, the material appeared to be stone. Twilight gazed upwards as her candle followed her horn. The material was indeed stone and it turned out the stone was apart of a statue. But as Twilight looked closer, the statue turned out to be the one of Discord, when she and her friends had battled him after he almost got full control of Equestria.

It was definitely Discord, there was no doubting it. The look of pure horror was frozen onto his face as his hands were outwards as if trying to stop something. What was the statue of Discord doing in this barren forest? Ever since she had got to this forest, nothing had made any sense, causing her to ask so many questions about what was going on?

"What in Equestria is going on?" Twilight shouted in frustration. Why were all these strange things happening?!

A loud crack was then heard breaking through the otherwise silent forest. Twilight's first instinct was to look at the Discord statue, which was correct as a large crack was moving away from the center from where it started. Oh no. If his statue was cracking, that mean he could break free and plunge Equestria back into chaos! What was she going to do if he did?

Twilight began to light up her horn and try to use any magic she could to prevent him from escaping, but she was too late as a bright burst of light blinded her. When she could see again, she saw nothing but a mere pile of rubble where the statue was. Twilight began to look around in panic, seeing if she could find him anywhere and stop him from trying to spread his chaos again.

"Twilight! Twilight! Twilight! Wake up, sleepy head!" a cheerful voice was heard throughout the forest. With that, the forest began to blur away before Twilight.

Twilight sleepily opened her eyes to see Pinkie Pie standing over her with an excited smile. "Oh goodie! You're awake! I have something really important to tell you! Like ultra, super-big important!"

"W-What is it, Pinkie?" Twilight said as she rubbed one of her eyes with her hooves.

"Well, as you can see." Pinkie said as her whole body was shaking, something Twilight hadn't noticed until now. "Something really big is gonna happen soon and with my tail shaking all over the place, it gonna affect you the most!"